pig 是一个开源的 PostgreSQL(与扩展)包管理器,在 主流Linux (amd64
/ arm64
) 发行版上可用。
可以屏蔽 PG 安装的复杂度,利用OS原生包管理器一键安装 PostgreSQL 13-17 以及 404 个 PG生态扩展插件。
使用以下命令安装 pig
curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.io/pig | bash # 全球 CDN
curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.cc/pig | bash # 中国 CDN
然后 pig
命令遍会在你的系统中可用。假设你想要安装 PostgreSQL 17 ,以及 pg_duckdb
$ pig repo add pigsty pgdg -u # 添加 pgdg & pigsty 仓库,然后更新仓库缓存
$ pig ext install pg17 # 从 PGDG 安装 PostgreSQL 17 原生内核包
$ pig ext install pg_duckdb # (为当前默认PG17)安装 pg_duckdb 扩展插件
是的,一切都已经准备就绪。 pig
能干的事情远不止这些,你可以看看高级用法的说明,以及完整可用的 400+ 扩展列表。
The pig
util is a standalone go binary with no dependencies. You can install with the script:
curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.io/pig | bash # cloudflare default
curl -fsSL https://repo.pigsty.cc/pig | bash # mainland china mirror
Or just download and extract the binary, or use the apt/dnf
package manager:
For Ubuntu 22.04 / 24.04 & Debian 12 or any compatible platforms:
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pigsty.list > /dev/null <<EOF
deb [trusted=yes] https://repo.pigsty.io/apt/infra generic main
sudo apt update; sudo apt install -y pig
For EL 8/9 and compatible platforms:
sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/pigsty.repo > /dev/null <<-'EOF'
name=Pigsty Infra for $basearch
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 0
sudo yum makecache; sudo yum install -y pig
For mainland china user: consider replace the
has self update feature, you can update pig itself to the latest version with:
pig update
Or if you only want to update the extension catalog, you can fetch the latest catalog with:
pig ext upgrade
有没有想过,安装或升级 PostgreSQL 扩展时,不再需要翻阅过时的 README、晦涩的 configure 脚本,或者随便找的 GitHub 分支和补丁?痛苦的现实是,Postgres 强大的扩展性往往意味着复杂的设置,尤其是在你需要兼顾多个发行版或 CPU 架构时。
这时,Pig 就应运而生了。Pig 是一个基于 Go 的包管理器,旨在一举解决 Postgres 及其超过 400 个扩展的问题。无论是 TimescaleDB、Citus、PGVector,还是 20 多个 Rust 扩展,甚至是自托管 Supabase 所需的所有工具 —— Pig 的统一命令行界面让这些都触手可及。 它去除了混乱的源代码编译和半成品的仓库,提供与 Debian、Ubuntu、RedHat 系列以及 x86 和 ARM 架构完美兼容的、版本对齐的 RPM/DEB 包。无需猜测,也无需麻烦。
Pig 并不是重新发明轮子,而是利用你系统原生的包管理器(APT、YUM、DNF),并遵循官方 PGDG 包装规范,确保无缝对接。这意味着你不必在“正确的方式”和“快速的方式”之间做选择;Pig 尊重你现有的仓库,符合操作系统的最佳实践,并且与其他你已经使用的包完美兼容。
准备好在没有繁琐操作的情况下为你的 Postgres 增加超级能力吗?查看 GitHub 了解文档、安装步骤,并一睹其庞大的扩展列表。然后,看看你的本地 Postgres 实例如何变成一个充满专业模块的强大工具 —— 无需黑魔法。如果 Postgres 的未来是不可阻挡的可扩展性,那么 Pig 就是帮助你解锁这一未来的神灯。说实话,没人抱怨自己拥有太多扩展。
pig - the Linux Package Manager for PostgreSQL and CLI tool for Pigsty
pig [command]
# get started: check https://github.com/pgsty/pig for details
pig repo add -ru # overwrite existing repo & update cache
pig ext add pg17 # install optional postgresql 17 package
pig ext add pg_duckdb # install certain postgresql extension
pig repo : add rm update list info status create boot cache
pig ext : add rm update list info status import link build
pig sty : init boot conf install get list
PostgreSQL Extension Manager
ext Manage PostgreSQL Extensions (pgext)
repo Manage Linux Software Repo (apt/dnf)
Pigsty Management Commands
sty Manage Pigsty Installation
Additional Commands:
build Build Postgres Extension
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
status Show Environment Status
update Upgrade pig itself
version Show pig version info
--debug enable debug mode
-h, --help help for pig
-i, --inventory string config inventory path
--log-level string log level: debug, info, warn, error, fatal, panic (default "info")
--log-path string log file path, terminal by default
-t, --toggle Help message for toggle
Use "pig [command] --help" for more information about a command.
