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Detailed information and list: supported OS distros, available modules, monitor metrics, extensions, cost compare & analysis, glossary

1 - Compatibility

Supported operating systems, kernels & arch, PostgreSQL major versions and feature sets.


Pigsty recommends using Linux kernel, amd64 arch, and RockyLinux 8.9, Debian 12 or Ubuntu 22.04 as base OS.

Kernel Architecture Compatibility: Linux kernel, amd64 architecture (x86_64)

EL Distribution Support: EL7, EL8, EL9; (RHEL, Rocky, CentOS, Alma, Oracle, Anolis,…)

Debian Distribution Support: Ubuntu 22.04 jammy, 20.04 focal; Debian 12 bookworm and 11 bullseye.

Pigsty does not use any virtualization or containerization technologies, running directly on the bare OS. Supported operating systems include EL 7/8/9 (RHEL, Rocky, CentOS, Alma, Oracle, Anolis,…), Ubuntu 20.04 / 22.04 & Debian 11/12. EL is our long-term supported OS, while support for Ubuntu/Debian systems was introduced in the recent v2.5 version. The main difference between EL and Debian distributions is the significant variation in package names, as well as the default availability of PostgreSQL extensions.

We strongly recommend using RockyLinux 8.9 or Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS as the OS for Pigsty. We have prepared offline packages for these specific minor versions of OS distros. This ensures a stable, reliable, and smooth installation even without internet access. Using other operating system distributions for the standard installation requires Internet access to download and build a local repo.

If you have advanced compatibility requirements, such as using specific operating system distributions, major versions, or minor versions, we offer advance compatibility support options.

Kernel & Arch Support

Currently, Pigsty only supports the Linux kernel and the x86_64 / amd64 chip architecture.

MacOS and Windows operating systems can install Pigsty via Linux virtual machines/containers. We provide Vagrant local sandbox support, allowing you to use virtualization software like Vagrant and Virtualbox to effortlessly bring up the deployment environment required by Pigsty on other operating systems.

EL Distribution Support

The EL series operating systems are Pigsty’s primary support target, including compatible distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, RockyLinux, CentOS, AlmaLinux, OracleLinux, Anolis, etc. Pigsty supports the latest three major versions: 7, 8, 9

  • EL9: RHEL, RockyLinux, AlmaLinux (Rocky 9.3 recommended)
  • EL8: RHEL, RockyLinux, AlmaLinux, Anolis (Rocky 8.9 recommended)
  • EL7: RHEL, CentOS 7.9 (CentOS 7.9 recommended)
Code EL Distros Minor PG16 PG15 PG14 PG13 PG12 Limitation
EL8 RHEL 8 / Rocky8 / Alma8 / Anolis8 8.9 Standard Feature Set
EL9 RHEL 9 / Rocky9 / Alma9 9.3 Missing pgxnclient, perf deps broken
EL7 RHEL7 / CentOS7 7.9 PG16, supabase, pgml, duckdb_fdw,… unavailable

Debian Distribution Support

Pigsty supports Ubuntu / Debian series operating systems and their compatible distributions, currently supporting the two most recent LTS major versions, namely:

  • U22: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS jammy (22.04.3 Recommended)
  • U20: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS focal (20.04.6)
  • D12: Debian 12 bookworm (12.4)
  • D11: Debian 11 bullseye (11.8)
Code Debian Distros Minor PG16 PG15 PG14 PG13 PG12 Limitations
U22 Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) 22.04.3 Standard Debian series feature set
U20 Ubuntu 20.04 (focal) 20.04.6 Some extensions require online installation
D12 Debian 12 (bookworm) 12.4
D11 Debian 11 (bullseye) 11.8

Vagrant Boxes

When deploying Pigsty on cloud servers, you might consider using the following operating system images in Vagrant, which are also the images used for Pigsty’s development, testing, and building.

Terraform Images

When deploying Pigsty on cloud servers, you might consider using the following operating system base images in Terraform, using Alibaba Cloud as an example:

  • CentOS 7.9 : centos_7_9_x64_20G_alibase_20231220.vhd
  • Rocky 8.9 : rockylinux_8_9_x64_20G_alibase_20231221.vhd
  • Rocky 9.3 : rockylinux_9_3_x64_20G_alibase_20231221.vhd
  • Ubuntu 20.04.3 : ubuntu_20_04_x64_20G_alibase_20231221.vhd
  • Ubuntu 22.04.6 : ubuntu_22_04_x64_20G_alibase_20231221.vhd
  • Debian 11.7 : debian_11_7_x64_20G_alibase_20230907.vhd
  • Debian 12.4 : debian_12_4_x64_20G_alibase_20231220.vhd
  • Anolis 8.8 : anolisos_8_8_x64_20G_rhck_alibase_20230804.vhd


2 - Parameters

Pigsty has 280+ parameters to describe every aspet of the environment & various modules

There are 280+ parameters in Pigsty describing all aspect of the deployment.

ID Name Module Section Type Level Comment
101 version INFRA META string G pigsty version string
102 admin_ip INFRA META ip G admin node ip address
103 region INFRA META enum G upstream mirror region: default,china,europe
104 proxy_env INFRA META dict G global proxy env when downloading packages
105 ca_method INFRA CA enum G create,recreate,copy, create by default
106 ca_cn INFRA CA string G ca common name, fixed as pigsty-ca
107 cert_validity INFRA CA interval G cert validity, 20 years by default
108 infra_seq INFRA INFRA_ID int I infra node identity, REQUIRED
109 infra_portal INFRA INFRA_ID dict G infra services exposed via portal
110 repo_enabled INFRA REPO bool G/I create a yum repo on this infra node?
111 repo_home INFRA REPO path G repo home dir, /www by default
112 repo_name INFRA REPO string G repo name, pigsty by default
113 repo_endpoint INFRA REPO url G access point to this repo by domain or ip:port
114 repo_remove INFRA REPO bool G/A remove existing upstream repo
115 repo_modules INFRA REPO string G/A which repo modules are installed in repo_upstream
116 repo_upstream INFRA REPO upstream[] G where to download upstream packages
117 repo_packages INFRA REPO string[] G which packages to be included
118 repo_url_packages INFRA REPO string[] G extra packages from url
120 infra_packages INFRA INFRA_PACKAGE string[] G packages to be installed on infra nodes
121 infra_packages_pip INFRA INFRA_PACKAGE string G pip installed packages for infra nodes
130 nginx_enabled INFRA NGINX bool G/I enable nginx on this infra node?
131 nginx_exporter_enabled INFRA NGINX bool G/I enable nginx_exporter on this infra node?
132 nginx_sslmode INFRA NGINX enum G nginx ssl mode? disable,enable,enforce
133 nginx_home INFRA NGINX path G nginx content dir, /www by default
134 nginx_port INFRA NGINX port G nginx listen port, 80 by default
135 nginx_ssl_port INFRA NGINX port G nginx ssl listen port, 443 by default
136 nginx_navbar INFRA NGINX index[] G nginx index page navigation links
140 dns_enabled INFRA DNS bool G/I setup dnsmasq on this infra node?
141 dns_port INFRA DNS port G dns server listen port, 53 by default
142 dns_records INFRA DNS string[] G dynamic dns records resolved by dnsmasq
150 prometheus_enabled INFRA PROMETHEUS bool G/I enable prometheus on this infra node?
151 prometheus_clean INFRA PROMETHEUS bool G/A clean prometheus data during init?
152 prometheus_data INFRA PROMETHEUS path G prometheus data dir, /data/prometheus by default
153 prometheus_sd_dir INFRA PROMETHEUS path G prometheus file service discovery directory
154 prometheus_sd_interval INFRA PROMETHEUS interval G prometheus target refresh interval, 5s by default
155 prometheus_scrape_interval INFRA PROMETHEUS interval G prometheus scrape & eval interval, 10s by default
156 prometheus_scrape_timeout INFRA PROMETHEUS interval G prometheus global scrape timeout, 8s by default
157 prometheus_options INFRA PROMETHEUS arg G prometheus extra server options
158 pushgateway_enabled INFRA PROMETHEUS bool G/I setup pushgateway on this infra node?
159 pushgateway_options INFRA PROMETHEUS arg G pushgateway extra server options
160 blackbox_enabled INFRA PROMETHEUS bool G/I setup blackbox_exporter on this infra node?
161 blackbox_options INFRA PROMETHEUS arg G blackbox_exporter extra server options
162 alertmanager_enabled INFRA PROMETHEUS bool G/I setup alertmanager on this infra node?
163 alertmanager_options INFRA PROMETHEUS arg G alertmanager extra server options
164 exporter_metrics_path INFRA PROMETHEUS path G exporter metric path, /metrics by default
165 exporter_install INFRA PROMETHEUS enum G how to install exporter? none,yum,binary
166 exporter_repo_url INFRA PROMETHEUS url G exporter repo file url if install exporter via yum
170 grafana_enabled INFRA GRAFANA bool G/I enable grafana on this infra node?
171 grafana_clean INFRA GRAFANA bool G/A clean grafana data during init?
172 grafana_admin_username INFRA GRAFANA username G grafana admin username, admin by default
173 grafana_admin_password INFRA GRAFANA password G grafana admin password, pigsty by default
174 grafana_plugin_cache INFRA GRAFANA path G path to grafana plugins cache tarball
175 grafana_plugin_list INFRA GRAFANA string[] G grafana plugins to be downloaded with grafana-cli
176 loki_enabled INFRA LOKI bool G/I enable loki on this infra node?
177 loki_clean INFRA LOKI bool G/A whether remove existing loki data?
178 loki_data INFRA LOKI path G loki data dir, /data/loki by default
179 loki_retention INFRA LOKI interval G loki log retention period, 15d by default
201 nodename NODE NODE_ID string I node instance identity, use hostname if missing, optional
202 node_cluster NODE NODE_ID string C node cluster identity, use ’nodes’ if missing, optional
203 nodename_overwrite NODE NODE_ID bool C overwrite node’s hostname with nodename?
204 nodename_exchange NODE NODE_ID bool C exchange nodename among play hosts?
205 node_id_from_pg NODE NODE_ID bool C use postgres identity as node identity if applicable?
210 node_write_etc_hosts NODE NODE_DNS bool G/C/I modify /etc/hosts on target node?
211 node_default_etc_hosts NODE NODE_DNS string[] G static dns records in /etc/hosts
212 node_etc_hosts NODE NODE_DNS string[] C extra static dns records in /etc/hosts
213 node_dns_method NODE NODE_DNS enum C how to handle dns servers: add,none,overwrite
214 node_dns_servers NODE NODE_DNS string[] C dynamic nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf
215 node_dns_options NODE NODE_DNS string[] C dns resolv options in /etc/resolv.conf
220 node_repo_modules NODE NODE_PACKAGE string C upstream repo to be added on node, local by default
221 node_repo_remove NODE NODE_PACKAGE bool C remove existing repo on node?
223 node_packages NODE NODE_PACKAGE string[] C packages to be installed current nodes
224 node_default_packages NODE NODE_PACKAGE string[] G default packages to be installed on all nodes
230 node_disable_firewall NODE NODE_TUNE bool C disable node firewall? true by default
231 node_disable_selinux NODE NODE_TUNE bool C disable node selinux? true by default
232 node_disable_numa NODE NODE_TUNE bool C disable node numa, reboot required
233 node_disable_swap NODE NODE_TUNE bool C disable node swap, use with caution
234 node_static_network NODE NODE_TUNE bool C preserve dns resolver settings after reboot
235 node_disk_prefetch NODE NODE_TUNE bool C setup disk prefetch on HDD to increase performance
236 node_kernel_modules NODE NODE_TUNE string[] C kernel modules to be enabled on this node
237 node_hugepage_count NODE NODE_TUNE int C number of 2MB hugepage, take precedence over ratio
238 node_hugepage_ratio NODE NODE_TUNE float C node mem hugepage ratio, 0 disable it by default
239 node_overcommit_ratio NODE NODE_TUNE float C node mem overcommit ratio, 0 disable it by default
240 node_tune NODE NODE_TUNE enum C node tuned profile: none,oltp,olap,crit,tiny
241 node_sysctl_params NODE NODE_TUNE dict C sysctl parameters in k:v format in addition to tuned
250 node_data NODE NODE_ADMIN path C node main data directory, /data by default
251 node_admin_enabled NODE NODE_ADMIN bool C create a admin user on target node?
252 node_admin_uid NODE NODE_ADMIN int C uid and gid for node admin user
253 node_admin_username NODE NODE_ADMIN username C name of node admin user, dba by default
254 node_admin_ssh_exchange NODE NODE_ADMIN bool C exchange admin ssh key among node cluster
255 node_admin_pk_current NODE NODE_ADMIN bool C add current user’s ssh pk to admin authorized_keys
256 node_admin_pk_list NODE NODE_ADMIN string[] C ssh public keys to be added to admin user
260 node_timezone NODE NODE_TIME string C setup node timezone, empty string to skip
261 node_ntp_enabled NODE NODE_TIME bool C enable chronyd time sync service?
262 node_ntp_servers NODE NODE_TIME string[] C ntp servers in /etc/chrony.conf
263 node_crontab_overwrite NODE NODE_TIME bool C overwrite or append to /etc/crontab?
264 node_crontab NODE NODE_TIME string[] C crontab entries in /etc/crontab
270 vip_enabled NODE NODE_VIP bool C enable vip on this node cluster?
271 vip_address NODE NODE_VIP ip C node vip address in ipv4 format, required if vip is enabled
272 vip_vrid NODE NODE_VIP int C required, integer, 1-254, should be unique among same VLAN
273 vip_role NODE NODE_VIP enum I optional, master/backup, backup by default, use as init role
274 vip_preempt NODE NODE_VIP bool C/I optional, true/false, false by default, enable vip preemption
275 vip_interface NODE NODE_VIP string C/I node vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default
276 vip_dns_suffix NODE NODE_VIP string C node vip dns name suffix, empty string by default
277 vip_exporter_port NODE NODE_VIP port C keepalived exporter listen port, 9650 by default
280 haproxy_enabled NODE HAPROXY bool C enable haproxy on this node?
281 haproxy_clean NODE HAPROXY bool G/C/A cleanup all existing haproxy config?
282 haproxy_reload NODE HAPROXY bool A reload haproxy after config?
283 haproxy_auth_enabled NODE HAPROXY bool G enable authentication for haproxy admin page
284 haproxy_admin_username NODE HAPROXY username G haproxy admin username, admin by default
285 haproxy_admin_password NODE HAPROXY password G haproxy admin password, pigsty by default
286 haproxy_exporter_port NODE HAPROXY port C haproxy admin/exporter port, 9101 by default
287 haproxy_client_timeout NODE HAPROXY interval C client side connection timeout, 24h by default
288 haproxy_server_timeout NODE HAPROXY interval C server side connection timeout, 24h by default
289 haproxy_services NODE HAPROXY service[] C list of haproxy service to be exposed on node
290 node_exporter_enabled NODE NODE_EXPORTER bool C setup node_exporter on this node?
291 node_exporter_port NODE NODE_EXPORTER port C node exporter listen port, 9100 by default
292 node_exporter_options NODE NODE_EXPORTER arg C extra server options for node_exporter
293 promtail_enabled NODE PROMTAIL bool C enable promtail logging collector?
294 promtail_clean NODE PROMTAIL bool G/A purge existing promtail status file during init?
295 promtail_port NODE PROMTAIL port C promtail listen port, 9080 by default
296 promtail_positions NODE PROMTAIL path C promtail position status file path
401 docker_enabled NODE DOCKER bool C enable docker on this node?
402 docker_cgroups_driver NODE DOCKER enum C docker cgroup fs driver: cgroupfs,systemd
403 docker_registry_mirrors NODE DOCKER string[] C docker registry mirror list
404 docker_image_cache NODE DOCKER path C docker image cache dir, /tmp/docker by default
501 etcd_seq ETCD ETCD int I etcd instance identifier, REQUIRED
502 etcd_cluster ETCD ETCD string C etcd cluster & group name, etcd by default
503 etcd_safeguard ETCD ETCD bool G/C/A prevent purging running etcd instance?
504 etcd_clean ETCD ETCD bool G/C/A purging existing etcd during initialization?
505 etcd_data ETCD ETCD path C etcd data directory, /data/etcd by default
506 etcd_port ETCD ETCD port C etcd client port, 2379 by default
507 etcd_peer_port ETCD ETCD port C etcd peer port, 2380 by default
508 etcd_init ETCD ETCD enum C etcd initial cluster state, new or existing
509 etcd_election_timeout ETCD ETCD int C etcd election timeout, 1000ms by default
510 etcd_heartbeat_interval ETCD ETCD int C etcd heartbeat interval, 100ms by default
601 minio_seq MINIO MINIO int I minio instance identifier, REQUIRED
602 minio_cluster MINIO MINIO string C minio cluster name, minio by default
603 minio_clean MINIO MINIO bool G/C/A cleanup minio during init?, false by default
604 minio_user MINIO MINIO username C minio os user, minio by default
605 minio_node MINIO MINIO string C minio node name pattern
606 minio_data MINIO MINIO path C minio data dir(s), use {x…y} to specify multi drivers
607 minio_domain MINIO MINIO string G minio service domain name, sss.pigsty by default
608 minio_port MINIO MINIO port C minio service port, 9000 by default
609 minio_admin_port MINIO MINIO port C minio console port, 9001 by default
610 minio_access_key MINIO MINIO username C root access key, minioadmin by default
611 minio_secret_key MINIO MINIO password C root secret key, minioadmin by default
612 minio_extra_vars MINIO MINIO string C extra environment variables for minio server
613 minio_alias MINIO MINIO string G alias name for local minio deployment
614 minio_buckets MINIO MINIO bucket[] C list of minio bucket to be created
615 minio_users MINIO MINIO user[] C list of minio user to be created
701 redis_cluster REDIS REDIS string C redis cluster name, required identity parameter
702 redis_instances REDIS REDIS dict I redis instances definition on this redis node
703 redis_node REDIS REDIS int I redis node sequence number, node int id required
710 redis_fs_main REDIS REDIS path C redis main data mountpoint, /data by default
711 redis_exporter_enabled REDIS REDIS bool C install redis exporter on redis nodes?
712 redis_exporter_port REDIS REDIS port C redis exporter listen port, 9121 by default
713 redis_exporter_options REDIS REDIS string C/I cli args and extra options for redis exporter
720 redis_safeguard REDIS REDIS bool G/C/A prevent purging running redis instance?
721 redis_clean REDIS REDIS bool G/C/A purging existing redis during init?
722 redis_rmdata REDIS REDIS bool G/C/A remove redis data when purging redis server?
723 redis_mode REDIS REDIS enum C redis mode: standalone,cluster,sentinel
724 redis_conf REDIS REDIS string C redis config template path, except sentinel
725 redis_bind_address REDIS REDIS ip C redis bind address, empty string will use host ip
726 redis_max_memory REDIS REDIS size C/I max memory used by each redis instance
727 redis_mem_policy REDIS REDIS enum C redis memory eviction policy
728 redis_password REDIS REDIS password C redis password, empty string will disable password
729 redis_rdb_save REDIS REDIS string[] C redis rdb save directives, disable with empty list
730 redis_aof_enabled REDIS REDIS bool C enable redis append only file?
731 redis_rename_commands REDIS REDIS dict C rename redis dangerous commands
732 redis_cluster_replicas REDIS REDIS int C replica number for one master in redis cluster
733 redis_sentinel_monitor REDIS REDIS master[] C sentinel master list, works on sentinel cluster only
801 pg_mode PGSQL PG_ID enum C pgsql cluster mode: pgsql,citus,gpsql
802 pg_cluster PGSQL PG_ID string C pgsql cluster name, REQUIRED identity parameter
803 pg_seq PGSQL PG_ID int I pgsql instance seq number, REQUIRED identity parameter
804 pg_role PGSQL PG_ID enum I pgsql role, REQUIRED, could be primary,replica,offline
805 pg_instances PGSQL PG_ID dict I define multiple pg instances on node in {port:ins_vars} format
806 pg_upstream PGSQL PG_ID ip I repl upstream ip addr for standby cluster or cascade replica
807 pg_shard PGSQL PG_ID string C pgsql shard name, optional identity for sharding clusters
808 pg_group PGSQL PG_ID int C pgsql shard index number, optional identity for sharding clusters
809 gp_role PGSQL PG_ID enum C greenplum role of this cluster, could be master or segment
810 pg_exporters PGSQL PG_ID dict C additional pg_exporters to monitor remote postgres instances
811 pg_offline_query PGSQL PG_ID bool I set to true to enable offline query on this instance
820 pg_users PGSQL PG_BUSINESS user[] C postgres business users
821 pg_databases PGSQL PG_BUSINESS database[] C postgres business databases
822 pg_services PGSQL PG_BUSINESS service[] C postgres business services
823 pg_hba_rules PGSQL PG_BUSINESS hba[] C business hba rules for postgres
824 pgb_hba_rules PGSQL PG_BUSINESS hba[] C business hba rules for pgbouncer
831 pg_replication_username PGSQL PG_BUSINESS username G postgres replication username, replicator by default
832 pg_replication_password PGSQL PG_BUSINESS password G postgres replication password, DBUser.Replicator by default
833 pg_admin_username PGSQL PG_BUSINESS username G postgres admin username, dbuser_dba by default
834 pg_admin_password PGSQL PG_BUSINESS password G postgres admin password in plain text, DBUser.DBA by default
835 pg_monitor_username PGSQL PG_BUSINESS username G postgres monitor username, dbuser_monitor by default
836 pg_monitor_password PGSQL PG_BUSINESS password G postgres monitor password, DBUser.Monitor by default
837 pg_dbsu_password PGSQL PG_BUSINESS password G/C postgres dbsu password, empty string disable it by default
840 pg_dbsu PGSQL PG_INSTALL username C os dbsu name, postgres by default, better not change it
841 pg_dbsu_uid PGSQL PG_INSTALL int C os dbsu uid and gid, 26 for default postgres users and groups
842 pg_dbsu_sudo PGSQL PG_INSTALL enum C dbsu sudo privilege, none,limit,all,nopass. limit by default
843 pg_dbsu_home PGSQL PG_INSTALL path C postgresql home directory, /var/lib/pgsql by default
844 pg_dbsu_ssh_exchange PGSQL PG_INSTALL bool C exchange postgres dbsu ssh key among same pgsql cluster
845 pg_version PGSQL PG_INSTALL enum C postgres major version to be installed, 16 by default
846 pg_bin_dir PGSQL PG_INSTALL path C postgres binary dir, /usr/pgsql/bin by default
847 pg_log_dir PGSQL PG_INSTALL path C postgres log dir, /pg/log/postgres by default
848 pg_packages PGSQL PG_INSTALL string[] C pg packages to be installed, ${pg_version} will be replaced
849 pg_extensions PGSQL PG_INSTALL string[] C pg extensions to be installed, ${pg_version} will be replaced
850 pg_safeguard PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP bool G/C/A prevent purging running postgres instance? false by default
851 pg_clean PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP bool G/C/A purging existing postgres during pgsql init? true by default
852 pg_data PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP path C postgres data directory, /pg/data by default
853 pg_fs_main PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP path C mountpoint/path for postgres main data, /data by default
854 pg_fs_bkup PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP path C mountpoint/path for pg backup data, /data/backup by default
855 pg_storage_type PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C storage type for pg main data, SSD,HDD, SSD by default
856 pg_dummy_filesize PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP size C size of /pg/dummy, hold 64MB disk space for emergency use
857 pg_listen PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP ip(s) C/I postgres/pgbouncer listen addresses, comma separated list
858 pg_port PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP port C postgres listen port, 5432 by default
859 pg_localhost PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP path C postgres unix socket dir for localhost connection
860 pg_namespace PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP path C top level key namespace in etcd, used by patroni & vip
861 patroni_enabled PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP bool C if disabled, no postgres cluster will be created during init
862 patroni_mode PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C patroni working mode: default,pause,remove
863 patroni_port PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP port C patroni listen port, 8008 by default
864 patroni_log_dir PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP path C patroni log dir, /pg/log/patroni by default
865 patroni_ssl_enabled PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP bool G secure patroni RestAPI communications with SSL?
866 patroni_watchdog_mode PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C patroni watchdog mode: automatic,required,off. off by default
867 patroni_username PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP username C patroni restapi username, postgres by default
868 patroni_password PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP password C patroni restapi password, Patroni.API by default
869 patroni_citus_db PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP string C citus database managed by patroni, postgres by default
870 pg_conf PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C config template: oltp,olap,crit,tiny. oltp.yml by default
871 pg_max_conn PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP int C postgres max connections, auto will use recommended value
872 pg_shared_buffer_ratio PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP float C postgres shared buffer memory ratio, 0.25 by default, 0.1~0.4
873 pg_rto PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP int C recovery time objective in seconds, 30s by default
874 pg_rpo PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP int C recovery point objective in bytes, 1MiB at most by default
875 pg_libs PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP string C preloaded libraries, timescaledb,pg_stat_statements,auto_explain by default
876 pg_delay PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP interval I replication apply delay for standby cluster leader
877 pg_checksum PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP bool C enable data checksum for postgres cluster?
878 pg_pwd_enc PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C passwords encryption algorithm: md5,scram-sha-256
879 pg_encoding PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C database cluster encoding, UTF8 by default
880 pg_locale PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C database cluster local, C by default
881 pg_lc_collate PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C database cluster collate, C by default
882 pg_lc_ctype PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C database character type, en_US.UTF8 by default
890 pgbouncer_enabled PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP bool C if disabled, pgbouncer will not be launched on pgsql host
891 pgbouncer_port PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP port C pgbouncer listen port, 6432 by default
892 pgbouncer_log_dir PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP path C pgbouncer log dir, /pg/log/pgbouncer by default
893 pgbouncer_auth_query PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP bool C query postgres to retrieve unlisted business users?
894 pgbouncer_poolmode PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C pooling mode: transaction,session,statement, transaction by default
895 pgbouncer_sslmode PGSQL PG_BOOTSTRAP enum C pgbouncer client ssl mode, disable by default
900 pg_provision PGSQL PG_PROVISION bool C provision postgres cluster after bootstrap
901 pg_init PGSQL PG_PROVISION string G/C provision init script for cluster template, pg-init by default
902 pg_default_roles PGSQL PG_PROVISION role[] G/C default roles and users in postgres cluster
903 pg_default_privileges PGSQL PG_PROVISION string[] G/C default privileges when created by admin user
904 pg_default_schemas PGSQL PG_PROVISION string[] G/C default schemas to be created
905 pg_default_extensions PGSQL PG_PROVISION extension[] G/C default extensions to be created
906 pg_reload PGSQL PG_PROVISION bool A reload postgres after hba changes
907 pg_default_hba_rules PGSQL PG_PROVISION hba[] G/C postgres default host-based authentication rules
908 pgb_default_hba_rules PGSQL PG_PROVISION hba[] G/C pgbouncer default host-based authentication rules
910 pgbackrest_enabled PGSQL PG_BACKUP bool C enable pgbackrest on pgsql host?
911 pgbackrest_clean PGSQL PG_BACKUP bool C remove pg backup data during init?
912 pgbackrest_log_dir PGSQL PG_BACKUP path C pgbackrest log dir, /pg/log/pgbackrest by default
913 pgbackrest_method PGSQL PG_BACKUP enum C pgbackrest repo method: local,minio,etc…
914 pgbackrest_repo PGSQL PG_BACKUP dict G/C pgbackrest repo:
921 pg_weight PGSQL PG_SERVICE int I relative load balance weight in service, 100 by default, 0-255
922 pg_service_provider PGSQL PG_SERVICE string G/C dedicate haproxy node group name, or empty string for local nodes by default
923 pg_default_service_dest PGSQL PG_SERVICE enum G/C default service destination if svc.dest=‘default’
924 pg_default_services PGSQL PG_SERVICE service[] G/C postgres default service definitions
931 pg_vip_enabled PGSQL PG_SERVICE bool C enable a l2 vip for pgsql primary? false by default
932 pg_vip_address PGSQL PG_SERVICE cidr4 C vip address in <ipv4>/<mask> format, require if vip is enabled
933 pg_vip_interface PGSQL PG_SERVICE string C/I vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default
934 pg_dns_suffix PGSQL PG_SERVICE string C pgsql dns suffix, ’’ by default
935 pg_dns_target PGSQL PG_SERVICE enum C auto, primary, vip, none, or ad hoc ip
940 pg_exporter_enabled PGSQL PG_EXPORTER bool C enable pg_exporter on pgsql hosts?
941 pg_exporter_config PGSQL PG_EXPORTER string C pg_exporter configuration file name
942 pg_exporter_cache_ttls PGSQL PG_EXPORTER string C pg_exporter collector ttl stage in seconds, ‘1,10,60,300’ by default
943 pg_exporter_port PGSQL PG_EXPORTER port C pg_exporter listen port, 9630 by default
944 pg_exporter_params PGSQL PG_EXPORTER string C extra url parameters for pg_exporter dsn
945 pg_exporter_url PGSQL PG_EXPORTER pgurl C overwrite auto-generate pg dsn if specified
946 pg_exporter_auto_discovery PGSQL PG_EXPORTER bool C enable auto database discovery? enabled by default
947 pg_exporter_exclude_database PGSQL PG_EXPORTER string C csv of database that WILL NOT be monitored during auto-discovery
948 pg_exporter_include_database PGSQL PG_EXPORTER string C csv of database that WILL BE monitored during auto-discovery
949 pg_exporter_connect_timeout PGSQL PG_EXPORTER int C pg_exporter connect timeout in ms, 200 by default
950 pg_exporter_options PGSQL PG_EXPORTER arg C overwrite extra options for pg_exporter
951 pgbouncer_exporter_enabled PGSQL PG_EXPORTER bool C enable pgbouncer_exporter on pgsql hosts?
952 pgbouncer_exporter_port PGSQL PG_EXPORTER port C pgbouncer_exporter listen port, 9631 by default
953 pgbouncer_exporter_url PGSQL PG_EXPORTER pgurl C overwrite auto-generate pgbouncer dsn if specified
954 pgbouncer_exporter_options PGSQL PG_EXPORTER arg C overwrite extra options for pgbouncer_exporter


