IvorySQL (Oracle)
使用瀚高开源的 IvorySQL 内核,基于 PostgreSQL 集群实现 Oracle 语法/PLSQL 兼容性。
IvorySQL 是一个开源的,旨在基于 PG 提供 “Oracle兼容性” 的 PostgreSQL 内核分支。
IvorySQL 内核支持在 Pigsty 开源版本中提供,您的服务器需要互联网访问,直接从 IvorySQL 的官方仓库下载相关软件包。
请注意,直接将 IvorySQL 加入 Pigsty 默认软件仓库中会影响原生 PostgreSQL 内核的安装。Pigsty 专业版提供包括 IvorySQL 内核在内的离线安装解决方案。
当前 IvorySQL 的最新版本为 3.4,对应的 PostgreSQL 版本为 16.4。请注意,IvorySQL 当前仅在 EL8/EL9 上可用。
最后一个支持 EL7 的 IvorySQL 版本为 3.3,对应 PostgreSQL 16.3
如果您的环境有互联网访问,您可以使用以下方式,直接将 IvorySQL 仓库加入到节点上,然后执行 PGSQL 剧本进行安装
./node.yml -t node_repo -e '{"node_repo_modules":"local,node,pgsql,ivory"}'
以下参数需要针对 IvorySQL 数据库集群进行配置:
# Ivory SQL Configuration
node_repo_modules: local,node,pgsql,ivory # add ivorysql upstream repo
pg_mode: ivory # IvorySQL Oracle Compatible Mode
pg_packages: [ 'ivorysql patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pg_exporter pgbadger vip-manager' ]
pg_libs: 'liboracle_parser, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain'
pg_extensions: [ ] # do not install any vanilla postgresql extensions
使用 Oracle 兼容性模式时,需要动态加载
IvorySQL 等效于 PostgreSQL 16,任何兼容 PostgreSQL 线缆协议的客户端工具都可以访问 IvorySQL 集群。
绝大多数 PGSQL 模块的 扩展插件 (非纯 SQL 类)都无法直接在 IvorySQL 内核上使用,如果需要使用,请针对新内核从源码重新编译安装。
目前 IvorySQL 内核自带了以下 101 个扩展插件。
name | version | comment |
hstore_plperl | 1.0 | transform between hstore and plperl |
plisql | 1.0 | PL/iSQL procedural language |
hstore_plperlu | 1.0 | transform between hstore and plperlu |
adminpack | 2.1 | administrative functions for PostgreSQL |
insert_username | 1.0 | functions for tracking who changed a table |
dblink | 1.2 | connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database |
dict_int | 1.0 | text search dictionary template for integers |
amcheck | 1.3 | functions for verifying relation integrity |
intagg | 1.1 | integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete) |
autoinc | 1.0 | functions for autoincrementing fields |
bloom | 1.0 | bloom access method - signature file based index |
dict_xsyn | 1.0 | text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing |
btree_gin | 1.3 | support for indexing common datatypes in GIN |
earthdistance | 1.1 | calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth |
file_fdw | 1.0 | foreign-data wrapper for flat file access |
fuzzystrmatch | 1.2 | determine similarities and distance between strings |
btree_gist | 1.7 | support for indexing common datatypes in GiST |
intarray | 1.5 | functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers |
citext | 1.6 | data type for case-insensitive character strings |
isn | 1.2 | data types for international product numbering standards |
ivorysql_ora | 1.0 | Oracle Compatible extenison on Postgres Database |
jsonb_plperl | 1.0 | transform between jsonb and plperl |
cube | 1.5 | data type for multidimensional cubes |
dummy_index_am | 1.0 | dummy_index_am - index access method template |
dummy_seclabel | 1.0 | Test code for SECURITY LABEL feature |
hstore | 1.8 | data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs |
jsonb_plperlu | 1.0 | transform between jsonb and plperlu |
lo | 1.1 | Large Object maintenance |
ltree | 1.2 | data type for hierarchical tree-like structures |
moddatetime | 1.0 | functions for tracking last modification time |
old_snapshot | 1.0 | utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold |
ora_btree_gin | 1.0 | support for indexing oracle datatypes in GIN |
pg_trgm | 1.6 | text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams |
ora_btree_gist | 1.0 | support for oracle indexing common datatypes in GiST |
pg_visibility | 1.2 | examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info |
pg_walinspect | 1.1 | functions to inspect contents of PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log |
pgcrypto | 1.3 | cryptographic functions |
