
Pigsty NODE 模块提供的完整监控指标列表与释义

NODE 模块包含有 747 类可用监控指标。

Metric Name Type Labels Description
ALERTS Unknown alertname, ip, level, severity, ins, job, alertstate, category, instance, cls N/A
ALERTS_FOR_STATE Unknown alertname, ip, level, severity, ins, job, category, instance, cls N/A
deprecated_flags_inuse_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
go_gc_duration_seconds summary quantile, instance, ins, job, ip, cls A summary of the pause duration of garbage collection cycles.
go_gc_duration_seconds_count Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
go_gc_duration_seconds_sum Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
go_goroutines gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of goroutines that currently exist.
go_info gauge version, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Information about the Go environment.
go_memstats_alloc_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes allocated and still in use.
go_memstats_alloc_bytes_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of bytes allocated, even if freed.
go_memstats_buck_hash_sys_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes used by the profiling bucket hash table.
go_memstats_frees_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of frees.
go_memstats_gc_sys_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes used for garbage collection system metadata.
go_memstats_heap_alloc_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of heap bytes allocated and still in use.
go_memstats_heap_idle_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of heap bytes waiting to be used.
go_memstats_heap_inuse_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of heap bytes that are in use.
go_memstats_heap_objects gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of allocated objects.
go_memstats_heap_released_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of heap bytes released to OS.
go_memstats_heap_sys_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of heap bytes obtained from system.
go_memstats_last_gc_time_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of seconds since 1970 of last garbage collection.
go_memstats_lookups_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of pointer lookups.
go_memstats_mallocs_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of mallocs.
go_memstats_mcache_inuse_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes in use by mcache structures.
go_memstats_mcache_sys_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes used for mcache structures obtained from system.
go_memstats_mspan_inuse_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes in use by mspan structures.
go_memstats_mspan_sys_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes used for mspan structures obtained from system.
go_memstats_next_gc_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of heap bytes when next garbage collection will take place.
go_memstats_other_sys_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes used for other system allocations.
go_memstats_stack_inuse_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes in use by the stack allocator.
go_memstats_stack_sys_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes obtained from system for stack allocator.
go_memstats_sys_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes obtained from system.
go_threads gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of OS threads created.
haproxy:cls:usage Unknown job, cls N/A
haproxy:ins:uptime Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
haproxy:ins:usage Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
haproxy_backend_active_servers gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of active UP servers with a non-zero weight
haproxy_backend_agg_check_status gauge state, proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Backend’s aggregated gauge of servers’ state check status
haproxy_backend_agg_server_check_status gauge state, proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls [DEPRECATED] Backend’s aggregated gauge of servers’ status
haproxy_backend_agg_server_status gauge state, proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Backend’s aggregated gauge of servers’ status
haproxy_backend_backup_servers gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of backup UP servers with a non-zero weight
haproxy_backend_bytes_in_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of request bytes since process started
haproxy_backend_bytes_out_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of response bytes since process started
haproxy_backend_check_last_change_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls How long ago the last server state changed, in seconds
haproxy_backend_check_up_down_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of failed checks causing UP to DOWN server transitions, per server/backend, since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_client_aborts_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of requests or connections aborted by the client since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_connect_time_average_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Avg. connect time for last 1024 successful connections.
haproxy_backend_connection_attempts_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of outgoing connection attempts on this backend/server since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_connection_errors_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of failed connections to server since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_connection_reuses_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of reused connection on this backend/server since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_current_queue gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of current queued connections
haproxy_backend_current_sessions gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of current sessions on the frontend, backend or server
haproxy_backend_downtime_seconds_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total time spent in DOWN state, for server or backend
haproxy_backend_failed_header_rewriting_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of failed HTTP header rewrites since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_http_cache_hits_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of HTTP requests not found in the cache on this frontend/backend since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_http_cache_lookups_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of HTTP requests looked up in the cache on this frontend/backend since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_http_comp_bytes_bypassed_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of bytes that bypassed HTTP compression for this object since the worker process started (CPU/memory/bandwidth limitation)
haproxy_backend_http_comp_bytes_in_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of bytes submitted to the HTTP compressor for this object since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_http_comp_bytes_out_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of bytes emitted by the HTTP compressor for this object since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_http_comp_responses_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of HTTP responses that were compressed for this object since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_http_requests_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of HTTP requests processed by this object since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_http_responses_total counter ip, proxy, ins, code, job, instance, cls Total number of HTTP responses with status 100-199 returned by this object since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_internal_errors_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of internal errors since process started
haproxy_backend_last_session_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls How long ago some traffic was seen on this object on this worker process, in seconds
haproxy_backend_limit_sessions gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Frontend/listener/server’s maxconn, backend’s fullconn
haproxy_backend_loadbalanced_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of requests routed by load balancing since the worker process started (ignores queue pop and stickiness)
haproxy_backend_max_connect_time_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Maximum observed time spent waiting for a connection to complete
haproxy_backend_max_queue gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest value of queued connections encountered since process started
haproxy_backend_max_queue_time_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Maximum observed time spent in the queue
haproxy_backend_max_response_time_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Maximum observed time spent waiting for a server response
haproxy_backend_max_session_rate gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest value of sessions per second observed since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_max_sessions gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest value of current sessions encountered since process started
haproxy_backend_max_total_time_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Maximum observed total request+response time (request+queue+connect+response+processing)
haproxy_backend_queue_time_average_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Avg. queue time for last 1024 successful connections.
haproxy_backend_redispatch_warnings_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of server redispatches due to connection failures since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_requests_denied_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of denied requests since process started
haproxy_backend_response_errors_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of invalid responses since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_response_time_average_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Avg. response time for last 1024 successful connections.
haproxy_backend_responses_denied_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of denied responses since process started
haproxy_backend_retry_warnings_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of server connection retries since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_server_aborts_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of requests or connections aborted by the server since the worker process started
haproxy_backend_sessions_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of sessions since process started
haproxy_backend_status gauge state, proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current status of the service, per state label value.
haproxy_backend_total_time_average_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Avg. total time for last 1024 successful connections.