pig status # show os & pg & pig status
pig repo status # show upstream repo status
pig ext status # show pg extensions status
pig ext list [query] # list & search extension
pig ext info [ext...] # get information of a specific extension
pig ext status [-v] # show installed extension and pg status
pig ext add [ext...] # install extension for current pg version
pig ext rm [ext...] # remove extension for current pg version
pig ext update [ext...] # update extension to the latest version
pig ext import [ext...] # download extension to local repo
pig ext link [ext...] # link postgres installation to path
pig ext upgrade # fetch the latest extension catalog
pig repo list # available repo list
pig repo info [repo|module...] # show repo info
pig repo status # show current repo status
pig repo add [repo|module...] # add repo and modules
pig repo rm [repo|module...] # remove repo & modules
pig repo update # update repo pkg cache
pig repo create # create repo on current system
pig repo boot # boot repo from offline package
pig repo cache # cache repo as offline package
The pig can also be used as a cli tool for Pigsty - the battery-include free PostgreSQL RDS. Which brings HA, PITR, Monitoring, IaC, and all the extensions to your PostgreSQL cluster.
pig sty init # install embed pigsty to ~/pigsty
pig sty boot # install ansible and other pre-deps
pig sty conf # auto-generate pigsty.yml config file
pig sty install # run the install.yml playbook
You can use the pig sty
subcommand to bootstrap pigsty on current node.
pig repo list # available repo list
pig repo info [repo|module...] # show repo info
pig repo status # show current repo status
pig repo add [repo|module...] # add repo and modules
pig repo rm [repo|module...] # remove repo & modules
pig repo update # update repo pkg cache
pig repo create # create repo on current system
pig repo boot # boot repo from offline package
pig repo cache # cache repo as offline package
Radical Repo Admin
The default pig repo add pigsty pgdg
will add the PGDG
repo and PIGSTY
repo to your system.
While the following command will backup & wipe your existing repo and add all require repo to your system.
pig repo add all --ru # This will OVERWRITE all existing repo with node,pgdg,pigsty repo
There’s a brutal version of repo add: repo set
, which will overwrite you existing repo (-r
) by default.
And you can recover you old repos at /etc/apt/backup
or /etc/yum.repos.d/backup
You can list all available repo / module (repo collection) with pig repo list
$ pig repo list
os_environment: {code: el8, arch: amd64, type: rpm, major: 8}
repo_upstream: # Available Repo: 32
- { name: pigsty-local ,description: 'Pigsty Local' ,module: local ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'file:///www/pigsty' }
- { name: pigsty-infra ,description: 'Pigsty INFRA' ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://repo.pigsty.io/yum/infra/$basearch' }
- { name: pigsty-pgsql ,description: 'Pigsty PGSQL' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://repo.pigsty.io/yum/pgsql/el$releasever.$basearch' }
- { name: nginx ,description: 'Nginx Repo' ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://nginx.org/packages/rhel/$releasever/$basearch/' }
- { name: baseos ,description: 'EL 8+ BaseOS' ,module: node ,releases: [8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/' }
- { name: appstream ,description: 'EL 8+ AppStream' ,module: node ,releases: [8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/' }
- { name: extras ,description: 'EL 8+ Extras' ,module: node ,releases: [8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/' }
- { name: powertools ,description: 'EL 8 PowerTools' ,module: node ,releases: [8] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://dl.rockylinux.org/pub/rocky/$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/' }
- { name: epel ,description: 'EL 8+ EPEL' ,module: node ,releases: [8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'http://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/$releasever/Everything/$basearch/' }
- { name: pgdg-common ,description: 'PostgreSQL Common' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/common/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg-el8fix ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL8FIX' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [8] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/common/pgdg-centos8-sysupdates/redhat/rhel-8-x86_64/' }
