这是本节的多页打印视图。 点击此处打印.


PG 内核分支

如何在 Pigsty 中使用其他 PostgreSQL 内核分支?例如 Citus, Babelfish/WiltonDB,IvorySQL, PolarDB 等等……

在 Pigsty 中,您可以使用不同 “风味” 的 PostgreSQL 分支替换 “原生PG内核”,实现特殊的功能与效果。

1 - Citus (Distributive)

使用 Pigsty 部署原生高可用的 Citus 水平分片集群,将 PostgreSQL 无缝伸缩到多套分片并加速 OLTP/OLAP 查询。

Pigsty 原生支持 Citus。这是一个基于原生 PostgreSQL 内核的分布式水平扩展插件。

使用 Citus 搭建水平扩展的高可用 PostgreSQL 集群,请参考:Citus教程:部署 Citus 高可用集群


Citus 是一个 PostgreSQL 扩展插件,可以按照标准插件安装的流程,在原生 PostgreSQL 集群上加装启用。

./pgsql.yml -t pg_extension -e '{"pg_extensions":["citus"]}'


要定义一个 citus 集群,您需要指定以下参数:

此外,还需要额外的 hba 规则,允许从本地和其他数据节点进行 SSL 访问。

您可以将每个 Citus 集群分别定义为独立的分组,像标准的 PostgreSQL 集群一样,如 conf/dbms/citus.yml 所示:

    pg-citus0: # citus 0号分片
      hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
      vars: { pg_cluster: pg-citus0 , pg_group: 0 }
    pg-citus1: # citus 1号分片
      hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
      vars: { pg_cluster: pg-citus1 , pg_group: 1 }
    pg-citus2: # citus 2号分片
      hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
      vars: { pg_cluster: pg-citus2 , pg_group: 2 }
    pg-citus3: # citus 3号分片
      hosts: { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } { pg_seq: 2, pg_role: replica }
      vars: { pg_cluster: pg-citus3 , pg_group: 3 }
  vars:                               # 所有 Citus 集群的全局参数
    pg_mode: citus                    # pgsql 集群模式需要设置为: citus
    pg_shard: pg-citus                # citus 水平分片名称: pg-citus
    patroni_citus_db: meta            # citus 数据库名称:meta
    pg_dbsu_password: DBUser.Postgres # 如果使用 dbsu ,那么需要为其配置一个密码
    pg_users: [ { name: dbuser_meta ,password: DBUser.Meta ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] } ]
    pg_databases: [ { name: meta ,extensions: [ { name: citus }, { name: postgis }, { name: timescaledb } ] } ]
      - { user: 'all' ,db: all  ,addr: ,auth: ssl ,title: 'all user ssl access from localhost' }
      - { user: 'all' ,db: all  ,addr: intra        ,auth: ssl ,title: 'all user ssl access from intranet'  }

您也可以在一个分组内指定所有 Citus 集群成员的身份参数,如 prod.yml 所示:

# pg-citus: 10 node citus cluster (5 x primary-replica pair)
pg-citus: # citus group
  hosts: { pg_group: 0, pg_cluster: pg-citus0 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 0, pg_role: primary } { pg_group: 0, pg_cluster: pg-citus0 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 1, pg_role: replica } { pg_group: 1, pg_cluster: pg-citus1 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 0, pg_role: primary } { pg_group: 1, pg_cluster: pg-citus1 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 1, pg_role: replica } { pg_group: 2, pg_cluster: pg-citus2 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 0, pg_role: primary } { pg_group: 2, pg_cluster: pg-citus2 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 1, pg_role: replica } { pg_group: 3, pg_cluster: pg-citus3 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 0, pg_role: primary } { pg_group: 3, pg_cluster: pg-citus3 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 1, pg_role: replica } { pg_group: 4, pg_cluster: pg-citus4 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 0, pg_role: primary } { pg_group: 4, pg_cluster: pg-citus4 ,pg_vip_address: ,pg_seq: 1, pg_role: replica }
    pg_mode: citus                    # pgsql cluster mode: citus
    pg_shard: pg-citus                # citus shard name: pg-citus
    pg_primary_db: test               # primary database used by citus
    pg_dbsu_password: DBUser.Postgres # all dbsu password access for citus cluster
    pg_vip_enabled: true
    pg_vip_interface: eth1
    pg_extensions: [ 'citus postgis timescaledb pgvector' ]
    pg_libs: 'citus, timescaledb, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain' # citus will be added by patroni automatically
    pg_users: [ { name: test ,password: test ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [ dbrole_admin ] } ]
    pg_databases: [ { name: test ,owner: test ,extensions: [ { name: citus }, { name: postgis } ] } ]
      - { user: 'all' ,db: all  ,addr: ,auth: trust ,title: 'trust citus cluster members'        }
      - { user: 'all' ,db: all  ,addr:  ,auth: ssl   ,title: 'all user ssl access from localhost' }
      - { user: 'all' ,db: all  ,addr: intra         ,auth: ssl   ,title: 'all user ssl access from intranet'  }



pgbench -i postgres://test:test@pg-citus0/test
pgbench -nv -P1 -T1000 -c 2 postgres://test:test@pg-citus0/test

默认情况下,您对某一个 Shard 进行的变更,都只发生在这套集群上,而不会同步到其他 Shard。

如果你希望将写入分布到所有 Shard,可以使用 Citus 提供的 API 函数,将表标记为:

  • 水平分片表(自动分区,需要指定分区键)
  • 引用表(全量复制:不需要指定分区键):

从 Citus 11.2 开始,任何 Citus 数据库节点都可以扮演协调者的角色,即,任意一个主节点都可以写入:

psql -h pg-citus0 -d test -c "SELECT create_distributed_table('pgbench_accounts', 'aid'); SELECT truncate_local_data_after_distributing_table('public.pgbench_accounts');"
psql -h pg-citus0 -d test -c "SELECT create_reference_table('pgbench_branches')         ; SELECT truncate_local_data_after_distributing_table('public.pgbench_branches');"
psql -h pg-citus0 -d test -c "SELECT create_reference_table('pgbench_history')          ; SELECT truncate_local_data_after_distributing_table('public.pgbench_history');"
psql -h pg-citus0 -d test -c "SELECT create_reference_table('pgbench_tellers')          ; SELECT truncate_local_data_after_distributing_table('public.pgbench_tellers');"


psql -h pg-citus1 -d test -c '\dt+'


vagrant@meta-1:~$ psql -h pg-citus3 -d test -c 'explain select * from pgbench_accounts'
                                               QUERY PLAN
 Custom Scan (Citus Adaptive)  (cost=0.00..0.00 rows=100000 width=352)
   Task Count: 32
   Tasks Shown: One of 32
   ->  Task
         Node: host= port=5432 dbname=test
         ->  Seq Scan on pgbench_accounts_102008 pgbench_accounts  (cost=0.00..81.66 rows=3066 width=97)
(6 rows)


pgbench -nv -P1 -T1000 -c 2 postgres://test:test@pg-citus1/test
pgbench -nv -P1 -T1000 -c 2 postgres://test:test@pg-citus2/test
pgbench -nv -P1 -T1000 -c 2 postgres://test:test@pg-citus3/test
pgbench -nv -P1 -T1000 -c 2 postgres://test:test@pg-citus4/test

当某个节点出现故障时,Patroni 提供的原生高可用支持会将备用节点提升并自动顶上。

test=# select * from  pg_dist_node;
 nodeid | groupid |  nodename   | nodeport | noderack | hasmetadata | isactive | noderole | nodecluster | metadatasynced | shouldhaveshards
      1 |       0 | |     5432 | default  | t           | t        | primary  | default     | t              | f
      2 |       2 | |     5432 | default  | t           | t        | primary  | default     | t              | t
      5 |       1 | |     5432 | default  | t           | t        | primary  | default     | t              | t
      3 |       4 | |     5432 | default  | t           | t        | primary  | default     | t              | t
      4 |       3 | |     5432 | default  | t           | t        | primary  | default     | t              | t

2 - Babelfish (MSSQL)

使用 WiltonDB 与 Babelfish 创建兼容 Microsoft SQL Server 的 PostgreSQL 数据库集群!(线缆协议级仿真)

Babelfish 是一个基于 PostgreSQL 的 MSSQL(微软 SQL Server)兼容性方案,由 AWS 开源。


Pigsty 允许用户使用 Babelfish 与 WiltonDB 创建 Microsoft SQL Server 兼容的 PostgreSQL 集群!