haproxy_backend_uweight gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Server’s user weight, or sum of active servers’ user weights for a backend
haproxy_backend_weight gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Server’s effective weight, or sum of active servers’ effective weights for a backend
haproxy_frontend_bytes_in_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of request bytes since process started
haproxy_frontend_bytes_out_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of response bytes since process started
haproxy_frontend_connections_rate_max gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest value of connections per second observed since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_connections_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of new connections accepted on this frontend since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_current_sessions gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of current sessions on the frontend, backend or server
haproxy_frontend_denied_connections_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of incoming connections blocked on a listener/frontend by a tcp-request connection rule since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_denied_sessions_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of incoming sessions blocked on a listener/frontend by a tcp-request connection rule since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_failed_header_rewriting_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of failed HTTP header rewrites since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_http_cache_hits_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of HTTP requests not found in the cache on this frontend/backend since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_http_cache_lookups_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of HTTP requests looked up in the cache on this frontend/backend since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_http_comp_bytes_bypassed_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of bytes that bypassed HTTP compression for this object since the worker process started (CPU/memory/bandwidth limitation)
haproxy_frontend_http_comp_bytes_in_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of bytes submitted to the HTTP compressor for this object since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_http_comp_bytes_out_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of bytes emitted by the HTTP compressor for this object since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_http_comp_responses_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of HTTP responses that were compressed for this object since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_http_requests_rate_max gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest value of http requests observed since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_http_requests_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of HTTP requests processed by this object since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_http_responses_total counter ip, proxy, ins, code, job, instance, cls Total number of HTTP responses with status 100-199 returned by this object since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_intercepted_requests_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of HTTP requests intercepted on the frontend (redirects/stats/services) since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_internal_errors_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of internal errors since process started
haproxy_frontend_limit_session_rate gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Limit on the number of sessions accepted in a second (frontend only, ‘rate-limit sessions’ setting)
haproxy_frontend_limit_sessions gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Frontend/listener/server’s maxconn, backend’s fullconn
haproxy_frontend_max_session_rate gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest value of sessions per second observed since the worker process started
haproxy_frontend_max_sessions gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest value of current sessions encountered since process started
haproxy_frontend_request_errors_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of invalid requests since process started
haproxy_frontend_requests_denied_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of denied requests since process started
haproxy_frontend_responses_denied_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of denied responses since process started
haproxy_frontend_sessions_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of sessions since process started
haproxy_frontend_status gauge state, proxy, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current status of the service, per state label value.
haproxy_process_active_peers gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of verified active peers connections on the current worker process
haproxy_process_build_info gauge version, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Build info
haproxy_process_busy_polling_enabled gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls 1 if busy-polling is currently in use on the worker process, otherwise zero (config.busy-polling)
haproxy_process_bytes_out_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes emitted by current worker process over the last second
haproxy_process_bytes_out_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of bytes emitted by current worker process since started
haproxy_process_connected_peers gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of peers having passed the connection step on the current worker process
haproxy_process_connections_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of connections on this worker process since started
haproxy_process_current_backend_ssl_key_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of SSL keys created on backends in this worker process over the last second
haproxy_process_current_connection_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of front connections created on this worker process over the last second
haproxy_process_current_connections gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of connections on this worker process
haproxy_process_current_frontend_ssl_key_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of SSL keys created on frontends in this worker process over the last second
haproxy_process_current_run_queue gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of active tasks+tasklets in the current worker process
haproxy_process_current_session_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of sessions created on this worker process over the last second
haproxy_process_current_ssl_connections gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of SSL endpoints on this worker process (front+back)
haproxy_process_current_ssl_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of SSL connections created on this worker process over the last second
haproxy_process_current_tasks gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of tasks in the current worker process (active + sleeping)
haproxy_process_current_zlib_memory gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Amount of memory currently used by HTTP compression on the current worker process (in bytes)
haproxy_process_dropped_logs_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of dropped logs for current worker process since started
haproxy_process_failed_resolutions counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of failed DNS resolutions in current worker process since started
haproxy_process_frontend_ssl_reuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Percent of frontend SSL connections which did not require a new key
haproxy_process_hard_max_connections gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Hard limit on the number of per-process connections (imposed by Memmax_MB or Ulimit-n)
haproxy_process_http_comp_bytes_in_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes submitted to the HTTP compressor in this worker process over the last second
haproxy_process_http_comp_bytes_out_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes emitted by the HTTP compressor in this worker process over the last second
haproxy_process_idle_time_percent gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Percentage of last second spent waiting in the current worker thread
haproxy_process_jobs gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of active jobs on the current worker process (frontend connections, master connections, listeners)
haproxy_process_limit_connection_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Hard limit for ConnRate (global.maxconnrate)
haproxy_process_limit_http_comp gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Limit of CompressBpsOut beyond which HTTP compression is automatically disabled
haproxy_process_limit_session_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Hard limit for SessRate (global.maxsessrate)
haproxy_process_limit_ssl_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Hard limit for SslRate (global.maxsslrate)
haproxy_process_listeners gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of active listeners on the current worker process
haproxy_process_max_backend_ssl_key_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest SslBackendKeyRate reached on this worker process since started (in SSL keys per second)
haproxy_process_max_connection_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest ConnRate reached on this worker process since started (in connections per second)
haproxy_process_max_connections gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Hard limit on the number of per-process connections (configured or imposed by Ulimit-n)
haproxy_process_max_fds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Hard limit on the number of per-process file descriptors
haproxy_process_max_frontend_ssl_key_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest SslFrontendKeyRate reached on this worker process since started (in SSL keys per second)
haproxy_process_max_memory_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Worker process’s hard limit on memory usage in byes (-m on command line)
haproxy_process_max_pipes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Hard limit on the number of pipes for splicing, 0=unlimited
haproxy_process_max_session_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest SessRate reached on this worker process since started (in sessions per second)
haproxy_process_max_sockets gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Hard limit on the number of per-process sockets
haproxy_process_max_ssl_connections gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Hard limit on the number of per-process SSL endpoints (front+back), 0=unlimited
haproxy_process_max_ssl_rate gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Highest SslRate reached on this worker process since started (in connections per second)
haproxy_process_max_zlib_memory gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Limit on the amount of memory used by HTTP compression above which it is automatically disabled (in bytes, see global.maxzlibmem)
haproxy_process_nbproc gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of started worker processes (historical, always 1)
haproxy_process_nbthread gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of started threads (global.nbthread)
haproxy_process_pipes_free_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of allocated and available pipes in this worker process
haproxy_process_pipes_used_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of pipes in use in this worker process
haproxy_process_pool_allocated_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Amount of memory allocated in pools (in bytes)
haproxy_process_pool_failures_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of failed pool allocations since this worker was started
haproxy_process_pool_used_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Amount of pool memory currently used (in bytes)
haproxy_process_recv_logs_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of log messages received by log-forwarding listeners on this worker process since started
haproxy_process_relative_process_id gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Relative worker process number (1)
haproxy_process_requests_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of requests on this worker process since started
haproxy_process_spliced_bytes_out_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of bytes emitted by current worker process through a kernel pipe since started
haproxy_process_ssl_cache_lookups_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of SSL session ID lookups in the SSL session cache on this worker since started
haproxy_process_ssl_cache_misses_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of SSL session ID lookups that didn’t find a session in the SSL session cache on this worker since started
haproxy_process_ssl_connections_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of SSL endpoints on this worker process since started (front+back)
haproxy_process_start_time_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Start time in seconds
haproxy_process_stopping gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls 1 if the worker process is currently stopping, otherwise zero
haproxy_process_unstoppable_jobs gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of unstoppable jobs on the current worker process (master connections)
haproxy_process_uptime_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls How long ago this worker process was started (seconds)
haproxy_server_bytes_in_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of request bytes since process started
haproxy_server_bytes_out_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of response bytes since process started
haproxy_server_check_code gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls layer5-7 code, if available of the last health check.
