Category: FEAT

FEAT: OpenCypher with AGE, GraphQL, JsonSchema, Hints & Hypo Index, HLL, Rum, IVM, ChemRDKit, and Message Queues,…

FEAT category has 15 available extensions:

Extension (URL) Alias Repo Version Category License LOAD DDL TRUST RELOC Description
age age PIGSTY 1.5.0 FEAT Apache-2.0 AGE graph database extension
hll hll PGDG 2.18 FEAT Apache-2.0 type for storing hyperloglog data
rum rum PGDG 1.3 FEAT PostgreSQL RUM index access method
pg_graphql pg_graphql PIGSTY 1.5.7 FEAT Apache-2.0 pg_graphql: GraphQL support
pg_jsonschema pg_jsonschema PIGSTY 0.3.1 FEAT Apache-2.0 PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
jsquery jsquery PGDG 1.1 FEAT PostgreSQL data type for jsonb inspection
pg_hint_plan pg_hint_plan PGDG 1.6.0 FEAT BSD 3 Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans.
hypopg hypopg PGDG 1.4.1 FEAT PostgreSQL Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
index_advisor index_advisor PIGSTY 0.2.0 FEAT PostgreSQL Query index advisor
imgsmlr imgsmlr PIGSTY 1.0 FEAT PostgreSQL Image similarity with haar
pg_ivm pg_ivm PGDG 1.8 FEAT PostgreSQL incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL
pgmq pgmq PIGSTY 1.2.1 FEAT PostgreSQL A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
pgq pgq PGDG 3.5.1 FEAT ISC Generic queue for PostgreSQL
rdkit rdkit PGDG 4.3.0 FEAT BSD 3 Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL.
bloom bloom CONTRIB 1.0 FEAT PostgreSQL bloom access method - signature file based index


AGE graph database extension


type for storing hyperloglog data


RUM index access method


pg_graphql: GraphQL support


PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation


data type for jsonb inspection


Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans.


Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL


Query index advisor


Image similarity with haar


incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL


A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.


Generic queue for PostgreSQL


Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL.


bloom access method - signature file based index

Last modified 2024-08-13: update extension list (ff80880)