- { name: pgdg13 ,description: 'PostgreSQL 13' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/13/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg14 ,description: 'PostgreSQL 14' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/14/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg15 ,description: 'PostgreSQL 15' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/15/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg16 ,description: 'PostgreSQL 16' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/16/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg17 ,description: 'PostgreSQL 17' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/17/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg-extras ,description: 'PostgreSQL Extra' ,module: extra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/common/pgdg-rhel$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg13-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 13+' ,module: extra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/non-free/13/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg14-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 14+' ,module: extra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/non-free/14/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg15-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 15+' ,module: extra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/non-free/15/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg16-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 16+' ,module: extra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/non-free/16/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: pgdg17-nonfree ,description: 'PostgreSQL 17+' ,module: extra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/non-free/17/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }
- { name: timescaledb ,description: 'TimescaleDB' ,module: extra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://packagecloud.io/timescale/timescaledb/el/$releasever/$basearch' }
- { name: wiltondb ,description: 'WiltonDB' ,module: mssql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results/wiltondb/wiltondb/epel-$releasever-$basearch/' }
- { name: ivorysql ,description: 'IvorySQL' ,module: ivory ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64] ,baseurl: 'https://repo.pigsty.io/yum/ivory/el$releasever.$basearch' }
- { name: groonga ,description: 'Groonga' ,module: groonga ,releases: [8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://packages.groonga.org/almalinux/$releasever/$basearch/' }
- { name: mysql ,description: 'MySQL' ,module: mysql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://repo.mysql.com/yum/mysql-8.0-community/el/$releasever/$basearch/' }
- { name: mongo ,description: 'MongoDB' ,module: mongo ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/$releasever/mongodb-org/8.0/$basearch/' }
- { name: redis ,description: 'Redis' ,module: redis ,releases: [8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://rpmfind.net/linux/remi/enterprise/$releasever/redis72/$basearch/' }
- { name: grafana ,description: 'Grafana' ,module: grafana ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://rpm.grafana.com' }
- { name: docker-ce ,description: 'Docker CE' ,module: docker ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/$releasever/$basearch/stable' }
- { name: kubernetes ,description: 'Kubernetes' ,module: kube ,releases: [7,8,9] ,arch: [x86_64, aarch64] ,baseurl: 'https://pkgs.k8s.io/core:/stable:/v1.31/rpm/' }
repo_modules: # Available Modules: 19
- all : pigsty-infra, pigsty-pgsql, pgdg-common, pgdg-el8fix, pgdg-el9fix, pgdg17, pgdg16, pgdg15, pgdg14, pgdg13, baseos, appstream, extras, powertools, crb, epel, base, updates, security, backports
- pigsty : pigsty-infra, pigsty-pgsql
- pgdg : pgdg-common, pgdg-el8fix, pgdg-el9fix, pgdg17, pgdg16, pgdg15, pgdg14, pgdg13
- node : baseos, appstream, extras, powertools, crb, epel, base, updates, security, backports
- infra : pigsty-infra, nginx
