配置模板基于 full
- 配置名称:
- 节点数量: 四节点,
- 配置说明:安全加固的3+1节点配置模板,采用高标准的安全最佳实践
- 适用系统:
- 适用架构:
- 相关配置:
启用方式:在 configure
过程中使用 -c safe
./configure -c safe
备注:这是一个四节点模版,您需要在生成配置后修改其他三个节点的 IP 地址(可选)
# * 3 infra nodes, 3 etcd nodes, single minio node
# * 3-instance pgsql cluster with an extra delayed instance
# * crit.yml templates, no data loss, checksum enforced
# * enforce ssl on postgres & pgbouncer, use postgres by default
# * enforce an expiration date for all users (20 years by default)
# * enforce strong password policy with passwordcheck extension
# * enforce changing default password for all users
# * log connections and disconnections
# * restrict listen ip address for postgres/patroni/pgbouncer
infra: # infra cluster for proxy, monitor, alert, etc
hosts: # 1 for common usage, 3 nodes for production { infra_seq: 1 } # identity required { infra_seq: 2, repo_enabled: false } { infra_seq: 3, repo_enabled: false }
vars: { patroni_watchdog_mode: off }
minio: # minio cluster, s3 compatible object storage
hosts: { { minio_seq: 1 } }
vars: { minio_cluster: minio }
etcd: # dcs service for postgres/patroni ha consensus
hosts: # 1 node for testing, 3 or 5 for production { etcd_seq: 1 } # etcd_seq required { etcd_seq: 2 } # assign from 1 ~ n { etcd_seq: 3 } # odd number please
vars: # cluster level parameter override roles/etcd
etcd_cluster: etcd # mark etcd cluster name etcd
etcd_safeguard: false # safeguard against purging
etcd_clean: true # purge etcd during init process
pg-meta: # 3 instance postgres cluster `pg-meta`
hosts: { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } { pg_seq: 2, pg_role: replica } { pg_seq: 3, pg_role: replica , pg_offline_query: true }
pg_cluster: pg-meta
pg_conf: crit.yml
- { name: dbuser_meta , password: Pleas3-ChangeThisPwd ,expire_in: 7300 ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] ,comment: pigsty admin user }
- { name: dbuser_view , password: Make.3ure-Compl1ance ,expire_in: 7300 ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [ dbrole_readonly ] ,comment: read-only viewer for meta database }
- { name: meta ,baseline: cmdb.sql ,comment: pigsty meta database ,schemas: [ pigsty ] ,extensions: [ { name: vector } ] }
- { name: standby , ip: "*" ,port: 5435 , dest: default ,selector: "[]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `primary`]" }
pg_listen: '${ip},${vip},${lo}'
pg_vip_enabled: true
pg_vip_interface: eth1
# OPTIONAL delayed cluster for pg-meta
pg-meta-delay: # delayed instance for pg-meta (1 hour ago)
hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary, pg_upstream:, pg_delay: 1h } }
vars: { pg_cluster: pg-meta-delay }
# Parameters #
vars: # global variables
version: v3.3.0 # pigsty version string
admin_ip: # admin node ip address
region: default # upstream mirror region: default|china|europe
node_tune: oltp # node tuning specs: oltp,olap,tiny,crit
pg_conf: oltp.yml # pgsql tuning specs: {oltp,olap,tiny,crit}.yml
patroni_ssl_enabled: true # secure patroni RestAPI communications with SSL?
pgbouncer_sslmode: require # pgbouncer client ssl mode: disable|allow|prefer|require|verify-ca|verify-full, disable by default
pg_default_service_dest: postgres # default service destination to postgres instead of pgbouncer
pgbackrest_method: minio # pgbackrest repo method: local,minio,[user-defined...]
# Credentials
#grafana_admin_username: admin
grafana_admin_password: You.Have2Use-A_VeryStrongPassword
#pg_admin_username: dbuser_dba
pg_admin_password: PessWorb.Should8eStrong-eNough
#pg_monitor_username: dbuser_monitor
pg_monitor_password: MekeSuerYour.PassWordI5secured
#pg_replication_username: replicator
pg_replication_password: doNotUseThis-PasswordFor.AnythingElse
#patroni_username: postgres
patroni_password: don.t-forget-to-change-thEs3-password
#haproxy_admin_username: admin
haproxy_admin_password: GneratePasswordWith-pwgen-s-16-1
# MinIO Related Options
minio_users: # and configure `pgbackrest_repo` & `minio_users` accordingly
- { access_key: dba , secret_key: S3User.DBA.Strong.Password, policy: consoleAdmin }
- { access_key: pgbackrest , secret_key: Min10.bAckup ,policy: readwrite }
pgbackrest_repo: # pgbackrest repo: https://pgbackrest.org/configuration.html#section-repository
local: # default pgbackrest repo with local posix fs
path: /pg/backup # local backup directory, `/pg/backup` by default
retention_full_type: count # retention full backups by count
retention_full: 2 # keep 2, at most 3 full backup when using local fs repo
minio: # optional minio repo for pgbackrest
s3_key: pgbackrest # <-------- CHANGE THIS, SAME AS `minio_users` access_key
s3_key_secret: Min10.bAckup # <-------- CHANGE THIS, SAME AS `minio_users` secret_key
cipher_pass: 'pgBR.${pg_cluster}' # <-------- CHANGE THIS, you can use cluster name as part of password
type: s3 # minio is s3-compatible, so s3 is used
s3_endpoint: sss.pigsty # minio endpoint domain name, `sss.pigsty` by default
s3_region: us-east-1 # minio region, us-east-1 by default, useless for minio
s3_bucket: pgsql # minio bucket name, `pgsql` by default