Parameters about pigsty infrastructure components: local yum repo, nginx, dnsmasq, prometheus, grafana, loki, alertmanager, pushgateway, blackbox_exporter, etc…


This section contains some metadata of current pigsty deployments, such as version string, admin node IP address, repo mirror region and http(s) proxy when downloading pacakges.

version: v2.6.0                   # pigsty version string
admin_ip:             # admin node ip address
region: default                   # upstream mirror region: default,china,europe
proxy_env:                        # global proxy env when downloading packages
  no_proxy: "localhost,,,,*.pigsty,*,mirrors.*,*,*"
  # http_proxy:  # set your proxy here: e.g
  # https_proxy: # set your proxy here: e.g
  # all_proxy:   # set your proxy here: e.g


name: version, type: string, level: G

pigsty version string

default value:v2.6.0

It will be used for pigsty introspection & content rendering.


name: admin_ip, type: ip, level: G

admin node ip address

default value:

Node with this ip address will be treated as admin node, usually point to the first node that install Pigsty.

The default value is a placeholder which will be replaced during configure

This parameter is referenced by many other parameters, such as:

The exact string ${admin_ip} will be replaced with the actual admin_ip for above parameters.


name: region, type: enum, level: G

upstream mirror region: default,china,europe

default value: default

If a region other than default is set, and there’s a corresponding entry in repo_upstream.[repo].baseurl, it will be used instead of default.

For example, if china is used, pigsty will use China mirrors designated in repo_upstream if applicable.


name: proxy_env, type: dict, level: G

global proxy env when downloading packages

default value:

proxy_env: # global proxy env when downloading packages
  http_proxy: ''
  https_proxy: ''
  all_proxy: ''
  no_proxy: "localhost,,,,*.pigsty,*,,,"

It’s quite important to use http proxy in restricted production environment, or your Internet access is blocked (e.g. Mainland China)


Self-Signed CA used by pigsty. It is required to support advanced security features.

ca_method: create                 # create,recreate,copy, create by default
ca_cn: pigsty-ca                  # ca common name, fixed as pigsty-ca
cert_validity: 7300d              # cert validity, 20 years by default


name: ca_method, type: enum, level: G

available options: create,recreate,copy

default value: create

  • create: Create a new CA public-private key pair if not exists, use if exists
  • recreate: Always re-create a new CA public-private key pair
  • copy: Copy the existing CA public and private keys from local files/pki/ca, abort if missing

If you already have a pair of ca.crt and ca.key, put them under files/pki/ca and set ca_method to copy.


name: ca_cn, type: string, level: G

ca common name, not recommending to change it.

default value: pigsty-ca

you can check that with openssl x509 -text -in /etc/pki/ca.crt


name: cert_validity, type: interval, level: G

cert validity, 20 years by default, which is enough for most scenarios

default value: 7300d


Infrastructure identity and portal definition.

#infra_seq: 1                     # infra node identity, explicitly required
infra_portal:                     # infra services exposed via portal
  home         : { domain: h.pigsty }
  grafana      : { domain: g.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" ,websocket: true }
  prometheus   : { domain: p.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" }
  alertmanager : { domain: a.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" }
  blackbox     : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
  loki         : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }


name: infra_seq, type: int, level: I

infra node identity, REQUIRED, no default value, you have to assign it explicitly.


name: infra_portal, type: dict, level: G

infra services exposed via portal.

default value will expose home, grafana, prometheus, alertmanager via nginx with corresponding domain names.

infra_portal:                     # infra services exposed via portal
  home         : { domain: h.pigsty }
  grafana      : { domain: g.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3000" ,websocket: true }
  prometheus   : { domain: p.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9090" }
  alertmanager : { domain: a.pigsty ,endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9093" }
  blackbox     : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:9115" }
  loki         : { endpoint: "${admin_ip}:3100" }

Each record contains three subsections: key as name, representing the component name, the external access domain, and the internal TCP port, respectively. and the value contains domain, and endpoint, and other options.

  • The name definition of the default record is fixed and referenced by other modules, so do not modify the default entry names.
  • The domain is the domain name that should be used for external access to this upstream server. domain names will be added to Nginx SSL cert SAN.
  • The endpoint is an internally reachable TCP port. and ${admin_ip} will be replaced with actual admin_ip in runtime.
  • If websocket is set to true, http protocol will be auto upgraded for ws connections.
  • If scheme is given (http or https), it will be used as part of proxy_pass URL.


This section is about local software repo. Pigsty will create a local software repo (APT/YUM) when init an infra node.

In the initialization process, Pigsty will download all packages and their dependencies (specified by repo_packages) from the Internet upstream repo (specified by repo_upstream) to {{ nginx_home }} / {{ repo_name }} (default is /www/pigsty), and the total size of all dependent software is about 1GB or so.

When creating a local repo, Pigsty will skip the software download phase if the directory already exists and if there is a marker file named repo_complete in the dir.

If the download speed of some packages is too slow, you can set the download proxy to complete the first download by using the proxy_env config entry or directly download the pre-packaged offline package, which is essentially a local software source built on the same operating system.

repo_enabled: true                # create a yum repo on this infra node?
repo_home: /www                   # repo home dir, `/www` by default
repo_name: pigsty                 # repo name, pigsty by default
repo_endpoint: http://${admin_ip}:80 # access point to this repo by domain or ip:port
repo_remove: true                 # remove existing upstream repo
repo_modules: infra,node,pgsql    # install upstream repo during repo bootstrap
repo_upstream:                    # where to download
  - { name: pigsty-local   ,description: 'Pigsty Local'      ,module: local ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://${admin_ip}/pigsty'  }} # used by intranet nodes
  - { name: pigsty-infra   ,description: 'Pigsty INFRA'      ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$basearch' ,china: '$basearch' }}
  - { name: pigsty-pgsql   ,description: 'Pigsty PGSQL'      ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever.$basearch' ,china: '$releasever.$basearch' }}
  - { name: nginx          ,description: 'Nginx Repo'        ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/' }}
  - { name: docker-ce      ,description: 'Docker CE'         ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/stable'        ,china: '$releasever/$basearch/stable'  ,europe: '$releasever/$basearch/stable' }}
  - { name: base           ,description: 'EL 7 Base'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'                    ,china: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'           ,europe: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'           }}
  - { name: updates        ,description: 'EL 7 Updates'      ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/updates/$basearch/'               ,china: '$releasever/updates/$basearch/'      ,europe: '$releasever/updates/$basearch/'      }}
  - { name: extras         ,description: 'EL 7 Extras'       ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/'                ,china: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/'       ,europe: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/'       }}
  - { name: epel           ,description: 'EL 7 EPEL'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/'            ,china: '$releasever/$basearch/'                ,europe: '$releasever/$basearch/'                }}
  - { name: centos-sclo    ,description: 'EL 7 SCLo'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'             ,china: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'              ,europe: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'    }}
  - { name: centos-sclo-rh ,description: 'EL 7 SCLo rh'      ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'               ,china: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'                ,europe: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'      }}
  - { name: baseos         ,description: 'EL 8+ BaseOS'      ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'         ,china: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'          ,europe: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'     }}
  - { name: appstream      ,description: 'EL 8+ AppStream'   ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'      ,china: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'       ,europe: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'  }}
  - { name: extras         ,description: 'EL 8+ Extras'      ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'         ,china: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'          ,europe: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'     }}
  - { name: crb            ,description: 'EL 9 CRB'          ,module: node  ,releases: [    9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'            ,china: '$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'             ,europe: '$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'        }}
  - { name: powertools     ,description: 'EL 8 PowerTools'   ,module: node  ,releases: [  8  ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/'     ,china: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/'      ,europe: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/' }}
  - { name: epel           ,description: 'EL 8+ EPEL'        ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/' ,china: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/'     ,europe: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/'     }}
  - { name: pgdg-common    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Common' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-$basearch' , europe: '$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg-extras    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Extra'  ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' , europe: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg-el8fix    ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL8FIX' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [  8  ] ,baseurl: { default: '' ,china: '' , europe: '' } }
  - { name: pgdg-el9fix    ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL9FIX' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [    9] ,baseurl: { default: ''  ,china: '' , europe: '' }}
  - { name: pgdg15         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 15'     ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-$basearch' ,europe: '$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg16         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 16'     ,module: pgsql ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-$basearch' ,europe: '$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: timescaledb    ,description: 'TimescaleDB'       ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch'  }}
  - ansible python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv python3-requests python3-jmespath python3.11-jmespath python3.11-pip dnf-utils modulemd-tools createrepo_c sshpass # Distro & Boot
  - nginx dnsmasq etcd haproxy vip-manager pg_exporter pgbackrest_exporter                                                                                            # Pigsty Addons
  - grafana loki logcli promtail prometheus2 alertmanager pushgateway node_exporter blackbox_exporter nginx_exporter keepalived_exporter                              # Infra Packages
  - lz4 unzip bzip2 zlib yum pv jq git ncdu make patch bash lsof wget uuid tuned nvme-cli numactl grubby sysstat iotop htop rsync tcpdump perf flamegraph             # Node Tools 1
  - netcat socat ftp lrzsz net-tools ipvsadm bind-utils telnet audit ca-certificates openssl openssh-clients readline vim-minimal keepalived chrony                   # Node Tools 2
  - patroni patroni-etcd pgbouncer pgbadger pgbackrest pgloader pg_activity pg_filedump timescaledb-tools scws libduckdb pgFormatter # pgxnclient missing in el9      # PGSQL Common Tools
  - postgresql16* pg_repack_16* wal2json_16* passwordcheck_cracklib_16* pglogical_16* pg_cron_16* postgis34_16* timescaledb-2-postgresql-16* pgvector_16* citus_16*   # PGDG 16 Packages
  - pgml_16* pg_graphql_16 pg_net_16* pgsql-http_16* pgsql-gzip_16* vault_16 pgjwt_16 pg_tle_16* pg_roaringbitmap_16* pointcloud_16* zhparser_16* hydra_16* apache-age_16* duckdb_fdw_16* pg_sparse_16* pg_sparse_16* pg_bm25_16* pg_analytics_16*
  - orafce_16* mongo_fdw_16* tds_fdw_16* mysql_fdw_16 hdfs_fdw_16 sqlite_fdw_16 pgbouncer_fdw_16 powa_16* pg_stat_kcache_16* pg_stat_monitor_16* pg_qualstats_16 pg_track_settings_16 pg_wait_sampling_16 hll_16 pgaudit_16
  - plprofiler_16* plsh_16* pldebugger_16 plpgsql_check_16* pgtt_16 pgq_16* pgsql_tweaks_16 count_distinct_16 hypopg_16 timestamp9_16* semver_16* prefix_16* periods_16 ip4r_16 tdigest_16 pgmp_16 extra_window_functions_16 topn_16
  - pg_background_16 e-maj_16 pg_prioritize_16 pgcryptokey_16 logerrors_16 pg_top_16 pg_comparator_16 pg_ivm_16* pgsodium_16* pgfincore_16* ddlx_16 credcheck_16 safeupdate_16 pg_squeeze_16* pg_fkpart_16 pg_jobmon_16
  - pg_partman_16 pg_permissions_16 pgexportdoc_16 pgimportdoc_16 pg_statement_rollback_16* pg_hint_plan_16* pg_auth_mon_16 pg_checksums_16 pg_failover_slots_16 pg_readonly_16* pg_uuidv7_16* set_user_16* rum_16
  - redis_exporter mysqld_exporter mongodb_exporter docker-ce docker-compose-plugin redis minio mcli ferretdb duckdb sealos  # Miscellaneous Packages
  #- mysqlcompat_16 system_stats_16 multicorn2_16* plproxy_16 geoip_16 pgcopydb_16 pg_catcheck_16 pg_store_plans_16* postgresql-unit_16 # not available for PG 16 yet


name: repo_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

create a yum repo on this infra node? default value: true

If you have multiple infra nodes, you can disable yum repo on other standby nodes to reduce Internet traffic.


name: repo_home, type: path, level: G

repo home dir, /www by default


name: repo_name, type: string, level: G

repo name, pigsty by default, it is not wise to change this value


name: repo_endpoint, type: url, level: G

access point to this repo by domain or ip:port, default value: http://${admin_ip}:80

If you have changed the nginx_port or nginx_ssl_port, or use a different infra node from admin node, please adjust this parameter accordingly.

The ${admin_ip} will be replaced with actual admin_ip during runtime.


name: repo_remove, type: bool, level: G/A

remove existing upstream repo, default value: true

If you want to keep existing upstream repo, set this value to false.


name: repo_modules, type: string, level: G/A

which repo modules are installed in repo_upstream, default value: infra,node,pgsql

This is a comma separated value string, it is used to filter entries in repo_upstream with corresponding module field.

For Ubuntu / Debian users, you can add redis to the list: infra,node,pgsql,redis


name: repo_upstream, type: upstream[], level: G

where to download upstream packages, default values are for EL 7/8/9:

repo_upstream:                    # where to download
  - { name: pigsty-local   ,description: 'Pigsty Local'      ,module: local ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://${admin_ip}/pigsty'  }} # used by intranet nodes
  - { name: pigsty-infra   ,description: 'Pigsty INFRA'      ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$basearch' ,china: '$basearch' }}
  - { name: pigsty-pgsql   ,description: 'Pigsty PGSQL'      ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever.$basearch' ,china: '$releasever.$basearch' }}
  - { name: nginx          ,description: 'Nginx Repo'        ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/' }}
  - { name: docker-ce      ,description: 'Docker CE'         ,module: infra ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/stable'        ,china: '$releasever/$basearch/stable'  ,europe: '$releasever/$basearch/stable' }}
  - { name: base           ,description: 'EL 7 Base'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'                    ,china: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'           ,europe: '$releasever/os/$basearch/'           }}
  - { name: updates        ,description: 'EL 7 Updates'      ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/updates/$basearch/'               ,china: '$releasever/updates/$basearch/'      ,europe: '$releasever/updates/$basearch/'      }}
  - { name: extras         ,description: 'EL 7 Extras'       ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/'                ,china: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/'       ,europe: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/'       }}
  - { name: epel           ,description: 'EL 7 EPEL'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch/'            ,china: '$releasever/$basearch/'                ,europe: '$releasever/$basearch/'                }}
  - { name: centos-sclo    ,description: 'EL 7 SCLo'         ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'             ,china: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'              ,europe: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/sclo/'    }}
  - { name: centos-sclo-rh ,description: 'EL 7 SCLo rh'      ,module: node  ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'               ,china: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'                ,europe: '$releasever/sclo/$basearch/rh/'      }}
  - { name: baseos         ,description: 'EL 8+ BaseOS'      ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'         ,china: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'          ,europe: '$releasever/BaseOS/$basearch/os/'     }}
  - { name: appstream      ,description: 'EL 8+ AppStream'   ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'      ,china: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'       ,europe: '$releasever/AppStream/$basearch/os/'  }}
  - { name: extras         ,description: 'EL 8+ Extras'      ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'         ,china: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'          ,europe: '$releasever/extras/$basearch/os/'     }}
  - { name: crb            ,description: 'EL 9 CRB'          ,module: node  ,releases: [    9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'            ,china: '$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'             ,europe: '$releasever/CRB/$basearch/os/'        }}
  - { name: powertools     ,description: 'EL 8 PowerTools'   ,module: node  ,releases: [  8  ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/'     ,china: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/'      ,europe: '$releasever/PowerTools/$basearch/os/' }}
  - { name: epel           ,description: 'EL 8+ EPEL'        ,module: node  ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/' ,china: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/'     ,europe: '$releasever/Everything/$basearch/'     }}
  - { name: pgdg-common    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Common' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-$basearch' , europe: '$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg-extras    ,description: 'PostgreSQL Extra'  ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' , europe: '$releasever-extras/redhat/rhel-$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg-el8fix    ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL8FIX' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [  8  ] ,baseurl: { default: '' ,china: '' , europe: '' } }
  - { name: pgdg-el9fix    ,description: 'PostgreSQL EL9FIX' ,module: pgsql ,releases: [    9] ,baseurl: { default: ''  ,china: '' , europe: '' }}
  - { name: pgdg15         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 15'     ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7    ] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-$basearch' ,europe: '$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: pgdg16         ,description: 'PostgreSQL 16'     ,module: pgsql ,releases: [  8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever-$basearch' ,china: '$releasever-$basearch' ,europe: '$releasever-$basearch' }}
  - { name: timescaledb    ,description: 'TimescaleDB'       ,module: pgsql ,releases: [7,8,9] ,baseurl: { default: '$releasever/$basearch'  }}

For Debian (11,12) / Ubuntu (20.04,22.04) the proper value needs to be explicitly specified in global/cluster/host vars:

repo_upstream:                    # where to download
  - { name: pigsty-local  ,description: 'Pigsty Local'     ,module: local ,releases: [11,12,20,22] ,baseurl: { default: 'http://${admin_ip}/pigsty ./' }}
  - { name: pigsty-pgsql  ,description: 'Pigsty PgSQL'     ,module: pgsql ,releases: [11,12,20,22] ,baseurl: { default: '${distro_codename}.amd64/ ./', china: '${distro_codename}.amd64/ ./' }}
  - { name: pigsty-infra  ,description: 'Pigsty Infra'     ,module: infra ,releases: [11,12,20,22] ,baseurl: { default: ' ./', china: ' ./' }}
  - { name: nginx         ,description: 'Nginx'            ,module: infra ,releases: [11,12,20,22] ,baseurl: { default: '${distro_name} ${distro_codename} nginx' }}
  - { name: base          ,description: 'Debian Basic'     ,module: node  ,releases: [11,12      ] ,baseurl: { default: ' ${distro_codename} main non-free-firmware'         ,china: ' ${distro_codename} main restricted universe multiverse' }}
  - { name: updates       ,description: 'Debian Updates'   ,module: node  ,releases: [11,12      ] ,baseurl: { default: ' ${distro_codename}-updates main non-free-firmware' ,china: ' ${distro_codename}-updates main restricted universe multiverse' }}
  - { name: security      ,description: 'Debian Security'  ,module: node  ,releases: [11,12      ] ,baseurl: { default: ' ${distro_codename}-security main non-free-firmware' }}
  - { name: base          ,description: 'Ubuntu Basic'     ,module: node  ,releases: [      20,22] ,baseurl: { default: '${distro_name}/ ${distro_codename}   main universe multiverse restricted' ,china: '${distro_name}/ ${distro_codename}   main restricted universe multiverse' }}
  - { name: updates       ,description: 'Ubuntu Updates'   ,module: node  ,releases: [      20,22] ,baseurl: { default: ' ${distro_codename}-backports main restricted universe multiverse' ,china: ' ${distro_codename}-updates   main restricted universe multiverse' }}
  - { name: backports     ,description: 'Ubuntu Backports' ,module: node  ,releases: [      20,22] ,baseurl: { default: ' ${distro_codename}-security  main restricted universe multiverse' ,china: ' ${distro_codename}-backports main restricted universe multiverse' }}
  - { name: security      ,description: 'Ubuntu Security'  ,module: node  ,releases: [      20,22] ,baseurl: { default: ' ${distro_codename}-updates   main restricted universe multiverse' ,china: ' ${distro_codename}-security  main restricted universe multiverse' }}
  - { name: pgdg          ,description: 'PGDG'             ,module: pgsql ,releases: [11,12,20,22] ,baseurl: { default: ' ${distro_codename}-pgdg main' ,china: ' ${distro_codename}-pgdg main' }}
  - { name: citus         ,description: 'Citus'            ,module: pgsql ,releases: [11,12,20,22] ,baseurl: { default: '${distro_name}/ ${distro_codename} main'   }}
  - { name: timescaledb   ,description: 'Timescaledb'      ,module: pgsql ,releases: [11,12,20,22] ,baseurl: { default: '${distro_name}/ ${distro_codename} main' }}
  - { name: redis         ,description: 'Redis'            ,module: redis ,releases: [11,12,20,22] ,baseurl: { default: ' ${distro_codename} main' }}
  - { name: docker-ce     ,description: 'Docker'           ,module: infra ,releases: [11,12,20,22] ,baseurl: { default: '${distro_name} ${distro_codename} stable' ,china: '${distro_name} ${distro_codename} stable' }}

Pigsty build.yml will have the default value for each OS.


name: repo_packages, type: string[], level: G

which packages to be included, default values:

  - ansible python3 python3-pip python3-virtualenv python3-requests python3-jmespath python3.11-jmespath python3.11-pip dnf-utils modulemd-tools createrepo_c sshpass # Distro & Boot
  - nginx dnsmasq etcd haproxy vip-manager pg_exporter pgbackrest_exporter                                                                                            # Pigsty Addons
  - grafana loki logcli promtail prometheus2 alertmanager pushgateway node_exporter blackbox_exporter nginx_exporter keepalived_exporter                              # Infra Packages
  - lz4 unzip bzip2 zlib yum pv jq git ncdu make patch bash lsof wget uuid tuned nvme-cli numactl grubby sysstat iotop htop rsync tcpdump perf flamegraph             # Node Tools 1
  - netcat socat ftp lrzsz net-tools ipvsadm bind-utils telnet audit ca-certificates openssl openssh-clients readline vim-minimal keepalived chrony                   # Node Tools 2
  - patroni patroni-etcd pgbouncer pgbadger pgbackrest pgloader pg_activity pg_filedump timescaledb-tools scws libduckdb pgFormatter # pgxnclient missing in el9      # PGSQL Common Tools
  - postgresql16* pg_repack_16* wal2json_16* passwordcheck_cracklib_16* pglogical_16* pg_cron_16* postgis34_16* timescaledb-2-postgresql-16* pgvector_16* citus_16*   # PGDG 16 Packages
  - pgml_16* pg_graphql_16 pg_net_16* pgsql-http_16* pgsql-gzip_16* vault_16 pgjwt_16 pg_tle_16* pg_roaringbitmap_16* pointcloud_16* zhparser_16* hydra_16* apache-age_16* duckdb_fdw_16* pg_sparse_16* pg_sparse_16* pg_bm25_16* pg_analytics_16*
  - orafce_16* mongo_fdw_16* tds_fdw_16* mysql_fdw_16 hdfs_fdw_16 sqlite_fdw_16 pgbouncer_fdw_16 powa_16* pg_stat_kcache_16* pg_stat_monitor_16* pg_qualstats_16 pg_track_settings_16 pg_wait_sampling_16 hll_16 pgaudit_16
  - plprofiler_16* plsh_16* pldebugger_16 plpgsql_check_16* pgtt_16 pgq_16* pgsql_tweaks_16 count_distinct_16 hypopg_16 timestamp9_16* semver_16* prefix_16* periods_16 ip4r_16 tdigest_16 pgmp_16 extra_window_functions_16 topn_16
  - pg_background_16 e-maj_16 pg_prioritize_16 pgcryptokey_16 logerrors_16 pg_top_16 pg_comparator_16 pg_ivm_16* pgsodium_16* pgfincore_16* ddlx_16 credcheck_16 safeupdate_16 pg_squeeze_16* pg_fkpart_16 pg_jobmon_16
  - pg_partman_16 pg_permissions_16 pgexportdoc_16 pgimportdoc_16 pg_statement_rollback_16* pg_hint_plan_16* pg_auth_mon_16 pg_checksums_16 pg_failover_slots_16 pg_readonly_16* pg_uuidv7_16* set_user_16* rum_16
  - redis_exporter mysqld_exporter mongodb_exporter docker-ce docker-compose-plugin redis minio mcli ferretdb duckdb sealos  # Miscellaneous Packages
  #- mysqlcompat_16 system_stats_16 multicorn2_16* plproxy_16 geoip_16 pgcopydb_16 pg_catcheck_16 pg_store_plans_16* postgresql-unit_16 # not available for PG 16 yet

Each line is a set of package names separated by spaces, where the specified software will be downloaded via repotrack.