  • Babelfish :一个由 AWS 开源的 MSSQL(微软 SQL Server) 兼容性扩展插件
  • WiltonDB: 一个专注于整合 Babelfish 的 PostgreSQL 内核发行版

Babelfish 是一个 PostgreSQL 扩展插件,但只能在一个轻微修改过的 PostgreSQL 内核 Fork 上工作,WiltonDB 在 EL/Ubuntu 系统下提供了编译后的Fork内核二进制与扩展二进制软件包。

Pigsty 可以使用 WiltonDB 替代原生的 PostgreSQL 内核,提供开箱即用的 MSSQL 兼容集群。MSSQL集群使用与管理与一套标准的 PostgreSQL 15 集群并无差异,您可以使用 Pigsty 提供的所有功能,如高可用,备份,监控等。

WiltonDB 带有包括 Babelfish 在内的若干扩展插件,但不能使用 PostgreSQL 原生的扩展插件。

MSSQL 兼容集群在启动后,除了监听 PostgreSQL 默认的端口外,还会监听 MSSQL 默认的 1433 端口,并在此端口上通过 TDS WireProtocol 提供 MSSQL 服务。 您可以用任何 MSSQL 客户端连接至 Pigsty 提供的 MSSQL 服务,如 SQL Server Management Studio,或者使用 sqlcmd 命令行工具。


WiltonDB 与原生 PostgreSQL 内核冲突,在一个节点上只能选择一个内核进行安装,使用以下命令在线安装 WiltonDB 内核。

./node.yml -t node_install -e '{"node_repo_modules":"local,mssql","node_packages":["wiltondb"]}'

请注意 WiltonDB 仅在 EL 与 Ubuntu 系统中可用,目前尚未提供 Debian 支持。

Pigsty 专业版提供了 WiltonDB 离线安装包,可以从本地软件源安装 WiltonDB。


在安装部署 MSSQL 模块时需要特别注意以下事项:

  • WiltonDB 在 EL (7/8/9) 和 Ubuntu (20.04/22.04) 中可用,在Debian系统中不可用
  • WiltonDB 目前基于 PostgreSQL 15 编译,因此需要指定 pg_version: 15
  • 在 EL 系统上,wiltondb 的二进制默认会安装至 /usr/bin/ 目录下,而在 Ubuntu 系统上则会安装至 /usr/lib/postgresql/15/bin/ 目录下,与 PostgreSQL 官方二进制文件放置位置不同。
  • WiltonDB 兼容模式下,HBA 密码认证规则需要使用 md5,而非 scram-sha-256,因此需要覆盖 Pigsty 默认的 HBA 规则集,将 SQL Server 需要的 md5 认证规则,插入到 dbrole_readonly 通配认证规则之前
  • WiltonDB 只能针对一个首要数据库启用,同时应当指定一个用户作为 Babelfish 的超级用户,以便 Babelfish 可以创建数据库和用户,默认为 mssqldbuser_myssql,如果修改,请一并修改 files/mssql.sql 中的用户。
  • WiltonDB TDS 线缆协议兼容插件 babelfishpg_tds 需要在 shared_preload_libraries 中启用
  • WiltonDB 扩展在启用后,默认监听 MSSQL 1433 端口,您可以覆盖 Pigsty 默认的服务定义,将 primaryreplica 服务的端口指向 1433 ,而不是 5432 / 6432 端口。

以下参数需要针对 MSSQL 数据库集群进行配置:

# PGSQL & MSSQL (Babelfish & Wilton)
# PG Installation
node_repo_modules: local,node,mssql # add mssql and os upstream repos
pg_mode: mssql                      # Microsoft SQL Server Compatible Mode
pg_libs: 'babelfishpg_tds, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain' # add timescaledb to shared_preload_libraries
pg_version: 15                      # The current WiltonDB major version is 15
  - wiltondb                        # install forked version of postgresql with babelfishpg support
  - patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pg_exporter pgbadger vip-manager
pg_extensions: []                   # do not install any vanilla postgresql extensions

# PG Provision
pg_default_hba_rules:               # overwrite default HBA rules for babelfish cluster
- {user: '${dbsu}'    ,db: all         ,addr: local     ,auth: ident ,title: 'dbsu access via local os user ident'  }
- {user: '${dbsu}'    ,db: replication ,addr: local     ,auth: ident ,title: 'dbsu replication from local os ident' }
- {user: '${repl}'    ,db: replication ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'replicator replication from localhost'}
- {user: '${repl}'    ,db: replication ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'replicator replication from intranet' }
- {user: '${repl}'    ,db: postgres    ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'replicator postgres db from intranet' }
- {user: '${monitor}' ,db: all         ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'monitor from localhost with password' }
- {user: '${monitor}' ,db: all         ,addr: infra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'monitor from infra host with password'}
- {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: infra     ,auth: ssl   ,title: 'admin @ infra nodes with pwd & ssl'   }
- {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: world     ,auth: ssl   ,title: 'admin @ everywhere with ssl & pwd'    }
- {user: dbuser_mssql ,db: mssql       ,addr: intra     ,auth: md5   ,title: 'allow mssql dbsu intranet access'     } # <--- use md5 auth method for mssql user
- {user: '+dbrole_readonly',db: all    ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'pgbouncer read/write via local socket'}
- {user: '+dbrole_readonly',db: all    ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'read/write biz user via password'     }
- {user: '+dbrole_offline' ,db: all    ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'allow etl offline tasks from intranet'}
pg_default_services:                # route primary & replica service to mssql port 1433
- { name: primary ,port: 5433 ,dest: 1433  ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
- { name: replica ,port: 5434 ,dest: 1433  ,check: /read-only ,selector: "[]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `primary` || pg_role == `offline` ]" }
- { name: default ,port: 5436 ,dest: postgres ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
- { name: offline ,port: 5438 ,dest: postgres ,check: /replica   ,selector: "[? pg_role == `offline` || pg_offline_query ]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `replica` && !pg_offline_query]"}

您可以定义 MSSQL 业务数据库与业务用户:

# pgsql (singleton on current node)
# this is an example single-node postgres cluster with postgis & timescaledb installed, with one biz database & two biz users
  hosts: { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } # <---- primary instance with read-write capability
    pg_cluster: pg-test
    pg_users:                           # create MSSQL superuser
      - {name: dbuser_mssql ,password: DBUser.MSSQL ,superuser: true, pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin], comment: superuser & owner for babelfish  }
    pg_primary_db: mssql                # use `mssql` as the primary sql server database
      - name: mssql
        baseline: mssql.sql             # init babelfish database & user
          - { name: uuid-ossp          }
          - { name: babelfishpg_common }
          - { name: babelfishpg_tsql   }
          - { name: babelfishpg_tds    }
          - { name: babelfishpg_money  }
          - { name: pg_hint_plan       }
          - { name: system_stats       }
          - { name: tds_fdw            }
        owner: dbuser_mssql
        parameters: { 'babelfishpg_tsql.migration_mode' : 'multi-db' }
        comment: babelfish cluster, a MSSQL compatible pg cluster


您可以使用任何 SQL Server 兼容的客户端工具来访问这个数据库集群。

Microsoft 提供了 sqlcmd 作为官方的命令行工具。

除此之外,他们还提供了一个 Go 语言版本的命令行工具 go-sqlcmd

安装 go-sqlcmd:

curl -LO https://github.com/microsoft/go-sqlcmd/releases/download/v1.4.0/sqlcmd-v1.4.0-linux-amd64.tar.bz2
tar xjvf sqlcmd-v1.4.0-linux-amd64.tar.bz2
sudo mv sqlcmd* /usr/bin/

快速上手 go-sqlcmd

$ sqlcmd -S,1433 -U dbuser_mssql -P DBUser.MSSQL
1> select @@version
2> go
Babelfish for PostgreSQL with SQL Server Compatibility - 12.0.2000.8
Oct 22 2023 17:48:32
Copyright (c) Amazon Web Services
PostgreSQL 15.4 (EL 1:15.4.wiltondb3.3_2-2.el8) on x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu (Babelfish 3.3.0)                                        

(1 row affected)