haproxy_server_check_duration_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total duration of the latest server health check, in seconds.
haproxy_server_check_failures_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of failed individual health checks per server/backend, since the worker process started
haproxy_server_check_last_change_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls How long ago the last server state changed, in seconds
haproxy_server_check_status gauge state, proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Status of last health check, per state label value.
haproxy_server_check_up_down_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of failed checks causing UP to DOWN server transitions, per server/backend, since the worker process started
haproxy_server_client_aborts_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of requests or connections aborted by the client since the worker process started
haproxy_server_connect_time_average_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Avg. connect time for last 1024 successful connections.
haproxy_server_connection_attempts_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of outgoing connection attempts on this backend/server since the worker process started
haproxy_server_connection_errors_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of failed connections to server since the worker process started
haproxy_server_connection_reuses_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of reused connection on this backend/server since the worker process started
haproxy_server_current_queue gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Number of current queued connections
haproxy_server_current_sessions gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Number of current sessions on the frontend, backend or server
haproxy_server_current_throttle gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Throttling ratio applied to a server’s maxconn and weight during the slowstart period (0 to 100%)
haproxy_server_downtime_seconds_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total time spent in DOWN state, for server or backend
haproxy_server_failed_header_rewriting_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of failed HTTP header rewrites since the worker process started
haproxy_server_idle_connections_current gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Current number of idle connections available for reuse on this server
haproxy_server_idle_connections_limit gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Limit on the number of available idle connections on this server (server ‘pool_max_conn’ directive)
haproxy_server_internal_errors_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of internal errors since process started
haproxy_server_last_session_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls How long ago some traffic was seen on this object on this worker process, in seconds
haproxy_server_limit_sessions gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Frontend/listener/server’s maxconn, backend’s fullconn
haproxy_server_loadbalanced_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of requests routed by load balancing since the worker process started (ignores queue pop and stickiness)
haproxy_server_max_connect_time_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Maximum observed time spent waiting for a connection to complete
haproxy_server_max_queue gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Highest value of queued connections encountered since process started
haproxy_server_max_queue_time_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Maximum observed time spent in the queue
haproxy_server_max_response_time_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Maximum observed time spent waiting for a server response
haproxy_server_max_session_rate gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Highest value of sessions per second observed since the worker process started
haproxy_server_max_sessions gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Highest value of current sessions encountered since process started
haproxy_server_max_total_time_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Maximum observed total request+response time (request+queue+connect+response+processing)
haproxy_server_need_connections_current gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Estimated needed number of connections
haproxy_server_queue_limit gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Limit on the number of connections in queue, for servers only (maxqueue argument)
haproxy_server_queue_time_average_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Avg. queue time for last 1024 successful connections.
haproxy_server_redispatch_warnings_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of server redispatches due to connection failures since the worker process started
haproxy_server_response_errors_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of invalid responses since the worker process started
haproxy_server_response_time_average_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Avg. response time for last 1024 successful connections.
haproxy_server_responses_denied_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of denied responses since process started
haproxy_server_retry_warnings_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of server connection retries since the worker process started
haproxy_server_safe_idle_connections_current gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Current number of safe idle connections
haproxy_server_server_aborts_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of requests or connections aborted by the server since the worker process started
haproxy_server_sessions_total counter proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Total number of sessions since process started
haproxy_server_status gauge state, proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Current status of the service, per state label value.
haproxy_server_total_time_average_seconds gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Avg. total time for last 1024 successful connections.
haproxy_server_unsafe_idle_connections_current gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Current number of unsafe idle connections
haproxy_server_used_connections_current gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Current number of connections in use
haproxy_server_uweight gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Server’s user weight, or sum of active servers’ user weights for a backend
haproxy_server_weight gauge proxy, instance, ins, job, server, ip, cls Server’s effective weight, or sum of active servers’ effective weights for a backend
haproxy_up Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
inflight_requests gauge instance, ins, job, route, ip, cls, method Current number of inflight requests.
jaeger_tracer_baggage_restrictions_updates_total Unknown instance, ins, job, result, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_baggage_truncations_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_baggage_updates_total Unknown instance, ins, job, result, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_finished_spans_total Unknown instance, ins, job, sampled, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_reporter_queue_length gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of spans in the reporter queue
jaeger_tracer_reporter_spans_total Unknown instance, ins, job, result, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_sampler_queries_total Unknown instance, ins, job, result, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_sampler_updates_total Unknown instance, ins, job, result, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_span_context_decoding_errors_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_started_spans_total Unknown instance, ins, job, sampled, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_throttled_debug_spans_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_throttler_updates_total Unknown instance, ins, job, result, ip, cls N/A
jaeger_tracer_traces_total Unknown state, instance, ins, job, sampled, ip, cls N/A
loki_experimental_features_in_use_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_internal_log_messages_total Unknown level, instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_log_flushes_bucket Unknown instance, ins, job, le, ip, cls N/A
loki_log_flushes_count Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_log_flushes_sum Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_log_messages_total Unknown level, instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_logql_querystats_duplicates_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_logql_querystats_ingester_sent_lines_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_querier_index_cache_corruptions_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_querier_index_cache_encode_errors_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_querier_index_cache_gets_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_querier_index_cache_hits_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
loki_querier_index_cache_puts_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
net_conntrack_dialer_conn_attempted_total counter ip, ins, job, instance, cls, dialer_name Total number of connections attempted by the given dialer a given name.