EL7 packages is slightly different, here are some ad hoc packages:

  • EL7: python36-requests python36-idna yum-utils yum-utils, and postgis33
  • EL8: python3.11-jmespath dnf-utils modulemd-tools, and postgis34
  • EL9: Same as EL8, Missing pgxnclient yet, add python3-jmespath

For debian/ubuntu, the proper value needs to be explicitly specified in global/cluster/host vars:

repo_packages:                    # which packages to be included
  - ansible python3 python3-pip python3-venv python3-jmespath dpkg-dev sshpass                                                                        # Distro & Boot
  - nginx dnsmasq etcd haproxy vip-manager pg-exporter pgbackrest-exporter                                                                            # Pigsty Addon
  - grafana loki logcli promtail prometheus2 alertmanager pushgateway node-exporter blackbox-exporter nginx-exporter keepalived-exporter              # Infra Packages
  - redis-exporter mysqld-exporter mongodb-exporter docker-ce docker-compose-plugin redis minio mcli ferretdb duckdb sealos                           # Miscellaneous
  - lz4 unzip bzip2 zlib1g pv jq git ncdu make patch bash lsof wget uuid tuned nvme-cli numactl sysstat iotop htop rsync tcpdump linux-tools-generic  # Node Tools 1
  - netcat socat ftp lrzsz net-tools ipvsadm dnsutils telnet ca-certificates openssl openssh-client libreadline-dev vim-tiny keepalived acl chrony    # Node Tools 2
  - patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pgbadger pgloader pg-activity pgloader pg-activity postgresql-filedump pgxnclient pgformatter                        # PGSQL Packages
  - postgresql-client-16 postgresql-16 postgresql-server-dev-16 postgresql-plpython3-16 postgresql-plperl-16 postgresql-pltcl-16 postgresql-16-wal2json postgresql-16-repack
  - postgresql-16-postgis-3 postgresql-16-postgis-3-scripts postgresql-16-citus-12.1 postgresql-16-pgvector timescaledb-2-postgresql-16               # PGDG 16 Extensions
  - postgresql-16-age postgresql-16-asn1oid postgresql-16-auto-failover postgresql-16-bgw-replstatus postgresql-16-pg-catcheck postgresql-16-pg-checksums postgresql-16-credcheck postgresql-16-cron postgresql-16-debversion postgresql-16-decoderbufs postgresql-16-dirtyread postgresql-16-extra-window-functions postgresql-16-first-last-agg postgresql-16-hll postgresql-16-hypopg postgresql-16-icu-ext postgresql-16-ip4r postgresql-16-jsquery
  - postgresql-16-londiste-sql postgresql-16-mimeo postgresql-16-mysql-fdw postgresql-16-numeral postgresql-16-ogr-fdw postgresql-16-omnidb postgresql-16-oracle-fdw postgresql-16-orafce postgresql-16-partman postgresql-16-periods postgresql-16-pgaudit postgresql-16-pgauditlogtofile postgresql-16-pgextwlist postgresql-16-pg-fact-loader postgresql-16-pg-failover-slots postgresql-16-pgfincore postgresql-16-pgl-ddl-deploy postgresql-16-pglogical postgresql-16-pglogical-ticker
  - postgresql-16-pgmemcache postgresql-16-pgmp postgresql-16-pgpcre postgresql-16-pgq3 postgresql-16-pgq-node postgresql-16-pg-qualstats postgresql-16-pgsphere postgresql-16-pg-stat-kcache postgresql-16-pgtap postgresql-16-pg-track-settings postgresql-16-pg-wait-sampling postgresql-16-pldebugger postgresql-16-pllua postgresql-16-plpgsql-check postgresql-16-plprofiler postgresql-16-plproxy postgresql-16-plsh postgresql-16-pointcloud
  - postgresql-16-powa postgresql-16-prefix postgresql-16-preprepare postgresql-16-prioritize postgresql-16-q3c postgresql-16-rational postgresql-16-rum postgresql-16-semver postgresql-16-set-user postgresql-16-show-plans postgresql-16-similarity postgresql-16-snakeoil postgresql-16-squeeze postgresql-16-tablelog postgresql-16-tdigest postgresql-16-tds-fdw postgresql-16-toastinfo postgresql-16-topn postgresql-16-unit
  - pg-graphql pg-net pg-analytics pg-bm25 pg-sparse
  #- postgresql-16-pljava postgresql-16-plr postgresql-16-rdkit postgresql-16-pgrouting-doc postgresql-16-pgrouting postgresql-16-pgrouting-scripts postgresql-16-h3 postgresql-16-pgdg-pgroonga postgresql-16-pgpool2 postgresql-16-slony1-2 postgresql-16-repmgr

There are some differences between Ubuntu / Debian too:

  • Ubuntu 22.04: postgresql-pgml-15, postgresql-15-rdkit, linux-tools-generic(perf), netcat, ftp
  • Ubuntu 20.04: postgresql-15-rdkit not available. postgresql-15-postgis-3 must be installed online (without local repo)
  • Debian 12: netcat -> netcat-openbsdftp -> tnftplinux-tools-generic(perf) -> linux-perf, the rest is same as Ubuntu
  • Debian 11: Same as Debian 12, except for postgresql-15-rdkit not available

Each line is a set of package names separated by spaces, where the specified software and their dependencies will be downloaded via repotrack or apt download accordingly.

Pigsty build.yml will have the default value for each OS.


name: repo_url_packages, type: string[], level: G

extra packages from url, default values:

  -     # postgres explain visualizer
  -    # grafana extra map geojson data
  -  # grafana plugins

These are optional add-ons, which will be downloaded via URL from the Internet directly.

For example, if you don’t download the plugins.tgz, Pigsty will download it later during grafana setup.


These packages are installed on infra nodes only, including common rpm/deb/pip packages.


name: infra_packages, type: string[], level: G

packages to be installed on infra nodes, default value:

infra_packages:                   # packages to be installed on infra nodes
  - grafana,loki,logcli,promtail,prometheus2,alertmanager,pushgateway
  - node_exporter,blackbox_exporter,nginx_exporter,pg_exporter
  - nginx,dnsmasq,ansible,etcd,python3-requests,redis,mcli

Default value for Debian/Ubuntu should be explicitly overwrite:

infra_packages:                   # packages to be installed on infra nodes
  - grafana,loki,logcli,promtail,prometheus2,alertmanager,pushgateway,blackbox-exporter
  - node-exporter,blackbox-exporter,nginx-exporter,redis-exporter,pg-exporter
  - nginx,dnsmasq,ansible,etcd,python3-requests,redis,mcli


name: infra_packages_pip, type: string, level: G

pip installed packages for infra nodes, default value is empty string


Pigsty exposes all Web services through Nginx: Home Page, Grafana, Prometheus, AlertManager, etc…, and other optional tools such as PGWe, Jupyter Lab, Pgadmin, Bytebase ,and other static resource & report such as pev, schemaspy & pgbadger

This nginx also serves as a local yum/apt repo.

nginx_enabled: true               # enable nginx on this infra node?
nginx_exporter_enabled: true      # enable nginx_exporter on this infra node?
nginx_sslmode: enable             # nginx ssl mode? disable,enable,enforce
nginx_home: /www                  # nginx content dir, `/www` by default
nginx_port: 80                    # nginx listen port, 80 by default
nginx_ssl_port: 443               # nginx ssl listen port, 443 by default
nginx_navbar:                     # nginx index page navigation links
  - { name: CA Cert ,url: '/ca.crt'   ,desc: 'pigsty self-signed ca.crt'   }
  - { name: Package ,url: '/pigsty'   ,desc: 'local yum repo packages'     }
  - { name: PG Logs ,url: '/logs'     ,desc: 'postgres raw csv logs'       }
  - { name: Reports ,url: '/report'   ,desc: 'pgbadger summary report'     }
  - { name: Explain ,url: '/pigsty/pev.html' ,desc: 'postgres explain visualizer' }


name: nginx_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

enable nginx on this infra node? default value: true


name: nginx_exporter_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

enable nginx_exporter on this infra node? default value: true.

set to false will disable /nginx health check stub too: If your nginx does not support /nginx stub, you can set this value to false to disable it.


name: nginx_sslmode, type: enum, level: G

nginx ssl mode? which could be: disable, enable, enforce, the default value: enable

  • disable: listen on nginx_port and serve plain HTTP only
  • enable: also listen on nginx_ssl_port and serve HTTPS
  • enforce: all links will be rendered as https:// by default


name: nginx_home, type: path, level: G

nginx web server static content dir, /www by default

Nginx root directory which contains static resource and repo resource. It’s wise to set this value same as repo_home so that local repo content is automatically served.


name: nginx_port, type: port, level: G

nginx listen port which serves the HTTP requests, 80 by default.

If your default 80 port is occupied or unavailable, you can consider using another port, and change repo_endpoint and repo_upstream (the local entry) accordingly.


name: nginx_ssl_port, type: port, level: G

nginx ssl listen port, 443 by default


name: nginx_navbar, type: index[], level: G

nginx index page navigation links

default value:

nginx_navbar:                     # nginx index page navigation links
  - { name: CA Cert ,url: '/ca.crt'   ,desc: 'pigsty self-signed ca.crt'   }
  - { name: Package ,url: '/pigsty'   ,desc: 'local yum repo packages'     }
  - { name: PG Logs ,url: '/logs'     ,desc: 'postgres raw csv logs'       }
  - { name: Reports ,url: '/report'   ,desc: 'pgbadger summary report'     }
  - { name: Explain ,url: '/pigsty/pev.html' ,desc: 'postgres explain visualizer' }

Each record is rendered as a navigation link to the Pigsty home page App drop-down menu, and the apps are all optional, mounted by default on the Pigsty default server under http://pigsty/.

The url parameter specifies the URL PATH for the app, with the exception that if the ${grafana} string is present in the URL, it will be automatically replaced with the Grafana domain name defined in infra_portal.


Pigsty will launch a default DNSMASQ server on infra nodes to serve DNS inquiry. such as h.pigsty a.pigsty p.pigsty g.pigsty and sss.pigsty for optional MinIO service.

All records will be added to infra node’s /etc/hosts.d/*.

You have to add nameserver {{ admin_ip }} to your /etc/resolv to use this dns server, and node_dns_servers will do the trick.

dns_enabled: true                 # setup dnsmasq on this infra node?
dns_port: 53                      # dns server listen port, 53 by default
dns_records:                      # dynamic dns records resolved by dnsmasq
  - "${admin_ip} h.pigsty a.pigsty p.pigsty g.pigsty"
  - "${admin_ip} api.pigsty adm.pigsty cli.pigsty ddl.pigsty lab.pigsty git.pigsty sss.pigsty wiki.pigsty"


name: dns_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

setup dnsmasq on this infra node? default value: true

If you don’t want to use the default DNS server, you can set this value to false to disable it. And use node_default_etc_hosts and node_etc_hosts instead.


name: dns_port, type: port, level: G

dns server listen port, 53 by default


name: dns_records, type: string[], level: G

dynamic dns records resolved by dnsmasq, Some auxiliary domain names will be written to /etc/hosts.d/default on infra nodes by default

dns_records:                      # dynamic dns records resolved by dnsmasq
  - "${admin_ip} h.pigsty a.pigsty p.pigsty g.pigsty"
  - "${admin_ip} api.pigsty adm.pigsty cli.pigsty ddl.pigsty lab.pigsty git.pigsty sss.pigsty wiki.pigsty"


Prometheus is used as time-series database for metrics scrape, storage & analysis.

prometheus_enabled: true          # enable prometheus on this infra node?
prometheus_clean: true            # clean prometheus data during init?
prometheus_data: /data/prometheus # prometheus data dir, `/data/prometheus` by default
prometheus_sd_dir: /etc/prometheus/targets # prometheus file service discovery directory
prometheus_sd_interval: 5s        # prometheus target refresh interval, 5s by default
prometheus_scrape_interval: 10s   # prometheus scrape & eval interval, 10s by default
prometheus_scrape_timeout: 8s     # prometheus global scrape timeout, 8s by default
prometheus_options: '--storage.tsdb.retention.time=15d' # prometheus extra server options
pushgateway_enabled: true         # setup pushgateway on this infra node?
pushgateway_options: '--persistence.interval=1m' # pushgateway extra server options
blackbox_enabled: true            # setup blackbox_exporter on this infra node?
blackbox_options: ''              # blackbox_exporter extra server options
alertmanager_enabled: true        # setup alertmanager on this infra node?
alertmanager_options: ''          # alertmanager extra server options
exporter_metrics_path: /metrics   # exporter metric path, `/metrics` by default
exporter_install: none            # how to install exporter? none,yum,binary
exporter_repo_url: ''             # exporter repo file url if install exporter via yum


name: prometheus_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

enable prometheus on this infra node?

default value: true


name: prometheus_clean, type: bool, level: G/A

clean prometheus data during init? default value: true


name: prometheus_data, type: path, level: G

prometheus data dir, /data/prometheus by default


name: prometheus_sd_dir, type: path, level: G, default value: /etc/prometheus/targets

prometheus static file service discovery target dir, prometheus will find dynamic monitoring targets from this directory.


name: prometheus_sd_interval, type: interval, level: G, default value: 5s

Prometheus will check prometheus_sd_interval dir per 5s by default to find out new monitoring targets.


name: prometheus_scrape_interval, type: interval, level: G

prometheus scrape & eval interval, 10s by default


name: prometheus_scrape_timeout, type: interval, level: G

prometheus global scrape timeout, 8s by default

DO NOT set this larger than prometheus_scrape_interval


name: prometheus_options, type: arg, level: G

prometheus extra server options

default value: --storage.tsdb.retention.time=15d

Extra cli args for prometheus server, the default value will set up a 15-day data retention to limit disk usage.


name: pushgateway_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

setup pushgateway on this infra node? default value: true


name: pushgateway_options, type: arg, level: G

pushgateway extra server options, default value: --persistence.interval=1m


name: blackbox_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

setup blackbox_exporter on this infra node? default value: true


name: blackbox_options, type: arg, level: G

blackbox_exporter extra server options, default value is empty string


name: alertmanager_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

setup alertmanager on this infra node? default value: true


name: alertmanager_options, type: arg, level: G

alertmanager extra server options, default value is empty string


name: exporter_metrics_path, type: path, level: G

exporter metric path, /metrics by default


name: exporter_install, type: enum, level: G

(OBSOLETE) how to install exporter? none,yum,binary

default value: none

Specify how to install Exporter:

  • none: No installation, (by default, the Exporter has been previously installed by the node_pkg task)
  • yum: Install using yum (if yum installation is enabled, run yum to install node_exporter and pg_exporter before deploying Exporter)
  • binary: Install using a copy binary (copy node_exporter and pg_exporter binary directly from the meta node, not recommended)

When installing with yum, if exporter_repo_url is specified (not empty), the installation will first install the REPO file under that URL into /etc/yum.repos.d. This feature allows you to install Exporter directly without initializing the node infrastructure. It is not recommended for regular users to use binary installation. This mode is usually used for emergency troubleshooting and temporary problem fixes.

<meta>:<pigsty>/files/node_exporter ->  <target>:/usr/bin/node_exporter
<meta>:<pigsty>/files/pg_exporter   ->  <target>:/usr/bin/pg_exporter


name: exporter_repo_url, type: url, level: G

(OBSOLETE) exporter repo file url if install exporter via yum

default value is empty string

Default is empty; when exporter_install is yum, the repo specified by this parameter will be added to the node source list.


Grafana is the visualization platform for Pigsty’s monitoring system.

It can also be used as a low code data visualization environment

grafana_enabled: true             # enable grafana on this infra node?
grafana_clean: true               # clean grafana data during init?
grafana_admin_username: admin     # grafana admin username, `admin` by default
grafana_admin_password: pigsty    # grafana admin password, `pigsty` by default
grafana_plugin_cache: /www/pigsty/plugins.tgz # path to grafana plugins cache tarball
grafana_plugin_list:              # grafana plugins to be downloaded with grafana-cli
  - volkovlabs-echarts-panel
  - volkovlabs-image-panel
  - volkovlabs-form-panel
  - volkovlabs-variable-panel
  - volkovlabs-grapi-datasource
  - marcusolsson-static-datasource
  - marcusolsson-json-datasource
  - marcusolsson-dynamictext-panel
  - marcusolsson-treemap-panel
  - marcusolsson-calendar-panel
  - marcusolsson-hourly-heatmap-panel
  - knightss27-weathermap-panel
loki_enabled: true                # enable loki on this infra node?
loki_clean: false                 # whether remove existing loki data?
loki_data: /data/loki             # loki data dir, `/data/loki` by default
loki_retention: 15d               # loki log retention period, 15d by default


name: grafana_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

enable grafana on this infra node? default value: true


name: grafana_clean, type: bool, level: G/A

clean grafana data during init? default value: true


name: grafana_admin_username, type: username, level: G

grafana admin username, admin by default


name: grafana_admin_password, type: password, level: G

grafana admin password, pigsty by default

default value: pigsty

WARNING: Change this to a strong password before deploying to production environment


name: grafana_plugin_cache, type: path, level: G

path to grafana plugins cache tarball

default value: /www/pigsty/plugins.tgz

If that cache exists, pigsty use that instead of downloading plugins from the Internet


name: grafana_plugin_list, type: string[], level: G

grafana plugins to be downloaded with grafana-cli

default value:

grafana_plugin_list:              # grafana plugins to be downloaded with grafana-cli
  - volkovlabs-echarts-panel
  - volkovlabs-image-panel
  - volkovlabs-form-panel
  - volkovlabs-variable-panel
  - volkovlabs-grapi-datasource
  - marcusolsson-static-datasource
  - marcusolsson-json-datasource
  - marcusolsson-dynamictext-panel
  - marcusolsson-treemap-panel
  - marcusolsson-calendar-panel
  - marcusolsson-hourly-heatmap-panel
  - knightss27-weathermap-panel



name: loki_enabled, type: bool, level: G/I

enable loki on this infra node? default value: true


name: loki_clean, type: bool, level: G/A

whether remove existing loki data? default value: false


name: loki_data, type: path, level: G

loki data dir, default value: /data/loki


name: loki_retention, type: interval, level: G

loki log retention period, 15d by default


Node module are tuning target nodes into desired state and take it into the Pigsty monitor system.


Each node has identity parameters that are configured through the parameters in <cluster>.hosts and <cluster>.vars. Check NODE Identity for details.


name: nodename, type: string, level: I

node instance identity, use hostname if missing, optional

no default value, Null or empty string means nodename will be set to node’s current hostname.

If node_id_from_pg is true (by default) and nodename is not explicitly defined, nodename will try to use ${pg_cluster}-${pg_seq} first, if PGSQL is not defined on this node, it will fall back to default HOSTNAME.

If nodename_overwrite is true, the node name will also be used as the HOSTNAME.


name: node_cluster, type: string, level: C

node cluster identity, use ’nodes’ if missing, optional

default values: nodes

If node_id_from_pg is true (by default) and node_cluster is not explicitly defined, node_cluster will try to use ${pg_cluster} first, if PGSQL is not defined on this node, it will fall back to default HOSTNAME.


name: nodename_overwrite, type: bool, level: C

overwrite node’s hostname with nodename?

default value is true, a non-empty node name nodename will override the hostname of the current node.

When the nodename parameter is undefined or an empty string, but node_id_from_pg is true, the node name will try to use {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ pg_seq }}, borrow identity from the 1:1 PostgreSQL Instance’s ins name.

No changes are made to the hostname if the nodename is undefined, empty, or an empty string and node_id_from_pg is false.


name: nodename_exchange, type: bool, level: C

exchange nodename among play hosts?

default value is false

When this parameter is enabled, node names are exchanged between the same group of nodes executing the node.yml playbook, written to /etc/hosts.


name: node_id_from_pg, type: bool, level: C

use postgres identity as node identity if applicable?

default value is true

Boworrow PostgreSQL cluster & instance identity if application.

It’s useful to use same identity for postgres & node if there’s a 1:1 relationship


Pigsty configs static DNS records and dynamic DNS resolver for nodes.

If you already have a DNS server, set node_dns_method to none to disable dynamic DNS setup.

node_write_etc_hosts: true        # modify `/etc/hosts` on target node?
node_default_etc_hosts:           # static dns records in `/etc/hosts`
  - "${admin_ip} h.pigsty a.pigsty p.pigsty g.pigsty"
node_etc_hosts: []                # extra static dns records in `/etc/hosts`
node_dns_method: add              # how to handle dns servers: add,none,overwrite
node_dns_servers: ['${admin_ip}'] # dynamic nameserver in `/etc/resolv.conf`
node_dns_options:                 # dns resolv options in `/etc/resolv.conf`
  - options single-request-reopen timeout:1


name: node_write_etc_hosts, type: ‘bool’, level: G|C|I

modify /etc/hosts on target node?

For example, the docker VM can not modify /etc/hosts by default, so you can set this value to false to disable the modification.


name: node_default_etc_hosts, type: string[], level: G

static dns records in /etc/hosts

default value:

["${admin_ip} h.pigsty a.pigsty p.pigsty g.pigsty"]

node_default_etc_hosts is an array. Each element is a DNS record with format <ip> <name>.

It is used for global static DNS records. You can use node_etc_hosts for ad hoc records for each cluster.

Make sure to write a DNS record like h.pigsty a.pigsty p.pigsty g.pigsty to /etc/hosts to ensure that the local yum repo can be accessed using the domain name before the DNS Nameserver starts.


name: node_etc_hosts, type: string[], level: C

extra static dns records in /etc/hosts

default values: []

Same as node_default_etc_hosts, but in addition to it.


name: node_dns_method, type: enum, level: C

how to handle dns servers: add,none,overwrite

default values: add

  • add: Append the records in node_dns_servers to /etc/resolv.conf and keep the existing DNS servers. (default)
  • overwrite: Overwrite /etc/resolv.conf with the record in node_dns_servers
  • none: If a DNS server is provided in the production env, the DNS server config can be skipped.


name: node_dns_servers, type: string[], level: C

dynamic nameserver in /etc/resolv.conf

default values: ["${admin_ip}"] , the default nameserver on admin node will be added to /etc/resolv.conf as the first nameserver.


name: node_dns_options, type: string[], level: C

dns resolv options in /etc/resolv.conf, default value:

- options single-request-reopen timeout:1


This section is about upstream yum repos & packages to be installed.

node_repo_modules: local          # upstream repo to be added on node, local by default.
node_repo_remove: true            # remove existing repo on node?
node_packages: [ ]                # packages to be installed current nodes
node_default_packages:            # default packages to be installed on all nodes
  - lz4,unzip,bzip2,zlib,yum,pv,jq,git,ncdu,make,patch,bash,lsof,wget,uuid,tuned,nvme-cli,numactl,grubby,sysstat,iotop,htop,rsync,tcpdump,python3,python3-pip
  - netcat,socat,ftp,lrzsz,net-tools,ipvsadm,bind-utils,telnet,audit,ca-certificates,openssl,readline,vim-minimal,node_exporter,etcd,haproxy

For Ubuntu nodes, use this default value explicitly:

- lz4,unzip,bzip2,zlib1g,pv,jq,git,ncdu,make,patch,bash,lsof,wget,uuid,tuned,nvme-cli,numactl,sysstat,iotop,htop,rsync,tcpdump,chrony,acl,python3,python3-pip
- netcat,ftp,socat,lrzsz,net-tools,ipvsadm,dnsutils,telnet,ca-certificates,openssl,openssh-client,libreadline-dev,vim-tiny,keepalived,node-exporter,etcd,haproxy

For debian nodes, use this default value explicitly:

- lz4,unzip,bzip2,zlib1g,pv,jq,git,ncdu,make,patch,bash,lsof,wget,uuid,tuned,nvme-cli,numactl,sysstat,iotop,htop,rsync,tcpdump,chrony,acl,python3,python3-pip
- netcat-openbsd,tnftp,socat,lrzsz,net-tools,ipvsadm,dnsutils,telnet,ca-certificates,openssl,openssh-client,libreadline-dev,vim-tiny,keepalived,node-exporter,etcd,haproxy


name: node_repo_modules, type: string, level: C/A

upstream repo to be added on node, default value: local

This parameter specifies the upstream repo to be added to the node. It is used to filter the repo_upstream entries and only the entries with the same module value will be added to the node’s software source. Which is similar to the repo_modules parameter.


name: node_repo_remove, type: bool, level: C/A

remove existing repo on node?

default value is true, and thus Pigsty will move existing repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d to a backup dir: /etc/yum.repos.d/backup before adding upstream repos On Debian/Ubuntu, Pigsty will backup & move /etc/apt/sources.list(.d) to /etc/apt/backup.


name: node_packages, type: string[], level: C

packages to be installed current nodes, default values: []

Each element is a comma-separated list of package names, which will be installed on the current node in addition to node_default_packages

Like node_default_packages, but in addition to it. designed for overwriting in cluster/instance level.


name: node_default_packages, type: string[], level: G

default packages to be installed on all nodes, the default value is for EL 7/8/9:

node_default_packages:            # default packages to be installed on all nodes
  - lz4,unzip,bzip2,zlib,yum,pv,jq,git,ncdu,make,patch,bash,lsof,wget,uuid,tuned,nvme-cli,numactl,grubby,sysstat,iotop,htop,rsync,tcpdump,chrony,python3
  - netcat,socat,ftp,lrzsz,net-tools,ipvsadm,bind-utils,telnet,audit,ca-certificates,openssl,readline,vim-minimal,node_exporter,etcd,haproxy,python3-pip

For Ubuntu, the appropriate default value would be:

- lz4,unzip,bzip2,zlib1g,pv,jq,git,ncdu,make,patch,bash,lsof,wget,uuid,tuned,linux-tools-generic,nvme-cli,numactl,sysstat,iotop,htop,rsync,tcpdump,chrony,acl,python3,python3-pip
- netcat,socat,ftp,lrzsz,net-tools,ipvsadm,dnsutils,telnet,ca-certificates,openssl,openssh-client,libreadline-dev,vim-tiny,keepalived,node-exporter,etcd,haproxy

For Debian, the appropriate default value would be:

- lz4,unzip,bzip2,zlib1g,pv,jq,git,ncdu,make,patch,bash,lsof,wget,uuid,tuned,linux-perf,nvme-cli,numactl,sysstat,iotop,htop,rsync,tcpdump,chrony,acl,python3,python3-pip
- netcat-openbsd,socat,tnftp,lrzsz,net-tools,ipvsadm,dnsutils,telnet,ca-certificates,openssl,openssh-client,libreadline-dev,vim-tiny,keepalived,node-exporter,etcd,haproxy


Configure tuned templates, features, kernel modules, sysctl params on node.

node_disable_firewall: true       # disable node firewall? true by default
node_disable_selinux: true        # disable node selinux? true by default
node_disable_numa: false          # disable node numa, reboot required
node_disable_swap: false          # disable node swap, use with caution
node_static_network: true         # preserve dns resolver settings after reboot
node_disk_prefetch: false         # setup disk prefetch on HDD to increase performance
node_kernel_modules: [ softdog, br_netfilter, ip_vs, ip_vs_rr, ip_vs_wrr, ip_vs_sh ]
node_hugepage_count: 0            # number of 2MB hugepage, take precedence over ratio
node_hugepage_ratio: 0            # node mem hugepage ratio, 0 disable it by default
node_overcommit_ratio: 0          # node mem overcommit ratio, 0 disable it by default
node_tune: oltp                   # node tuned profile: none,oltp,olap,crit,tiny
node_sysctl_params: { }           # sysctl parameters in k:v format in addition to tuned


name: node_disable_firewall, type: bool, level: C

disable node firewall? true by default

default value is true


name: node_disable_selinux, type: bool, level: C

disable node selinux? true by default

default value is true


name: node_disable_numa, type: bool, level: C

disable node numa, reboot required

default value is false

Boolean flag, default is not off. Note that turning off NUMA requires a reboot of the machine before it can take effect!