使用 Pigsty 提供的服务机制,可以使用 5433 / 5434 端口始终连接到主库/从库上的 1433 端口。

# 访问任意集群成员上的 5433 端口,指向主库上的 1433 MSSQL 端口 
sqlcmd -S,5433 -U dbuser_mssql -P DBUser.MSSQL

# 访问任意集群成员上的 5434 端口,指向任意可读库上的 1433 MSSQL 端口
sqlcmd -S,5434 -U dbuser_mssql -P DBUser.MSSQL


绝大多数 PGSQL 模块的 扩展插件(非纯 SQL 类)都无法直接在 MSSQL 模块的 WiltonDB 内核上使用,需要重新编译。

目前 WiltonDB 自带了以下扩展插件,除了 PostgreSQL Contrib 扩展,四个 BabelfishPG 核心扩展之外,还提供了 pg_hint_pantds_fdw,以及 system_stats 三个第三方扩展。

扩展名 版本 说明
dblink 1.2 connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
adminpack 2.1 administrative functions for PostgreSQL
dict_int 1.0 text search dictionary template for integers
intagg 1.1 integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
dict_xsyn 1.0 text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
amcheck 1.3 functions for verifying relation integrity
autoinc 1.0 functions for autoincrementing fields
bloom 1.0 bloom access method - signature file based index
fuzzystrmatch 1.1 determine similarities and distance between strings
intarray 1.5 functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
btree_gin 1.3 support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
btree_gist 1.7 support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
hstore 1.8 data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
hstore_plperl 1.0 transform between hstore and plperl
isn 1.2 data types for international product numbering standards
hstore_plperlu 1.0 transform between hstore and plperlu
jsonb_plperl 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperl
citext 1.6 data type for case-insensitive character strings
jsonb_plperlu 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperlu
jsonb_plpython3u 1.0 transform between jsonb and plpython3u
cube 1.5 data type for multidimensional cubes
hstore_plpython3u 1.0 transform between hstore and plpython3u
earthdistance 1.1 calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
lo 1.1 Large Object maintenance
file_fdw 1.0 foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
insert_username 1.0 functions for tracking who changed a table
ltree 1.2 data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
ltree_plpython3u 1.0 transform between ltree and plpython3u
pg_walinspect 1.0 functions to inspect contents of PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log
moddatetime 1.0 functions for tracking last modification time
old_snapshot 1.0 utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold
pgcrypto 1.3 cryptographic functions
pgrowlocks 1.2 show row-level locking information
pageinspect 1.11 inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pg_surgery 1.0 extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
seg 1.4 data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
pgstattuple 1.5 show tuple-level statistics
pg_buffercache 1.3 examine the shared buffer cache
pg_freespacemap 1.2 examine the free space map (FSM)
postgres_fdw 1.1 foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
pg_prewarm 1.2 prewarm relation data
tcn 1.0 Triggered change notifications
pg_trgm 1.6 text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
xml2 1.1 XPath querying and XSLT
refint 1.0 functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
pg_visibility 1.2 examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pg_stat_statements 1.10 track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
sslinfo 1.2 information about SSL certificates
tablefunc 1.0 functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
tsm_system_rows 1.0 TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
tsm_system_time 1.0 TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
unaccent 1.1 text search dictionary that removes accents
uuid-ossp 1.1 generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
plpgsql 1.0 PL/pgSQL procedural language
babelfishpg_money 1.1.0 babelfishpg_money
system_stats 2.0 EnterpriseDB system statistics for PostgreSQL
tds_fdw 2.0.3 Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
babelfishpg_common 3.3.3 Transact SQL Datatype Support
babelfishpg_tds 1.0.0 TDS protocol extension
pg_hint_plan 1.5.1
babelfishpg_tsql 3.3.1 Transact SQL compatibility
  • Pigsty 专业版提供离线安装 MSSQL 兼容模块的能力
  • Pigsty 专业版 提供可选的 MSSQL 兼容内核扩展移植定制服务,可以将 PGSQL 模块中可用的 扩展 移植到 MSSQL 集群中。

3 - IvorySQL (Oracle)

使用瀚高开源的 IvorySQL 内核,基于 PostgreSQL 集群实现 Oracle 语法/PLSQL 兼容性。

IvorySQL 是一个开源的,旨在基于 PG 提供 “Oracle兼容性” 的 PostgreSQL 内核分支。


IvorySQL 内核支持在 Pigsty 开源版本中提供,您的服务器需要互联网访问,直接从 IvorySQL 的官方仓库下载相关软件包。

请注意,直接将 IvorySQL 加入 Pigsty 默认软件仓库中会影响原生 PostgreSQL 内核的安装。Pigsty 专业版提供包括 IvorySQL 内核在内的离线安装解决方案。

当前 IvorySQL 的最新版本为 4.2,对应的 PostgreSQL 版本为 17.2。请注意,IvorySQL 当前仅在 EL8 / EL9 上可用。


如果您的环境有互联网访问,您可以使用以下方式,直接安装 IvorySQL

./configure -c ivroy


以下参数需要针对 IvorySQL 数据库集群进行配置:

# Ivory SQL Configuration
repo_modules: node,pgsql,infra,ivory  # 安装 IvorySQL 需要添加 ivory 上游仓库模块
repo_extra_packages: [ ivorysql ]     # 安装 IVorySQL 需要首先下载 ivorysql 软件包
pg_mode: ivory                        # 需要设置此参数,告知 Pigsty 使用 IvorySQL 兼容模式 
pg_version: 17                        # IvorySQL 4.2 默认是 PostgreSQL 17 兼容的 

# 安装 ivorysql,而不是默认的 postgresql 软件包
pg_packages: [ 'ivorysql patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pg_exporter pgbadger vip-manager' ]
pg_libs: 'liboracle_parser, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain'   # 将 liboracle_parser 加入到 pg_libs 中     

使用 Oracle 兼容性模式时,需要动态加载 liboracle_parser 扩展插件。


当前最新的 IvorySQL 4.2 等效于 PostgreSQL 17,任何兼容 PostgreSQL 线缆协议的客户端工具都可以访问 IvorySQL 集群。

最后一个支持 EL7 的 IvorySQL 版本为 3.3,对应 PostgreSQL 16.3,目前 IvorySQL 4.x 已经不再提供对 EL7 的支持了。