net_conntrack_dialer_conn_closed_total counter ip, ins, job, instance, cls, dialer_name Total number of connections closed which originated from the dialer of a given name.
net_conntrack_dialer_conn_established_total counter ip, ins, job, instance, cls, dialer_name Total number of connections successfully established by the given dialer a given name.
net_conntrack_dialer_conn_failed_total counter ip, ins, job, reason, instance, cls, dialer_name Total number of connections failed to dial by the dialer a given name.
node:cls:avail_bytes Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:cpu_count Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:cpu_usage Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:cpu_usage_15m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:cpu_usage_1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:cpu_usage_5m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_io_bytes_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_iops_1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_mreads_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_mreads_ratio1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_mwrites_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_mwrites_ratio1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_read_bytes_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_reads_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_write_bytes_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:disk_writes_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:free_bytes Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:mem_usage Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:network_io_bytes_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:network_rx_bytes_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:network_rx_pps1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:network_tx_bytes_rate1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:network_tx_pps1m Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:size_bytes Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:space_usage Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:space_usage_max Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:stdload1 Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:stdload15 Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:stdload5 Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cls:time_drift_max Unknown job, cls N/A
node:cpu:idle_time_irate1m Unknown ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls N/A
node:cpu:sched_timeslices_rate1m Unknown ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls N/A
node:cpu:sched_wait_rate1m Unknown ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls N/A
node:cpu:time_irate1m Unknown ip, mode, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls N/A
node:cpu:total_time_irate1m Unknown ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls N/A
node:cpu:usage Unknown ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls N/A
node:cpu:usage_avg15m Unknown ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls N/A
node:cpu:usage_avg1m Unknown ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls N/A
node:cpu:usage_avg5m Unknown ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_avg_queue_size Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_io_batch_1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_io_bytes_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_io_rt_1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_io_time_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_iops_1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_mreads_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_mreads_ratio1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_mwrites_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_mwrites_ratio1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_read_batch_1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_read_bytes_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_read_rt_1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_read_time_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_reads_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_util_1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_write_batch_1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_write_bytes_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_write_rt_1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_write_time_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:disk_writes_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:network_io_bytes_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:network_rx_bytes_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:network_rx_pps1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:network_tx_bytes_rate1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:dev:network_tx_pps1m Unknown ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
node:env:avail_bytes Unknown job N/A
node:env:cpu_count Unknown job N/A
node:env:cpu_usage Unknown job N/A
node:env:cpu_usage_15m Unknown job N/A
node:env:cpu_usage_1m Unknown job N/A
node:env:cpu_usage_5m Unknown job N/A
node:env:device_space_usage_max Unknown device, mountpoint, job, fstype N/A
node:env:free_bytes Unknown job N/A
node:env:mem_avail Unknown job N/A
node:env:mem_total Unknown job N/A
node:env:mem_usage Unknown job N/A
node:env:size_bytes Unknown job N/A
node:env:space_usage Unknown job N/A
node:env:stdload1 Unknown job N/A
node:env:stdload15 Unknown job N/A
node:env:stdload5 Unknown job N/A
node:fs:avail_bytes Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:free_bytes Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:inode_free Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:inode_total Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:inode_usage Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:inode_used Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:size_bytes Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:space_deriv1h Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:space_exhaust Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:space_predict_1d Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:fs:space_usage Unknown ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype N/A
node:ins Unknown id, ip, ins, job, nodename, instance, cls N/A
node:ins:avail_bytes Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:cpu_count Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:cpu_usage Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:cpu_usage_15m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:cpu_usage_1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:cpu_usage_5m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:ctx_switch_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_io_bytes_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_iops_1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_mreads_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_mreads_ratio1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_mwrites_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_mwrites_ratio1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_read_bytes_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_reads_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_write_bytes_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:disk_writes_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:fd_alloc_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:fd_usage Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:forks_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:free_bytes Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:inode_usage Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:interrupt_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:mem_avail Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:mem_commit_ratio Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:mem_kernel Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:mem_rss Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:mem_usage Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:network_io_bytes_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:network_rx_bytes_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:network_rx_pps1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:network_tx_bytes_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:network_tx_pps1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:pagefault_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:pagein_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:pageout_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:pgmajfault_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:sched_wait_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:size_bytes Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:space_usage_max Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:stdload1 Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:stdload15 Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:stdload5 Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:swap_usage Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:swapin_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:swapout_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_active_opens_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_dropped_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_error Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_error_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_insegs_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_outsegs_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_overflow_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_passive_opens_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_retrans_ratio1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_retranssegs_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:tcp_segs_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:time_drift Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:udp_in_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:udp_out_rate1m Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node:ins:uptime Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node_arp_entries gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls ARP entries by device
node_boot_time_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Node boot time, in unixtime.
node_context_switches_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of context switches.
node_cooling_device_cur_state gauge instance, ins, job, type, ip, cls Current throttle state of the cooling device
node_cooling_device_max_state gauge instance, ins, job, type, ip, cls Maximum throttle state of the cooling device
node_cpu_guest_seconds_total counter ip, mode, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls Seconds the CPUs spent in guests (VMs) for each mode.
node_cpu_seconds_total counter ip, mode, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls Seconds the CPUs spent in each mode.
node_disk_discard_time_seconds_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls This is the total number of seconds spent by all discards.
node_disk_discarded_sectors_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The total number of sectors discarded successfully.
node_disk_discards_completed_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The total number of discards completed successfully.
node_disk_discards_merged_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The total number of discards merged.
node_disk_filesystem_info gauge ip, usage, version, device, uuid, ins, type, job, instance, cls Info about disk filesystem.
node_disk_info gauge minor, ip, major, revision, device, model, serial, path, ins, job, instance, cls Info of /sys/block/<block_device>.
node_disk_io_now gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The number of I/Os currently in progress.