- pgsql : pigsty-pgsql, pgdg-common, pgdg-el8fix, pgdg-el9fix, pgdg13, pgdg14, pgdg15, pgdg16, pgdg17, pgdg
- extra : pgdg-extras, pgdg13-nonfree, pgdg14-nonfree, pgdg15-nonfree, pgdg16-nonfree, pgdg17-nonfree, timescaledb, citus
- mssql : wiltondb
- mysql : mysql
- docker : docker-ce
- kube : kubernetes
- grafana : grafana
- pgml : pgml
- groonga : groonga
- haproxy : haproxyd, haproxyu
- ivory : ivorysql
- local : pigsty-local
- mongo : mongo
- redis : redis
pig ext list [query] # list & search extension
pig ext info [ext...] # get information of a specific extension
pig ext status [-v] # show installed extension and pg status
pig ext add [ext...] # install extension for current pg version
pig ext rm [ext...] # remove extension for current pg version
pig ext update [ext...] # update extension to the latest version
pig ext import [ext...] # download extension to local repo
pig ext link [ext...] # link postgres installation to path
pig ext upgrade # fetch the latest extension catalog
$ pig ext ls olap
INFO[14:48:13] found 13 extensions matching 'olap':
Name State Version Cate Flags License Repo PGVer Package Description
---- ----- ------- ---- ------ ------- ------ ----- ------------ ---------------------
citus avail 13.0.1 OLAP -dsl-- AGPL-3.0 PIGSTY 14-17 citus_17* Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
citus_columnar avail 11.3-1 OLAP -ds--- AGPL-3.0 PIGSTY 14-17 citus_17* Citus columnar storage engine
columnar n/a 11.1-11 OLAP -ds--- AGPL-3.0 PIGSTY 13-16 hydra_17* Hydra Columnar extension
pg_analytics avail 0.3.4 OLAP -ds-t- PostgreSQL PIGSTY 14-17 pg_analytics_17 Postgres for analytics, powered by DuckDB
pg_duckdb avail 0.2.0 OLAP -dsl-- MIT PIGSTY 14-17 pg_duckdb_17* DuckDB Embedded in Postgres
pg_mooncake avail 0.1.2 OLAP ------ MIT PIGSTY 14-17 pg_mooncake_17* Columnstore Table in Postgres
duckdb_fdw avail 1.0.0 OLAP -ds--r MIT PIGSTY 13-17 duckdb_fdw_17* DuckDB Foreign Data Wrapper
pg_parquet avail 0.2.0 OLAP -dslt- PostgreSQL PIGSTY 14-17 pg_parquet_17 copy data between Postgres and Parquet
pg_fkpart avail 1.7 OLAP -d---- GPL-2.0 PIGSTY 13-17 pg_fkpart_17 Table partitioning by foreign key utility
pg_partman avail 5.2.4 OLAP -ds--- PostgreSQL PGDG 13-17 pg_partman_17* Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
plproxy avail 2.11.0 OLAP -ds--- BSD 0-Clause PIGSTY 13-17 plproxy_17* Database partitioning implemented as procedural language
pg_strom avail 5.2.2 OLAP -ds--x PostgreSQL PGDG 13-17 pg_strom_17* PG-Strom - big-data processing acceleration using GPU and NVME
tablefunc added 1.0 OLAP -ds-tx PostgreSQL CONTRIB 13-17 postgresql17-contrib functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
(13 Rows) (State: added|avail|n/a,Flags: b = HasBin, d = HasDDL, s = HasSolib, l = NeedLoad, t = Trusted, r = Relocatable, x = Unknown)
You can also install PostgreSQL kernel packages with
pig ext install pg17 # install PostgreSQL 17 kernels (all but devel)
pig ext install pg16-simple # install PostgreSQL 16 kernels with minimal packages
pig ext install pg15 -y # install PostgreSQL 15 kernels with auto-confirm
pig ext install pg14=14.3 # install PostgreSQL 14 kernels with an specific minor version
pig ext install pg13=13.10 # install PostgreSQL 13 kernels
You can link the installed PostgreSQL to the system path with:
pig ext link pg17 # create /usr/pgsql soft links, and write it to /etc/profile.d/pgsql.sh
. /etc/profile.d/pgsql.sh # reload the path and take effect immediately
You can also use other package alias, it will translate to corresponding package on your OS distro
and the $v
will be replaced with the active or given pg version number, such as 17
, 16
, etc…
pg17: "postgresql$v postgresql$v-server postgresql$v-libs postgresql$v-contrib postgresql$v-plperl postgresql$v-plpython3 postgresql$v-pltcl postgresql$v-llvmjit",
pg16-core: "postgresql$v postgresql$v-server postgresql$v-libs postgresql$v-contrib postgresql$v-plperl postgresql$v-plpython3 postgresql$v-pltcl postgresql$v-test postgresql$v-devel postgresql$v-llvmjit",
pg15-simple: "postgresql$v postgresql$v-server postgresql$v-libs postgresql$v-contrib postgresql$v-plperl postgresql$v-plpython3 postgresql$v-pltcl",
pg14-client: "postgresql$v",
pg13-server: "postgresql$v-server postgresql$v-libs postgresql$v-contrib",
pg17-devel: "postgresql$v-devel",