绝大多数 PGSQL 模块的 扩展插件 (非纯 SQL 类)都无法直接在 IvorySQL 内核上使用,如果需要使用,请针对新内核从源码重新编译安装。

目前 IvorySQL 内核自带了以下 101 个扩展插件。

name version comment
hstore_plperl 1.0 transform between hstore and plperl
plisql 1.0 PL/iSQL procedural language
hstore_plperlu 1.0 transform between hstore and plperlu
adminpack 2.1 administrative functions for PostgreSQL
insert_username 1.0 functions for tracking who changed a table
dblink 1.2 connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
dict_int 1.0 text search dictionary template for integers
amcheck 1.3 functions for verifying relation integrity
intagg 1.1 integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
autoinc 1.0 functions for autoincrementing fields
bloom 1.0 bloom access method - signature file based index
dict_xsyn 1.0 text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
btree_gin 1.3 support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
earthdistance 1.1 calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
file_fdw 1.0 foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
fuzzystrmatch 1.2 determine similarities and distance between strings
btree_gist 1.7 support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
intarray 1.5 functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
citext 1.6 data type for case-insensitive character strings
isn 1.2 data types for international product numbering standards
ivorysql_ora 1.0 Oracle Compatible extenison on Postgres Database
jsonb_plperl 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperl
cube 1.5 data type for multidimensional cubes
dummy_index_am 1.0 dummy_index_am - index access method template
dummy_seclabel 1.0 Test code for SECURITY LABEL feature
hstore 1.8 data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
jsonb_plperlu 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperlu
lo 1.1 Large Object maintenance
ltree 1.2 data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
moddatetime 1.0 functions for tracking last modification time
old_snapshot 1.0 utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold
ora_btree_gin 1.0 support for indexing oracle datatypes in GIN
pg_trgm 1.6 text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
ora_btree_gist 1.0 support for oracle indexing common datatypes in GiST
pg_visibility 1.2 examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pg_walinspect 1.1 functions to inspect contents of PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log
pgcrypto 1.3 cryptographic functions
pgstattuple 1.5 show tuple-level statistics
pageinspect 1.12 inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pgrowlocks 1.2 show row-level locking information
pg_buffercache 1.4 examine the shared buffer cache
pg_stat_statements 1.10 track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_freespacemap 1.2 examine the free space map (FSM)
plsample 1.0 PL/Sample
pg_prewarm 1.2 prewarm relation data
pg_surgery 1.0 extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
seg 1.4 data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
postgres_fdw 1.1 foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
refint 1.0 functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
test_ext_req_schema1 1.0 Required extension to be referenced
spgist_name_ops 1.0 Test opclass for SP-GiST
test_ext_req_schema2 1.0 Test schema referencing of required extensions
test_shm_mq 1.0 Test code for shared memory message queues
sslinfo 1.2 information about SSL certificates
test_slru 1.0 Test code for SLRU
tablefunc 1.0 functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
bool_plperl 1.0 transform between bool and plperl
tcn 1.0 Triggered change notifications
test_ext_req_schema3 1.0 Test schema referencing of 2 required extensions
test_bloomfilter 1.0 Test code for Bloom filter library
test_copy_callbacks 1.0 Test code for COPY callbacks
test_ginpostinglist 1.0 Test code for ginpostinglist.c
test_custom_rmgrs 1.0 Test code for custom WAL resource managers
test_integerset 1.0 Test code for integerset
test_ddl_deparse 1.0 Test code for DDL deparse feature
tsm_system_rows 1.0 TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
test_ext1 1.0 Test extension 1
tsm_system_time 1.0 TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
test_ext2 1.0 Test extension 2
unaccent 1.1 text search dictionary that removes accents
test_ext3 1.0 Test extension 3
test_ext4 1.0 Test extension 4
uuid-ossp 1.1 generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
test_ext5 1.0 Test extension 5
worker_spi 1.0 Sample background worker
test_ext6 1.0 test_ext6
test_lfind 1.0 Test code for optimized linear search functions
xml2 1.1 XPath querying and XSLT
test_ext7 1.0 Test extension 7
plpgsql 1.0 PL/pgSQL procedural language
test_ext8 1.0 Test extension 8
test_parser 1.0 example of a custom parser for full-text search
test_pg_dump 1.0 Test pg_dump with an extension
test_ext_cine 1.0 Test extension using CREATE IF NOT EXISTS
test_predtest 1.0 Test code for optimizer/util/predtest.c
test_ext_cor 1.0 Test extension using CREATE OR REPLACE
test_rbtree 1.0 Test code for red-black tree library
test_ext_cyclic1 1.0 Test extension cyclic 1
test_ext_cyclic2 1.0 Test extension cyclic 2
test_ext_extschema 1.0 test @extschema@
test_regex 1.0 Test code for backend/regex/
test_ext_evttrig 1.0 Test extension - event trigger
bool_plperlu 1.0 transform between bool and plperlu
plperl 1.0 PL/Perl procedural language
plperlu 1.0 PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
hstore_plpython3u 1.0 transform between hstore and plpython3u
jsonb_plpython3u 1.0 transform between jsonb and plpython3u
ltree_plpython3u 1.0 transform between ltree and plpython3u
plpython3u 1.0 PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
pltcl 1.0 PL/Tcl procedural language
pltclu 1.0 PL/TclU untrusted procedural language

请注意,Pigsty 不对使用 IvorySQL 内核承担任何质保责任,使用此内核遇到的任何问题与需求请联系原厂解决。

4 - PolarDB PG (RAC)

使用阿里云开源的 PolarDB for PostgreSQL 内核提供国产信创资质支持,与类似 Oracle RAC 的使用体验。


Pigsty 允许使用 PolarDB 创建带有 “国产化信创资质” 的 PostgreSQL 集群!

PolarDB for PostgreSQL 基本等效于 PostgreSQL 15,任何兼容 PostgreSQL 线缆协议的客户端工具都可以访问 PolarDB 集群。

Pigsty 的 PGSQL 仓库中提供了PolarDB PG 开源版安装包,但不会在 Pigsty 安装时下载到本地软件仓库。


如果您的环境有互联网访问,您可以使用以下方式,直接将 Pigsty PGSQL 及依赖仓库加入到节点上,

node_repo_modules: local,node,pgsql

然后在 pg_packages 中,使用 polardb 替换原生的 postgresql 软件包。


以下参数需要针对 PolarDB 数据库集群进行特殊配置:

pg_version: 15
pg_packages: [ 'polardb patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pg_exporter pgbadger vip-manager' ]
pg_extensions: [ ]                # do not install any vanilla postgresql extensions
pg_mode: polar                    # polardb compatible mode
pg_exporter_exclude_database: 'template0,template1,postgres,polardb_admin'
pg_default_roles:                 # default roles and users in postgres cluster
  - { name: dbrole_readonly  ,login: false ,comment: role for global read-only access     }
  - { name: dbrole_offline   ,login: false ,comment: role for restricted read-only access }
  - { name: dbrole_readwrite ,login: false ,roles: [dbrole_readonly] ,comment: role for global read-write access }
  - { name: dbrole_admin     ,login: false ,roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readwrite] ,comment: role for object creation }
  - { name: postgres     ,superuser: true  ,comment: system superuser }
  - { name: replicator   ,superuser: true  ,replication: true ,roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly] ,comment: system replicator } # <- superuser is required for replication
  - { name: dbuser_dba   ,superuser: true  ,roles: [dbrole_admin]  ,pgbouncer: true ,pool_mode: session, pool_connlimit: 16 ,comment: pgsql admin user }
  - { name: dbuser_monitor ,roles: [pg_monitor] ,pgbouncer: true ,parameters: {log_min_duration_statement: 1000 } ,pool_mode: session ,pool_connlimit: 8 ,comment: pgsql monitor user }

repo_packages: [ node-bootstrap, infra-package, infra-addons, node-package1, node-package2, pgsql-utility ]
repo_extra_packages: [ polardb ] # replace vanilla postgres kernel with polardb kernel

这里特别注意,PolarDB PG 要求 replicator 复制用户为 Superuser,与原生 PG 不同。


绝大多数 PGSQL 模块的 扩展插件 (非纯 SQL 类)都无法直接在 PolarDB 内核上使用,如果需要使用,请针对新内核从源码重新编译安装。

目前 PolarDB 内核自带了以下 61 个扩展插件,除去 Contrib 扩展外,提供的额外扩展包括:

  • polar_csn 1.0 : polar_csn
  • polar_monitor 1.2 : examine the polardb information
  • polar_monitor_preload 1.1 : examine the polardb information
  • polar_parameter_check 1.0 : kernel extension for parameter validation
  • polar_px 1.0 : Parallel Execution extension
  • polar_stat_env 1.0 : env stat functions for PolarDB
  • polar_stat_sql 1.3 : Kernel statistics gathering, and sql plan nodes information gathering
  • polar_tde_utils 1.0 : Internal extension for TDE
  • polar_vfs 1.0 : polar_vfs
  • polar_worker 1.0 : polar_worker
  • timetravel 1.0 : functions for implementing time travel
  • vector 0.5.1 : vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods
  • smlar 1.0 : compute similary of any one-dimensional arrays