node_disk_io_time_seconds_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Total seconds spent doing I/Os.
node_disk_io_time_weighted_seconds_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The weighted # of seconds spent doing I/Os.
node_disk_read_bytes_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The total number of bytes read successfully.
node_disk_read_time_seconds_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The total number of seconds spent by all reads.
node_disk_reads_completed_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The total number of reads completed successfully.
node_disk_reads_merged_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The total number of reads merged.
node_disk_write_time_seconds_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls This is the total number of seconds spent by all writes.
node_disk_writes_completed_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The total number of writes completed successfully.
node_disk_writes_merged_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The number of writes merged.
node_disk_written_bytes_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls The total number of bytes written successfully.
node_dmi_info gauge bios_vendor, ip, product_family, product_version, product_uuid, system_vendor, bios_version, ins, bios_date, cls, job, product_name, instance, chassis_version, chassis_vendor, product_serial A metric with a constant ‘1’ value labeled by bios_date, bios_release, bios_vendor, bios_version, board_asset_tag, board_name, board_serial, board_vendor, board_version, chassis_asset_tag, chassis_serial, chassis_vendor, chassis_version, product_family, product_name, product_serial, product_sku, product_uuid, product_version, system_vendor if provided by DMI.
node_entropy_available_bits gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Bits of available entropy.
node_entropy_pool_size_bits gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Bits of entropy pool.
node_exporter_build_info gauge ip, version, revision, goversion, branch, ins, goarch, job, tags, instance, cls, goos A metric with a constant ‘1’ value labeled by version, revision, branch, goversion from which node_exporter was built, and the goos and goarch for the build.
node_filefd_allocated gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls File descriptor statistics: allocated.
node_filefd_maximum gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls File descriptor statistics: maximum.
node_filesystem_avail_bytes gauge ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype Filesystem space available to non-root users in bytes.
node_filesystem_device_error gauge ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype Whether an error occurred while getting statistics for the given device.
node_filesystem_files gauge ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype Filesystem total file nodes.
node_filesystem_files_free gauge ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype Filesystem total free file nodes.
node_filesystem_free_bytes gauge ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype Filesystem free space in bytes.
node_filesystem_readonly gauge ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype Filesystem read-only status.
node_filesystem_size_bytes gauge ip, device, mountpoint, ins, cls, job, instance, fstype Filesystem size in bytes.
node_forks_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of forks.
node_hwmon_chip_names gauge chip_name, ip, ins, chip, job, instance, cls Annotation metric for human-readable chip names
node_hwmon_energy_joule_total counter sensor, ip, ins, chip, job, instance, cls Hardware monitor for joules used so far (input)
node_hwmon_sensor_label gauge sensor, ip, ins, chip, job, label, instance, cls Label for given chip and sensor
node_intr_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of interrupts serviced.
node_ipvs_connections_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The total number of connections made.
node_ipvs_incoming_bytes_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The total amount of incoming data.
node_ipvs_incoming_packets_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The total number of incoming packets.
node_ipvs_outgoing_bytes_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The total amount of outgoing data.
node_ipvs_outgoing_packets_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The total number of outgoing packets.
node_load1 gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls 1m load average.
node_load15 gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls 15m load average.
node_load5 gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls 5m load average.
node_memory_Active_anon_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Active_anon_bytes.
node_memory_Active_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Active_bytes.
node_memory_Active_file_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Active_file_bytes.
node_memory_AnonHugePages_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field AnonHugePages_bytes.
node_memory_AnonPages_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field AnonPages_bytes.
node_memory_Bounce_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Bounce_bytes.
node_memory_Buffers_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Buffers_bytes.
node_memory_Cached_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Cached_bytes.
node_memory_CommitLimit_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field CommitLimit_bytes.
node_memory_Committed_AS_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Committed_AS_bytes.
node_memory_DirectMap1G_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field DirectMap1G_bytes.
node_memory_DirectMap2M_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field DirectMap2M_bytes.
node_memory_DirectMap4k_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field DirectMap4k_bytes.
node_memory_Dirty_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Dirty_bytes.
node_memory_FileHugePages_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field FileHugePages_bytes.
node_memory_FilePmdMapped_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field FilePmdMapped_bytes.
node_memory_HardwareCorrupted_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field HardwareCorrupted_bytes.
node_memory_HugePages_Free gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field HugePages_Free.
node_memory_HugePages_Rsvd gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field HugePages_Rsvd.
node_memory_HugePages_Surp gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field HugePages_Surp.
node_memory_HugePages_Total gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field HugePages_Total.
node_memory_Hugepagesize_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Hugepagesize_bytes.
node_memory_Hugetlb_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Hugetlb_bytes.
node_memory_Inactive_anon_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Inactive_anon_bytes.
node_memory_Inactive_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Inactive_bytes.
node_memory_Inactive_file_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Inactive_file_bytes.
node_memory_KReclaimable_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field KReclaimable_bytes.
node_memory_KernelStack_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field KernelStack_bytes.
node_memory_Mapped_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Mapped_bytes.
node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field MemAvailable_bytes.
node_memory_MemFree_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field MemFree_bytes.
node_memory_MemTotal_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field MemTotal_bytes.
node_memory_Mlocked_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Mlocked_bytes.
node_memory_NFS_Unstable_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field NFS_Unstable_bytes.
node_memory_PageTables_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field PageTables_bytes.
node_memory_Percpu_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Percpu_bytes.
node_memory_SReclaimable_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field SReclaimable_bytes.
node_memory_SUnreclaim_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field SUnreclaim_bytes.
node_memory_ShmemHugePages_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field ShmemHugePages_bytes.
node_memory_ShmemPmdMapped_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field ShmemPmdMapped_bytes.
node_memory_Shmem_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Shmem_bytes.
node_memory_Slab_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Slab_bytes.
node_memory_SwapCached_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field SwapCached_bytes.
node_memory_SwapFree_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field SwapFree_bytes.
node_memory_SwapTotal_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field SwapTotal_bytes.
node_memory_Unevictable_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Unevictable_bytes.
node_memory_VmallocChunk_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field VmallocChunk_bytes.
node_memory_VmallocTotal_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field VmallocTotal_bytes.
node_memory_VmallocUsed_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field VmallocUsed_bytes.