pgsql: "postgresql$v postgresql$v-server postgresql$v-libs postgresql$v-contrib postgresql$v-plperl postgresql$v-plpython3 postgresql$v-pltcl postgresql$v-llvmjit",
pgsql-core: "postgresql$v postgresql$v-server postgresql$v-libs postgresql$v-contrib postgresql$v-plperl postgresql$v-plpython3 postgresql$v-pltcl postgresql$v-test postgresql$v-devel postgresql$v-llvmjit",
pgsql-simple: "postgresql$v postgresql$v-server postgresql$v-libs postgresql$v-contrib postgresql$v-plperl postgresql$v-plpython3 postgresql$v-pltcl",
pgsql-client: "postgresql$v",
pgsql-server: "postgresql$v-server postgresql$v-libs postgresql$v-contrib",
pgsql-devel: "postgresql$v-devel",
pgsql-basic: "pg_repack_$v* wal2json_$v* pgvector_$v*",
postgresql: "postgresql$v*",
pgsql-common: "patroni patroni-etcd pgbouncer pgbackrest pg_exporter pgbadger vip-manager",
patroni: "patroni patroni-etcd",
pgbouncer: "pgbouncer",
pgbackrest: "pgbackrest",
pg_exporter: "pg_exporter",
vip-manager: "vip-manager",
pgbadger: "pgbadger",
pg_activity: "pg_activity",
pg_filedump: "pg_filedump",
pgxnclient: "pgxnclient",
pgformatter: "pgformatter",
pgcopydb: "pgcopydb",
pgloader: "pgloader",
pg_timetable: "pg_timetable",
wiltondb: "wiltondb",
polardb: "PolarDB",
ivorysql: "ivorysql3 ivorysql3-server ivorysql3-contrib ivorysql3-libs ivorysql3-plperl ivorysql3-plpython3 ivorysql3-pltcl ivorysql3-test",
ivorysql-all: "ivorysql3 ivorysql3-server ivorysql3-contrib ivorysql3-libs ivorysql3-plperl ivorysql3-plpython3 ivorysql3-pltcl ivorysql3-test ivorysql3-docs ivorysql3-devel ivorysql3-llvmjit",
Install for another PG
will use the default postgres installation in your active PATH
but you can install extension for a specific installation with -v
(when using the PGDG convention),
or passing any pg_config
path for custom installation.
pig ext install pg_duckdb -v 16 # install the extension for pg16
pig ext install pg_duckdb -p /usr/lib/postgresql/17/bin/pg_config # specify a pg17 pg_config
Install a specific Version
You can also install PostgreSQL kernel packages with:
pig ext install pgvector=0.7.0 # install pgvector 0.7.0
pig ext install pg16=16.5 # install PostgreSQL 16 with a specific minor version
Beware the APT repo may only have the latest minor version for its software (and require the full version string)
Search Extension
You can perform fuzzy search on extension name, description, and category.
u22:~$ pig ext ls olap
INFO[01:16:25] found 12 extensions matching 'olap':
Name State Version Cate Flags License Repo PGVer Package Description
---- ----- ------- ---- ------ ------- ------ ----- ------------ ---------------------
citus n/a 12.1-1 OLAP -dsl-- AGPL-3.0 PIGSTY 14-16 postgresql-17-citus Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
citus_columnar n/a 11.3-1 OLAP -ds--- AGPL-3.0 PIGSTY 14-16 postgresql-17-citus Citus columnar storage engine
columnar n/a 11.1-11 OLAP -ds--- AGPL-3.0 PIGSTY 13-16 postgresql-17-hydra Hydra Columnar extension
pg_analytics avail 0.2.4 OLAP -ds-t- PostgreSQL PIGSTY 14-17 postgresql-17-pg-analytics Postgres for analytics, powered by DuckDB
pg_duckdb avail 0.2.0 OLAP -dsl-- MIT PIGSTY 14-17 postgresql-17-pg-duckdb DuckDB Embedded in Postgres
duckdb_fdw avail 1.1.2 OLAP -ds--r MIT PIGSTY 13-17 postgresql-17-duckdb-fdw DuckDB Foreign Data Wrapper
pg_parquet avail 0.2.0 OLAP -dslt- PostgreSQL PIGSTY 14-17 postgresql-17-pg-parquet copy data between Postgres and Parquet
pg_fkpart avail 1.7 OLAP -d---- GPL-2.0 PIGSTY 13-17 postgresql-17-pg-fkpart Table partitioning by foreign key utility
pg_partman avail 5.2.4 OLAP -ds--- PostgreSQL PGDG 13-17 postgresql-17-partman Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
plproxy avail 2.11.0 OLAP -ds--- BSD 0-Clause PGDG 13-17 postgresql-17-plproxy Database partitioning implemented as procedural language
pg_strom n/a 5.1 OLAP -ds--x PostgreSQL n/a PG-Strom - big-data processing acceleration using GPU and NVME
tablefunc added 1.0 OLAP -ds-tx PostgreSQL CONTRIB 13-17 postgresql-17 functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
(12 Rows) (State: added|avail|n/a,Flags: b = HasBin, d = HasDDL, s = HasSolib, l = NeedLoad, t = Trusted, r = Relocatable, x = Unknown)
You can use the -v 16
or -p /path/to/pg_config
to find extension availability for other PostgreSQL installation.