PolarDB 可用的完整插件列表:

name version comment
hstore_plpython2u 1.0 transform between hstore and plpython2u
dict_int 1.0 text search dictionary template for integers
adminpack 2.0 administrative functions for PostgreSQL
hstore_plpython3u 1.0 transform between hstore and plpython3u
amcheck 1.1 functions for verifying relation integrity
hstore_plpythonu 1.0 transform between hstore and plpythonu
autoinc 1.0 functions for autoincrementing fields
insert_username 1.0 functions for tracking who changed a table
bloom 1.0 bloom access method - signature file based index
file_fdw 1.0 foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
dblink 1.2 connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
btree_gin 1.3 support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
fuzzystrmatch 1.1 determine similarities and distance between strings
lo 1.1 Large Object maintenance
intagg 1.1 integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
btree_gist 1.5 support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
hstore 1.5 data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
intarray 1.2 functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
citext 1.5 data type for case-insensitive character strings
cube 1.4 data type for multidimensional cubes
hstore_plperl 1.0 transform between hstore and plperl
isn 1.2 data types for international product numbering standards
jsonb_plperl 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperl
dict_xsyn 1.0 text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
hstore_plperlu 1.0 transform between hstore and plperlu
earthdistance 1.1 calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
pg_prewarm 1.2 prewarm relation data
jsonb_plperlu 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperlu
pg_stat_statements 1.6 track execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
jsonb_plpython2u 1.0 transform between jsonb and plpython2u
jsonb_plpython3u 1.0 transform between jsonb and plpython3u
jsonb_plpythonu 1.0 transform between jsonb and plpythonu
pg_trgm 1.4 text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
pgstattuple 1.5 show tuple-level statistics
ltree 1.1 data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
ltree_plpython2u 1.0 transform between ltree and plpython2u
pg_visibility 1.2 examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
ltree_plpython3u 1.0 transform between ltree and plpython3u
ltree_plpythonu 1.0 transform between ltree and plpythonu
seg 1.3 data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
moddatetime 1.0 functions for tracking last modification time
pgcrypto 1.3 cryptographic functions
pgrowlocks 1.2 show row-level locking information
pageinspect 1.7 inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pg_buffercache 1.3 examine the shared buffer cache
pg_freespacemap 1.2 examine the free space map (FSM)
tcn 1.0 Triggered change notifications
plperl 1.0 PL/Perl procedural language
uuid-ossp 1.1 generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
plperlu 1.0 PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
refint 1.0 functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
xml2 1.1 XPath querying and XSLT
plpgsql 1.0 PL/pgSQL procedural language
plpython3u 1.0 PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
pltcl 1.0 PL/Tcl procedural language
pltclu 1.0 PL/TclU untrusted procedural language
polar_csn 1.0 polar_csn
sslinfo 1.2 information about SSL certificates
polar_monitor 1.2 examine the polardb information
polar_monitor_preload 1.1 examine the polardb information
polar_parameter_check 1.0 kernel extension for parameter validation
polar_px 1.0 Parallel Execution extension
tablefunc 1.0 functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
polar_stat_env 1.0 env stat functions for PolarDB
smlar 1.0 compute similary of any one-dimensional arrays
timetravel 1.0 functions for implementing time travel
tsm_system_rows 1.0 TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
polar_stat_sql 1.3 Kernel statistics gathering, and sql plan nodes information gathering
tsm_system_time 1.0 TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
polar_tde_utils 1.0 Internal extension for TDE
polar_vfs 1.0 polar_vfs
polar_worker 1.0 polar_worker
unaccent 1.1 text search dictionary that removes accents
postgres_fdw 1.0 foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
  • Pigsty 专业版提供 PolarDB 离线安装支持,扩展插件编译支持,以及针对 PolarDB 集群进行专门适配的监控与管控支持。
  • Pigsty 与阿里云内核团队有合作,可以提供有偿内核兜底支持服务。

5 - PolarDB O(racle)

使用阿里云商业版本的 PolarDB for Oracle 内核(闭源,PG14,仅在特殊企业版定制中可用)

Pigsty 允许使用 PolarDB 创建带有 “国产化信创资质” 的 PolarDB for Oracle 集群!

根据 【安全可靠测评结果公告(2023年第1号)】,附表三、集中式数据库。PolarDB v2.0 属于自主可控,安全可靠的国产信创数据库。

PolarDB for Oracle 是基于 PolarDB for PostgreSQL 进行二次开发的 Oracle 兼容版本,两者共用同一套内核,通过 --compatibility-mode 参数进行区分。

我们与阿里云内核团队合作,提供基于 PolarDB v2.0 内核与 Pigsty v3.0 RDS 的完整数据库解决方案,请联系销售咨询,或在阿里云市场自行采购。

PolarDB for Oracle 内核目前仅在 EL 系统中可用。


目前 PolarDB 2.0 (Oracle兼容) 内核自带了以下 188 个扩展插件:

name default_version comment
cube 1.5 data type for multidimensional cubes
ip4r 2.4 NULL
adminpack 2.1 administrative functions for PostgreSQL
dict_xsyn 1.0 text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
amcheck 1.4 functions for verifying relation integrity
autoinc 1.0 functions for autoincrementing fields
hstore 1.8 data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
bloom 1.0 bloom access method - signature file based index
earthdistance 1.1 calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
hstore_plperl 1.0 transform between hstore and plperl
bool_plperl 1.0 transform between bool and plperl
file_fdw 1.0 foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
bool_plperlu 1.0 transform between bool and plperlu
fuzzystrmatch 1.1 determine similarities and distance between strings
hstore_plperlu 1.0 transform between hstore and plperlu
btree_gin 1.3 support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
hstore_plpython2u 1.0 transform between hstore and plpython2u
btree_gist 1.6 support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
hll 2.17 type for storing hyperloglog data
hstore_plpython3u 1.0 transform between hstore and plpython3u
citext 1.6 data type for case-insensitive character strings
hstore_plpythonu 1.0 transform between hstore and plpythonu
hypopg 1.3.1 Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
insert_username 1.0 functions for tracking who changed a table
dblink 1.2 connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
decoderbufs 0.1.0 Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
intagg 1.1 integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
dict_int 1.0 text search dictionary template for integers
intarray 1.5 functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
isn 1.2 data types for international product numbering standards
jsonb_plperl 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperl
jsonb_plperlu 1.0 transform between jsonb and plperlu
jsonb_plpython2u 1.0 transform between jsonb and plpython2u
jsonb_plpython3u 1.0 transform between jsonb and plpython3u
jsonb_plpythonu 1.0 transform between jsonb and plpythonu
lo 1.1 Large Object maintenance
log_fdw 1.0 foreign-data wrapper for csvlog
ltree 1.2 data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
ltree_plpython2u 1.0 transform between ltree and plpython2u
ltree_plpython3u 1.0 transform between ltree and plpython3u
ltree_plpythonu 1.0 transform between ltree and plpythonu
moddatetime 1.0 functions for tracking last modification time
old_snapshot 1.0 utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold
oracle_fdw 1.2 foreign data wrapper for Oracle access
oss_fdw 1.1 foreign-data wrapper for OSS access
pageinspect 2.1 inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pase 0.0.1 ant ai similarity search
pg_bigm 1.2 text similarity measurement and index searching based on bigrams
pg_freespacemap 1.2 examine the free space map (FSM)
pg_hint_plan 1.4 controls execution plan with hinting phrases in comment of special form
pg_buffercache 1.5 examine the shared buffer cache
pg_prewarm 1.2 prewarm relation data
pg_repack 1.4.8-1 Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pg_sphere 1.0 spherical objects with useful functions, operators and index support
pg_cron 1.5 Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pg_jieba 1.1.0 a parser for full-text search of Chinese
pg_stat_kcache 2.2.1 Kernel statistics gathering
pg_stat_statements 1.9 track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_surgery 1.0 extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
pg_trgm 1.6 text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
pg_visibility 1.2 examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pg_wait_sampling 1.1 sampling based statistics of wait events
pgaudit 1.6.2 provides auditing functionality
pgcrypto 1.3 cryptographic functions
pgrowlocks 1.2 show row-level locking information
pgstattuple 1.5 show tuple-level statistics
pgtap 1.2.0 Unit testing for PostgreSQL
pldbgapi 1.1 server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
plperl 1.0 PL/Perl procedural language
plperlu 1.0 PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
plpgsql 1.0 PL/pgSQL procedural language
plpython2u 1.0 PL/Python2U untrusted procedural language
plpythonu 1.0 PL/PythonU untrusted procedural language
plsql 1.0 Oracle compatible PL/SQL procedural language
pltcl 1.0 PL/Tcl procedural language
pltclu 1.0 PL/TclU untrusted procedural language
polar_bfile 1.0 The BFILE data type enables access to binary file LOBs that are stored in file systems outside Database
polar_bpe 1.0 polar_bpe
polar_builtin_cast 1.1 Internal extension for builtin casts
polar_builtin_funcs 2.0 implement polar builtin functions
polar_builtin_type 1.5 polar_builtin_type for PolarDB
polar_builtin_view 1.5 polar_builtin_view
polar_catalog 1.2 polardb pg extend catalog
polar_channel 1.0 polar_channel
polar_constraint 1.0 polar_constraint
polar_csn 1.0 polar_csn
polar_dba_views 1.0 polar_dba_views
polar_dbms_alert 1.2 implement polar_dbms_alert - supports asynchronous notification of database events.
polar_dbms_application_info 1.0 implement polar_dbms_application_info - record names of executing modules or transactions in the database.
polar_dbms_pipe 1.1 implements polar_dbms_pipe - package lets two or more sessions in the same instance communicate.
polar_dbms_aq 1.2 implement dbms_aq - provides an interface to Advanced Queuing.
polar_dbms_lob 1.3 implement dbms_lob - provides subprograms to operate on BLOBs, CLOBs, and NCLOBs.
polar_dbms_output 1.2 implement polar_dbms_output - enables you to send messages from stored procedures.
polar_dbms_lock 1.0 implement polar_dbms_lock - provides an interface to Oracle Lock Management services.
polar_dbms_aqadm 1.3 polar_dbms_aqadm - procedures to manage Advanced Queuing configuration and administration information.
polar_dbms_assert 1.0 implement polar_dbms_assert - provide an interface to validate properties of the input value.
polar_dbms_metadata 1.0 implement polar_dbms_metadata - provides a way for you to retrieve metadata from the database dictionary.
polar_dbms_random 1.0 implement polar_dbms_random - a built-in random number generator, not intended for cryptography
polar_dbms_crypto 1.1 implement dbms_crypto - provides an interface to encrypt and decrypt stored data.
polar_dbms_redact 1.0 implement polar_dbms_redact - provides an interface to mask data from queries by an application.
polar_dbms_debug 1.1 server-side support for debugging PL/SQL functions
polar_dbms_job 1.0 polar_dbms_job
polar_dbms_mview 1.1 implement polar_dbms_mview - enables to refresh materialized views.
polar_dbms_job_preload 1.0 polar_dbms_job_preload
polar_dbms_obfuscation_toolkit 1.1 implement polar_dbms_obfuscation_toolkit - enables an application to get data md5.
polar_dbms_rls 1.1 implement polar_dbms_rls - a fine-grained access control administrative built-in package
polar_multi_toast_utils 1.0 polar_multi_toast_utils
polar_dbms_session 1.2 implement polar_dbms_session - support to set preferences and security levels.
polar_odciconst 1.0 implement ODCIConst - Provide some built-in constants in Oracle.
polar_dbms_sql 1.2 implement polar_dbms_sql - provides an interface to execute dynamic SQL.
polar_osfs_toolkit 1.0 osfs library tools and functions extension
polar_dbms_stats 14.0 stabilize plans by fixing statistics
polar_monitor 1.5 monitor functions for PolarDB
polar_osfs_utils 1.0 osfs library utils extension
polar_dbms_utility 1.3 implement polar_dbms_utility - provides various utility subprograms.
polar_parameter_check 1.0 kernel extension for parameter validation
polar_dbms_xmldom 1.0 implement dbms_xmldom and dbms_xmlparser - support standard DOM interface and xml parser object
polar_parameter_manager 1.1 Extension to select parameters for manger.
polar_faults 1.0.0 simulate some database faults for end user or testing system.
polar_monitor_preload 1.1 examine the polardb information
polar_proxy_utils 1.0 Extension to provide operations about proxy.
polar_feature_utils 1.2 PolarDB feature utilization
polar_global_awr 1.0 PolarDB Global AWR Report
polar_publication 1.0 support polardb pg logical replication
polar_global_cache 1.0 polar_global_cache
polar_px 1.0 Parallel Execution extension
polar_serverless 1.0 polar serverless extension
polar_resource_manager 1.0 a background process that forcibly frees user session process memory
polar_sys_context 1.1 implement polar_sys_context - returns the value of parameter associated with the context namespace at the current instant.
polar_gpc 1.3 polar_gpc
polar_tde_utils 1.0 Internal extension for TDE
polar_gtt 1.1 polar_gtt
polar_utl_encode 1.2 implement polar_utl_encode - provides functions that encode RAW data into a standard encoded format
polar_htap 1.1 extension for PolarDB HTAP
polar_htap_db 1.0 extension for PolarDB HTAP database level operation
polar_io_stat 1.0 polar io stat in multi dimension
polar_utl_file 1.0 implement utl_file - support PL/SQL programs can read and write operating system text files
polar_ivm 1.0 polar_ivm
polar_sql_mapping 1.2 Record error sqls and mapping them to correct one
polar_stat_sql 1.0 Kernel statistics gathering, and sql plan nodes information gathering
tds_fdw 2.0.2 Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
xml2 1.1 XPath querying and XSLT
polar_upgrade_catalogs 1.1 Upgrade catalogs for old version instance
polar_utl_i18n 1.1 polar_utl_i18n
polar_utl_raw 1.0 implement utl_raw - provides SQL functions for manipulating RAW datatypes.
timescaledb 2.9.2 Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data
polar_vfs 1.0 polar virtual file system for different storage
polar_worker 1.0 polar_worker
postgres_fdw 1.1 foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
refint 1.0 functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
roaringbitmap 0.5 support for Roaring Bitmaps
tsm_system_time 1.0 TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
vector 0.5.0 vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods
rum 1.3 RUM index access method
unaccent 1.1 text search dictionary that removes accents
seg 1.4 data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
sequential_uuids 1.0.2 generator of sequential UUIDs
uuid-ossp 1.1 generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
smlar 1.0 compute similary of any one-dimensional arrays
varbitx 1.1 varbit functions pack
sslinfo 1.2 information about SSL certificates
tablefunc 1.0 functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
tcn 1.0 Triggered change notifications
zhparser 1.0 a parser for full-text search of Chinese
address_standardizer 3.3.2 Ganos PostGIS address standardizer
address_standardizer_data_us 3.3.2 Ganos PostGIS address standardizer data us
ganos_fdw 6.0 Ganos Spatial FDW extension for POLARDB
ganos_geometry 6.0 Ganos geometry lite extension for POLARDB
ganos_geometry_pyramid 6.0 Ganos Geometry Pyramid extension for POLARDB
ganos_geometry_sfcgal 6.0 Ganos geometry lite sfcgal extension for POLARDB
ganos_geomgrid 6.0 Ganos geometry grid extension for POLARDB
ganos_importer 6.0 Ganos Spatial importer extension for POLARDB
ganos_networking 6.0 Ganos networking
ganos_pointcloud 6.0 Ganos pointcloud extension For POLARDB
ganos_pointcloud_geometry 6.0 Ganos_pointcloud LIDAR data and ganos_geometry data for POLARDB
ganos_raster 6.0 Ganos raster extension for POLARDB
ganos_scene 6.0 Ganos scene extension for POLARDB
ganos_sfmesh 6.0 Ganos surface mesh extension for POLARDB
ganos_spatialref 6.0 Ganos spatial reference extension for POLARDB
ganos_trajectory 6.0 Ganos trajectory extension for POLARDB
ganos_vomesh 6.0 Ganos volumn mesh extension for POLARDB
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.3.2 Ganos PostGIS tiger geocoder
postgis_topology 3.3.2 Ganos PostGIS topology

6 - PostgresML (AI/ML)

如何使用 Pigsty 拉起 PostgresML,在数据库内进行机器学习,模型训练、推理与 Embedding,RAG。

PostgresML is an PostgreSQL extension with the support for latest LLMs, vector operations, classical Machine Learning and good old Postgres application workloads.

PostgresML (pgml) is a PostgreSQL extension written in Rust. You can run standalone docker images, but this is not a docker-compose template introduction, this file is for documentation purpose only.

PostgresML is officially supported on Ubuntu 22.04, but we also maintain an RPM version for EL 8/9, if you don’t need CUDA & NVIDIA stuff.

You’ll need the Internet access on the database nodes to download python dependencies from PyPI and models from HuggingFace.


PostgresML is a RUST extension with official Ubuntu support. Pigsty maintains an RPM version for PostgresML on EL8 and EL9.