node_memory_WritebackTmp_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field WritebackTmp_bytes.
node_memory_Writeback_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Memory information field Writeback_bytes.
node_netstat_Icmp6_InErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Icmp6InErrors.
node_netstat_Icmp6_InMsgs unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Icmp6InMsgs.
node_netstat_Icmp6_OutMsgs unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Icmp6OutMsgs.
node_netstat_Icmp_InErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic IcmpInErrors.
node_netstat_Icmp_InMsgs unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic IcmpInMsgs.
node_netstat_Icmp_OutMsgs unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic IcmpOutMsgs.
node_netstat_Ip6_InOctets unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Ip6InOctets.
node_netstat_Ip6_OutOctets unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Ip6OutOctets.
node_netstat_IpExt_InOctets unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic IpExtInOctets.
node_netstat_IpExt_OutOctets unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic IpExtOutOctets.
node_netstat_Ip_Forwarding unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic IpForwarding.
node_netstat_TcpExt_ListenDrops unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpExtListenDrops.
node_netstat_TcpExt_ListenOverflows unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpExtListenOverflows.
node_netstat_TcpExt_SyncookiesFailed unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpExtSyncookiesFailed.
node_netstat_TcpExt_SyncookiesRecv unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpExtSyncookiesRecv.
node_netstat_TcpExt_SyncookiesSent unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpExtSyncookiesSent.
node_netstat_TcpExt_TCPSynRetrans unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpExtTCPSynRetrans.
node_netstat_TcpExt_TCPTimeouts unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpExtTCPTimeouts.
node_netstat_Tcp_ActiveOpens unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpActiveOpens.
node_netstat_Tcp_CurrEstab unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpCurrEstab.
node_netstat_Tcp_InErrs unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpInErrs.
node_netstat_Tcp_InSegs unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpInSegs.
node_netstat_Tcp_OutRsts unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpOutRsts.
node_netstat_Tcp_OutSegs unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpOutSegs.
node_netstat_Tcp_PassiveOpens unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpPassiveOpens.
node_netstat_Tcp_RetransSegs unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic TcpRetransSegs.
node_netstat_Udp6_InDatagrams unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Udp6InDatagrams.
node_netstat_Udp6_InErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Udp6InErrors.
node_netstat_Udp6_NoPorts unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Udp6NoPorts.
node_netstat_Udp6_OutDatagrams unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Udp6OutDatagrams.
node_netstat_Udp6_RcvbufErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Udp6RcvbufErrors.
node_netstat_Udp6_SndbufErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic Udp6SndbufErrors.
node_netstat_UdpLite6_InErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic UdpLite6InErrors.
node_netstat_UdpLite_InErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic UdpLiteInErrors.
node_netstat_Udp_InDatagrams unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic UdpInDatagrams.
node_netstat_Udp_InErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic UdpInErrors.
node_netstat_Udp_NoPorts unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic UdpNoPorts.
node_netstat_Udp_OutDatagrams unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic UdpOutDatagrams.
node_netstat_Udp_RcvbufErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic UdpRcvbufErrors.
node_netstat_Udp_SndbufErrors unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls Statistic UdpSndbufErrors.
node_network_address_assign_type gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: address_assign_type
node_network_carrier gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: carrier
node_network_carrier_changes_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: carrier_changes_total
node_network_carrier_down_changes_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: carrier_down_changes_total
node_network_carrier_up_changes_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: carrier_up_changes_total
node_network_device_id gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: device_id
node_network_dormant gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: dormant
node_network_flags gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: flags
node_network_iface_id gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: iface_id
node_network_iface_link gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: iface_link
node_network_iface_link_mode gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: iface_link_mode
node_network_info gauge broadcast, ip, device, operstate, ins, job, adminstate, duplex, address, instance, cls Non-numeric data from /sys/class/net/, value is always 1.
node_network_mtu_bytes gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: mtu_bytes
node_network_name_assign_type gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: name_assign_type
node_network_net_dev_group gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: net_dev_group
node_network_protocol_type gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: protocol_type
node_network_receive_bytes_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic receive_bytes.
node_network_receive_compressed_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic receive_compressed.
node_network_receive_drop_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic receive_drop.
node_network_receive_errs_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic receive_errs.
node_network_receive_fifo_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic receive_fifo.
node_network_receive_frame_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic receive_frame.
node_network_receive_multicast_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic receive_multicast.
node_network_receive_nohandler_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic receive_nohandler.
node_network_receive_packets_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic receive_packets.
node_network_speed_bytes gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: speed_bytes
node_network_transmit_bytes_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic transmit_bytes.
node_network_transmit_carrier_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic transmit_carrier.
node_network_transmit_colls_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic transmit_colls.
node_network_transmit_compressed_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic transmit_compressed.
node_network_transmit_drop_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic transmit_drop.
node_network_transmit_errs_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic transmit_errs.
node_network_transmit_fifo_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic transmit_fifo.
node_network_transmit_packets_total counter ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device statistic transmit_packets.
node_network_transmit_queue_length gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Network device property: transmit_queue_length
node_network_up gauge ip, device, ins, job, instance, cls Value is 1 if operstate is ‘up’, 0 otherwise.
node_nf_conntrack_entries gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of currently allocated flow entries for connection tracking.
node_nf_conntrack_entries_limit gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Maximum size of connection tracking table.
node_nf_conntrack_stat_drop gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of packets dropped due to conntrack failure.
node_nf_conntrack_stat_early_drop gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of dropped conntrack entries to make room for new ones, if maximum table size was reached.
node_nf_conntrack_stat_found gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of searched entries which were successful.
node_nf_conntrack_stat_ignore gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of packets seen which are already connected to a conntrack entry.
node_nf_conntrack_stat_insert gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of entries inserted into the list.
node_nf_conntrack_stat_insert_failed gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of entries for which list insertion was attempted but failed.
node_nf_conntrack_stat_invalid gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of packets seen which can not be tracked.
node_nf_conntrack_stat_search_restart gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of conntrack table lookups which had to be restarted due to hashtable resizes.
node_os_info gauge id, ip, version, version_id, ins, instance, job, pretty_name, id_like, cls A metric with a constant ‘1’ value labeled by build_id, id, id_like, image_id, image_version, name, pretty_name, variant, variant_id, version, version_codename, version_id.