If you don’t know how to set the CPU affinity, it is recommended to turn off NUMA.


name: node_disable_swap, type: bool, level: C

disable node swap, use with caution

default value is false

But turning off SWAP is not recommended. But SWAP should be disabled when your node is used for a Kubernetes deployment.

If there is enough memory and the database is deployed exclusively. it may slightly improve performance


name: node_static_network, type: bool, level: C

preserve dns resolver settings after reboot, default value is true

Enabling static networking means that machine reboots will not overwrite your DNS Resolv config with NIC changes. It is recommended to enable it in production environment.


name: node_disk_prefetch, type: bool, level: C

setup disk prefetch on HDD to increase performance

default value is false, Consider enable this when using HDD.


name: node_kernel_modules, type: string[], level: C

kernel modules to be enabled on this node

default value:

node_kernel_modules: [ softdog, br_netfilter, ip_vs, ip_vs_rr, ip_vs_wrr, ip_vs_sh ]

An array consisting of kernel module names declaring the kernel modules that need to be installed on the node.


name: node_hugepage_count, type: int, level: C

number of 2MB hugepage, take precedence over ratio, 0 by default

Take precedence over node_hugepage_ratio. If a non-zero value is given, it will be written to /etc/sysctl.d/hugepage.conf

If node_hugepage_count and node_hugepage_ratio are both 0 (default), hugepage will be disabled at all.

Negative value will not work, and number higher than 90% node mem will be ceil to 90% of node mem.

It should slightly larger than pg_shared_buffer_ratio, if not zero.


name: node_hugepage_ratio, type: float, level: C

node mem hugepage ratio, 0 disable it by default, valid range: 0 ~ 0.40

default values: 0, which will set vm.nr_hugepages=0 and not use HugePage at all.

Percent of this memory will be allocated as HugePage, and reserved for PostgreSQL.

It should be equal or slightly larger than pg_shared_buffer_ratio, if not zero.

For example, if you have default 25% mem for postgres shard buffers, you can set this value to 0.27 ~ 0.30, Wasted hugepage can be reclaimed later with /pg/bin/pg-tune-hugepage


name: node_overcommit_ratio, type: int, level: C

node mem overcommit ratio, 0 disable it by default. this is an integer from 0 to 100+ .

default values: 0, which will set vm.overcommit_memory=0, otherwise vm.overcommit_memory=2 will be used, and this value will be used as vm.overcommit_ratio.

It is recommended to set use a vm.overcommit_ratio on dedicated pgsql nodes. e.g. 50 ~ 100.


name: node_tune, type: enum, level: C

node tuned profile: none,oltp,olap,crit,tiny

default values: oltp

  • tiny: Micro Virtual Machine (1 ~ 3 Core, 1 ~ 8 GB Mem)
  • oltp: Regular OLTP templates with optimized latency
  • olap : Regular OLAP templates to optimize throughput
  • crit: Core financial business templates, optimizing the number of dirty pages

Usually, the database tuning template pg_conf should be paired with the node tuning template: node_tune


name: node_sysctl_params, type: dict, level: C

sysctl parameters in k:v format in addition to tuned

default values: {}

Dictionary K-V structure, Key is kernel sysctl parameter name, Value is the parameter value.

You can also define sysctl parameters with tuned profile


This section is about admin users and it’s credentials.

node_data: /data                  # node main data directory, `/data` by default
node_admin_enabled: true          # create a admin user on target node?
node_admin_uid: 88                # uid and gid for node admin user
node_admin_username: dba          # name of node admin user, `dba` by default
node_admin_ssh_exchange: true     # exchange admin ssh key among node cluster
node_admin_pk_current: true       # add current user's ssh pk to admin authorized_keys
node_admin_pk_list: []            # ssh public keys to be added to admin user


name: node_data, type: path, level: C

node main data directory, /data by default

default values: /data

If specified, this path will be used as major data disk mountpoint. And a dir will be created and throwing a warning if path not exists.

The data dir is owned by root with mode 0777.


name: node_admin_enabled, type: bool, level: C

create a admin user on target node?

default value is true

Create an admin user on each node (password-free sudo and ssh), an admin user named dba (uid=88) will be created by default, which can access other nodes in the env and perform sudo from the meta node via SSH password-free.


name: node_admin_uid, type: int, level: C

uid and gid for node admin user

default values: 88


name: node_admin_username, type: username, level: C

name of node admin user, dba by default

default values: dba


name: node_admin_ssh_exchange, type: bool, level: C

exchange admin ssh key among node cluster

default value is true

When enabled, Pigsty will exchange SSH public keys between members during playbook execution, allowing admins node_admin_username to access each other from different nodes.


name: node_admin_pk_current, type: bool, level: C

add current user’s ssh pk to admin authorized_keys

default value is true

When enabled, on the current node, the SSH public key (~/.ssh/ of the current user is copied to the authorized_keys of the target node admin user.

When deploying in a production env, be sure to pay attention to this parameter, which installs the default public key of the user currently executing the command to the admin user of all machines.


name: node_admin_pk_list, type: string[], level: C

ssh public keys to be added to admin user

default values: []

Each element of the array is a string containing the key written to the admin user ~/.ssh/authorized_keys, and the user with the corresponding private key can log in as an admin user.

When deploying in production envs, be sure to note this parameter and add only trusted keys to this list.


node_timezone: ''                 # setup node timezone, empty string to skip
node_ntp_enabled: true            # enable chronyd time sync service?
node_ntp_servers:                 # ntp servers in `/etc/chrony.conf`
  - pool iburst
node_crontab_overwrite: true      # overwrite or append to `/etc/crontab`?
node_crontab: [ ]                 # crontab entries in `/etc/crontab`


name: node_timezone, type: string, level: C

setup node timezone, empty string to skip

default value is empty string, which will not change the default timezone (usually UTC)


name: node_ntp_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable chronyd time sync service?

default value is true, and thus Pigsty will override the node’s /etc/chrony.conf by with node_ntp_servers.

If you already a NTP server configured, just set to false to leave it be.


name: node_ntp_servers, type: string[], level: C

ntp servers in /etc/chrony.conf, default value: ["pool iburst"]

It only takes effect if node_ntp_enabled is true.

You can use ${admin_ip} to sync time with ntp server on admin node rather than public ntp server.

node_ntp_servers: [ 'pool ${admin_ip} iburst' ]


name: node_crontab_overwrite, type: bool, level: C

overwrite or append to /etc/crontab?

default value is true, and pigsty will render records in node_crontab in overwrite mode rather than appending to it.


name: node_crontab, type: string[], level: C

crontab entries in /etc/crontab

default values: []


You can bind an optional L2 VIP among one node cluster, which is disabled by default.

L2 VIP can only be used in same L2 LAN, which may incurs extra restrictions on your network topology.

If enabled, You have to manually assign the vip_address and vip_vrid for each node cluster.

It is user’s responsibility to ensure that the address / vrid is unique among the same LAN.

vip_enabled: false                # enable vip on this node cluster?
# vip_address:         [IDENTITY] # node vip address in ipv4 format, required if vip is enabled
# vip_vrid:            [IDENTITY] # required, integer, 1-254, should be unique among same VLAN
vip_role: backup                  # optional, `master/backup`, backup by default, use as init role
vip_preempt: false                # optional, `true/false`, false by default, enable vip preemption
vip_interface: eth0               # node vip network interface to listen, `eth0` by default
vip_dns_suffix: ''                # node vip dns name suffix, empty string by default
vip_exporter_port: 9650           # keepalived exporter listen port, 9650 by default


name: vip_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable vip on this node cluster? default value is false, means no L2 VIP is created for this node cluster.

L2 VIP can only be used in same L2 LAN, which may incurs extra restrictions on your network topology.


name: vip_address, type: ip, level: C

node vip address in IPv4 format, required if node vip_enabled.

no default value. This parameter must be explicitly assigned and unique in your LAN.


name: vip_address, type: ip, level: C

integer, 1-254, should be unique in same VLAN, required if node vip_enabled.

no default value. This parameter must be explicitly assigned and unique in your LAN.


name: vip_role, type: enum, level: I

node vip role, could be master or backup, will be used as initial keepalived state.


name: vip_preempt, type: bool, level: C/I

optional, true/false, false by default, enable vip preemption

default value is false, means no preempt is happening when a backup have higher priority than living master.


name: vip_interface, type: string, level: C/I

node vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default.

It should be the same primary intranet interface of your node, which is the IP address you used in the inventory file.

If your node have different interface, you can override it on instance vars


name: vip_dns_suffix, type: string, level: C/I

node vip dns name suffix, empty string by default. It will be used as the DNS name of the node VIP.


name: vip_exporter_port, type: port, level: C/I

keepalived exporter listen port, 9650 by default.


HAProxy is installed on every node by default, exposing services in a NodePort manner.

It is used by PGSQL Service.

haproxy_enabled: true             # enable haproxy on this node?
haproxy_clean: false              # cleanup all existing haproxy config?
haproxy_reload: true              # reload haproxy after config?
haproxy_auth_enabled: true        # enable authentication for haproxy admin page
haproxy_admin_username: admin     # haproxy admin username, `admin` by default
haproxy_admin_password: pigsty    # haproxy admin password, `pigsty` by default
haproxy_exporter_port: 9101       # haproxy admin/exporter port, 9101 by default
haproxy_client_timeout: 24h       # client side connection timeout, 24h by default
haproxy_server_timeout: 24h       # server side connection timeout, 24h by default
haproxy_services: []              # list of haproxy service to be exposed on node


name: haproxy_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable haproxy on this node?

default value is true


name: haproxy_clean, type: bool, level: G/C/A

cleanup all existing haproxy config?

default value is false


name: haproxy_reload, type: bool, level: A

reload haproxy after config?

default value is true, it will reload haproxy after config change.

If you wish to check before apply, you can turn off this with cli args and check it.


name: haproxy_auth_enabled, type: bool, level: G

enable authentication for haproxy admin page

default value is true, which will require a http basic auth for admin page.

disable it is not recommended, since your traffic control will be exposed


name: haproxy_admin_username, type: username, level: G

haproxy admin username, admin by default


name: haproxy_admin_password, type: password, level: G

haproxy admin password, pigsty by default



name: haproxy_exporter_port, type: port, level: C

haproxy admin/exporter port, 9101 by default


name: haproxy_client_timeout, type: interval, level: C

client side connection timeout, 24h by default


name: haproxy_server_timeout, type: interval, level: C

server side connection timeout, 24h by default


name: haproxy_services, type: service[], level: C

list of haproxy service to be exposed on node, default values: []

Each element is a service definition, here is an ad hoc haproxy service example:

haproxy_services:                   # list of haproxy service

  # expose pg-test read only replicas
  - name: pg-test-ro                # [REQUIRED] service name, unique
    port: 5440                      # [REQUIRED] service port, unique
    ip: "*"                         # [OPTIONAL] service listen addr, "*" by default
    protocol: tcp                   # [OPTIONAL] service protocol, 'tcp' by default
    balance: leastconn              # [OPTIONAL] load balance algorithm, roundrobin by default (or leastconn)
    maxconn: 20000                  # [OPTIONAL] max allowed front-end connection, 20000 by default
    default: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'
      - option httpchk
      - option http-keep-alive
      - http-check send meth OPTIONS uri /read-only
      - http-check expect status 200
      - { name: pg-test-1 ,ip: , port: 5432 , options: check port 8008 , backup: true }
      - { name: pg-test-2 ,ip: , port: 5432 , options: check port 8008 }
      - { name: pg-test-3 ,ip: , port: 5432 , options: check port 8008 }

It will be rendered to /etc/haproxy/<>.cfg and take effect after reload.


node_exporter_enabled: true       # setup node_exporter on this node?
node_exporter_port: 9100          # node exporter listen port, 9100 by default
node_exporter_options: '--no-collector.softnet --no-collector.nvme --collector.tcpstat --collector.processes'


name: node_exporter_enabled, type: bool, level: C

setup node_exporter on this node? default value is true


name: node_exporter_port, type: port, level: C

node exporter listen port, 9100 by default


name: node_exporter_options, type: arg, level: C

extra server options for node_exporter, default value: --no-collector.softnet --no-collector.nvme --collector.tcpstat --collector.processes

Pigsty enables tcpstat, processes collectors and and disable nvme, softnet metrics collectors by default.


Promtail will collect logs from other modules, and send them to LOKI

  • INFRA: Infra logs, collected only on infra nodes.

    • nginx-access: /var/log/nginx/access.log
    • nginx-error: /var/log/nginx/error.log
    • grafana: /var/log/grafana/grafana.log
  • NODES: Host node logs, collected on all nodes.

    • syslog: /var/log/messages
    • dmesg: /var/log/dmesg
    • cron: /var/log/cron
  • PGSQL: PostgreSQL logs, collected when a node is defined with pg_cluster.

    • postgres: /pg/log/postgres/*.csv
    • patroni: /pg/log/patroni.log
    • pgbouncer: /pg/log/pgbouncer/pgbouncer.log
    • pgbackrest: /pg/log/pgbackrest/*.log
  • REDIS: Redis logs, collected when a node is defined with redis_cluster.

    • redis: /var/log/redis/*.log

Log directory are customizable according to pg_log_dir, patroni_log_dir, pgbouncer_log_dir, pgbackrest_log_dir

promtail_enabled: true            # enable promtail logging collector?
promtail_clean: false             # purge existing promtail status file during init?
promtail_port: 9080               # promtail listen port, 9080 by default
promtail_positions: /var/log/positions.yaml # promtail position status file path


name: promtail_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable promtail logging collector?

default value is true


name: promtail_clean, type: bool, level: G/A

purge existing promtail status file during init?

default value is false, if you choose to clean, Pigsty will remove the existing state file defined by promtail_positions which means that Promtail will recollect all logs on the current node and send them to Loki again.


name: promtail_port, type: port, level: C

promtail listen port, 9080 by default

default values: 9080


name: promtail_positions, type: path, level: C

promtail position status file path

default values: /var/log/positions.yaml

Promtail records the consumption offsets of all logs, which are periodically written to the file specified by promtail_positions.


You can install docker on nodes with docker.yml

docker_enabled: false             # enable docker on this node?
docker_cgroups_driver: systemd    # docker cgroup fs driver: cgroupfs,systemd
docker_registry_mirrors: []       # docker registry mirror list
docker_image_cache: /tmp/docker   # docker image cache dir, `/tmp/docker` by default


name: docker_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable docker on this node? default value is false


name: docker_cgroups_driver, type: enum, level: C

docker cgroup fs driver, could be cgroupfs or systemd, default values: systemd


name: docker_registry_mirrors, type: string[], level: C

docker registry mirror list, default values: [], Example:

[ "" ]         # tencent cloud mirror, intranet only
[""]   # aliyun cloud mirror, login required


name: docker_image_cache, type: path, level: C

docker image cache dir, /tmp/docker by default.

The local docker image cache with .tgz suffix under this directory will be loaded into docker one by one:

cat {{ docker_image_cache }}/*.tgz | gzip -d -c - | docker load


ETCD is a distributed, reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system, and pigsty use etcd as DCS, Which is critical to PostgreSQL High-Availability.

Pigsty has a hard coded group name etcd for etcd cluster, it can be an existing & external etcd cluster, or a new etcd cluster created by Pigsty with etcd.yml.

#etcd_seq: 1                      # etcd instance identifier, explicitly required
#etcd_cluster: etcd               # etcd cluster & group name, etcd by default
etcd_safeguard: false             # prevent purging running etcd instance?
etcd_clean: true                  # purging existing etcd during initialization?
etcd_data: /data/etcd             # etcd data directory, /data/etcd by default
etcd_port: 2379                   # etcd client port, 2379 by default
etcd_peer_port: 2380              # etcd peer port, 2380 by default
etcd_init: new                    # etcd initial cluster state, new or existing
etcd_election_timeout: 1000       # etcd election timeout, 1000ms by default
etcd_heartbeat_interval: 100      # etcd heartbeat interval, 100ms by default


name: etcd_seq, type: int, level: I

etcd instance identifier, REQUIRED

no default value, you have to specify it explicitly. Here is a 3-node etcd cluster example:

etcd: # dcs service for postgres/patroni ha consensus
  hosts:  # 1 node for testing, 3 or 5 for production { etcd_seq: 1 }  # etcd_seq required { etcd_seq: 2 }  # assign from 1 ~ n { etcd_seq: 3 }  # odd number please
  vars: # cluster level parameter override roles/etcd
    etcd_cluster: etcd  # mark etcd cluster name etcd
    etcd_safeguard: false # safeguard against purging
    etcd_clean: true # purge etcd during init process


name: etcd_cluster, type: string, level: C

etcd cluster & group name, etcd by default

default values: etcd, which is a fixed group name, can be useful when you want to use deployed some extra etcd clusters


name: etcd_safeguard, type: bool, level: G/C/A

prevent purging running etcd instance? default value is false

If enabled, running etcd instance will not be purged by etcd.yml playbook.


name: etcd_clean, type: bool, level: G/C/A

purging existing etcd during initialization? default value is true

If enabled, running etcd instance will be purged by etcd.yml playbook, which makes the playbook fully idempotent.

But if etcd_safeguard is enabled, it will still abort on any running etcd instance.


name: etcd_data, type: path, level: C

etcd data directory, /data/etcd by default


name: etcd_port, type: port, level: C

etcd client port, 2379 by default


name: etcd_peer_port, type: port, level: C

etcd peer port, 2380 by default


name: etcd_init, type: enum, level: C

etcd initial cluster state, new or existing

default values: new, which will create a standalone new etcd cluster.

The value existing is used when trying to add new member to existing etcd cluster.


name: etcd_election_timeout, type: int, level: C

etcd election timeout, 1000 (ms) by default


name: etcd_heartbeat_interval, type: int, level: C

etcd heartbeat interval, 100 (ms) by default


Minio is a S3 compatible object storage service. Which is used as an optional central backup storage repo for PostgreSQL.

But you can use it for other purpose, such as storing large files, document, pictures & videos.

#minio_seq: 1                     # minio instance identifier, REQUIRED
minio_cluster: minio              # minio cluster name, minio by default
minio_clean: false                # cleanup minio during init?, false by default
minio_user: minio                 # minio os user, `minio` by default
minio_node: '${minio_cluster}-${minio_seq}.pigsty' # minio node name pattern
minio_data: '/data/minio'         # minio data dir(s), use {x...y} to specify multi drivers
minio_domain: sss.pigsty          # minio external domain name, `sss.pigsty` by default
minio_port: 9000                  # minio service port, 9000 by default
minio_admin_port: 9001            # minio console port, 9001 by default
minio_access_key: minioadmin      # root access key, `minioadmin` by default
minio_secret_key: minioadmin      # root secret key, `minioadmin` by default
minio_extra_vars: ''              # extra environment variables
minio_alias: sss                  # alias name for local minio deployment
minio_buckets: [ { name: pgsql }, { name: infra },  { name: redis } ]
  - { access_key: dba , secret_key: S3User.DBA, policy: consoleAdmin }
  - { access_key: pgbackrest , secret_key: S3User.Backup, policy: readwrite }


name: minio_seq, type: int, level: I

minio instance identifier, REQUIRED identity parameters. no default value, you have to assign it manually


name: minio_cluster, type: string, level: C

minio cluster name, minio by default. This is useful when deploying multiple MinIO clusters


name: minio_clean, type: bool, level: G/C/A

cleanup minio during init?, false by default


name: minio_user, type: username, level: C

minio os user name, minio by default


name: minio_node, type: string, level: C

minio node name pattern, this is used for multi-node deployment

default values: ${minio_cluster}-${minio_seq}.pigsty


name: minio_data, type: path, level: C

minio data dir(s)

default values: /data/minio, which is a common dir for single-node deployment.

For a multi-drive deployment, you can use {x...y} notion to specify multi drivers.


name: minio_domain, type: string, level: G

minio service domain name, sss.pigsty by default.

The client can access minio S3 service via this domain name. This name will be registered to local DNSMASQ and included in SSL certs.


name: minio_port, type: port, level: C

minio service port, 9000 by default


name: minio_admin_port, type: port, level: C

minio console port, 9001 by default


name: minio_access_key, type: username, level: C

root access key, minioadmin by default


name: minio_secret_key, type: password, level: C

root secret key, minioadmin by default

default values: minioadmin



name: minio_extra_vars, type: string, level: C

extra environment variables for minio server. Check Minio Server for the complete list.

default value is empty string, you can use multiline string to passing multiple environment variables.


name: minio_alias, type: string, level: G

MinIO alias name for the local MinIO cluster

default values: sss, which will be written to infra nodes’ / admin users’ client alias profile.


name: minio_buckets, type: bucket[], level: C

list of minio bucket to be created by default:

minio_buckets: [ { name: pgsql }, { name: infra },  { name: redis } ]

Three default buckets are created for module PGSQL, INFRA, and REDIS


name: minio_users, type: user[], level: C

list of minio user to be created, default value:

  - { access_key: dba , secret_key: S3User.DBA, policy: consoleAdmin }
  - { access_key: pgbackrest , secret_key: S3User.Backup, policy: readwrite }

Two default users are created for PostgreSQL DBA and pgBackREST.



#redis_cluster:        <CLUSTER> # redis cluster name, required identity parameter
#redis_node: 1            <NODE> # redis node sequence number, node int id required
#redis_instances: {}      <NODE> # redis instances definition on this redis node
redis_fs_main: /data              # redis main data mountpoint, `/data` by default
redis_exporter_enabled: true      # install redis exporter on redis nodes?
redis_exporter_port: 9121         # redis exporter listen port, 9121 by default
redis_exporter_options: ''        # cli args and extra options for redis exporter
redis_safeguard: false            # prevent purging running redis instance?
redis_clean: true                 # purging existing redis during init?
redis_rmdata: true                # remove redis data when purging redis server?
redis_mode: standalone            # redis mode: standalone,cluster,sentinel
redis_conf: redis.conf            # redis config template path, except sentinel
redis_bind_address: ''     # redis bind address, empty string will use host ip
redis_max_memory: 1GB             # max memory used by each redis instance
redis_mem_policy: allkeys-lru     # redis memory eviction policy
redis_password: ''                # redis password, empty string will disable password
redis_rdb_save: ['1200 1']        # redis rdb save directives, disable with empty list
redis_aof_enabled: false          # enable redis append only file?
redis_rename_commands: {}         # rename redis dangerous commands
redis_cluster_replicas: 1         # replica number for one master in redis cluster
redis_sentinel_monitor: []        # sentinel master list, works on sentinel cluster only


name: redis_cluster, type: string, level: C

redis cluster name, required identity parameter.

no default value, you have to define it explicitly.

Comply with regexp [a-z][a-z0-9-]*, it is recommended to use the same name as the group name and start with redis-


name: redis_node, type: int, level: I

redis node sequence number, unique integer among redis cluster is required

You have to explicitly define the node id for each redis node. integer start from 0 or 1.


name: redis_instances, type: dict, level: I

redis instances definition on this redis node

no default value, you have to define redis instances on each redis node using this parameter explicitly.

Here is an example for a native redis cluster definition

redis-test: # redis native cluster: 3m x 3s
  hosts: { redis_node: 1 ,redis_instances: { 6379: { } ,6380: { } ,6381: { } } } { redis_node: 2 ,redis_instances: { 6379: { } ,6380: { } ,6381: { } } }
  vars: { redis_cluster: redis-test ,redis_password: 'redis.test' ,redis_mode: cluster, redis_max_memory: 32MB }

The port number should be unique among the node, and the replica_of in value should be instance member of the same redis cluster.