Launch new Cluster

PostgresML 2.10.0 is available for PostgreSQL 15 on Ubuntu 22.04 (Official), Debian 12 and EL 8/9 (Pigsty). To enable pgml, you have to install the extension first:

  hosts: { { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary } }
    pg_cluster: pg-meta
      - {name: dbuser_meta     ,password: DBUser.Meta     ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_admin]    ,comment: pigsty admin user }
      - {name: dbuser_view     ,password: DBUser.Viewer   ,pgbouncer: true ,roles: [dbrole_readonly] ,comment: read-only viewer for meta database }
      - { name: meta ,baseline: cmdb.sql ,comment: pigsty meta database ,schemas: [pigsty] ,extensions: [{name: postgis, schema: public}, {name: timescaledb}]}
      - {user: dbuser_view , db: all ,addr: infra ,auth: pwd ,title: 'allow grafana dashboard access cmdb from infra nodes'}
    pg_libs: 'pgml, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain'
    pg_extensions: [ 'pgml_15 pgvector_15 wal2json_15 repack_15' ]  # ubuntu
    #pg_extensions: [ 'postgresql-pgml-15 postgresql-15-pgvector postgresql-15-wal2json postgresql-15-repack' ]  # ubuntu

In EL 8/9, the extension name is pgml_15, corresponding name in ubuntu/debian is postgresql-pgml-15. and add pgml to pg_libs.

Enable on Existing Cluster

To enable pgml on existing cluster, install with ansible package module:

ansible pg-meta -m package -b -a 'name=pgml_15'
# ansible el8,el9 -m package -b -a 'name=pgml_15'           # EL 8/9
# ansible u22 -m package -b -a 'name=postgresql-pgml-15'    # Ubuntu 22.04 jammy

Python Dependencies

You also have to install python dependencies for PostgresML on cluster nodes. Official tutorial: installation

Install Python & PIP

Make sure python3, pip and venv is installed:

# ubuntu 22.04 (python3.10), you have to install pip & venv with apt
sudo apt install -y python3 python3-pip python3-venv   

For EL 8 / EL9 and compatible distros, you can use python3.11

# el 8/9, you can upgrade default pip & virtualenv if applicable
sudo yum install -y python3.11 python3.11-pip       # install latest python3.11
python3.11 -m pip install --upgrade pip virtualenv  # use python3.11 on el8 / el9
Using pypi mirrors

For mainland China user, consider using the tsinghua pypi mirror.

pip config set global.index-url https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple    # setup global mirror (recommended)
pip install -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple some-package        # one-time install

Install Requirements

Create a python virtualenv and install requirements from requirements.txt and requirements-xformers.txt with pip.

If you are using EL 8/9, you have to replace the python3 with python3.11 in the following commands.

su - postgres;                          # create venv with dbsu
mkdir -p /data/pgml; cd /data/pgml;     # make a venv directory
python3    -m venv /data/pgml           # create virtualenv dir (ubuntu 22.04)
source /data/pgml/bin/activate          # activate virtual env

# write down python dependencies and install with pip
cat > /data/pgml/requirments.txt <<EOF

# install requirements with pip inside virtualenv
python3 -m pip install -r /data/pgml/requirments.txt
python3 -m pip install xformers==0.0.21 --no-dependencies

# besides, 3 python packages need to be installed globally with sudo!
sudo python3 -m pip install xgboost lightgbm scikit-learn

Enable PostgresML

After installing the pgml extension and python dependencies on all cluster nodes, you can enable pgml on the PostgreSQL cluster.

Configure cluster with patronictl command and add pgml to shared_preload_libraries, and specify your venv dir in pgml.venv:

shared_preload_libraries: pgml, timescaledb, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain
pgml.venv: '/data/pgml'

After that, restart database cluster, and create extension with SQL command:

CREATE EXTENSION vector;        -- nice to have pgvector installed too!
CREATE EXTENSION pgml;          -- create PostgresML in current database
SELECT pgml.version();          -- print PostgresML version string

If it works, you should see something like:

# create extension pgml;
INFO:  Python version: 3.11.2 (main, Oct  5 2023, 16:06:03) [GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-18)]
INFO:  Scikit-learn 1.3.0, XGBoost 2.0.0, LightGBM 4.1.0, NumPy 1.26.1

# SELECT pgml.version(); -- print PostgresML version string

You are all set! Check PostgresML for more details: https://postgresml.org/docs/guides/use-cases/

7 - Supabase (Firebase)


Supabase —— Build in a weekend, Scale to millions

Supabase 是一个开源的 Firebase 替代,对 PostgreSQL 进行了封装,并提供了认证,开箱即用的 API,边缘函数,实时订阅,对象存储,向量嵌入能力。 这是一个低代码的一站式后端平台,能让你几乎告别大部分后端开发的工作,只需要懂数据库设计与前端即可快速出活!

Supabase 的口号是:“花个周末写写,随便扩容至百万”。诚然,在小微规模(4c8g)内的 Supabase 极有性价比,堪称赛博菩萨。 —— 但当你真的增长到百万用户时 —— 确实应该认真考虑托管自建 Supabase 了 —— 无论是出于功能,性能,还是成本上的考虑。

Pigsty 为您提供完整的 Supabase 一键自建方案。自建的 Supabase 可以享受完整的 PostgreSQL 监控,IaC,PITR 与高可用, 而且相比 Supabase 云服务,提供了多达 404 个开箱即用的 PostgreSQL 扩展,并能够更充分地利用现代硬件的性能与成本优势。



Pigsty 默认提供的 supa.yml 配置模板定义了一套单节点 Supabase。

首先,使用 Pigsty 标准安装流程 安装 Supabase 所需的 MinIO 与 PostgreSQL 实例:

curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.cc/get | bash; && cd ~/pigsty
./bootstrap               # 准备 Pigsty 依赖
./configure -c app/supa   # 使用 Supabase 应用模板
./install.yml             # 安装 Pigsty,以及各种数据库

请在部署 Supabase 前,根据您的实际情况,修改 pigsty.yml 配置文件中关于 Supabase 的参数(主要是密码!)

然后,运行 docker.yml 完成剩余的工作,拉起 Supabase 容器

./docker.yml         # 安装 Docker 与 Docker Compose
./app.yml           # 使用 Docker Compose 拉起 Supabase 无状态部分!

中国区域用户注意,请您配置合适的 Docker 镜像站点或代理服务器绕过 GFW 以拉取 DockerHub 镜像。

对于 专业订阅 ,我们提供在没有互联网访问的情况下,离线安装 Pigsty 与 Supabase 的能力。

Pigsty 默认通过管理节点/INFRA节点上的 Nginx 对外暴露 Web 服务,您可以在本地添加 supa.pigsty 的 DNS 解析指向该节点, 然后通过浏览器访问 https://supa.pigsty 即可进入 Supabase Studio 管理界面。

默认用户名与密码:supabase / pigsty



Pigsty 以 Supabase 提供的 Docker Compose 模板为蓝本,提取了其中的无状态部分,由 Docker Compose 负责处理。而有状态的数据库和对象存储容器则替换为外部由 Pigsty 托管的 PostgreSQL 集群与 MinIO 服务。

Supabase: 使用 Docker 自建

经过改造后,Supabase 本体是无状态的,因此您可以随意运行,停止,甚至在同一套 PGSQL/MINIO 上同时运行多个无状态 Supabase 容器以实现扩容。

Pigsty 默认使用本机上的单机 PostgreSQL 实例作为 Supabase 的核心后端数据库。对于严肃的生产部署,我们建议使用 Pigsty 部署一套至少由三节点的 PG 高可用集群。或至少使用外部对象存储作为 PITR 备份仓库,提供兜底。

Pigsty 默认使用本机上的 SNSD MinIO 服务作为文件存储。对于严肃的生产环境部署,您可以使用外部的 S3 兼容对象存储服务,或者使用其他由 Pigsty 独立部署的 多机多盘 MinIO 集群。


自建 Supabase 时,包含 Docker Compose 所需资源的目录 app/supabase 会被整个拷贝到目标节点(默认为 supabase 分组)上的 /opt/supabase,并使用 docker compose up -d 在后台拉起。

所有配置参数都定义在 .env 文件与 docker-compose.yml 模板中。 但您通常不需要直接修改这两个模板,你可以在 supa_config 中指定 .env 中的参数,这些配置会自动覆盖或追加到最终的 /opt/supabase/.env 核心配置文件中。

这里最关键的参数是 jwt_secret,以及对应的 anon_keyservice_role_key。对于严肃的生产使用,请您务必参考Supabase自建手册中的说明与工具设置

如果您希望使用域名对外提供服务,您可以在 site_urlapi_external_url,以及 supabase_public_url 中指定您的域名(从外部访问 Supabase 服务使用的域名)。如果这几个域名配置错误,可能导致 Supabase Studio 的部分管理能力(比如对象存储管理)无法正常工作。

Pigsty 默认使用本机 MinIO,如果您希望使用 S3 或 MinIO 作为文件存储,您需要配置 s3_buckets3_endpoints3_access_keys3_secret_key 等参数。

通常来说,您还需要使用一个外部的 SMTP 服务来发送邮件,邮件服务不建议自建,请考虑使用成熟的第三方服务,如 Mailchimp,Aliyun 邮件推送等。

对于中国大陆用户来说,我们建议您配置 docker_registry_mirrors 镜像站点,或使用 proxy_env 指定可用的代理服务器翻墙,否则从 DockerHub 上拉取镜像可能会失败或极为缓慢!