node_os_version gauge id, ip, ins, instance, job, id_like, cls Metric containing the major.minor part of the OS version.
node_processes_max_processes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of max PIDs limit
node_processes_max_threads gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Limit of threads in the system
node_processes_pids gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of PIDs
node_processes_state gauge state, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of processes in each state.
node_processes_threads gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Allocated threads in system
node_processes_threads_state gauge instance, ins, job, thread_state, ip, cls Number of threads in each state.
node_procs_blocked gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of processes blocked waiting for I/O to complete.
node_procs_running gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of processes in runnable state.
node_schedstat_running_seconds_total counter ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls Number of seconds CPU spent running a process.
node_schedstat_timeslices_total counter ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls Number of timeslices executed by CPU.
node_schedstat_waiting_seconds_total counter ip, ins, job, cpu, instance, cls Number of seconds spent by processing waiting for this CPU.
node_scrape_collector_duration_seconds gauge ip, collector, ins, job, instance, cls node_exporter: Duration of a collector scrape.
node_scrape_collector_success gauge ip, collector, ins, job, instance, cls node_exporter: Whether a collector succeeded.
node_selinux_enabled gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls SELinux is enabled, 1 is true, 0 is false
node_sockstat_FRAG6_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of FRAG6 sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_FRAG6_memory gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of FRAG6 sockets in state memory.
node_sockstat_FRAG_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of FRAG sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_FRAG_memory gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of FRAG sockets in state memory.
node_sockstat_RAW6_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of RAW6 sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_RAW_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of RAW sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_TCP6_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of TCP6 sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_TCP_alloc gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of TCP sockets in state alloc.
node_sockstat_TCP_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of TCP sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_TCP_mem gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of TCP sockets in state mem.
node_sockstat_TCP_mem_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of TCP sockets in state mem_bytes.
node_sockstat_TCP_orphan gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of TCP sockets in state orphan.
node_sockstat_TCP_tw gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of TCP sockets in state tw.
node_sockstat_UDP6_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of UDP6 sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_UDPLITE6_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of UDPLITE6 sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_UDPLITE_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of UDPLITE sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_UDP_inuse gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of UDP sockets in state inuse.
node_sockstat_UDP_mem gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of UDP sockets in state mem.
node_sockstat_UDP_mem_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of UDP sockets in state mem_bytes.
node_sockstat_sockets_used gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of IPv4 sockets in use.
node_tcp_connection_states gauge state, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of connection states.
node_textfile_scrape_error gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls 1 if there was an error opening or reading a file, 0 otherwise
node_time_clocksource_available_info gauge ip, device, ins, clocksource, job, instance, cls Available clocksources read from ‘/sys/devices/system/clocksource’.
node_time_clocksource_current_info gauge ip, device, ins, clocksource, job, instance, cls Current clocksource read from ‘/sys/devices/system/clocksource’.
node_time_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls System time in seconds since epoch (1970).
node_time_zone_offset_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, time_zone, ip, cls System time zone offset in seconds.
node_timex_estimated_error_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Estimated error in seconds.
node_timex_frequency_adjustment_ratio gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Local clock frequency adjustment.
node_timex_loop_time_constant gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Phase-locked loop time constant.
node_timex_maxerror_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Maximum error in seconds.
node_timex_offset_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Time offset in between local system and reference clock.
node_timex_pps_calibration_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Pulse per second count of calibration intervals.
node_timex_pps_error_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Pulse per second count of calibration errors.
node_timex_pps_frequency_hertz gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Pulse per second frequency.
node_timex_pps_jitter_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Pulse per second jitter.
node_timex_pps_jitter_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Pulse per second count of jitter limit exceeded events.
node_timex_pps_shift_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Pulse per second interval duration.
node_timex_pps_stability_exceeded_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Pulse per second count of stability limit exceeded events.
node_timex_pps_stability_hertz gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Pulse per second stability, average of recent frequency changes.
node_timex_status gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Value of the status array bits.
node_timex_sync_status gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Is clock synchronized to a reliable server (1 = yes, 0 = no).
node_timex_tai_offset_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls International Atomic Time (TAI) offset.
node_timex_tick_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Seconds between clock ticks.
node_udp_queues gauge ip, queue, ins, job, exported_ip, instance, cls Number of allocated memory in the kernel for UDP datagrams in bytes.
node_uname_info gauge ip, sysname, version, domainname, release, ins, job, nodename, instance, cls, machine Labeled system information as provided by the uname system call.
node_up Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
node_vmstat_oom_kill unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls /proc/vmstat information field oom_kill.
node_vmstat_pgfault unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls /proc/vmstat information field pgfault.
node_vmstat_pgmajfault unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls /proc/vmstat information field pgmajfault.
node_vmstat_pgpgin unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls /proc/vmstat information field pgpgin.
node_vmstat_pgpgout unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls /proc/vmstat information field pgpgout.
node_vmstat_pswpin unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls /proc/vmstat information field pswpin.
node_vmstat_pswpout unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls /proc/vmstat information field pswpout.
process_cpu_seconds_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds.
process_max_fds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Maximum number of open file descriptors.
process_open_fds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of open file descriptors.
process_resident_memory_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Resident memory size in bytes.
process_start_time_seconds gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds.
process_virtual_memory_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Virtual memory size in bytes.
process_virtual_memory_max_bytes gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Maximum amount of virtual memory available in bytes.
prometheus_remote_storage_exemplars_in_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Exemplars in to remote storage, compare to exemplars out for queue managers.
prometheus_remote_storage_histograms_in_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls HistogramSamples in to remote storage, compare to histograms out for queue managers.
prometheus_remote_storage_samples_in_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Samples in to remote storage, compare to samples out for queue managers.
prometheus_remote_storage_string_interner_zero_reference_releases_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The number of times release has been called for strings that are not interned.
prometheus_sd_azure_failures_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of Azure service discovery refresh failures.
prometheus_sd_consul_rpc_duration_seconds summary ip, call, quantile, ins, job, instance, cls, endpoint The duration of a Consul RPC call in seconds.