    6379: {}
    6380: { replica_of: ' 6379' }
    6381: { replica_of: ' 6379' }


name: redis_fs_main, type: path, level: C

redis main data mountpoint, /data by default

default values: /data, and /data/redis will be used as the redis data directory.


name: redis_exporter_enabled, type: bool, level: C

install redis exporter on redis nodes?

default value is true, which will launch a redis_exporter on this redis_node


name: redis_exporter_port, type: port, level: C

redis exporter listen port, 9121 by default

default values: 9121


name: redis_exporter_options, type: string, level: C/I

cli args and extra options for redis exporter, will be added to /etc/defaut/redis_exporter.

default value is empty string


name: redis_safeguard, type: bool, level: G/C/A

prevent purging running redis instance?

default value is false, if set to true, and redis instance is running, init / remove playbook will abort immediately.


name: redis_clean, type: bool, level: G/C/A

purging existing redis during init?

default value is true, which will remove redis server during redis init or remove.


name: redis_rmdata, type: bool, level: G/C/A

remove redis data when purging redis server?

default value is true, which will remove redis rdb / aof along with redis instance.


name: redis_mode, type: enum, level: C

redis mode: standalone,cluster,sentinel

default values: standalone

  • standalone: setup redis as standalone (master-slave) mode
  • cluster: setup this redis cluster as a redis native cluster
  • sentinel: setup redis as sentinel for standalone redis HA


name: redis_conf, type: string, level: C

redis config template path, except sentinel

default values: redis.conf, which is a template file in roles/redis/templates/redis.conf.

If you want to use your own redis config template, you can put it in templates/ directory and set this parameter to the template file name.

Note that redis sentinel are using a different template file, which is roles/redis/templates/redis-sentinel.conf


name: redis_bind_address, type: ip, level: C

redis bind address, empty string will use inventory hostname

default values:, which will bind to all available IPv4 address on this host

PLEASE bind to intranet IP only in production environment, i.e. set this value to ''


name: redis_max_memory, type: size, level: C/I

max memory used by each redis instance, default values: 1GB


name: redis_mem_policy, type: enum, level: C

redis memory eviction policy

default values: allkeys-lru, check redis eviction policy for more details

  • noeviction: New values aren’t saved when memory limit is reached. When a database uses replication, this applies to the primary database
  • allkeys-lru: Keeps most recently used keys; removes least recently used (LRU) keys
  • allkeys-lfu: Keeps frequently used keys; removes least frequently used (LFU) keys
  • volatile-lru: Removes least recently used keys with the expire field set to true.
  • volatile-lfu: Removes least frequently used keys with the expire field set to true.
  • allkeys-random: Randomly removes keys to make space for the new data added.
  • volatile-random: Randomly removes keys with expire field set to true.
  • volatile-ttl: Removes keys with expire field set to true and the shortest remaining time-to-live (TTL) value.


name: redis_password, type: password, level: C/N

redis password, empty string will disable password, which is the default behavior

Note that due to the implementation limitation of redis_exporter, you can only set one redis_password per node. This is usually not a problem, because pigsty does not allow deploying two different redis cluster on the same node.

PLEASE use a strong password in production environment


name: redis_rdb_save, type: string[], level: C

redis rdb save directives, disable with empty list, check redis persist for details.

the default value is ["1200 1"]: dump the dataset to disk every 20 minutes if at least 1 key changed:


name: redis_aof_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable redis append only file? default value is false.


name: redis_rename_commands, type: dict, level: C

rename redis dangerous commands, which is a dict of k:v old: new

default values: {}, you can hide dangerous commands like FLUSHDB and FLUSHALL by setting this value, here’s an example:

  "keys": "op_keys",
  "flushdb": "op_flushdb",
  "flushall": "op_flushall",
  "config": "op_config"  


name: redis_cluster_replicas, type: int, level: C

replica number for one master/primary in redis cluster, default values: 1


name: redis_sentinel_monitor, type: master[], level: C

This can only be used when redis_mode is set to sentinel.

List of redis master to be monitored by this sentinel cluster. each master is defined as a dict with name, host, port, password, quorum keys.

redis_sentinel_monitor:  # primary list for redis sentinel, use cls as name, primary ip:port
  - { name: redis-src, host:, port: 6379 ,password: redis.src, quorum: 1 }
  - { name: redis-dst, host:, port: 6379 ,password: redis.dst, quorum: 1 }

The name and host are mandatory, port, password, quorum are optional, quorum is used to set the quorum for this master, usually large than half of the sentinel instances.


PGSQL module requires NODE module to be installed, and you also need a viable ETCD cluster to store cluster meta data.

Install PGSQL module on a single node will create a primary instance which a standalone PGSQL server/instance. Install it on additional nodes will create replicas, which can be used for serving read-only traffics, or use as standby backup. You can also create offline instance of ETL/OLAP/Interactive queries, use Sync Standby and Quorum Commit to increase data consistency, or even form a standby cluster and delayed standby cluster for disaster recovery.

You can define multiple PGSQL clusters and form a horizontal sharding cluster, which is a group of PGSQL clusters running on different nodes. Pigsty has native citus cluster group support, which can extend your PGSQL cluster to a distributed database sharding cluster.


Here are some common parameters used to identify PGSQL entities: instance, service, etc…

# pg_cluster:           #CLUSTER  # pgsql cluster name, required identity parameter
# pg_seq: 0             #INSTANCE # pgsql instance seq number, required identity parameter
# pg_role: replica      #INSTANCE # pgsql role, required, could be primary,replica,offline
# pg_instances: {}      #INSTANCE # define multiple pg instances on node in `{port:ins_vars}` format
# pg_upstream:          #INSTANCE # repl upstream ip addr for standby cluster or cascade replica
# pg_shard:             #CLUSTER  # pgsql shard name, optional identity for sharding clusters
# pg_group: 0           #CLUSTER  # pgsql shard index number, optional identity for sharding clusters
# gp_role: master       #CLUSTER  # greenplum role of this cluster, could be master or segment
pg_offline_query: false #INSTANCE # set to true to enable offline query on this instance

You have to assign these identity parameters explicitly, there’s no default value for them.

Name Type Level Description
pg_cluster string C PG database cluster name
pg_seq number I PG database instance id
pg_role enum I PG database instance role
pg_shard string C PG database shard name of cluster
pg_group number C PG database shard index of cluster
  • pg_cluster: It identifies the name of the cluster, which is configured at the cluster level.
  • pg_role: Configured at the instance level, identifies the role of the ins. Only the primary role will be handled specially. If not filled in, the default is the replica role and the special delayed and offline roles.
  • pg_seq: Used to identify the ins within the cluster, usually with an integer number incremented from 0 or 1, which is not changed once it is assigned.
  • {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ pg_seq }} is used to uniquely identify the ins, i.e. pg_instance.
  • {{ pg_cluster }}-{{ pg_role }} is used to identify the services within the cluster, i.e. pg_service.
  • pg_shard and pg_group are used for horizontally sharding clusters, for citus, greenplum, and matrixdb only.

pg_cluster, pg_role, pg_seq are core identity params, which are required for any Postgres cluster, and must be explicitly specified. Here’s an example:

  hosts: {pg_seq: 1, pg_role: replica} {pg_seq: 2, pg_role: primary} {pg_seq: 3, pg_role: replica}
    pg_cluster: pg-test

All other params can be inherited from the global config or the default config, but the identity params must be explicitly specified and manually assigned.


name: pg_mode, type: enum, level: C

pgsql cluster mode, cloud be pgsql, citus, or gpsql, pgsql by default.

If pg_mode is set to citus or gpsql, pg_shard and pg_group will be required for horizontal sharding clusters.


name: pg_cluster, type: string, level: C

pgsql cluster name, REQUIRED identity parameter

The cluster name will be used as the namespace for PGSQL related resources within that cluster.

The naming needs to follow the specific naming pattern: [a-z][a-z0-9-]* to be compatible with the requirements of different constraints on the identity.


name: pg_seq, type: int, level: I

pgsql instance seq number, REQUIRED identity parameter

A serial number of this instance, unique within its cluster, starting from 0 or 1.


name: pg_role, type: enum, level: I

pgsql role, REQUIRED, could be primary,replica,offline

Roles for PGSQL instance, can be: primary, replica, standby or offline.

  • primary: Primary, there is one and only one primary in a cluster.
  • replica: Replica for carrying online read-only traffic, there may be a slight replication delay through (10ms~100ms, 100KB).
  • standby: Special replica that is always synced with primary, there’s no replication delay & data loss on this replica. (currently same as replica)
  • offline: Offline replica for taking on offline read-only traffic, such as statistical analysis/ETL/personal queries, etc.

Identity params, required params, and instance-level params.


name: pg_instances, type: dict, level: I

define multiple pg instances on node in {port:ins_vars} format.

This parameter is reserved for multi-instance deployment on a single node which is not implemented in Pigsty yet.


name: pg_upstream, type: ip, level: I

Upstream ip address for standby cluster or cascade replica

Setting pg_upstream is set on primary instance indicate that this cluster is a Standby Cluster, and will receiving changes from upstream instance, thus the primary is actually a standby leader.

Setting pg_upstream for a non-primary instance will explicitly set a replication upstream instance, if it is different from the primary ip addr, this instance will become a cascade replica. And it’s user’s responsibility to ensure that the upstream IP addr is another instance in the same cluster.


name: pg_shard, type: string, level: C

pgsql shard name, required identity parameter for sharding clusters (e.g. citus cluster), optional for common pgsql clusters.

When multiple pgsql clusters serve the same business together in a horizontally sharding style, Pigsty will mark this group of clusters as a Sharding Group.

pg_shard is the name of the shard group name. It’s usually the prefix of pg_cluster.

For example, if we have a sharding group pg-citus, and 4 clusters in it, there identity params will be:

cls pg_shard: pg-citus
cls pg_group = 0:   pg-citus0
cls pg_group = 1:   pg-citus1
cls pg_group = 2:   pg-citus2
cls pg_group = 3:   pg-citus3


name: pg_group, type: int, level: C

pgsql shard index number, required identity for sharding clusters, optional for common pgsql clusters.

Sharding cluster index of sharding group, used in pair with pg_shard. You can use any non-negative integer as the index number.


name: gp_role, type: enum, level: C

greenplum/matrixdb role of this cluster, could be master or segment

  • master: mark the postgres cluster as greenplum master, which is the default value
  • segment mark the postgres cluster as greenplum segment

This parameter is only used for greenplum/matrixdb database, and is ignored for common pgsql cluster.


name: pg_exporters, type: dict, level: C

additional pg_exporters to monitor remote postgres instances, default values: {}

If you wish to monitoring remote postgres instances, define them in pg_exporters and load them with pgsql-monitor.yml playbook.

pg_exporters: # list all remote instances here, alloc a unique unused local port as k
    20001: { pg_cluster: pg-foo, pg_seq: 1, pg_host: }
    20004: { pg_cluster: pg-foo, pg_seq: 2, pg_host: }
    20002: { pg_cluster: pg-bar, pg_seq: 1, pg_host: }
    20003: { pg_cluster: pg-bar, pg_seq: 1, pg_host: }

Check PGSQL Monitoring for details.


name: pg_offline_query, type: bool, level: I

set to true to enable offline query on this instance

default value is false

When set to true, the user group dbrole_offline can connect to the ins and perform offline queries, regardless of the role of the current instance, just like a offline instance.

If you just have one replica or even one primary in your postgres cluster, adding this could mark it for accepting ETL, slow queries with interactive access.


Database credentials, In-Database Objects that need to be taken care of by Users.

Default Database Users:


# postgres business object definition, overwrite in group vars
pg_users: []                      # postgres business users
pg_databases: []                  # postgres business databases
pg_services: []                   # postgres business services
pg_hba_rules: []                  # business hba rules for postgres
pgb_hba_rules: []                 # business hba rules for pgbouncer
# global credentials, overwrite in global vars
pg_dbsu_password: ''              # dbsu password, empty string means no dbsu password by default
pg_replication_username: replicator
pg_replication_password: DBUser.Replicator
pg_admin_username: dbuser_dba
pg_admin_password: DBUser.DBA
pg_monitor_username: dbuser_monitor
pg_monitor_password: DBUser.Monitor


name: pg_users, type: user[], level: C

postgres business users, has to be defined at cluster level.

default values: [], each object in the array defines a User/Role. Examples:

- name: dbuser_meta               # REQUIRED, `name` is the only mandatory field of a user definition
  password: DBUser.Meta           # optional, password, can be a scram-sha-256 hash string or plain text
  login: true                     # optional, can log in, true by default  (new biz ROLE should be false)
  superuser: false                # optional, is superuser? false by default
  createdb: false                 # optional, can create database? false by default
  createrole: false               # optional, can create role? false by default
  inherit: true                   # optional, can this role use inherited privileges? true by default
  replication: false              # optional, can this role do replication? false by default
  bypassrls: false                # optional, can this role bypass row level security? false by default
  pgbouncer: true                 # optional, add this user to pgbouncer user-list? false by default (production user should be true explicitly)
  connlimit: -1                   # optional, user connection limit, default -1 disable limit
  expire_in: 3650                 # optional, now + n days when this role is expired (OVERWRITE expire_at)
  expire_at: '2030-12-31'         # optional, YYYY-MM-DD 'timestamp' when this role is expired  (OVERWRITTEN by expire_in)
  comment: pigsty admin user      # optional, comment string for this user/role
  roles: [dbrole_admin]           # optional, belonged roles. default roles are: dbrole_{admin,readonly,readwrite,offline}
  parameters: {}                  # optional, role level parameters with `ALTER ROLE SET`
  pool_mode: transaction          # optional, pgbouncer pool mode at user level, transaction by default
  pool_connlimit: -1              # optional, max database connections at user level, default -1 disable limit
  search_path: public             # key value config parameters according to postgresql documentation (e.g: use pigsty as default search_path)

The only mandatory field of a user definition is name, and the rest are optional.


name: pg_databases, type: database[], level: C

postgres business databases, has to be defined at cluster level.

default values: [], each object in the array defines a Database. Examples:

- name: meta                      # REQUIRED, `name` is the only mandatory field of a database definition
  baseline: cmdb.sql              # optional, database sql baseline path, (relative path among ansible search path, e.g files/)
  pgbouncer: true                 # optional, add this database to pgbouncer database list? true by default
  schemas: [pigsty]               # optional, additional schemas to be created, array of schema names
  extensions:                     # optional, additional extensions to be installed: array of `{name[,schema]}`
    - { name: postgis , schema: public }
    - { name: timescaledb }
  comment: pigsty meta database   # optional, comment string for this database
  owner: postgres                 # optional, database owner, postgres by default
  template: template1             # optional, which template to use, template1 by default
  encoding: UTF8                  # optional, database encoding, UTF8 by default. (MUST same as template database)
  locale: C                       # optional, database locale, C by default.  (MUST same as template database)
  lc_collate: C                   # optional, database collate, C by default. (MUST same as template database)
  lc_ctype: C                     # optional, database ctype, C by default.   (MUST same as template database)
  tablespace: pg_default          # optional, default tablespace, 'pg_default' by default.
  allowconn: true                 # optional, allow connection, true by default. false will disable connect at all
  revokeconn: false               # optional, revoke public connection privilege. false by default. (leave connect with grant option to owner)
  register_datasource: true       # optional, register this database to grafana datasources? true by default
  connlimit: -1                   # optional, database connection limit, default -1 disable limit
  pool_auth_user: dbuser_meta     # optional, all connection to this pgbouncer database will be authenticated by this user
  pool_mode: transaction          # optional, pgbouncer pool mode at database level, default transaction
  pool_size: 64                   # optional, pgbouncer pool size at database level, default 64
  pool_size_reserve: 32           # optional, pgbouncer pool size reserve at database level, default 32
  pool_size_min: 0                # optional, pgbouncer pool size min at database level, default 0
  pool_max_db_conn: 100           # optional, max database connections at database level, default 100

In each database definition, the DB name is mandatory and the rest are optional.


name: pg_services, type: service[], level: C

postgres business services exposed via haproxy, has to be defined at cluster level.

You can define ad hoc services with pg_services in additional to default pg_default_services

default values: [], each object in the array defines a Service. Examples:

- name: standby                   # required, service name, the actual svc name will be prefixed with `pg_cluster`, e.g: pg-meta-standby
  port: 5435                      # required, service exposed port (work as kubernetes service node port mode)
  ip: "*"                         # optional, service bind ip address, `*` for all ip by default
  selector: "[]"                  # required, service member selector, use JMESPath to filter inventory
  dest: default                   # optional, destination port, default|postgres|pgbouncer|<port_number>, 'default' by default
  check: /sync                    # optional, health check url path, / by default
  backup: "[? pg_role == `primary`]"  # backup server selector
  maxconn: 3000                   # optional, max allowed front-end connection
  balance: roundrobin             # optional, haproxy load balance algorithm (roundrobin by default, other: leastconn)
  options: 'inter 3s fastinter 1s downinter 5s rise 3 fall 3 on-marked-down shutdown-sessions slowstart 30s maxconn 3000 maxqueue 128 weight 100'


name: pg_hba_rules, type: hba[], level: C

business hba rules for postgres

default values: [], each object in array is an HBA Rule definition:

Which are array of hba object, each hba object may look like

- title: allow intranet password access
  role: common
    - host   all  all      md5
    - host   all  all   md5
    - host   all  all  md5
  • title: Rule Title, transform into comment in hba file
  • rules: Array of strings, each string is a raw hba rule record
  • role: Applied roles, where to install these hba rules
    • common: apply for all instances
    • primary, replica,standby, offline: apply on corresponding instances with that pg_role.
    • special case: HBA rule with role == 'offline' will be installed on instance with pg_offline_query flag

or you can use another alias form

- addr: 'intra'    # world|intra|infra|admin|local|localhost|cluster|<cidr>
  auth: 'pwd'      # trust|pwd|ssl|cert|deny|<official auth method>
  user: 'all'      # all|${dbsu}|${repl}|${admin}|${monitor}|<user>|<group>
  db: 'all'        # all|replication|....
  rules: []        # raw hba string precedence over above all
  title: allow intranet password access

pg_default_hba_rules is similar to this, but is used for global HBA rule settings


name: pgb_hba_rules, type: hba[], level: C

business hba rules for pgbouncer, default values: []

Similar to pg_hba_rules, array of hba rule object, except this is for pgbouncer.


name: pg_replication_username, type: username, level: G

postgres replication username, replicator by default

This parameter is globally used, it not wise to change it.


name: pg_replication_password, type: password, level: G

postgres replication password, DBUser.Replicator by default



name: pg_admin_username, type: username, level: G

postgres admin username, dbuser_dba by default, which is a global postgres superuser.

default values: dbuser_dba


name: pg_admin_password, type: password, level: G

postgres admin password in plain text, DBUser.DBA by default



name: pg_monitor_username, type: username, level: G

postgres monitor username, dbuser_monitor by default, which is a global monitoring user.


name: pg_monitor_password, type: password, level: G

postgres monitor password, DBUser.Monitor by default.

Try not using the @:/ character in the password to avoid problems with PGURL string.



name: pg_dbsu_password, type: password, level: G/C

PostgreSQL dbsu password for pg_dbsu, empty string means no dbsu password, which is the default behavior.

WARNING: It’s not recommend to set a dbsu password for common PGSQL clusters, except for pg_mode = citus.


This section is responsible for installing PostgreSQL & Extensions.

If you wish to install a different major version, just make sure repo packages exists and overwrite pg_version on cluster level.

To install extra extensions, overwrite pg_extensions on cluster level. Beware that not all extensions are available with other major versions.

pg_dbsu: postgres                 # os dbsu name, postgres by default, better not change it
pg_dbsu_uid: 26                   # os dbsu uid and gid, 26 for default postgres users and groups
pg_dbsu_sudo: limit               # dbsu sudo privilege, none,limit,all,nopass. limit by default
pg_dbsu_home: /var/lib/pgsql      # postgresql home directory, `/var/lib/pgsql` by default
pg_dbsu_ssh_exchange: true        # exchange postgres dbsu ssh key among same pgsql cluster
pg_version: 15                    # postgres major version to be installed, 15 by default
pg_bin_dir: /usr/pgsql/bin        # postgres binary dir, `/usr/pgsql/bin` by default
pg_log_dir: /pg/log/postgres      # postgres log dir, `/pg/log/postgres` by default
pg_packages:                      # pg packages to be installed, `${pg_version}` will be replaced
  - postgresql${pg_version}*
  - patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pg_exporter pgbadger vip-manager patroni-etcd             # pgdg common tools
  - pg_repack_${pg_version}* wal2json_${pg_version}* passwordcheck_cracklib_${pg_version}* # important extensions
pg_extensions: # citus & hydra are exclusive
  - postgis34_${pg_version}* timescaledb-2-postgresql-${pg_version}* pgvector_${pg_version}*


name: pg_dbsu, type: username, level: C

os dbsu name, postgres by default, it’s not wise to change it.

When installing Greenplum / MatrixDB, set this parameter to the corresponding default value: gpadmin|mxadmin.


name: pg_dbsu_uid, type: int, level: C

os dbsu uid and gid, 26 for default postgres users and groups, which is consistent with the official pgdg RPM.

For Ubuntu/Debian, there’s no default postgres UID/GID, consider using another ad hoc value, such as 543 instead.


name: pg_dbsu_sudo, type: enum, level: C

dbsu sudo privilege, coud be none, limit ,all ,nopass. limit by default

  • none: No Sudo privilege
  • limit: Limited sudo privilege to execute systemctl commands for database-related components, default.
  • all: Full sudo privilege, password required.
  • nopass: Full sudo privileges without a password (not recommended).

default values: limit, which only allow sudo systemctl <start|stop|reload> <postgres|patroni|pgbouncer|...>


name: pg_dbsu_home, type: path, level: C

postgresql home directory, /var/lib/pgsql by default, which is consistent with the official pgdg RPM.


name: pg_dbsu_ssh_exchange, type: bool, level: C

exchange postgres dbsu ssh key among same pgsql cluster?

default value is true, means the dbsu can ssh to each other among the same cluster.


name: pg_version, type: enum, level: C

postgres major version to be installed, 15 by default

Note that PostgreSQL physical stream replication cannot cross major versions, so do not configure this on instance level.

You can use the parameters in pg_packages and pg_extensions to install rpms for the specific pg major version.


name: pg_bin_dir, type: path, level: C

postgres binary dir, /usr/pgsql/bin by default

The default value is a soft link created manually during the installation process, pointing to the specific Postgres version dir installed.

For example /usr/pgsql -> /usr/pgsql-15. For more details, check PGSQL File Structure for details.


name: pg_log_dir, type: path, level: C

postgres log dir, /pg/log/postgres by default.

caveat: if pg_log_dir is prefixed with pg_data it will not be created explicit (it will be created by postgres itself then).


name: pg_packages, type: string[], level: C

pg packages to be installed, ${pg_version} will be replaced to the actual value of pg_version

PostgreSQL, pgbouncer, pg_exporter, pgbadger, vip-manager, patroni, pgbackrest are install by default.

pg_packages:                      # pg packages to be installed, `${pg_version}` will be replaced
  - postgresql${pg_version}*
  - patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pg_exporter pgbadger vip-manager patroni-etcd             # pgdg common tools
  - pg_repack_${pg_version}* wal2json_${pg_version}* passwordcheck_cracklib_${pg_version}* # important extensions

For Ubuntu/Debian, the proper value has to be replaced explicitly:

pg_packages:                      # pg packages to be installed, `${pg_version}` will be replaced
  - postgresql-*-${pg_version}
  - patroni pgbouncer pgbackrest pg-exporter pgbadger vip-manager
  - postgresql-${pg_version}-repack postgresql-${pg_version}-wal2json


name: pg_extensions, type: string[], level: C

pg extensions to be installed, ${pg_version} will be replaced with actual pg_version

Pigsty will install the following extensions for all database instances by default: postgis, timescaledb, pgvector, pg_repack, wal2json and passwordcheck_cracklib.

pg_extensions: # citus & hydra are exclusive
  - postgis34_${pg_version}* timescaledb-2-postgresql-${pg_version}* pgvector_${pg_version}*

For Ubuntu/Debian, the proper value has to be replaced explicitly:

pg_extensions:                    # pg extensions to be installed, `${pg_version}` will be replaced
  - postgresql-${pg_version}-postgis* timescaledb-2-postgresql-${pg_version} postgresql-${pg_version}-pgvector 

Beware that not all extensions are available with other PG major versions, but Pigsty guarantees that important extensions wal2json, pg_repack and passwordcheck_cracklib (EL only) are available on all PG major versions.


Bootstrap a postgres cluster with patroni, and setup pgbouncer connection pool along with it.

