v1.3.0 Release Note

Redis Support, PGCAT Overhaul


  • [ENHANCEMENT] Redis Deployment (cluster,sentinel,standalone)

  • [ENHANCEMENT] Redis Monitor

    • Redis Overview Dashboard
    • Redis Cluster Dashboard
    • Redis Instance Dashboard
  • [ENHANCEMENT] monitor: PGCAT Overhaul

    • New Dashboard: PGCAT Instance
    • New Dashboard: PGCAT Database Dashboard
    • Remake Dashboard: PGCAT Table
  • [ENHANCEMENT] monitor: PGSQL Enhancement

    • New Panels: PGSQL Cluster, add 10 key metrics panel (toggled by default)
    • New Panels: PGSQL Instance, add 10 key metrics panel (toggled by default)
    • Simplify & Redesign: PGSQL Service
    • Add cross-references between PGCAT & PGSL dashboards
  • [ENHANCEMENT] monitor deploy

    • Now grafana datasource is automatically registered during monly deployment
  • [ENHANCEMENT] software upgrade

    • add PostgreSQL 13 to default package list
    • upgrade to PostgreSQL 14.1 by default
    • add greenplum rpm and dependencies
    • add redis rpm & source packages
    • add perf as default packages



  • PGSQL & PGCAT Dashboard polish
  • optimize layout for pgcat instance & pgcat database
  • add key metrics panels to pgsql instance dashboard, keep consist with pgsql cluster
  • add table/index bloat panels to pgcat database, remove pgcat bloat dashboard.
  • add index information in pgcat database dashboard
  • fix broken panels in grafana 8.3
  • add redis index in nginx homepage


  • New infra-demo.yml playbook for one-pass bootstrap
  • Use infra-jupyter.yml playbook to deploy optional jupyter lab server
  • Use infra-pgweb.yml playbook to deploy optional pgweb server
  • New pg alias on meta node, can initiate postgres cluster from admin user (in addition to postgres)
  • Adjust all patroni conf templates’s max_locks_per_transactions according to timescaledb-tune ’s advise
  • Add citus.node_conninfo: 'sslmode=prefer' to conf templates in order to use citus without SSL
  • Add all extensions (except for pgrouting) in pgdg14 in package list
  • Upgrade node_exporter to v1.3.1
  • Add PostgREST v9.0.0 to package list. Generate API from postgres schema.


  • Grafana’s security breach (upgrade to v8.3.1 issue)
  • fix pg_instance & pg_service in register role when start from middle of playbook
  • Fix nginx homepage render issue when host without pg_cluster variable exists
  • Fix style issue when upgrading to grafana 8.3.1
Last modified 2024-05-22: fix structure of zh/cloud (262eacd)