prometheus_sd_consul_rpc_duration_seconds_count Unknown ip, call, ins, job, instance, cls, endpoint N/A
prometheus_sd_consul_rpc_duration_seconds_sum Unknown ip, call, ins, job, instance, cls, endpoint N/A
prometheus_sd_consul_rpc_failures_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The number of Consul RPC call failures.
prometheus_sd_consulagent_rpc_duration_seconds summary ip, call, quantile, ins, job, instance, cls, endpoint The duration of a Consul Agent RPC call in seconds.
prometheus_sd_consulagent_rpc_duration_seconds_count Unknown ip, call, ins, job, instance, cls, endpoint N/A
prometheus_sd_consulagent_rpc_duration_seconds_sum Unknown ip, call, ins, job, instance, cls, endpoint N/A
prometheus_sd_consulagent_rpc_failures_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
prometheus_sd_dns_lookup_failures_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The number of DNS-SD lookup failures.
prometheus_sd_dns_lookups_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The number of DNS-SD lookups.
prometheus_sd_file_read_errors_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The number of File-SD read errors.
prometheus_sd_file_scan_duration_seconds summary quantile, instance, ins, job, ip, cls The duration of the File-SD scan in seconds.
prometheus_sd_file_scan_duration_seconds_count Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
prometheus_sd_file_scan_duration_seconds_sum Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
prometheus_sd_file_watcher_errors_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The number of File-SD errors caused by filesystem watch failures.
prometheus_sd_kubernetes_events_total counter ip, event, ins, job, role, instance, cls The number of Kubernetes events handled.
prometheus_target_scrape_pool_exceeded_label_limits_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of times scrape pools hit the label limits, during sync or config reload.
prometheus_target_scrape_pool_exceeded_target_limit_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of times scrape pools hit the target limit, during sync or config reload.
prometheus_target_scrape_pool_reloads_failed_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of failed scrape pool reloads.
prometheus_target_scrape_pool_reloads_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of scrape pool reloads.
prometheus_target_scrape_pools_failed_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of scrape pool creations that failed.
prometheus_target_scrape_pools_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of scrape pool creation attempts.
prometheus_target_scrapes_cache_flush_forced_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls How many times a scrape cache was flushed due to getting big while scrapes are failing.
prometheus_target_scrapes_exceeded_body_size_limit_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of scrapes that hit the body size limit
prometheus_target_scrapes_exceeded_sample_limit_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of scrapes that hit the sample limit and were rejected.
prometheus_target_scrapes_exemplar_out_of_order_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of exemplar rejected due to not being out of the expected order.
prometheus_target_scrapes_sample_duplicate_timestamp_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of samples rejected due to duplicate timestamps but different values.
prometheus_target_scrapes_sample_out_of_bounds_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of samples rejected due to timestamp falling outside of the time bounds.
prometheus_target_scrapes_sample_out_of_order_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls Total number of samples rejected due to not being out of the expected order.
prometheus_template_text_expansion_failures_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The total number of template text expansion failures.
prometheus_template_text_expansions_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The total number of template text expansions.
prometheus_treecache_watcher_goroutines gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls The current number of watcher goroutines.
prometheus_treecache_zookeeper_failures_total counter instance, ins, job, ip, cls The total number of ZooKeeper failures.
promhttp_metric_handler_errors_total counter ip, cause, ins, job, instance, cls Total number of internal errors encountered by the promhttp metric handler.
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_in_flight gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Current number of scrapes being served.
promhttp_metric_handler_requests_total counter ip, ins, code, job, instance, cls Total number of scrapes by HTTP status code.
promtail_batch_retries_total Unknown host, ip, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
promtail_build_info gauge ip, version, revision, goversion, branch, ins, goarch, job, tags, instance, cls, goos A metric with a constant ‘1’ value labeled by version, revision, branch, goversion from which promtail was built, and the goos and goarch for the build.
promtail_config_reload_fail_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
promtail_config_reload_success_total Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
promtail_dropped_bytes_total Unknown host, ip, ins, job, reason, instance, cls N/A
promtail_dropped_entries_total Unknown host, ip, ins, job, reason, instance, cls N/A
promtail_encoded_bytes_total Unknown host, ip, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
promtail_file_bytes_total gauge path, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes total.
promtail_files_active_total gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of active files.
promtail_mutated_bytes_total Unknown host, ip, ins, job, reason, instance, cls N/A
promtail_mutated_entries_total Unknown host, ip, ins, job, reason, instance, cls N/A
promtail_read_bytes_total gauge path, instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of bytes read.
promtail_read_lines_total Unknown path, instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
promtail_request_duration_seconds_bucket Unknown host, ip, ins, job, status_code, le, instance, cls N/A
promtail_request_duration_seconds_count Unknown host, ip, ins, job, status_code, instance, cls N/A
promtail_request_duration_seconds_sum Unknown host, ip, ins, job, status_code, instance, cls N/A
promtail_sent_bytes_total Unknown host, ip, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
promtail_sent_entries_total Unknown host, ip, ins, job, instance, cls N/A
promtail_targets_active_total gauge instance, ins, job, ip, cls Number of active total.
promtail_up Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
request_duration_seconds_bucket Unknown instance, ins, job, status_code, route, ws, le, ip, cls, method N/A
request_duration_seconds_count Unknown instance, ins, job, status_code, route, ws, ip, cls, method N/A
request_duration_seconds_sum Unknown instance, ins, job, status_code, route, ws, ip, cls, method N/A
request_message_bytes_bucket Unknown instance, ins, job, route, le, ip, cls, method N/A
request_message_bytes_count Unknown instance, ins, job, route, ip, cls, method N/A
request_message_bytes_sum Unknown instance, ins, job, route, ip, cls, method N/A
response_message_bytes_bucket Unknown instance, ins, job, route, le, ip, cls, method N/A
response_message_bytes_count Unknown instance, ins, job, route, ip, cls, method N/A
response_message_bytes_sum Unknown instance, ins, job, route, ip, cls, method N/A
scrape_duration_seconds Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
scrape_samples_scraped Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
scrape_series_added Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A
tcp_connections gauge instance, ins, job, protocol, ip, cls Current number of accepted TCP connections.
tcp_connections_limit gauge instance, ins, job, protocol, ip, cls The max number of TCP connections that can be accepted (0 means no limit).
up Unknown instance, ins, job, ip, cls N/A

最后修改 2025-03-01: refactor docs (caae0ad)