    # the supabase stateless (default username & password: supabase/pigsty)
      hosts: {}
        app: supabase # specify app name (supa) to be installed (in the apps)
        apps:         # define all applications
          supabase:   # the definition of supabase app
            conf:     # override /opt/supabase/.env
              # https://supabase.com/docs/guides/self-hosting/docker#securing-your-services
              JWT_SECRET: your-super-secret-jwt-token-with-at-least-32-characters-long
              ANON_KEY: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyAgCiAgICAicm9sZSI6ICJhbm9uIiwKICAgICJpc3MiOiAic3VwYWJhc2UtZGVtbyIsCiAgICAiaWF0IjogMTY0MTc2OTIwMCwKICAgICJleHAiOiAxNzk5NTM1NjAwCn0.dc_X5iR_VP_qT0zsiyj_I_OZ2T9FtRU2BBNWN8Bu4GE
              SERVICE_ROLE_KEY: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyAgCiAgICAicm9sZSI6ICJzZXJ2aWNlX3JvbGUiLAogICAgImlzcyI6ICJzdXBhYmFzZS1kZW1vIiwKICAgICJpYXQiOiAxNjQxNzY5MjAwLAogICAgImV4cCI6IDE3OTk1MzU2MDAKfQ.DaYlNEoUrrEn2Ig7tqibS-PHK5vgusbcbo7X36XVt4Q
              DASHBOARD_USERNAME: supabase
              DASHBOARD_PASSWORD: pigsty

              # postgres connection string (use the correct ip and port)
              POSTGRES_PORT: 5436             # access via the 'default' service, which always route to the primary postgres
              POSTGRES_DB: postgres
              POSTGRES_PASSWORD: DBUser.Supa  # password for supabase_admin and multiple supabase users

              # expose supabase via domain name
              SITE_URL: http://supa.pigsty                # <------- Change This to your external domain name
              API_EXTERNAL_URL: http://supa.pigsty        # <------- Otherwise the storage api may not work!
              SUPABASE_PUBLIC_URL: http://supa.pigsty     # <------- Do not forget!

              # if using s3/minio as file storage
              S3_BUCKET: supa
              S3_ENDPOINT: https://sss.pigsty:9000
              S3_ACCESS_KEY: supabase
              S3_SECRET_KEY: S3User.Supabase
              S3_FORCE_PATH_STYLE: true
              S3_PROTOCOL: https
              S3_REGION: stub
              MINIO_DOMAIN_IP:  # sss.pigsty domain name will resolve to this ip statically

              # if using SMTP (optional)
              #SMTP_ADMIN_EMAIL: admin@example.com
              #SMTP_HOST: supabase-mail
              #SMTP_PORT: 2500
              #SMTP_USER: fake_mail_user
              #SMTP_PASS: fake_mail_password
              #SMTP_SENDER_NAME: fake_sender
              #ENABLE_ANONYMOUS_USERS: false

8 - Greenplum (MPP)

使用 Pigsty 部署/监控 Greenplum 集群,构建大规模并行处理(MPP)的 PostgreSQL 数据仓库集群!

Pigsty 支持部署 Greenplum 集群,及其衍生发行版 YMatrixDB,并提供了将现有 Greenplum 部署纳入 Pigsty 监控的能力。


Greenplum / YMatrix 集群部署能力仅在专业版本/企业版本中提供,目前不对外开源。


Pigsty 提供了 Greenplum 6 (@el7) 与 Greenplum 7 (@el8) 的安装包,开源版本用户可以自行安装配置。

# EL 7 Only (Greenplum6)
./node.yml -t node_install  -e '{"node_repo_modules":"pgsql","node_packages":["open-source-greenplum-db-6"]}'

# EL 8 Only (Greenplum7)
./node.yml -t node_install  -e '{"node_repo_modules":"pgsql","node_packages":["open-source-greenplum-db-7"]}'


要定义 Greenplum 集群,需要用到 pg_mode = gpsql,并使用额外的身份参数 pg_shardgp_role

#                        GPSQL Clusters                          #

# cluster: mx-mdw (gp master)
  hosts: { pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary , nodename: mx-mdw-1 }
    gp_role: master          # this cluster is used as greenplum master
    pg_shard: mx             # pgsql sharding name & gpsql deployment name
    pg_cluster: mx-mdw       # this master cluster name is mx-mdw
      - { name: matrixmgr , extensions: [ { name: matrixdbts } ] }
      - { name: meta }
      - { name: meta , password: DBUser.Meta , pgbouncer: true }
      - { name: dbuser_monitor , password: DBUser.Monitor , roles: [ dbrole_readonly ], superuser: true }

    pgbouncer_enabled: true                # enable pgbouncer for greenplum master
    pgbouncer_exporter_enabled: false      # enable pgbouncer_exporter for greenplum master
    pg_exporter_params: 'host='  # use as local monitor host

# cluster: mx-sdw (gp master)
      nodename: mx-sdw-1        # greenplum segment node
      pg_instances:             # greenplum segment instances
        6000: { pg_cluster: mx-seg1, pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary , pg_exporter_port: 9633 }
        6001: { pg_cluster: mx-seg2, pg_seq: 2, pg_role: replica , pg_exporter_port: 9634 }
      nodename: mx-sdw-2
        6000: { pg_cluster: mx-seg2, pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary , pg_exporter_port: 9633  }
        6001: { pg_cluster: mx-seg3, pg_seq: 2, pg_role: replica , pg_exporter_port: 9634  }
      nodename: mx-sdw-3
        6000: { pg_cluster: mx-seg3, pg_seq: 1, pg_role: primary , pg_exporter_port: 9633 }
        6001: { pg_cluster: mx-seg1, pg_seq: 2, pg_role: replica , pg_exporter_port: 9634 }
    gp_role: segment               # these are nodes for gp segments
    pg_shard: mx                   # pgsql sharding name & gpsql deployment name
    pg_cluster: mx-sdw             # these segment clusters name is mx-sdw
    pg_preflight_skip: true        # skip preflight check (since pg_seq & pg_role & pg_cluster not exists)
    pg_exporter_config: pg_exporter_basic.yml                             # use basic config to avoid segment server crash
    pg_exporter_params: 'options=-c%20gp_role%3Dutility&sslmode=disable'  # use gp_role = utility to connect to segments

此外,PG Exporter 需要额外的连接参数,才能连接到 Greenplum Segment 实例上采集监控指标。

9 - Cloudberry (MPP)

使用 Pigsty 部署/监控 Cloudberry 集群,一个由 Greenplum 分叉而来的 MPP 数据仓库集群!


Pigsty 提供了 Greenplum 6 (@el7) 与 Greenplum 7 (@el8) 的安装包,开源版本用户可以自行安装配置。

# EL 7 Only (Greenplum6)
./node.yml -t node_install  -e '{"node_repo_modules":"pgsql","node_packages":["cloudberrydb"]}'

# EL 8 Only (Greenplum7)
./node.yml -t node_install  -e '{"node_repo_modules":"pgsql","node_packages":["cloudberrydb"]}'

10 - Neon (Serverless)

使用 Neon 开源的 Serverless 版本 PostgreSQL 内核,自建灵活伸缩,Scale To Zero,灵活分叉的PG服务。

Neon 采用了存储与计算分离架构,提供了丝滑的自动扩缩容,Scale to Zero,以及数据库版本分叉等独家能力。

Neon 官网:https://neon.tech/

Neon 编译后的二进制产物过于庞大,目前不对开源版用户提供,目前处于试点阶段,有需求请联系 Pigsty 销售。