接下来会有哪些扩展进入 Pigsty 扩展仓库?哪些扩展不太可能进入仓库?
- dsef
- pg_mustach 1.0.0
- is_jsonb_valid https://github.com/furstenheim/is_jsonb_valid
- pg_kafka https://github.com/xstevens/pg_kafka
- pg_jieba https://github.com/jaiminpan/pg_jieba
- OneSparse https://github.com/OneSparse/OneSparse
- PipelineDB https://github.com/pipelinedb/pipelinedb
- SQL Firewall https://github.com/uptimejp/sql_firewall
- zcurve https://github.com/bmuratshin/zcurve
- PG dot net https://github.com/Brick-Abode/pldotnet/releases
- pg_scws: https://github.com/jaiminpan/pg_scws
- themsis: https://github.com/cossacklabs/pg_themis
- pgspeck https://github.com/johto/pgspeck
- lsm3 https://github.com/postgrespro/lsm3
- monq https://github.com/postgrespro/monq
- pg_badplan https://github.com/trustly/pg_badplan
- pg_recall https://github.com/mreithub/pg_recall
- pgfsm https://github.com/michelp/pgfsm
- pg_trgm pro https://github.com/postgrespro/pg_trgm_pro
- weighted_mean https://github.com/Kozea/weighted_mean
- kmeans https://github.com/umitanuki/kmeans-postgresql
Not Planned
- pg_top: not ready due to cmake error
- pg_quack, we already have a pg_lakehouse
- pg_telemetry, we already have better observability
- pgx_ulid, https://github.com/pksunkara/pgx_ulid, already covered by pg_idkit (MIT, but RUST)
- embedding: obsolete
- zson https://github.com/postgrespro/zson MIT C (too old)
- pghydro https://github.com/pghydro/pghydro C GPL-2.0 6.6 (no makefile)
- pg_natural_sort_order https://github.com/Zeleo/pg_natural_sort_order (too old)
- pg_query_state https://github.com/postgrespro/pg_query_state
- pgsampler https://github.com/no0p/pgsampler
- pg_lz4 https://github.com/zilder/pg_lz4
- pg_amqp https://github.com/omniti-labs/pg_amqp
- tinyint https://github.com/umitanuki/tinyint-postgresql
- pg_blkchain https://github.com/blkchain/pg_blkchain
- hashtypes https://github.com/pandrewhk/hashtypes
- foreign_table_exposer https://github.com/komamitsu/foreign_table_exposer
- ldap_fdw https://github.com/guedes/ldap_fdw
- pg_backtrace https://github.com/postgrespro/pg_backtrace (only works on PG12)
- connection_limits https://github.com/tvondra/connection_limits
- fixeddecimal https://github.com/2ndQuadrant/fixeddecimal
- fuzzywuzzy https://github.com/hooopo/pg-fuzzywuzzy
- pg_paxos https://github.com/microsoft/pg_paxos
- parquet_s3_fdw: retired due to too much duckdb better alternatives
- pg_tier: retired due to parquet_s3_fdw deps
- pg_mon: retired due to pg17 in-compatibility
- pg_search: retired due to moving to official release procedure
- pg_bm25: retired due to renaming to pg_search
- pg_analytics: retired due to moving to official release procedure, and once renaming to pg_lakehouse
- pg_lakehouse: retired due to renaming back to pg_analytics
- pg_sparse: retired due to merge into pgvector, and no longer maintained
- mysqlcompat: retire due to conflict func with higher version of PG
- pg_comparator: retired due to removing from PGDG repo
- pg_proctab: retired due to covered by pgnodemx
- pg_statviz: broken deps and replaceable functionality
- pg_net : retired due to moving into PGDG repo
- pg_tle : retired due to moving into PGDG repo
- pg_bigm : retired due to moving into PGDG repo
- pgsql-http : retired due to moving into PGDG repo
- pgsql-gzip : retired due to moving into PGDG repo
- pg_dirtyread : retired due to moving into PGDG repo
- pointcloud : retired due to moving into PGDG repo
- pg_top: retired due to too much trouble
- pg_timeit: retired due incompatible on arm64
- vacuumlo & oid2name: binary command, actually they are not extensions
- pgdd: remove due to not actively maintained and legacy pgrx version