Supabase (Firebase)

How to self-host Supabase with existing managed HA PostgreSQL cluster, and launch the stateless part with docker-compose?

Supabase, The open-source Firebase alternative based on PostgreSQL.

Pigsty allow you to self-host supabase with existing managed HA postgres cluster, and launch the stateless part of supabase with docker-compose.

Notice: Supabase is GA since 2024.04.15

Quick Start

To run supabase with existing postgres instance, prepare the database with supabase.yml

then launch the stateless part with the docker-compose file:

cd app/supabase; make up    #

Then you can access the supabase studio dashboard via http://<admin_ip>:8000 by default, the default dashboard username is supabase and password is pigsty.

You can also configure the infra_portal to expose the WebUI to the public through Nginx and SSL.


Supabase require certain PostgreSQL extensions, schemas, and roles to work, which can be pre-configured by Pigsty: supabase.yml.

The following example will configure the default pg-meta cluster as underlying postgres for supabase:

# supabase example cluster: pg-meta, this cluster needs to be migrated with ~/pigsty/app/supabase/migration.sql :
  hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
    pg_cluster: pg-meta
    pg_version: 15
      # supabase roles: anon, authenticated, dashboard_user
      - { name: anon           ,login: false }
      - { name: authenticated  ,login: false }
      - { name: dashboard_user ,login: false ,replication: true ,createdb: true ,createrole: true }
      - { name: service_role   ,login: false ,bypassrls: true }
      # supabase users: please use the same password
      - { name: supabase_admin             ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: true   ,superuser: true ,replication: true ,createdb: true ,createrole: true ,bypassrls: true }
      - { name: authenticator              ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,roles: [ authenticated ,anon ,service_role ] }
      - { name: supabase_auth_admin        ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,createrole: true }
      - { name: supabase_storage_admin     ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,createrole: true ,roles: [ authenticated ,anon ,service_role ] }
      - { name: supabase_functions_admin   ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,pgbouncer: true ,inherit: false  ,createrole: true }
      - { name: supabase_replication_admin ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,replication: true }
      - { name: supabase_read_only_user    ,password: 'DBUser.Supa' ,bypassrls: true ,roles: [ pg_read_all_data ] }
      - { name: meta ,baseline: cmdb.sql ,comment: pigsty meta database ,schemas: [ pigsty ]} # the pigsty cmdb, optional
      - name: supa
        baseline: supa.sql    # the init-scripts:
        owner: supabase_admin
        comment: supabase postgres database
        schemas: [ extensions ,auth ,realtime ,storage ,graphql_public ,supabase_functions ,_analytics ,_realtime ]
          - { name: pgcrypto  ,schema: extensions  } # 1.3   : cryptographic functions
          - { name: pg_net    ,schema: extensions  } # 0.7.1 : Async HTTP
          - { name: pgjwt     ,schema: extensions  } # 0.2.0 : JSON Web Token API for Postgresql
          - { name: uuid-ossp ,schema: extensions  } # 1.1   : generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
          - { name: pgsodium        }                # 3.1.8 : pgsodium is a modern cryptography library for Postgres.
          - { name: supabase_vault  }                # 0.2.8 : Supabase Vault Extension
          - { name: pg_graphql      }                # 1.3.0 : pg_graphql: GraphQL support
      - { user: all ,db: supa ,addr: intra       ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow supa database access from intranet'}
      - { user: all ,db: supa ,addr: ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow supa database access from docker network'}
    pg_extensions:                                        # required extensions
      - pg_repack_${pg_version}* wal2json_${pg_version}* pgvector_${pg_version}* pg_cron_${pg_version}* pgsodium_${pg_version}*
      - vault_${pg_version}* pg_graphql_${pg_version}* pgjwt_${pg_version}* pg_net_${pg_version}* pgsql-http_${pg_version}*
    pg_libs: 'pg_net, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain'    # add pg_net to shared_preload_libraries

To serve a self-hosting supabase, you have to perform schema migration on the bootstrapped cluster pg-meta, which is achieved by the files/supa.sql baseline in pg_databases[supa], and a migration script migration.sql, which is gathered from supabase/postgres/migrations/db/migrations in chronological order and slightly modified to fit Pigsty.

The latest migration file is synced with 20240606060239, to run it on the provisioned postgres cluster pg-meta:

# adjust the connection string if necessary
psql ${PGURL} -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 --no-psqlrc -f ~/pigsty/app/supabase/migration.sql

The database is now ready for supabase!

Stateless Part

Supabase stateless part is managed by docker-compose, the docker-compose file we use here is a simplified version of

Everything you need to care about is in the .env file, which contains important settings for supabase. It is already configured to use the pg-meta.supa database by default, You have to change that according to your actual deployment.

# you have to change the JWT_SECRET to a random string with at least 32 characters long
# and issue new ANON_KEY/SERVICE_ROLE_KEY JWT with that new secret, check the tutorial:

# Dashboard - Credentials for the Supabase Studio WebUI
DASHBOARD_USERNAME=supabase         # change to your own username
DASHBOARD_PASSWORD=pigsty           # change to your own password

# Database - You can change these to any PostgreSQL database that has logical replication enabled.
POSTGRES_HOST=           # change to Pigsty managed PostgreSQL cluster/instance VIP/IP/Hostname
POSTGRES_PORT=5432                  # you can use other service port such as 5433, 5436, 6432, etc...
POSTGRES_DB=supa                    # change to supabase database name, `supa` by default in pigsty
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=DBUser.Supa       # supabase dbsu password (shared by multiple supabase biz users)

Usually you’ll have to change these parameters accordingly. Here we’ll use fixed username, password and IP:Port database connstr for simplicity.

The postgres username is fixed as supabase_admin and the password is DBUser.Supa, change that according to your supabase.yml And the supabase studio WebUI credential is managed by DASHBOARD_USERNAME and DASHBOARD_PASSWORD, which is supabase and pigsty by default.

The official tutorial: Self-Hosting with Docker just have all the details you need.


You can use the Primary Service of that cluster through DNS/VIP and other service ports, or whatever access method you like.

You can also configure service to use the MinIO service managed by pigsty, too

Once configured, you can launch the stateless part with docker-compose or make up shortcut:

cd ~/pigsty/app/supabase; make up    #  = docker compose up

Expose Service

The supabase studio dashboard is exposed on port 8000 by default, you can add this service to the infra_portal to expose it to the public through Nginx and SSL.

    infra_portal:                     # domain names and upstream servers
      # ...
      supa         : { domain: supa.pigsty ,endpoint: "", websocket: true }

To expose the service, you can run the infra.yml playbook with the nginx tag:

./infra.yml -t nginx

Make suare supa.pigsty or your own domain is resolvable to the infra_portal server, and you can access the supabase studio dashboard via https://supa.pigsty.

Last modified 2024-08-31: update supabase description (12a4515)