It also init cluster template databases with default roles, schemas & extensions & default privileges specified in PG_PROVISION

pg_safeguard: false               # prevent purging running postgres instance? false by default
pg_clean: true                    # purging existing postgres during pgsql init? true by default
pg_data: /pg/data                 # postgres data directory, `/pg/data` by default
pg_fs_main: /data                 # mountpoint/path for postgres main data, `/data` by default
pg_fs_bkup: /data/backups         # mountpoint/path for pg backup data, `/data/backup` by default
pg_storage_type: SSD              # storage type for pg main data, SSD,HDD, SSD by default
pg_dummy_filesize: 64MiB          # size of `/pg/dummy`, hold 64MB disk space for emergency use
pg_listen: ''              # postgres listen address, `` (all ipv4 addr) by default
pg_port: 5432                     # postgres listen port, 5432 by default
pg_localhost: /var/run/postgresql # postgres unix socket dir for localhost connection
pg_namespace: /pg                 # top level key namespace in etcd, used by patroni & vip
patroni_enabled: true             # if disabled, no postgres cluster will be created during init
patroni_mode: default             # patroni working mode: default,pause,remove
patroni_port: 8008                # patroni listen port, 8008 by default
patroni_log_dir: /pg/log/patroni  # patroni log dir, `/pg/log/patroni` by default
patroni_ssl_enabled: false        # secure patroni RestAPI communications with SSL?
patroni_watchdog_mode: off        # patroni watchdog mode: automatic,required,off. off by default
patroni_username: postgres        # patroni restapi username, `postgres` by default
patroni_password: Patroni.API     # patroni restapi password, `Patroni.API` by default
patroni_citus_db: postgres        # citus database managed by patroni, postgres by default
pg_conf: oltp.yml                 # config template: oltp,olap,crit,tiny. `oltp.yml` by default
pg_max_conn: auto                 # postgres max connections, `auto` will use recommended value
pg_shared_buffer_ratio: 0.25      # postgres shared buffer ratio, 0.25 by default, 0.1~0.4
pg_rto: 30                        # recovery time objective in seconds,  `30s` by default
pg_rpo: 1048576                   # recovery point objective in bytes, `1MiB` at most by default
pg_libs: 'timescaledb, pg_stat_statements, auto_explain'  # extensions to be loaded
pg_delay: 0                       # replication apply delay for standby cluster leader
pg_checksum: false                # enable data checksum for postgres cluster?
pg_pwd_enc: scram-sha-256         # passwords encryption algorithm: md5,scram-sha-256
pg_encoding: UTF8                 # database cluster encoding, `UTF8` by default
pg_locale: C                      # database cluster local, `C` by default
pg_lc_collate: C                  # database cluster collate, `C` by default
pg_lc_ctype: en_US.UTF8           # database character type, `en_US.UTF8` by default
pgbouncer_enabled: true           # if disabled, pgbouncer will not be launched on pgsql host
pgbouncer_port: 6432              # pgbouncer listen port, 6432 by default
pgbouncer_log_dir: /pg/log/pgbouncer  # pgbouncer log dir, `/pg/log/pgbouncer` by default
pgbouncer_auth_query: false       # query postgres to retrieve unlisted business users?
pgbouncer_poolmode: transaction   # pooling mode: transaction,session,statement, transaction by default
pgbouncer_sslmode: disable        # pgbouncer client ssl mode, disable by default


name: pg_safeguard, type: bool, level: G/C/A

prevent purging running postgres instance? false by default

If enabled, pgsql.yml & pgsql-rm.yml will abort immediately if any postgres instance is running.


name: pg_clean, type: bool, level: G/C/A

purging existing postgres during pgsql init? true by default

default value is true, it will purge existing postgres instance during pgsql.yml init. which makes the playbook idempotent.

if set to false, pgsql.yml will abort if there’s already a running postgres instance. and pgsql-rm.yml will NOT remove postgres data (only stop the server).


name: pg_data, type: path, level: C

postgres data directory, /pg/data by default

default values: /pg/data, DO NOT CHANGE IT.

It’s a soft link that point to underlying data directory.

Check PGSQL File Structure for details.


name: pg_fs_main, type: path, level: C

mountpoint/path for postgres main data, /data by default

default values: /data, which will be used as parent dir of postgres main data directory: /data/postgres.

It’s recommended to use NVME SSD for postgres main data storage, Pigsty is optimized for SSD storage by default. But HDD is also supported, you can change pg_storage_type to HDD to optimize for HDD storage.


name: pg_fs_bkup, type: path, level: C

mountpoint/path for pg backup data, /data/backup by default

If you are using the default pgbackrest_method = local, it is recommended to have a separate disk for backup storage.

The backup disk should be large enough to hold all your backups, at least enough for 3 basebackups + 2 days WAL archive. This is usually not a problem since you can use cheap & large HDD for that.

It’s recommended to use a separate disk for backup storage, otherwise pigsty will fall back to the main data disk.


name: pg_storage_type, type: enum, level: C

storage type for pg main data, SSD,HDD, SSD by default

default values: SSD, it will affect some tuning parameters, such as random_page_cost & effective_io_concurrency


name: pg_dummy_filesize, type: size, level: C

size of /pg/dummy, default values: 64MiB, which hold 64MB disk space for emergency use

When the disk is full, removing the placeholder file can free up some space for emergency use, it is recommended to use at least 8GiB for production use.


name: pg_listen, type: ip, level: C

postgres/pgbouncer listen address, (all ipv4 addr) by default

You can use placeholder in this variable:

  • ${ip}: translate to inventory_hostname, which is primary private IP address in the inventory
  • ${vip}: if pg_vip_enabled, this will translate to host part of pg_vip_address
  • ${lo}: will translate to

For example: '${ip},${lo}' or '${ip},${vip},${lo}'.


name: pg_port, type: port, level: C

postgres listen port, 5432 by default.


name: pg_localhost, type: path, level: C

postgres unix socket dir for localhost connection, default values: /var/run/postgresql

The Unix socket dir for PostgreSQL and Pgbouncer local connection, which is used by pg_exporter and patroni.


name: pg_namespace, type: path, level: C

top level key namespace in etcd, used by patroni & vip, default values is: /pg , and it’s not recommended to change it.


name: patroni_enabled, type: bool, level: C

if disabled, no postgres cluster will be created during init

default value is true, If disabled, Pigsty will skip pulling up patroni (thus postgres).

This option is useful when trying to add some components to an existing postgres instance.


name: patroni_mode, type: enum, level: C

patroni working mode: default, pause, remove

default values: default

  • default: Bootstrap PostgreSQL cluster with Patroni
  • pause: Just like default, but entering maintenance mode after bootstrap
  • remove: Init the cluster with Patroni, them remove Patroni and use raw PostgreSQL instead.


name: patroni_port, type: port, level: C

patroni listen port, 8008 by default, changing it is not recommended.

The Patroni API server listens on this port for health checking & API requests.


name: patroni_log_dir, type: path, level: C

patroni log dir, /pg/log/patroni by default, which will be collected by promtail.


name: patroni_ssl_enabled, type: bool, level: G

Secure patroni RestAPI communications with SSL? default value is false

This parameter is a global flag that can only be set before deployment.

Since if SSL is enabled for patroni, you’ll have to perform healthcheck, metrics scrape and API call with HTTPS instead of HTTP.


name: patroni_watchdog_mode, type: string, level: C

In case of primary failure, patroni can use watchdog to fencing the old primary node to avoid split-brain.

patroni watchdog mode: automatic, required, off:

  • off: not using watchdog. avoid fencing at all. This is the default value.
  • automatic: Enable watchdog if the kernel has softdog module enabled and watchdog is owned by dbsu
  • required: Force watchdog, refuse to start if softdog is not available

default value is off, you should not enable watchdog on infra nodes to avoid fencing.

For those critical systems where data consistency prevails over availability, it is recommended to enable watchdog.

Beware that if all your traffic is accessed via haproxy, there is no risk of brain split at all.


name: patroni_username, type: username, level: C

patroni restapi username, postgres by default, used in pair with patroni_password

Patroni unsafe RESTAPI is protected by username/password by default, check Config Cluster and Patroni RESTAPI for details.


name: patroni_password, type: password, level: C

patroni restapi password, Patroni.API by default



name: patroni_citus_db, type: string, level: C

citus database managed by patroni, postgres by default.

Patroni 3.0’s native citus will specify a managed database for citus. which is created by patroni itself.


name: pg_conf, type: enum, level: C

config template: {oltp,olap,crit,tiny}.yml, oltp.yml by default

  • tiny.yml: optimize for tiny nodes, virtual machines, small demo, (1~8Core, 1~16GB)
  • oltp.yml: optimize for OLTP workloads and latency sensitive applications, (4C8GB+), which is the default template
  • olap.yml: optimize for OLAP workloads and throughput (4C8G+)
  • crit.yml: optimize for data consistency and critical applications (4C8G+)

default values: oltp.yml, but configure procedure will set this value to tiny.yml if current node is a tiny node.

You can have your own template, just put it under templates/<mode>.yml and set this value to the template name.


name: pg_max_conn, type: int, level: C

postgres max connections, You can specify a value between 50 and 5000, or use auto to use recommended value.

default value is auto, which will set max connections according to the pg_conf and pg_default_service_dest.

  • tiny: 100
  • olap: 200
  • oltp: 200 (pgbouncer) / 1000 (postgres)
    • pg_default_service_dest = pgbouncer : 200
    • pg_default_service_dest = postgres : 1000
  • crit: 200 (pgbouncer) / 1000 (postgres)
    • pg_default_service_dest = pgbouncer : 200
    • pg_default_service_dest = postgres : 1000

It’s not recommended to set this value greater than 5000, otherwise you have to increase the haproxy service connection limit manually as well.

Pgbouncer’s transaction pooling can alleviate the problem of too many OLTP connections, but it’s not recommended to use it in OLAP scenarios.


name: pg_shared_buffer_ratio, type: float, level: C

postgres shared buffer memory ratio, 0.25 by default, 0.1~0.4

default values: 0.25, means 25% of node memory will be used as PostgreSQL shard buffers.

Setting this value greater than 0.4 (40%) is usually not a good idea.

Note that shared buffer is only part of shared memory in PostgreSQL, to calculate the total shared memory, use show shared_memory_size_in_huge_pages;.


name: pg_rto, type: int, level: C

recovery time objective in seconds, This will be used as Patroni TTL value, 30s by default.

If a primary instance is missing for such a long time, a new leader election will be triggered.

Decrease the value can reduce the unavailable time (unable to write) of the cluster during failover, but it will make the cluster more sensitive to network jitter, thus increase the chance of false-positive failover.

Config this according to your network condition and expectation to trade-off between chance and impact, the default value is 30s, and it will be populated to the following patroni parameters:

# the TTL to acquire the leader lock (in seconds). Think of it as the length of time before initiation of the automatic failover process. Default value: 30
ttl: {{ pg_rto }}

# the number of seconds the loop will sleep. Default value: 10 , this is patroni check loop interval
loop_wait: {{ (pg_rto / 3)|round(0, 'ceil')|int }}

# timeout for DCS and PostgreSQL operation retries (in seconds). DCS or network issues shorter than this will not cause Patroni to demote the leader. Default value: 10
retry_timeout: {{ (pg_rto / 3)|round(0, 'ceil')|int }}

# the amount of time a primary is allowed to recover from failures before failover is triggered (in seconds), Max RTO: 2 loop wait + primary_start_timeout
primary_start_timeout: {{ (pg_rto / 3)|round(0, 'ceil')|int }}


name: pg_rpo, type: int, level: C

recovery point objective in bytes, 1MiB at most by default

default values: 1048576, which will tolerate at most 1MiB data loss during failover.

when the primary is down and all replicas are lagged, you have to make a tough choice to trade off between Availability and Consistency:

  • Promote a replica to be the new primary and bring system back online ASAP, with the price of an acceptable data loss (e.g. less than 1MB).
  • Wait for the primary to come back (which may never be) or human intervention to avoid any data loss.

You can use crit.yml conf template to ensure no data loss during failover, but it will sacrifice some performance.


name: pg_libs, type: string, level: C

shared preloaded libraries, pg_stat_statements,auto_explain by default.

They are two extensions that come with PostgreSQL, and it is strongly recommended to enable them.

For existing clusters, you can configure the shared_preload_libraries parameter of the cluster and apply it.

If you want to use TimescaleDB or Citus extensions, you need to add timescaledb or citus to this list. timescaledb and citus should be placed at the top of this list, for example:


Other extensions that need to be loaded can also be added to this list, such as pg_cron, pgml, etc.

Generally, citus and timescaledb have the highest priority and should be added to the top of the list.


name: pg_delay, type: interval, level: I

replication apply delay for standby cluster leader , default values: 0.

if this value is set to a positive value, the standby cluster leader will be delayed for this time before apply WAL changes.

Check delayed standby cluster for details.


name: pg_checksum, type: bool, level: C

enable data checksum for postgres cluster?, default value is false.

This parameter can only be set before PGSQL deployment. (but you can enable it manually later)

If pg_conf crit.yml template is used, data checksum is always enabled regardless of this parameter to ensure data integrity.


name: pg_pwd_enc, type: enum, level: C

passwords encryption algorithm: md5,scram-sha-256

default values: scram-sha-256, if you have compatibility issues with old clients, you can set it to md5 instead.


name: pg_encoding, type: enum, level: C

database cluster encoding, UTF8 by default


name: pg_locale, type: enum, level: C

database cluster local, C by default


name: pg_lc_collate, type: enum, level: C

database cluster collate, C by default, It’s not recommended to change this value unless you know what you are doing.


name: pg_lc_ctype, type: enum, level: C

database character type, en_US.UTF8 by default


name: pgbouncer_enabled, type: bool, level: C

default value is true, if disabled, pgbouncer will not be launched on pgsql host


name: pgbouncer_port, type: port, level: C

pgbouncer listen port, 6432 by default


name: pgbouncer_log_dir, type: path, level: C

pgbouncer log dir, /pg/log/pgbouncer by default, referenced by promtail the logging agent.


name: pgbouncer_auth_query, type: bool, level: C

query postgres to retrieve unlisted business users? default value is false

If enabled, pgbouncer user will be authenticated against postgres database with SELECT username, password FROM monitor.pgbouncer_auth($1), otherwise, only the users with pgbouncer: true will be allowed to connect to pgbouncer.


name: pgbouncer_poolmode, type: enum, level: C

Pgbouncer pooling mode: transaction, session, statement, transaction by default

  • session: Session-level pooling with the best compatibility.
  • transaction: Transaction-level pooling with better performance (lots of small conns), could break some session level features such as notify/listen, etc…
  • statements: Statement-level pooling which is used for simple read-only queries.

If you application has some compatibility issues with pgbouncer, you can try to change this value to session instead.


name: pgbouncer_sslmode, type: enum, level: C

pgbouncer client ssl mode, disable by default

default values: disable, beware that this may have a huge performance impact on your pgbouncer.

  • disable: Plain TCP. If client requests TLS, it’s ignored. Default.
  • allow: If client requests TLS, it is used. If not, plain TCP is used. If the client presents a client certificate, it is not validated.
  • prefer: Same as allow.
  • require: Client must use TLS. If not, the client connection is rejected. If the client presents a client certificate, it is not validated.
  • verify-ca: Client must use TLS with valid client certificate.
  • verify-full: Same as verify-ca.


PG_BOOTSTRAP will bootstrap a new postgres cluster with patroni, while PG_PROVISION will create default objects in the cluster, including:

pg_provision: true                # provision postgres cluster after bootstrap
pg_init: pg-init                  # provision init script for cluster template, `pg-init` by default
pg_default_roles:                 # default roles and users in postgres cluster
  - { name: dbrole_readonly  ,login: false ,comment: role for global read-only access     }
  - { name: dbrole_offline   ,login: false ,comment: role for restricted read-only access }
  - { name: dbrole_readwrite ,login: false ,roles: [dbrole_readonly] ,comment: role for global read-write access }
  - { name: dbrole_admin     ,login: false ,roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readwrite] ,comment: role for object creation }
  - { name: postgres     ,superuser: true  ,comment: system superuser }
  - { name: replicator ,replication: true  ,roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly] ,comment: system replicator }
  - { name: dbuser_dba   ,superuser: true  ,roles: [dbrole_admin]  ,pgbouncer: true ,pool_mode: session, pool_connlimit: 16 ,comment: pgsql admin user }
  - { name: dbuser_monitor ,roles: [pg_monitor] ,pgbouncer: true ,parameters: {log_min_duration_statement: 1000 } ,pool_mode: session ,pool_connlimit: 8 ,comment: pgsql monitor user }
pg_default_privileges:            # default privileges when created by admin user
  - GRANT USAGE      ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT SELECT     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT SELECT     ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT EXECUTE    ON FUNCTIONS TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT USAGE      ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_offline
  - GRANT SELECT     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_offline
  - GRANT SELECT     ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_offline
  - GRANT EXECUTE    ON FUNCTIONS TO dbrole_offline
  - GRANT INSERT     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT UPDATE     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT DELETE     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT USAGE      ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT UPDATE     ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT TRUNCATE   ON TABLES    TO dbrole_admin
  - GRANT TRIGGER    ON TABLES    TO dbrole_admin
  - GRANT CREATE     ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_admin
pg_default_schemas: [ monitor ]   # default schemas to be created
pg_default_extensions:            # default extensions to be created
  - { name: adminpack          ,schema: pg_catalog }
  - { name: pg_stat_statements ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pgstattuple        ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pg_buffercache     ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pageinspect        ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pg_prewarm         ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pg_visibility      ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pg_freespacemap    ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: postgres_fdw       ,schema: public  }
  - { name: file_fdw           ,schema: public  }
  - { name: btree_gist         ,schema: public  }
  - { name: btree_gin          ,schema: public  }
  - { name: pg_trgm            ,schema: public  }
  - { name: intagg             ,schema: public  }
  - { name: intarray           ,schema: public  }
  - { name: pg_repack }
pg_reload: true                   # reload postgres after hba changes
pg_default_hba_rules:             # postgres default host-based authentication rules
  - {user: '${dbsu}'    ,db: all         ,addr: local     ,auth: ident ,title: 'dbsu access via local os user ident'  }
  - {user: '${dbsu}'    ,db: replication ,addr: local     ,auth: ident ,title: 'dbsu replication from local os ident' }
  - {user: '${repl}'    ,db: replication ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'replicator replication from localhost'}
  - {user: '${repl}'    ,db: replication ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'replicator replication from intranet' }
  - {user: '${repl}'    ,db: postgres    ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'replicator postgres db from intranet' }
  - {user: '${monitor}' ,db: all         ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'monitor from localhost with password' }
  - {user: '${monitor}' ,db: all         ,addr: infra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'monitor from infra host with password'}
  - {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: infra     ,auth: ssl   ,title: 'admin @ infra nodes with pwd & ssl'   }
  - {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: world     ,auth: ssl   ,title: 'admin @ everywhere with ssl & pwd'    }
  - {user: '+dbrole_readonly',db: all    ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'pgbouncer read/write via local socket'}
  - {user: '+dbrole_readonly',db: all    ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'read/write biz user via password'     }
  - {user: '+dbrole_offline' ,db: all    ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'allow etl offline tasks from intranet'}
pgb_default_hba_rules:            # pgbouncer default host-based authentication rules
  - {user: '${dbsu}'    ,db: pgbouncer   ,addr: local     ,auth: peer  ,title: 'dbsu local admin access with os ident'}
  - {user: 'all'        ,db: all         ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'allow all user local access with pwd' }
  - {user: '${monitor}' ,db: pgbouncer   ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'monitor access via intranet with pwd' }
  - {user: '${monitor}' ,db: all         ,addr: world     ,auth: deny  ,title: 'reject all other monitor access addr' }
  - {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'admin access via intranet with pwd'   }
  - {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: world     ,auth: deny  ,title: 'reject all other admin access addr'   }
  - {user: 'all'        ,db: all         ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'allow all user intra access with pwd' }


name: pg_provision, type: bool, level: C

provision postgres cluster after bootstrap, default value is true.

If disabled, postgres cluster will not be provisioned after bootstrap.


name: pg_init, type: string, level: G/C

Provision init script for cluster template, pg-init by default, which is located in roles/pgsql/templates/pg-init

You can add your own logic in the init script, or provide a new one in templates/ and set pg_init to the new script name.


name: pg_default_roles, type: role[], level: G/C

default roles and users in postgres cluster.

Pigsty has a built-in role system, check PGSQL Access Control for details.

pg_default_roles:                 # default roles and users in postgres cluster
  - { name: dbrole_readonly  ,login: false ,comment: role for global read-only access     }
  - { name: dbrole_offline   ,login: false ,comment: role for restricted read-only access }
  - { name: dbrole_readwrite ,login: false ,roles: [dbrole_readonly] ,comment: role for global read-write access }
  - { name: dbrole_admin     ,login: false ,roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readwrite] ,comment: role for object creation }
  - { name: postgres     ,superuser: true  ,comment: system superuser }
  - { name: replicator ,replication: true  ,roles: [pg_monitor, dbrole_readonly] ,comment: system replicator }
  - { name: dbuser_dba   ,superuser: true  ,roles: [dbrole_admin]  ,pgbouncer: true ,pool_mode: session, pool_connlimit: 16 ,comment: pgsql admin user }
  - { name: dbuser_monitor ,roles: [pg_monitor] ,pgbouncer: true ,parameters: {log_min_duration_statement: 1000 } ,pool_mode: session ,pool_connlimit: 8 ,comment: pgsql monitor user }


name: pg_default_privileges, type: string[], level: G/C

default privileges for each databases:

pg_default_privileges:            # default privileges when created by admin user
  - GRANT USAGE      ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT SELECT     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT SELECT     ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT EXECUTE    ON FUNCTIONS TO dbrole_readonly
  - GRANT USAGE      ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_offline
  - GRANT SELECT     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_offline
  - GRANT SELECT     ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_offline
  - GRANT EXECUTE    ON FUNCTIONS TO dbrole_offline
  - GRANT INSERT     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT UPDATE     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT DELETE     ON TABLES    TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT USAGE      ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT UPDATE     ON SEQUENCES TO dbrole_readwrite
  - GRANT TRUNCATE   ON TABLES    TO dbrole_admin
  - GRANT TRIGGER    ON TABLES    TO dbrole_admin
  - GRANT CREATE     ON SCHEMAS   TO dbrole_admin

Pigsty has a built-in privileges base on default role system, check PGSQL Privileges for details.


name: pg_default_schemas, type: string[], level: G/C

default schemas to be created, default values is: [ monitor ], which will create a monitor schema on all databases.


name: pg_default_extensions, type: extension[], level: G/C

default extensions to be created, default value:

pg_default_extensions: # default extensions to be created
  - { name: adminpack          ,schema: pg_catalog }
  - { name: pg_stat_statements ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pgstattuple        ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pg_buffercache     ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pageinspect        ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pg_prewarm         ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pg_visibility      ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: pg_freespacemap    ,schema: monitor }
  - { name: postgres_fdw       ,schema: public  }
  - { name: file_fdw           ,schema: public  }
  - { name: btree_gist         ,schema: public  }
  - { name: btree_gin          ,schema: public  }
  - { name: pg_trgm            ,schema: public  }
  - { name: intagg             ,schema: public  }
  - { name: intarray           ,schema: public  }
  - { name: pg_repack }

The only 3rd party extension is pg_repack, which is important for database maintenance, all other extensions are built-in postgres contrib extensions.

Monitor related extensions are installed in monitor schema, which is created by pg_default_schemas.


name: pg_reload, type: bool, level: A

reload postgres after hba changes, default value is true

This is useful when you want to check before applying HBA changes, set it to false to disable reload.


name: pg_default_hba_rules, type: hba[], level: G/C

postgres default host-based authentication rules, array of hba rule object.

default value provides a fair enough security level for common scenarios, check PGSQL Authentication for details.

pg_default_hba_rules:             # postgres default host-based authentication rules
  - {user: '${dbsu}'    ,db: all         ,addr: local     ,auth: ident ,title: 'dbsu access via local os user ident'  }
  - {user: '${dbsu}'    ,db: replication ,addr: local     ,auth: ident ,title: 'dbsu replication from local os ident' }
  - {user: '${repl}'    ,db: replication ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'replicator replication from localhost'}
  - {user: '${repl}'    ,db: replication ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'replicator replication from intranet' }
  - {user: '${repl}'    ,db: postgres    ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'replicator postgres db from intranet' }
  - {user: '${monitor}' ,db: all         ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'monitor from localhost with password' }
  - {user: '${monitor}' ,db: all         ,addr: infra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'monitor from infra host with password'}
  - {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: infra     ,auth: ssl   ,title: 'admin @ infra nodes with pwd & ssl'   }
  - {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: world     ,auth: ssl   ,title: 'admin @ everywhere with ssl & pwd'    }
  - {user: '+dbrole_readonly',db: all    ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'pgbouncer read/write via local socket'}
  - {user: '+dbrole_readonly',db: all    ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'read/write biz user via password'     }
  - {user: '+dbrole_offline' ,db: all    ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'allow etl offline tasks from intranet'}


name: pgb_default_hba_rules, type: hba[], level: G/C

pgbouncer default host-based authentication rules, array or hba rule object.

default value provides a fair enough security level for common scenarios, check PGSQL Authentication for details.

pgb_default_hba_rules:            # pgbouncer default host-based authentication rules
  - {user: '${dbsu}'    ,db: pgbouncer   ,addr: local     ,auth: peer  ,title: 'dbsu local admin access with os ident'}
  - {user: 'all'        ,db: all         ,addr: localhost ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'allow all user local access with pwd' }
  - {user: '${monitor}' ,db: pgbouncer   ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'monitor access via intranet with pwd' }
  - {user: '${monitor}' ,db: all         ,addr: world     ,auth: deny  ,title: 'reject all other monitor access addr' }
  - {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'admin access via intranet with pwd'   }
  - {user: '${admin}'   ,db: all         ,addr: world     ,auth: deny  ,title: 'reject all other admin access addr'   }
  - {user: 'all'        ,db: all         ,addr: intra     ,auth: pwd   ,title: 'allow all user intra access with pwd' }


This section defines variables for pgBackRest, which is used for PGSQL PITR (Point-In-Time-Recovery).

Check PGSQL Backup & PITR for details.

pgbackrest_enabled: true          # enable pgbackrest on pgsql host?
pgbackrest_clean: true            # remove pg backup data during init?
pgbackrest_log_dir: /pg/log/pgbackrest # pgbackrest log dir, `/pg/log/pgbackrest` by default
pgbackrest_method: local          # pgbackrest repo method: local,minio,[user-defined...]
pgbackrest_repo:                  # pgbackrest repo:
  local:                          # default pgbackrest repo with local posix fs
    path: /pg/backup              # local backup directory, `/pg/backup` by default
    retention_full_type: count    # retention full backups by count
    retention_full: 2             # keep 2, at most 3 full backup when using local fs repo
  minio:                          # optional minio repo for pgbackrest
    type: s3                      # minio is s3-compatible, so s3 is used
    s3_endpoint: sss.pigsty       # minio endpoint domain name, `sss.pigsty` by default
    s3_region: us-east-1          # minio region, us-east-1 by default, useless for minio
    s3_bucket: pgsql              # minio bucket name, `pgsql` by default
    s3_key: pgbackrest            # minio user access key for pgbackrest
    s3_key_secret: S3User.Backup  # minio user secret key for pgbackrest
    s3_uri_style: path            # use path style uri for minio rather than host style
    path: /pgbackrest             # minio backup path, default is `/pgbackrest`
    storage_port: 9000            # minio port, 9000 by default
    storage_ca_file: /etc/pki/ca.crt  # minio ca file path, `/etc/pki/ca.crt` by default
    bundle: y                     # bundle small files into a single file
    cipher_type: aes-256-cbc      # enable AES encryption for remote backup repo
    cipher_pass: pgBackRest       # AES encryption password, default is 'pgBackRest'
    retention_full_type: time     # retention full backup by time on minio repo
    retention_full: 14            # keep full backup for last 14 days


name: pgbackrest_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable pgBackRest on pgsql host? default value is true


name: pgbackrest_clean, type: bool, level: C

remove pg backup data during init? default value is true


name: pgbackrest_log_dir, type: path, level: C

pgBackRest log dir, /pg/log/pgbackrest by default, which is referenced by promtail the logging agent.


name: pgbackrest_method, type: enum, level: C

pgBackRest repo method: local, minio, or other user-defined methods, local by default

This parameter is used to determine which repo to use for pgBackRest, all available repo methods are defined in pgbackrest_repo.

