Pigsty 扩展仓库变更日志
- documentdb 0.101-0
- pgcollection (new) 0.9.1
- pg_bzip (new) 1.0.0
- pg_net 0.14.0
- pg_curl 2.4.2
- vault 0.3.1 (become C)
- table_version 1.10.3 -> 1.11.0
- pg_duration 1.0.2
- timescaledb 2.18.2
- pg_analytics 0.3.4
- pg_search 0.15.2
- pg_graphql 1.5.11
- vchord 0.1.1 -> 0.2.1 ((+13))
- vchord_bm25 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
- pg_mooncake 0.1.1 -> 0.1.2
- pg_duckdb 0.2.0 -> 0.3.1
- pgddl 0.29
- pgsql_tweaks 0.11.0
- citus 13.0.0 -> 13.0.1
- pg_mooncake 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
- timescaledb 2.17.2 -> 2.18.1
- supautils 2.5.0 -> 2.6.0
- VectorChord 0.1.0 -> 0.2.0
- pg_bulkload 3.1.22 (+pg17)
- pg_store_plan 1.8 (+pg17)
- pg_search 0.14 -> 0.15.1
- pg_analytics 0.3.0 -> 0.3.2
- pgroonga 3.2.5 -> 4.0.0
- zhparser 2.2 -> 2.3
- pg_vectorize 0.20.0 -> 0.21.1
- Add 10 el extensions
- rename pg_timescaledb to timescaledb-tsl on el distros
- pg_documentdb_core, and ferretdb
- VectorChord-bm25 (vchord_bm25) 0.1.0
- pg_tracing 0.1.2
- pg_curl 2.4
- pgxicor 0.1.0
- pgsparql 1.0
- pgjq 0.1.0
- hashtypes 0.1.5
- db_migrator 1.0.0
- pg_cooldown 0.1
- lower_quantile 1.0.3
- quantile 1.1.8
- sequential_uuids 1.0.3
- pgmq 1.5.0 (subdir)
- floatvec 1.1.1
- rename postgresql-$v-timescaledb to postgresql-$v-timescaledb-tsl
New extensions:
- add omnisketch 1.0.2
- add ddsketch 1.0.1
- add pg_duration 1.0.1
- add ddl_historization 0.0.7
- add data_historization 1.1.0
- add schedoc 0.0.1
- add floatfile 1.3.1 https://pgxn.org/dist/floatfile/1.3.1/
- add pg_upless https://pgxn.org/dist/pg_upless/0.0.3/
- add pg_task 1.0.0
- add pg_readme 0.7.0
- add vasco 0.1.0
- add pg_xxhash 0.0.1
- pg_anon 2.0.0
- pg_parquet 0.2.0
- wrappers 0.4.4
- pg_later 0.3.0
- topn fix for deb.arm64
- add age 17 on debian
- powa + pg17, 5.0.1
- h3 + pg17
- ogr_fdw + pg17
- age + pg17 1.5 on debian
- rdkit + pg17 on u24 (TBD)
- pgtap + pg17 1.3.3
- repmgr
- topn + pg17
- add synchdb for ubuntu (TBD)
- pg_partman 5.2.4
- credcheck 3.0
- ogr_fdw 1.1.5
- ddlx 0.29
- postgis 3.5.1
- tdigest 1.4.3
- pg_repack 1.5.2
- Build citus on all deb distros (amd/arm)
- Build pgroonga on all deb distros (amd/arm)
- Build timescaledb on all deb distros (amd/arm)
- Add synchdb v1.0 for pg16 on ubuntu distros ()
- Build citus for el aarch64 distros
- Add
0.0.1, the Pigsty CLI tool
- Build pg_timescaledb for EL distros
- Build pgroonga for all distros