pgstattuple | 1.5 | show tuple-level statistics |
pageinspect | 1.12 | inspect the contents of database pages at a low level |
pgrowlocks | 1.2 | show row-level locking information |
pg_buffercache | 1.4 | examine the shared buffer cache |
pg_stat_statements | 1.10 | track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed |
pg_freespacemap | 1.2 | examine the free space map (FSM) |
plsample | 1.0 | PL/Sample |
pg_prewarm | 1.2 | prewarm relation data |
pg_surgery | 1.0 | extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation |
seg | 1.4 | data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals |
postgres_fdw | 1.1 | foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers |
refint | 1.0 | functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete) |
test_ext_req_schema1 | 1.0 | Required extension to be referenced |
spgist_name_ops | 1.0 | Test opclass for SP-GiST |
test_ext_req_schema2 | 1.0 | Test schema referencing of required extensions |
test_shm_mq | 1.0 | Test code for shared memory message queues |
sslinfo | 1.2 | information about SSL certificates |
test_slru | 1.0 | Test code for SLRU |
tablefunc | 1.0 | functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab |
bool_plperl | 1.0 | transform between bool and plperl |
tcn | 1.0 | Triggered change notifications |
test_ext_req_schema3 | 1.0 | Test schema referencing of 2 required extensions |
test_bloomfilter | 1.0 | Test code for Bloom filter library |
test_copy_callbacks | 1.0 | Test code for COPY callbacks |
test_ginpostinglist | 1.0 | Test code for ginpostinglist.c |
test_custom_rmgrs | 1.0 | Test code for custom WAL resource managers |
test_integerset | 1.0 | Test code for integerset |
test_ddl_deparse | 1.0 | Test code for DDL deparse feature |
tsm_system_rows | 1.0 | TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit |
test_ext1 | 1.0 | Test extension 1 |
tsm_system_time | 1.0 | TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit |
test_ext2 | 1.0 | Test extension 2 |
unaccent | 1.1 | text search dictionary that removes accents |
test_ext3 | 1.0 | Test extension 3 |
test_ext4 | 1.0 | Test extension 4 |
uuid-ossp | 1.1 | generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs) |
test_ext5 | 1.0 | Test extension 5 |
worker_spi | 1.0 | Sample background worker |
test_ext6 | 1.0 | test_ext6 |
test_lfind | 1.0 | Test code for optimized linear search functions |
xml2 | 1.1 | XPath querying and XSLT |
test_ext7 | 1.0 | Test extension 7 |
plpgsql | 1.0 | PL/pgSQL procedural language |
test_ext8 | 1.0 | Test extension 8 |
test_parser | 1.0 | example of a custom parser for full-text search |
test_pg_dump | 1.0 | Test pg_dump with an extension |
test_ext_cine | 1.0 | Test extension using CREATE IF NOT EXISTS |
test_predtest | 1.0 | Test code for optimizer/util/predtest.c |
test_ext_cor | 1.0 | Test extension using CREATE OR REPLACE |
test_rbtree | 1.0 | Test code for red-black tree library |
test_ext_cyclic1 | 1.0 | Test extension cyclic 1 |
test_ext_cyclic2 | 1.0 | Test extension cyclic 2 |
test_ext_extschema | 1.0 | test @extschema@ |
test_regex | 1.0 | Test code for backend/regex/ |
test_ext_evttrig | 1.0 | Test extension - event trigger |
bool_plperlu | 1.0 | transform between bool and plperlu |
plperl | 1.0 | PL/Perl procedural language |
plperlu | 1.0 | PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language |
hstore_plpython3u | 1.0 | transform between hstore and plpython3u |
jsonb_plpython3u | 1.0 | transform between jsonb and plpython3u |
ltree_plpython3u | 1.0 | transform between ltree and plpython3u |
plpython3u | 1.0 | PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language |
pltcl | 1.0 | PL/Tcl procedural language |
pltclu | 1.0 | PL/TclU untrusted procedural language |
请注意,Pigsty 不对使用 IvorySQL 内核承担任何质保责任,使用此内核遇到的任何问题与需求请联系原厂解决。