Print Extension Summary
You can get extension metadata with pig ext info
$ pig ext info pg_duckdb
│ pg_duckdb │
│ DuckDB Embedded in Postgres │
│ Extension : pg_duckdb │
│ Alias : pg_duckdb │
│ Category : OLAP │
│ Version : 0.2.0 │
│ License : MIT │
│ Website : https://github.com/duckdb/pg_duckdb │
│ Details : https://ext.pigsty.io/#/pg_duckdb │
│ Extension Properties │
│ PostgreSQL Ver │ Available on: 17, 16, 15, 14 │
│ CREATE : Yes │ CREATE EXTENSION pg_duckdb; │
│ DYLOAD : Yes │ SET shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_duckdb' │
│ TRUST : No │ require database superuser to install │
│ Reloc : No │ Schemas: [] │
│ Depend : No │ │
│ RPM Package │
│ Repository │ PIGSTY │
│ Package │ pg_duckdb_$v* │
│ Version │ 0.1.0 │
│ Availability │ 17, 16, 15, 14 │
│ DEB Package │
│ Repository │ PIGSTY │
│ Package │ postgresql-$v-pg-duckdb │
│ Version │ 0.2.0 │
│ Availability │ 17, 16, 15, 14 │
│ Known Issues │
│ el8 │
│ Additional Comments │
│ broken on el8 (libstdc++ too low), conflict with duckdb_fdw │
The pig can also be used as a cli tool for Pigsty - the battery-include free PostgreSQL RDS. Which brings HA, PITR, Monitoring, IaC, and all the extensions to your PostgreSQL cluster.
pig sty init # install embed pigsty to ~/pigsty
pig sty boot # install ansible and other pre-deps
pig sty conf # auto-generate pigsty.yml config file
pig sty install # run the install.yml playbook
You can use the pig sty
subcommand to bootstrap pigsty on current node.
You can build PostgreSQL extension with pig build
subcommand, which offers:
pig build repo # init build repo (=repo set -ru)
pig build tool [mini|full|...] # init build toolset
pig build proxy [user@host:port] # init build proxy (optional)
pig build rust [-v <pgrx_ver>] # init rustc & pgrx (0.12.9)
pig build spec # init build spec repo
pig build get [all|std|..] # get ext code tarball with prefixes
pig build ext [extname...] # build extension
Prepare building environment
pig build repo
pig build tool
pig build spec
pig build rust
Download extension source tarball
## download big tarball
pig build get std # download std small tarball
pig build get all # download all source tarball
pig build get pg_mooncake
pig build get pg_duckdb
pig build get omnigres
pig build get plv8
Build extensions:
pig build ext citus
pig build ext pgjwt
itself runs on any x86_64/aarch64
compatible Linux distribution.
But the pig extension repo only supports the following Linux distributions:
Code | Distribution | x86_64 |
aarch64 |
el9 | RHEL 9 / Rocky9 / Alma9 / … | PG 17 - 13 | PG 17 - 13 |
el8 | RHEL 8 / Rocky8 / Alma8 / … | PG 17 - 13 | PG 17 - 13 |
u24 | Ubuntu 24.04 (noble ) |
PG 17 - 13 | PG 17 - 13 |
u22 | Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy ) |
PG 17 - 13 | PG 17 - 13 |
d12 | Debian 12 (bookworm ) |
PG 17 - 13 | PG 17 - 13 |
Here are some bad cases and limitation for above Linux distros:
: el8:*:*
: el8:arm:13,14,15
: el8.amd.pg17
: el:arm:*
: u24:*:13
: d12:*:*
and hydra
are mutually exclusivepg_duckdb
will invalidate duckdb_fdw
is not available on arm