Pigsty will use local backup repo by default, which will create a backup repo on primary instance’s /pg/backup directory. The underlying storage is specified by pg_fs_bkup.


name: pgbackrest_repo, type: dict, level: G/C

pgBackRest repo document:

default value includes two repo methods: local and minio, which are defined as follows:

pgbackrest_repo:                  # pgbackrest repo:
  local:                          # default pgbackrest repo with local posix fs
    path: /pg/backup              # local backup directory, `/pg/backup` by default
    retention_full_type: count    # retention full backups by count
    retention_full: 2             # keep 2, at most 3 full backup when using local fs repo
  minio:                          # optional minio repo for pgbackrest
    type: s3                      # minio is s3-compatible, so s3 is used
    s3_endpoint: sss.pigsty       # minio endpoint domain name, `sss.pigsty` by default
    s3_region: us-east-1          # minio region, us-east-1 by default, useless for minio
    s3_bucket: pgsql              # minio bucket name, `pgsql` by default
    s3_key: pgbackrest            # minio user access key for pgbackrest
    s3_key_secret: S3User.Backup  # minio user secret key for pgbackrest
    s3_uri_style: path            # use path style uri for minio rather than host style
    path: /pgbackrest             # minio backup path, default is `/pgbackrest`
    storage_port: 9000            # minio port, 9000 by default
    storage_ca_file: /etc/pki/ca.crt  # minio ca file path, `/etc/pki/ca.crt` by default
    bundle: y                     # bundle small files into a single file
    cipher_type: aes-256-cbc      # enable AES encryption for remote backup repo
    cipher_pass: pgBackRest       # AES encryption password, default is 'pgBackRest'
    retention_full_type: time     # retention full backup by time on minio repo
    retention_full: 14            # keep full backup for last 14 days


This section is about exposing PostgreSQL service to outside world: including:

  • Exposing different PostgreSQL services on different ports with haproxy
  • Bind an optional L2 VIP to the primary instance with vip-manager
  • Register cluster/instance DNS records with to dnsmasq on infra nodes
pg_weight: 100          #INSTANCE # relative load balance weight in service, 100 by default, 0-255
pg_default_service_dest: pgbouncer # default service destination if svc.dest='default'
pg_default_services:              # postgres default service definitions
  - { name: primary ,port: 5433 ,dest: default  ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
  - { name: replica ,port: 5434 ,dest: default  ,check: /read-only ,selector: "[]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `primary` || pg_role == `offline` ]" }
  - { name: default ,port: 5436 ,dest: postgres ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
  - { name: offline ,port: 5438 ,dest: postgres ,check: /replica   ,selector: "[? pg_role == `offline` || pg_offline_query ]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `replica` && !pg_offline_query]"}
pg_vip_enabled: false             # enable a l2 vip for pgsql primary? false by default
pg_vip_address:      # vip address in `<ipv4>/<mask>` format, require if vip is enabled
pg_vip_interface: eth0            # vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default
pg_dns_suffix: ''                 # pgsql dns suffix, '' by default
pg_dns_target: auto               # auto, primary, vip, none, or ad hoc ip


name: pg_weight, type: int, level: G

relative load balance weight in service, 100 by default, 0-255

default values: 100. you have to define it at instance vars, and reload-service to take effect.


name: pg_service_provider, type: string, level: G/C

dedicate haproxy node group name, or empty string for local nodes by default.

If specified, PostgreSQL Services will be registered to the dedicated haproxy node group instead of this pgsql cluster nodes.

Do remember to allocate unique ports on dedicate haproxy nodes for each service!

For example, if we define following parameters on 3-node pg-test cluster:

pg_service_provider: infra       # use load balancer on group `infra`
pg_default_services:             # alloc port 10001 and 10002 for pg-test primary/replica service  
  - { name: primary ,port: 10001 ,dest: postgres  ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
  - { name: replica ,port: 10002 ,dest: postgres  ,check: /read-only ,selector: "[]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `primary` || pg_role == `offline` ]" }


name: pg_default_service_dest, type: enum, level: G/C

When defining a service, if svc.dest=‘default’, this parameter will be used as the default value.

default values: pgbouncer, means 5433 primary service and 5434 replica service will route traffic to pgbouncer by default.

If you don’t want to use pgbouncer, set it to postgres instead. traffic will be route to postgres directly.


name: pg_default_services, type: service[], level: G/C

postgres default service definitions

default value is four default services definition, which is explained in PGSQL Service

pg_default_services:               # postgres default service definitions
  - { name: primary ,port: 5433 ,dest: default  ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
  - { name: replica ,port: 5434 ,dest: default  ,check: /read-only ,selector: "[]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `primary` || pg_role == `offline` ]" }
  - { name: default ,port: 5436 ,dest: postgres ,check: /primary   ,selector: "[]" }
  - { name: offline ,port: 5438 ,dest: postgres ,check: /replica   ,selector: "[? pg_role == `offline` || pg_offline_query ]" , backup: "[? pg_role == `replica` && !pg_offline_query]"}


name: pg_vip_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable a l2 vip for pgsql primary?

default value is false, means no L2 VIP is created for this cluster.

L2 VIP can only be used in same L2 network, which may incurs extra restrictions on your network topology.


name: pg_vip_address, type: cidr4, level: C

vip address in <ipv4>/<mask> format, if vip is enabled, this parameter is required.

default values: This value is consist of two parts: ipv4 and mask, separated by /.


name: pg_vip_interface, type: string, level: C/I

vip network interface to listen, eth0 by default.

It should be the same primary intranet interface of your node, which is the IP address you used in the inventory file.

If your node have different interface, you can override it on instance vars:

    hosts: {pg_seq: 1, pg_role: replica ,pg_vip_interface: eth0 } {pg_seq: 2, pg_role: primary ,pg_vip_interface: eth1 } {pg_seq: 3, pg_role: replica ,pg_vip_interface: eth2 }
        pg_vip_enabled: true          # enable L2 VIP for this cluster, bind to primary instance by default
        pg_vip_address: # the L2 network CIDR:, the vip address:
        # pg_vip_interface: eth1      # if your node have non-uniform interface, you can define it here


name: pg_dns_suffix, type: string, level: C

pgsql dns suffix, ’’ by default, cluster DNS name is defined as {{ pg_cluster }}{{ pg_dns_suffix }}

For example, if you set pg_dns_suffix to for cluster pg-test, then the cluster DNS name will be


name: pg_dns_target, type: enum, level: C

Could be: auto, primary, vip, none, or an ad hoc ip address, which will be the target IP address of cluster DNS record.

default values: auto , which will bind to pg_vip_address if pg_vip_enabled, or fallback to cluster primary instance ip address.

  • vip: bind to pg_vip_address
  • primary: resolve to cluster primary instance ip address
  • auto: resolve to pg_vip_address if pg_vip_enabled, or fallback to cluster primary instance ip address.
  • none: do not bind to any ip address
  • <ipv4>: bind to the given IP address


pg_exporter_enabled: true              # enable pg_exporter on pgsql hosts?
pg_exporter_config: pg_exporter.yml    # pg_exporter configuration file name
pg_exporter_cache_ttls: '1,10,60,300'  # pg_exporter collector ttl stage in seconds, '1,10,60,300' by default
pg_exporter_port: 9630                 # pg_exporter listen port, 9630 by default
pg_exporter_params: 'sslmode=disable'  # extra url parameters for pg_exporter dsn
pg_exporter_url: ''                    # overwrite auto-generate pg dsn if specified
pg_exporter_auto_discovery: true       # enable auto database discovery? enabled by default
pg_exporter_exclude_database: 'template0,template1,postgres' # csv of database that WILL NOT be monitored during auto-discovery
pg_exporter_include_database: ''       # csv of database that WILL BE monitored during auto-discovery
pg_exporter_connect_timeout: 200       # pg_exporter connect timeout in ms, 200 by default
pg_exporter_options: ''                # overwrite extra options for pg_exporter
pgbouncer_exporter_enabled: true       # enable pgbouncer_exporter on pgsql hosts?
pgbouncer_exporter_port: 9631          # pgbouncer_exporter listen port, 9631 by default
pgbouncer_exporter_url: ''             # overwrite auto-generate pgbouncer dsn if specified
pgbouncer_exporter_options: ''         # overwrite extra options for pgbouncer_exporter


name: pg_exporter_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable pg_exporter on pgsql hosts?

default value is true, if you don’t want to install pg_exporter, set it to false.


name: pg_exporter_config, type: string, level: C

pg_exporter configuration file name, used by pg_exporter & pgbouncer_exporter

default values: pg_exporter.yml, if you want to use a custom configuration file, you can specify its relative path here.

Your config file should be placed in files/<filename>.yml. For example, if you want to monitor a remote PolarDB instance, you can use the sample config: files/polar_exporter.yml.


name: pg_exporter_cache_ttls, type: string, level: C

pg_exporter collector ttl stage in seconds, ‘1,10,60,300’ by default

default values: 1,10,60,300, which will use 1s, 10s, 60s, 300s for different metric collectors.

ttl_fast: "{{ pg_exporter_cache_ttls.split(',')[0]|int }}"         # critical queries
ttl_norm: "{{ pg_exporter_cache_ttls.split(',')[1]|int }}"         # common queries
ttl_slow: "{{ pg_exporter_cache_ttls.split(',')[2]|int }}"         # slow queries (e.g table size)
ttl_slowest: "{{ pg_exporter_cache_ttls.split(',')[3]|int }}"      # ver slow queries (e.g bloat)


name: pg_exporter_port, type: port, level: C

pg_exporter listen port, 9630 by default


name: pg_exporter_params, type: string, level: C

extra url parameters for pg_exporter dsn

default values: sslmode=disable, which will disable SSL for monitoring connection (since it’s local unix socket by default)


name: pg_exporter_url, type: pgurl, level: C

overwrite auto-generate pg dsn if specified

default value is empty string, If specified, it will be used as the pg_exporter dsn instead of constructing from other parameters:

This could be useful if you want to monitor a remote pgsql instance, or you want to use a different user/password for monitoring.

'postgres://{{ pg_monitor_username }}:{{ pg_monitor_password }}@{{ pg_host }}:{{ pg_port }}/postgres{% if pg_exporter_params != '' %}?{{ pg_exporter_params }}{% endif %}'


name: pg_exporter_auto_discovery, type: bool, level: C

enable auto database discovery? enabled by default

default value is true, which will auto-discover all databases on the postgres server and spawn a new pg_exporter connection for each database.


name: pg_exporter_exclude_database, type: string, level: C

csv of database that WILL NOT be monitored during auto-discovery

default values: template0,template1,postgres, which will be excluded for database auto discovery.


name: pg_exporter_include_database, type: string, level: C

csv of database that WILL BE monitored during auto-discovery

default value is empty string. If this value is set, only the databases in this list will be monitored during auto discovery.


name: pg_exporter_connect_timeout, type: int, level: C

pg_exporter connect timeout in ms, 200 by default

default values: 200ms , which is enough for most cases.

If your remote pgsql server is in another continent, you may want to increase this value to avoid connection timeout.


name: pg_exporter_options, type: arg, level: C

overwrite extra options for pg_exporter

default value is empty string, which will fall back the following default options:


If you want to customize logging options or other pg_exporter options, you can set it here.


name: pgbouncer_exporter_enabled, type: bool, level: C

enable pgbouncer_exporter on pgsql hosts?

default value is true, which will enable pg_exporter for pgbouncer connection pooler.


name: pgbouncer_exporter_port, type: port, level: C

pgbouncer_exporter listen port, 9631 by default

default values: 9631


name: pgbouncer_exporter_url, type: pgurl, level: C

overwrite auto-generate pgbouncer dsn if specified

default value is empty string, If specified, it will be used as the pgbouncer_exporter dsn instead of constructing from other parameters:

'postgres://{{ pg_monitor_username }}:{{ pg_monitor_password }}@:{{ pgbouncer_port }}/pgbouncer?host={{ pg_localhost }}&sslmode=disable'

This could be useful if you want to monitor a remote pgbouncer instance, or you want to use a different user/password for monitoring.


name: pgbouncer_exporter_options, type: arg, level: C

overwrite extra options for pgbouncer_exporter, default value is empty string.


default value is empty string, which will fall back the following default options:

If you want to customize logging options or other pgbouncer_exporter options, you can set it here.

3 - Extension List

List of PostgreSQL extensions supported by Pigsty, and their compatibility on different OS distros.

Pigsty has rich support for PostgreSQL extensions, including 230 RPM extensions and 189 DEB extensions.

There are 255 unique extensions in total (rpm + deb + contrib), including 73 common contrib extensions and 91 extensions both available to rpm/deb 。

Pigsty also maintains 34 RPM Extensions and 10 DEB extensions in its own repo.


RPM Extension

Pigsty has 230 extensions available on EL compatible distros. Including 73 contrib extensions and 157 extra RPM extensions, 34 of which are maintained by Pigsty.

Based on el8, there are 6 extensions not yet ready for PG 16 (marked with ), so the available count is 224, actually.

name version category repo pkg description comment
pg_cron 1.6 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_cron_16 Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pg_repack 1.5.0 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_repack_16 Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
ddlx 0.27 ADMIN pgdg16 ddlx_16 DDL eXtractor functions
pg_dirtyread 2 ADMIN pigsty-pgsql pg_dirtyread_16 Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table
pg_readonly 1.0.0 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_readonly_16 cluster database read only
pg_squeeze 1.6 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_squeeze_16 A tool to remove unused space from a relation.
pgagent 4.2 ADMIN pgdg16 pgagent_16 A PostgreSQL job scheduler
pgautofailover 2.1 ADMIN pgdg16 pg_auto_failover_16 pg_auto_failover
pgdd 0.5.2 ADMIN pigsty-pgsql pgdd_16 An in-database data dictionary providing database introspection via standard SQL query syntax. Developed using pgx (
pgfincore 1.3.1 ADMIN pgdg16 pgfincore_16 examine and manage the os buffer cache
pgl_ddl_deploy 2.2 ADMIN pgdg16 pgl_ddl_deploy_16 automated ddl deployment using pglogical
pgpool_adm 1.5 ADMIN pgdg16 pgpool-II-pg16-extensions Administrative functions for pgPool
pgpool_recovery 1.4 ADMIN pgdg16 pgpool-II-pg16-extensions recovery functions for pgpool-II for V4.3
pgpool_regclass 1.0 ADMIN pgdg16 pgpool-II-pg16-extensions replacement for regclass
prioritize 1.0 ADMIN pgdg16 prioritize_16 get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends
safeupdate 1.4 ADMIN pgdg16 safeupdate_16 Require criteria for UPDATE and DELETE
pgml 2.8.1 AI pigsty-pgsql pgml_16 PostgresML: Run AL/ML workloads with SQL interface
vector 0.7.0 AI pgdg16 pgvector_16 vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods
pg_tiktoken 0.0.1 AI pigsty-pgsql pg_tiktoken_16 pg_tictoken: tiktoken tokenizer for use with OpenAI models in postgres
svector 0.6.1 AI pigsty-pgsql pg_sparse_16 pg_sparse: Sparse vector data type and sparse HNSW access methods obsolete
vectorize 0.15.0 AI pigsty-pgsql pg_vectorize_16 The simplest way to do vector search on Postgres deps: pgmq, pg_cron
wal2json 2.5.3 ETL pgdg16 wal2json_16 Changing data capture in JSON format
decoderbufs 0.1.0 ETL pgdg16 postgres-decoderbufs_16 Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
pg_bulkload 3.1.21 ETL pgdg16 pg_bulkload_16 pg_bulkload is a high speed data loading utility for PostgreSQL
pg_fact_loader 2.0 ETL pgdg16 pg_fact_loader_16 build fact tables with Postgres
wrappers 0.3.1 FDW pigsty-pgsql wrappers_16 Foreign data wrappers developed by Supabase
db2_fdw 6.0.1 FDW pgdg16-non-free db2_fdw_16 foreign data wrapper for DB2 access extra db2 deps
hdfs_fdw 2.0.5 FDW pgdg16 hdfs_fdw_16 foreign-data wrapper for remote hdfs servers
mongo_fdw 1.1 FDW pgdg16 mongo_fdw_16 foreign data wrapper for MongoDB access
mysql_fdw 1.2 FDW pgdg16 mysql_fdw_16 Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
ogr_fdw 1.1 FDW pgdg16 ogr_fdw_16 foreign-data wrapper for GIS data access
oracle_fdw 1.2 FDW pgdg16-non-free oracle_fdw_16 foreign data wrapper for Oracle access extra oracle deps
pgbouncer_fdw 1.1.0 FDW pgdg16 pgbouncer_fdw_16 Extension for querying PgBouncer stats from normal SQL views & running pgbouncer commands from normal SQL functions
sqlite_fdw 1.1 FDW pgdg16 sqlite_fdw_16 SQLite Foreign Data Wrapper
tds_fdw 2.0.3 FDW pgdg16 tds_fdw_16 Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
age 1.5.0 FEAT pigsty-pgsql age_16 AGE graph database extension
pg_graphql 1.5.4 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pg_graphql_16 pg_graphql: GraphQL support
pg_jsonschema 0.3.1 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pg_jsonschema_16 PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
pg_strom 5.1 FEAT pgdg16-non-free pg_strom_16 PG-Strom - big-data processing acceleration using GPU and NVME extra cuda deps
pgmq 1.1.1 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pgmq_16 A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
pgq 3.5.1 FEAT pgdg16 pgq_16 Generic queue for PostgreSQL
emaj 4.4.0 FEAT pgdg16 e-maj_16 E-Maj extension enables fine-grained write logging and time travel on subsets of the database.
hll 2.18 FEAT pgdg16 hll_16 type for storing hyperloglog data
hypopg 1.4.1 FEAT pgdg16 hypopg_16 Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
jsquery 1.1 FEAT pgdg16 jsquery_16 data type for jsonb inspection
periods 1.2 FEAT pgdg16 periods_16 Provide Standard SQL functionality for PERIODs and SYSTEM VERSIONING
pg_hint_plan 1.6.0 FEAT pgdg16 pg_hint_plan_16 Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans.
pg_ivm 1.8 FEAT pgdg16 pg_ivm_16 incremental view maintenance on PostgreSQL
pgtt 3.1.0 FEAT pgdg16 pgtt_16 Extension to add Global Temporary Tables feature to PostgreSQL
rum 1.3 FEAT pgdg16 rum_16 RUM index access method
table_version 1.10.3 FEAT pgdg16 table_version_16 PostgreSQL table versioning extension
temporal_tables 1.2.2 FEAT pgdg16 temporal_tables_16 temporal tables
pg_net 0.9.1 FUNC pgdg16 pg_net_16 Async HTTP
count_distinct 3.0.1 FUNC pgdg16 count_distinct_16 An alternative to COUNT(DISTINCT …) aggregate, usable with HashAggregate
extra_window_functions 1.0 FUNC pgdg16 extra_window_functions_16 Extra Window Functions for PostgreSQL
gzip 1.0 FUNC pgdg16 pgsql_gzip_16 gzip and gunzip functions. new in pgdg
http 1.6 FUNC pgdg16 pgsql_http_16 HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database. new in pgdg
pg_background 1.0 FUNC pgdg16 pg_background_16 Run SQL queries in the background
pg_idkit 0.2.3 FUNC pigsty-pgsql pg_idkit_16 multi-tool for generating new/niche universally unique identifiers (ex. UUIDv6, ULID, KSUID)
pg_later 0.1.0 FUNC pigsty-pgsql pg_later_16 pg_later: Run queries now and get results later dep: pgmq
pgjwt 0.2.0 FUNC pigsty-pgsql pgjwt_16 JSON Web Token API for Postgresql
pgsql_tweaks 0.10.2 FUNC pgdg16 pgsql_tweaks_16 Some functions and views for daily usage
tdigest 1.4.1 FUNC pgdg16 tdigest_16 Provides tdigest aggregate function.
topn 2.6.0 FUNC pgdg16 topn_16 type for top-n JSONB
postgis 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
address_standardizer 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer_data_us 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 Address Standardizer US dataset example
h3 4.1.3 GIS pgdg16 h3-pg_16 H3 bindings for PostgreSQL
h3_postgis 4.1.3 GIS pgdg16 h3-pg_16 H3 PostGIS integration
pgrouting 3.6.0 GIS pgdg16 pgrouting_16 pgRouting Extension
pointcloud 1.2.5 GIS pigsty-pgsql pointcloud_16 data type for lidar point clouds
pointcloud_postgis 1.2.5 GIS pgdg16 pointcloud_16 integration for pointcloud LIDAR data and PostGIS geometry data
postgis_raster 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_sfcgal 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS SFCGAL functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_topology 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgis34_16 PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
plv8 3.2.2 LANG pigsty-pgsql plv8_16 PL/JavaScript (v8) trusted procedural language
pg_tle 1.4.0 LANG pigsty-pgsql pg_tle_16 Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
pldbgapi 1.1 LANG pgdg16 pldebugger_16 server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
pllua 2.0 LANG pgdg16 pllua_16 Lua as a procedural language
plluau 2.0 LANG pgdg16 pllua_16 Lua as an untrusted procedural language
plpgsql_check 2.7 LANG pgdg16 plpgsql_check_16 extended check for plpgsql functions
plprql 0.1.0 LANG pigsty-pgsql plprql_16 Use PRQL in PostgreSQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language
plr 8.4.6 LANG pgdg16 plr_16 load R interpreter and execute R script from within a database
plsh 2 LANG pgdg16 plsh_16 PL/sh procedural language
columnar 11.1-11 OLAP pigsty-pgsql hydra_16 Hydra Columnar extension hydra 1.1.2
duckdb_fdw 1.1 OLAP pigsty-pgsql duckdb_fdw_16 DuckDB Foreign Data Wrapper libduckdb 0.10.2
parquet_s3_fdw 0.3 OLAP pigsty-pgsql parquet_s3_fdw_16 foreign-data wrapper for parquet on S3/MinIO deps: libarrow-s3
pg_analytics 0.6.1 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg_analytics_16 Real-time analytics for PostgreSQL using columnar storage and vectorized execution
pg_lakehouse 0.7.0 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg_lakehouse_16 pg_lakehouse: An analytical query engine for Postgres rust
timescaledb 2.15.0 OLAP timescaledb timescaledb-2-postgresql-16 Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Apache 2 Edition)
citus_columnar 11.3-1 OLAP pgdg16 citus_16 Citus columnar storage engine citus
pg_tier 0.0.3 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg_tier_16 pg_tier: tiered storage developed by 依赖parquet_s3_fdw
pglogical 2.4.4 REPL pgdg16 pglogical_16 PostgreSQL Logical Replication
pglogical_origin 1.0.0 REPL pgdg16 pglogical_16 Dummy extension for compatibility when upgrading from Postgres 9.4
repmgr 5.4 REPL pgdg16 repmgr_16 Replication manager for PostgreSQL
pg_search 0.7.0 SEARCH pigsty-pgsql pg_search_16 pg_search: Full text search for PostgreSQL using BM25 old name: pg_bm25
zhparser 2.2 SEARCH pigsty-pgsql zhparser_16 a parser for full-text search of Chinese deps: scws
pg_bigm 1.2 SEARCH pgdg16 pg_bigm_16 create 2-gram (bigram) index for faster full text search.
pg_tde 1.0 SEC pigsty-pgsql pg_tde_16 pg_tde access method alpha
pgsmcrypto 0.1.0 SEC pigsty-pgsql pgsmcrypto_16 PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
anon 1.3.2 SEC pgdg16 postgresql_anonymizer_16 Data anonymization tools
credcheck 2.7.0 SEC pgdg16 credcheck_16 credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker
logerrors 2.1 SEC pgdg16 logerrors_16 Function for collecting statistics about messages in logfile
login_hook 1.5 SEC pgdg16 login_hook_16 login_hook - hook to execute login_hook.login() at login time
passwordcracklib 3.0.0 SEC pgdg16 passwordcracklib_16 Strengthen PostgreSQL user password checks with cracklib
pg_auth_mon 1.1 SEC pgdg16 pg_auth_mon_16 monitor connection attempts per user
pg_jobmon 1.4.1 SEC pgdg16 pg_jobmon_16 Extension for logging and monitoring functions in PostgreSQL
pgaudit 16.0 SEC pgdg16 pgaudit_16 provides auditing functionality
pgauditlogtofile 1.5 SEC pgdg16 pgauditlogtofile_16 pgAudit addon to redirect audit log to an independent file
pgcryptokey 1.0 SEC pgdg16 pgcryptokey_16 cryptographic key management
pgsodium 3.1.9 SEC pgdg16 pgsodium_16 Postgres extension for libsodium functions
set_user 4.0.1 SEC pgdg16 set_user_16 similar to SET ROLE but with added logging
supabase_vault 0.2.8 SEC pigsty-pgsql vault_16 Supabase Vault Extension
citus 12.1-1 SHARD pgdg16 citus_16 Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
pg_fkpart 1.7 SHARD pgdg16 pg_fkpart_16 Table partitioning by foreign key utility
pg_partman 5.1.0 SHARD pgdg16 pg_partman_16 Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
orafce 4.10 SIM pgdg16 orafce_16 Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pg_dbms_job 1.5.0 SIM pgdg16 pg_dbms_job_16 Extension to add Oracle DBMS_JOB full compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_lock 1.0.0 SIM pgdg16 pg_dbms_lock_16 Extension to add Oracle DBMS_LOCK full compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_dbms_metadata 1.0.0 SIM pgdg16 pg_dbms_metadata_16 Extension to add Oracle DBMS_METADATA compatibility to PostgreSQL
pg_extra_time 1.1.2 SIM pgdg16 pg_extra_time_16 Some date time functions and operators that,
pgmemcache 2.3.0 SIM pgdg16 pgmemcache_16 memcached interface
pg_permissions 1.1 STAT pgdg16 pg_permissions_16 view object permissions and compare them with the desired state
pg_profile 4.6 STAT pgdg16 pg_profile_16 PostgreSQL load profile repository and report builder
pg_qualstats 2.1.0 STAT pgdg16 pg_qualstats_16 An extension collecting statistics about quals
pg_show_plans 2.1 STAT pgdg16 pg_show_plans_16 show query plans of all currently running SQL statements
pg_stat_kcache 2.2.3 STAT pgdg16 pg_stat_kcache_16 Kernel statistics gathering
pg_stat_monitor 2.0 STAT pgdg16 pg_stat_monitor_16 The pg_stat_monitor is a PostgreSQL Query Performance Monitoring tool, based on PostgreSQL contrib module pg_stat_statements. pg_stat_monitor provides aggregated statistics, client information, plan details including plan, and histogram information.
pg_statviz 0.6 STAT pgdg16 pg_statviz_extension_16 stats visualization and time series analysis
pg_store_plans 1.8 STAT pgdg16 pg_store_plans_16 track plan statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_track_settings 2.1.2 STAT pgdg16 pg_track_settings_16 Track settings changes
pg_wait_sampling 1.1 STAT pgdg16 pg_wait_sampling_16 sampling based statistics of wait events
pgexporter_ext 0.2.3 STAT pgdg16 pgexporter_ext_16 pgexporter extension for extra metrics
pgmeminfo 1.0 STAT pgdg16 pgmeminfo_16 show memory usage
plprofiler 4.2 STAT pgdg16 plprofiler_16 server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
powa 4.2.2 STAT pgdg16 powa_16 PostgreSQL Workload Analyser-core
system_stats 2.0 STAT pgdg16 system_stats_16 EnterpriseDB system statistics for PostgreSQL
dbt2 0.45.0 TEST pgdg16 dbt2-pg16-extensions OSDL-DBT-2 test kit
faker 0.5.3 TEST pgdg16 postgresql_faker_16 Wrapper for the Faker Python library postgresql_faker
pgtap 1.3.3 TEST pgdg16 pgtap_16 Unit testing for PostgreSQL
ip4r 2.4 TYPE pgdg16 ip4r_16 IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
md5hash 1.0.1 TYPE pigsty-pgsql md5hash_16 type for storing 128-bit binary data inline
pg_uuidv7 1.5 TYPE pgdg16 pg_uuidv7_16 pg_uuidv7: create UUIDv7 values in postgres
pgmp 1.1 TYPE pgdg16 pgmp_16 Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension
prefix 1.2.0 TYPE pgdg16 prefix_16 Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
roaringbitmap 0.5 TYPE pigsty-pgsql pg_roaringbitmap_16 support for Roaring Bitmaps
semver 0.32.1 TYPE pgdg16 semver_16 Semantic version data type
timestamp9 1.4.0 TYPE pgdg16 timestamp9_16 timestamp nanosecond resolution
uint 0 TYPE pgdg16 uint_16 unsigned integer types
unit 7 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-unit_16 SI units extension
imgsmlr ❋ 1.0.0 AI pigsty-pgsql imgsmlr_16 Image similarity with haar
pg_similarity ❋ 1.0.0 AI pigsty-pgsql pg_similarity_16 support similarity queries
multicorn ❋ 2.4 FDW pgdg16 multicorn2_16 Fetch foreign data in Python in your PostgreSQL server.
geoip ❋ 0.2.4 GIS pgdg16 geoip_16 IP-based geolocation query
plproxy ❋ 2.10.0 SHARD pgdg16 plproxy_16 Database partitioning implemented as procedural language
mysqlcompat ❋ 0.0.7 SIM pgdg16 mysqlcompat_16 A reimplemenation of as many MySQL functions as possible in PostgreSQL

DEB Extension

Pigsty has 189 available extensions on Debian systems, including 73 PostgreSQL contrib extensions and 116 extra deb extensions, 10 of which are maintained by Pigsty.