s3_uri_style: path # use path style uri for minio rather than host style
path: /pgbackrest # minio backup path, default is `/pgbackrest`
storage_port: 9000 # minio port, 9000 by default
storage_ca_file: /etc/pki/ca.crt # minio ca file path, `/etc/pki/ca.crt` by default
bundle: y # bundle small files into a single file
cipher_type: aes-256-cbc # enable AES encryption for remote backup repo
retention_full_type: time # retention full backup by time on minio repo
retention_full: 14 # keep full backup for last 14 days
# Access Control
# add passwordcheck extension to enforce strong password policy
pg_libs: '$libdir/passwordcheck, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain'
- passwordcheck, supautils, pgsodium, pg_vault, pg_session_jwt, anonymizer, pgsmcrypto, pgauditlogtofile, pgaudit #, pgaudit17, pgaudit16, pgaudit15, pgaudit14
- pg_auth_mon, credcheck, pgcryptokey, pg_jobmon, logerrors, login_hook, set_user, pgextwlist, pg_auditor, sslutils, noset #pg_tde #pg_snakeoil
pg_default_roles: # default roles and users in postgres cluster
- { name: dbrole_readonly ,login: false ,comment: role for global read-only access }
- { name: dbrole_offline ,login: false ,comment: role for restricted read-only access }
- { name: dbrole_readwrite ,login: false ,roles: [ dbrole_readonly ] ,comment: role for global read-write access }
- { name: dbrole_admin ,login: false ,roles: [ pg_monitor, dbrole_readwrite ] ,comment: role for object creation }
- { name: postgres ,superuser: true ,expire_in: 7300 ,comment: system superuser }
- { name: replicator ,replication: true ,expire_in: 7300 ,roles: [ pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly ] ,comment: system replicator }
- { name: dbuser_dba ,superuser: true ,expire_in: 7300 ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] ,pgbouncer: true ,pool_mode: session, pool_connlimit: 16 , comment: pgsql admin user }
- { name: dbuser_monitor ,roles: [ pg_monitor ] ,expire_in: 7300 ,pgbouncer: true ,parameters: { log_min_duration_statement: 1000 } ,pool_mode: session ,pool_connlimit: 8 ,comment: pgsql monitor user }
pg_default_hba_rules: # postgres host-based auth rules by default
- { user: '${dbsu}' ,db: all ,addr: local ,auth: ident ,title: 'dbsu access via local os user ident' }
- { user: '${dbsu}' ,db: replication ,addr: local ,auth: ident ,title: 'dbsu replication from local os ident' }
- { user: '${repl}' ,db: replication ,addr: localhost ,auth: ssl ,title: 'replicator replication from localhost' }
- { user: '${repl}' ,db: replication ,addr: intra ,auth: ssl ,title: 'replicator replication from intranet' }
- { user: '${repl}' ,db: postgres ,addr: intra ,auth: ssl ,title: 'replicator postgres db from intranet' }
- { user: '${monitor}' ,db: all ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd ,title: 'monitor from localhost with password' }
- { user: '${monitor}' ,db: all ,addr: infra ,auth: ssl ,title: 'monitor from infra host with password' }
- { user: '${admin}' ,db: all ,addr: infra ,auth: ssl ,title: 'admin @ infra nodes with pwd & ssl' }
- { user: '${admin}' ,db: all ,addr: world ,auth: cert ,title: 'admin @ everywhere with ssl & cert' }
- { user: '+dbrole_readonly',db: all ,addr: localhost ,auth: ssl ,title: 'pgbouncer read/write via local socket' }
- { user: '+dbrole_readonly',db: all ,addr: intra ,auth: ssl ,title: 'read/write biz user via password' }
- { user: '+dbrole_offline' ,db: all ,addr: intra ,auth: ssl ,title: 'allow etl offline tasks from intranet' }
pgb_default_hba_rules: # pgbouncer host-based authentication rules
- { user: '${dbsu}' ,db: pgbouncer ,addr: local ,auth: peer ,title: 'dbsu local admin access with os ident' }
- { user: 'all' ,db: all ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow all user local access with pwd' }
- { user: '${monitor}' ,db: pgbouncer ,addr: intra ,auth: ssl ,title: 'monitor access via intranet with pwd' }
- { user: '${monitor}' ,db: all ,addr: world ,auth: deny ,title: 'reject all other monitor access addr' }
- { user: '${admin}' ,db: all ,addr: intra ,auth: ssl ,title: 'admin access via intranet with pwd' }
- { user: '${admin}' ,db: all ,addr: world ,auth: deny ,title: 'reject all other admin access addr' }
- { user: 'all' ,db: all ,addr: intra ,auth: ssl ,title: 'allow all user intra access with pwd' }
# Repo, Node, Packages
# if you wish to customize your own repo, change these settings:
repo_modules: infra,node,pgsql # install upstream repo during repo bootstrap
repo_remove: true # remove existing repo on admin node during repo bootstrap
node_repo_modules: local # install the local module in repo_upstream for all nodes
node_repo_remove: true # remove existing node repo for node managed by pigsty
repo_packages: [ node-bootstrap, infra-package, infra-addons, node-package1, node-package2, pgsql-common ] #,docker]
repo_extra_packages: [ pg17-main ,pg17-sec ] #,pg17-core ,pg17-time ,pg17-gis ,pg17-rag ,pg17-fts ,pg17-olap ,pg17-feat ,pg17-lang ,pg17-type ,pg17-util ,pg17-func ,pg17-admin ,pg17-stat ,pg17-sec ,pg17-fdw ,pg17-sim ,pg17-etl]
pg_version: 17 # default postgres version