Based on Debian 12 & Ubuntu 22.04, which may have very slight differences in available extensions:

name version category repo pkg description comment
pg_cron 1.6 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-cron Job scheduler for PostgreSQL
pg_repack 1.5.0 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-repack Reorganize tables in PostgreSQL databases with minimal locks
pg_dirtyread 2 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-dirtyread Read dead but unvacuumed rows from table
pg_squeeze 1.6 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgsphere A tool to remove unused space from a relation.
pgagent 4.2 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgagent A PostgreSQL job scheduler
pgautofailover 2.1 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-auto-failover pg_auto_failover
pgdd 0.5.2 ADMIN pigsty-pgsql pgdd An in-database data dictionary providing database introspection via standard SQL query syntax ubuntu22 only
pgfincore 1.3.1 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgfincore examine and manage the os buffer cache
pgl_ddl_deploy 2.2 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgl-ddl-deploy automated ddl deployment using pglogical
pgpool_adm 1.4 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgpool2 Administrative functions for pgPool
pgpool_recovery 1.4 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgpool2 recovery functions for pgpool-II for V4.3
pgpool_regclass 1.0 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgpool2 replacement for regclass
prioritize 1.0 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-prioritize get and set the priority of PostgreSQL backends
toastinfo 1 ADMIN pgdg16 postgresql-16-toastinfo show details on toasted datums
pgml 2.8.1 AI pgml postgresql-16-pgml PostgresML: Run AL/ML workloads with SQL interface
vector 0.7.0 AI pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgvector vector data type and ivfflat and hnsw access methods
pg_similarity 1.0 AI pgdg16 postgresql-16-similarity support similarity queries
svector 0.6.1 AI pigsty-pgsql pg-sparse pg_sparse: Sparse vector data type and sparse HNSW access methods depreciated
wal2json 2.5.3 ETL pgdg16 postgresql-16-wal2json Changing data capture in JSON format
decoderbufs 0.1.0 ETL pgdg16 postgresql-16-decoderbufs Logical decoding plugin that delivers WAL stream changes using a Protocol Buffer format
pg_fact_loader 2.0 ETL pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-fact-loader build fact tables with Postgres
wrappers 0.3.1 FDW pigsty-pgsql wrappers Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers by Supabase rust
mysql_fdw 1.2 FDW pgdg16 postgresql-16-mysql-fdw Foreign data wrapper for querying a MySQL server
ogr_fdw 1.1 FDW pgdg16 postgresql-16-ogr-fdw foreign-data wrapper for GIS data access
oracle_fdw 1.2 FDW pgdg16 postgresql-16-oracle-fdw foreign data wrapper for Oracle access
tds_fdw 2.0.3 FDW pgdg16 postgresql-16-tds-fdw Foreign data wrapper for querying a TDS database (Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server)
age 1.5.0 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-age AGE graph database extension
pg_graphql 1.5.4 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pg-graphql pg_graphql: GraphQL support
pg_jsonschema 0.3.1 FEAT pigsty-pgsql pg-jsonschema PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation rust
rdkit 4.3.0 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-rdkit Cheminformatics functionality for PostgreSQL.
hll 2.18 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-hll type for storing hyperloglog data
hypopg 1.4.1 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-hypopg Hypothetical indexes for PostgreSQL
jsquery 1.1 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-jsquery data type for jsonb inspection
periods 1.2 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-periods Provide Standard SQL functionality for PERIODs and SYSTEM VERSIONING
pg_hint_plan 1.6.0 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-hint-plan Give PostgreSQL ability to manually force some decisions in execution plans.
pgq 3.5 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgq Generic queue for PostgreSQL
pgq_node 3.5 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgq Generic queue for PostgreSQL, node extension
pre_prepare 0.4 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-preprepare Prepare your prepare statement on server-side
rum 1.3 FEAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-rum RUM index access method
pg_net 0.9.1 FUNC pigsty-pgsql pg-net Enables asynchronous (non-blocking) HTTP/HTTPS requests with SQL rust
extra_window_functions 1.0 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-extra-window-functions Extra Window Functions for PostgreSQL
first_last_agg 0.1.4 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-first-last-agg first() and last() aggregate functions
http 1.6 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-http HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database.
icu_ext 1.8 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-icu-ext PostgreSQL extension (in C) to expose functionality from the ICU library
pg_sphere 1.5.1 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg_sphere spherical objects with useful functions, operators and index support
pgpcre 1 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgpcre Perl Compatible Regular Expression functions
q3c 2.0.1 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-q3c q3c sky indexing plugin
tdigest 1.4.1 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-tdigest Provides tdigest aggregate function.
topn 2.6.0 FUNC pgdg16 postgresql-16-topn type for top-n JSONB
postgis-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS geometry and geography spatial types and functions
address_standardizer-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 Used to parse an address into constituent elements. Generally used to support geocoding address normalization step.
address_standardizer_data_us-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 Address Standardizer US dataset example
h3 4.1.3 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-h3 H3 bindings for PostgreSQL
h3_postgis 4.1.3 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-h3 H3 PostGIS integration
ip4r 2.4 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-ip4r IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
mobilitydb 1.1.1 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-mobilitydb MobilityDB geospatial trajectory data management & analysis platform
pgrouting 3.6.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgrouting pgRouting Extension
pointcloud 1.2.5 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-pointcloud data type for lidar point clouds
pointcloud_postgis 1.2.5 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-pointcloud integration for pointcloud LIDAR data and PostGIS geometry data
postgis_raster-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS raster types and functions
postgis_sfcgal-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS SFCGAL functions
postgis_tiger_geocoder-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder
postgis_topology-3 3.4.2 GIS pgdg16 postgresql-16-postgis-3 PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
hstore_pllua 1.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pllua Hstore transform for Lua
hstore_plluau 1.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pllua transform between hstore and plluau
omnidb_plpgsql_debugger 1.0.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-omnidb Enable PL/PgSQL Debugger on OmniDB
pldbgapi 1.1 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pldbgapi server-side support for debugging PL/pgSQL functions
pljava 1.6.7 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pljava PL/Java procedural language
pllua 2.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pllua Lua as a procedural language
plluau 2.0 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-pllua Lua as an untrusted procedural language
plpgsql_check 2.7 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-plpgsql-check extended check for plpgsql functions
plprql 0.1.0 LANG pigsty-pgsql plprql Use PRQL in PostgreSQL - Pipelined Relational Query Language debian only
plr 8.4.6 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-plr load R interpreter and execute R script from within a database
plsh 2 LANG pgdg16 postgresql-16-plsh PL/sh procedural language
pg_analytics 0.6.1 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg-analytics Real-time analytics for PostgreSQL using columnar storage and vectorized execution ubuntu22 only
pg_lakehouse 0.7.0 OLAP pigsty-pgsql pg-lakehouse An analytical query engine for Postgres ubuntu22 only
timescaledb 2.15.0 OLAP timescaledb timescaledb-2-postgresql-16 Enables scalable inserts and complex queries for time-series data (Apache 2 Edition)
citus_columnar 11.3-1 OLAP pgdg16 postgresql-16-citus-12.1 Citus columnar storage engine citus
pglogical 2.4.4 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-pglogical PostgreSQL Logical Replication
londiste 3.8 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-londiste-sql Londiste replication support code
mimeo 1.5.1 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-mimeo Extension for specialized, per-table replication between PostgreSQL instances
pglogical_origin 1.0.0 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-pglogical Dummy extension for compatibility when upgrading from Postgres 9.4
pglogical_ticker 1.4 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-pglogical Have an accurate view on pglogical replication delay
repmgr 5.4 REPL pgdg16 postgresql-16-repmgr Replication manager for PostgreSQL
pg_search 0.7.0 SEARCH pigsty-pgsql pg-search Full text search for PostgreSQL using BM25 ubuntu22 only
credcheck 2.7.0 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-credcheck credcheck - postgresql plain text credential checker
pg_snakeoil 1 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-snakeoil PostgreSQL Anti-Virus
pgaudit 16.0 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgaudit provides auditing functionality
pgauditlogtofile 1.5 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgauditlogtofile pgAudit addon to redirect audit log to an independent file
set_user 4.0.1 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-set-user similar to SET ROLE but with added logging
table_log 0.6.1 SEC pgdg16 postgresql-16-tablelog Module to log changes on tables
citus 12.1-1 SHARD pgdg16 postgresql-16-citus-12.1 Distributed PostgreSQL as an extension
pg_partman 5.1.0 SHARD pgdg16 postgresql-16-partman Extension to manage partitioned tables by time or ID
plproxy 2.11.0 SHARD pgdg16 postgresql-16-plproxy Database partitioning implemented as procedural language
orafce 4.10 SIM pgdg16 postgresql-16-orafce Functions and operators that emulate a subset of functions and packages from the Oracle RDBMS
pgmemcache 2.3.0 SIM pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgmemcache memcached interface
pg_qualstats 2.1.0 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-qualstats An extension collecting statistics about quals
pg_show_plans 2.1 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-show-plans show query plans of all currently running SQL statements
pg_stat_kcache 2.2.3 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-squeeze Kernel statistics gathering
pg_statviz 0.6 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-statviz stats visualization and time series analysis broke on debian12
pg_track_settings 2.1.2 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-stat-kcache Track settings changes
pg_wait_sampling 1.1 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-wait-sampling sampling based statistics of wait events
plprofiler 4.2 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-plprofiler server-side support for profiling PL/pgSQL functions
powa 4.2.2 STAT pgdg16 postgresql-16-powa PostgreSQL Workload Analyser-core
pgtap 1.3.3 TEST pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgtap Unit testing for PostgreSQL
asn1oid 1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-asn1oid asn1oid extension
debversion 1.1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-debversion Debian version number data type
numeral 1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-numeral numeral datatypes extension
pg_rational 0.0.1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-rational bigint fractions
pg_rrule 0.2.0 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-pg-rrule RRULE field type for PostgreSQL
pgfaceting 0.2.0 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgfaceting fast faceting queries using an inverted index depend pg_roaringbitmap
pgmp 1.1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-pgmp Multiple Precision Arithmetic extension
prefix 1.2.0 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-prefix Prefix Range module for PostgreSQL
roaringbitmap 0.5 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-roaringbitmap support for Roaring Bitmaps
semver 0.32.1 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-semver Semantic version data type
unit 7 TYPE pgdg16 postgresql-16-unit SI units extension

Contrib Extension

PostgreSQL has 73 built-in contrib extensions available on all distros.

name version category description
adminpack 2.1 ADMIN administrative functions for PostgreSQL
autoinc 1.0 FUNC functions for autoincrementing fields
bool_plperl 1.0 LANG transform between bool and plperl
bool_plperlu 1.0 LANG transform between bool and plperlu
btree_gin 1.3 FUNC support for indexing common datatypes in GIN
btree_gist 1.7 FUNC support for indexing common datatypes in GiST
citext 1.6 TYPE data type for case-insensitive character strings
cube 1.5 TYPE data type for multidimensional cubes
dblink 1.2 FDW connect to other PostgreSQL databases from within a database
dict_int 1.0 FUNC text search dictionary template for integers
dict_xsyn 1.0 FUNC text search dictionary template for extended synonym processing
file_fdw 1.0 FDW foreign-data wrapper for flat file access
hstore 1.8 TYPE data type for storing sets of (key, value) pairs
hstore_plperl 1.0 LANG transform between hstore and plperl
hstore_plperlu 1.0 LANG transform between hstore and plperlu
hstore_plpython3u 1.0 LANG transform between hstore and plpython3u
insert_username 1.0 FUNC functions for tracking who changed a table
intagg 1.1 FUNC integer aggregator and enumerator (obsolete)
intarray 1.5 FUNC functions, operators, and index support for 1-D arrays of integers
isn 1.2 TYPE data types for international product numbering standards
jsonb_plperl 1.0 LANG transform between jsonb and plperl
jsonb_plperlu 1.0 LANG transform between jsonb and plperlu
jsonb_plpython3u 1.0 LANG transform between jsonb and plpython3u
lo 1.1 ADMIN Large Object maintenance
ltree 1.2 TYPE data type for hierarchical tree-like structures
ltree_plpython3u 1.0 LANG transform between ltree and plpython3u
moddatetime 1.0 FUNC functions for tracking last modification time
old_snapshot 1.0 ADMIN utilities in support of old_snapshot_threshold
pageinspect 1.12 STAT inspect the contents of database pages at a low level
pg_buffercache 1.4 STAT examine the shared buffer cache
pg_freespacemap 1.2 STAT examine the free space map (FSM)
pg_prewarm 1.2 ADMIN prewarm relation data
pg_stat_statements 1.10 STAT track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed
pg_surgery 1.0 ADMIN extension to perform surgery on a damaged relation
pg_visibility 1.2 STAT examine the visibility map (VM) and page-level visibility info
pg_walinspect 1.1 STAT functions to inspect contents of PostgreSQL Write-Ahead Log
pgrowlocks 1.2 STAT show row-level locking information
pgstattuple 1.5 STAT show tuple-level statistics
plperl 1.0 LANG PL/Perl procedural language
plperlu 1.0 LANG PL/PerlU untrusted procedural language
plpgsql 1.0 LANG PL/pgSQL procedural language
plpython3u 1.0 LANG PL/Python3U untrusted procedural language
pltcl 1.0 LANG PL/Tcl procedural language
pltclu 1.0 LANG PL/TclU untrusted procedural language
postgres_fdw 1.1 FDW foreign-data wrapper for remote PostgreSQL servers
refint 1.0 FUNC functions for implementing referential integrity (obsolete)
seg 1.4 TYPE data type for representing line segments or floating-point intervals
sslinfo 1.2 STAT information about SSL certificates
tcn 1.0 FUNC Triggered change notifications
tsm_system_rows 1.0 FUNC TABLESAMPLE method which accepts number of rows as a limit
tsm_system_time 1.0 FUNC TABLESAMPLE method which accepts time in milliseconds as a limit
unaccent 1.1 FUNC text search dictionary that removes accents
uuid-ossp 1.1 FUNC generate universally unique identifiers (UUIDs)
xml2 1.1 TYPE XPath querying and XSLT
ltree_plpython LANG transform between ltree and plpython
hstore_plpython LANG transform between hstore and plpython
auto_explain STAT Provides a means for logging execution plans of slow statements automatically
vacuumlo ADMIN utility program that will remove any orphaned large objects from a PostgreSQL database
basic_archive ADMIN an example of an archive module
basebackup_to_shell ADMIN adds a custom basebackup target called shell
jsonb_plpython LANG transform between jsonb and plpython
passwordcheck SEC checks user passwords and reject weak password
sepgsql SEC label-based mandatory access control (MAC) based on SELinux security policy.
earthdistance 1.1 GIS calculate great-circle distances on the surface of the Earth
fuzzystrmatch 1.2 SEARCH determine similarities and distance between strings
oid2name ADMIN utility program that helps administrators to examine the file structure used by PostgreSQL
bloom 1.0 FEAT bloom access method - signature file based index
auth_delay SEC pause briefly before reporting authentication failure
pg_trgm 1.6 SEARCH text similarity measurement and index searching based on trigrams
tablefunc 1.0 OLAP functions that manipulate whole tables, including crosstab
pgcrypto 1.3 SEC cryptographic functions
amcheck 1.3 ADMIN functions for verifying relation integrity
test_decoding REPL SQL-based test/example module for WAL logical decoding

Pigsty Extension

Pigsty has maintained and packaged 37 RPM extensions for PostgreSQL 16 on EL systems (el8, el9), check Pigsty RPMs for details.

name version comment
pgml 2.8.1 PostgresML: access most advanced machine learning algorithms and pretrained models with SQL
age 1.5.0 Apache AGE graph database extension
pointcloud 1.2.5 A PostgreSQL extension for storing point cloud (LIDAR) data.
pg_bigm 1.2.0 full text search capability with create 2-gram (bigram) index. (pg 16 not supported)
pg_tle 1.4.0 Trusted Language Extensions for PostgreSQL
roaringbitmap 0.5 Support for Roaring Bitmaps
zhparser 2.2 Parser for full-text search of Chinese
pgjwt 0.2.0 JSON Web Token API for Postgresql
pg_graphql 1.5.4 GraphQL support to your PostgreSQL database.
pg_jsonschema 0.3.1 PostgreSQL extension providing JSON Schema validation
vault 0.2.9 Extension for storing encrypted secrets in the Vault
hydra 1.1.2 Hydra is open source, column-oriented Postgres extension
wrappers 0.3.1 Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers Collections by Supabase
duckdb_fdw 1.1 DuckDB Foreign Data Wrapper, build against libduckdb 0.10.2
pg_search 0.7.0 Full text search over SQL tables using the BM25 algorithm
pg_lakehouse 0.7.0 Query engine over object stores like S3 and table formats like Delta Lake
pg_analytics 0.6.1 Accelerates analytical query processing inside Postgres
pgmq 1.5.2 A lightweight message queue. Like AWS SQS and RSMQ but on Postgres.
pg_tier 0.0.3 Postgres Extension written in Rust, to enable data tiering to AWS S3
pg_vectorize 0.15.0 The simplest way to orchestrate vector search on Postgres
pg_later 0.1.0 Execute SQL now and get the results later.
pg_idkit 0.2.3 Generating many popular types of identifiers
plprql 0.1.0 Use PRQL in PostgreSQL
pgsmcrypto 0.1.0 PostgreSQL SM Algorithm Extension
pg_tiktoken 0.0.1 OpenAI tiktoken tokenizer for postgres
pgdd 0.5.2 Access Data Dictionary metadata with pure SQL
parquet_s3_fdw 1.1.0 ParquetS3 Foreign Data Wrapper for PostgresSQL
plv8 3.2.2 V8 Engine Javascript Procedural Language add-on for PostgreSQL
md5hash 1.0.1 Custom data type for storing MD5 hashes rather than text
pg_tde 1.0-alpha Experimental encrypted access method for PostgreSQL
pg_dirtyread 2.6 Read dead but unvacuumed tuples from a PostgreSQL relation
pg_sparse 0.6.1 pg_sparse: Sparse vector data type and sparse HNSW access methods (depreciated)
imgsmlr 1.0.0 ImgSmlr method is based on Haar wavelet transform (pg 16 not supported)
pg_similarity 1.0.0 set of functions and operators for executing similarity queries(covered by pgvector)
pgsql-http 1.6 HTTP client for PostgreSQL, allows web page retrieval inside the database.
pgsql-gzip 1.0 Gzip and unzip with SQL
pg_net 0.9.1 Enables asynchronous (non-blocking) HTTP/HTTPS requests with SQL

Caveat: Extension marked with ❋ are no longer supported due to various reasons.

Caveat: Extension marked with ※ are now supported by PGDG

4 - File Hierarchy

How files are organized in Pigsty, and directories structure used by modules

Pigsty FHS

# pigsty
#  ^-----@app                    # extra demo application resources
#  ^-----@bin                    # bin scripts
#  ^-----@docs                   # document (can be docsified)
#  ^-----@files                  # ansible file resources 
#            ^-----@pigsty       # pigsty config template files
#            ^-----@prometheus   # prometheus rules definition
#            ^-----@grafana      # grafana dashboards
#            ^-----@postgres     # /pg/bin/ scripts
#            ^-----@migration    # pgsql migration task definition
#            ^-----@pki          # self-signed CA & certs

#  ^-----@roles                  # ansible business logic
#  ^-----@templates              # ansible templates
#  ^-----@vagrant                # vagrant local VM template
#  ^-----@terraform              # terraform cloud VM template
#  ^-----configure               # configure wizard script
#  ^-----ansible.cfg             # default ansible config file
#  ^-----pigsty.yml              # default config file
#  ^-----*.yml                   # ansible playbooks

# /etc/pigsty/
#  ^-----@targets                # file based service discovery targets definition
#  ^-----@dashboards             # static grafana dashboards
#  ^-----@datasources            # static grafana datasource
#  ^-----@playbooks              # extra ansible playbooks


Pigsty’s self-signed CA is located on files/pki/ directory under pigsty home.

YOU HAVE TO SECURE THE CA KEY PROPERLY: files/pki/ca/ca.key, which is generated by the ca role during install.yml or infra.yml.

# pigsty/files/pki
#  ^-----@ca                      # self-signed CA key & cert
#         ^-----@ca.key           # VERY IMPORTANT: keep it secret
#         ^-----@ca.crt           # VERY IMPORTANT: trusted everywhere
#  ^-----@csr                     # signing request csr
#  ^-----@misc                    # misc certs, issued certs
#  ^-----@etcd                    # etcd server certs
#  ^-----@minio                   # minio server certs
#  ^-----@nginx                   # nginx SSL certs
#  ^-----@infra                   # infra client certs
#  ^-----@pgsql                   # pgsql server certs
#  ^-----@mongo                   # mongodb/ferretdb server certs
#  ^-----@mysql                   # mysql server certs

The managed nodes will have the following files installed:

/etc/pki/ca.crt                             # all nodes
/etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ca.crt     # soft link and trusted anchor

All infra nodes will have the following certs:

/etc/pki/infra.crt                          # infra nodes cert
/etc/pki/infra.key                          # infra nodes key

In case of admin node failure, you have to keep files/pki and pigsty.yml safe. You can rsync them to another admin node to make a backup admin node.

# run on meta-1, rsync to meta2
cd ~/pigsty;
rsync -avz ./ meta-2:~/pigsty  


Node main data dir is specified by node_data parameter, which is /data by default.

The data dir is owned by root with mode 0777. All modules’ local data will be stored under this directory by default.

#  ^-----@postgres                   # postgres main data dir
#  ^-----@backups                    # postgres backup data dir (if no dedicated backup disk)
#  ^-----@redis                      # redis data dir (shared by multiple redis instances)
#  ^-----@minio                      # minio data dir (default when in single node single disk mode)
#  ^-----@etcd                       # etcd main data dir
#  ^-----@prometheus                 # prometheus time series data dir
#  ^-----@loki                       # Loki data dir for logs
#  ^-----@docker                     # Docker data dir
#  ^-----@...                        # other modules

Prometheus FHS

The prometheus bin / rules are located on files/prometheus/ directory under pigsty home.

While the main config file is located on roles/infra/templates/prometheus/prometheus.yml.j2 and rendered to /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml on infra nodes.

# /etc/prometheus/
#  ^-----prometheus.yml              # prometheus main config file
#  ^-----@bin                        # util scripts: check,reload,status,new
#  ^-----@rules                      # record & alerting rules definition
#            ^-----agent.yml         # agent rules & alert
#            ^-----infra.yml         # infra rules & alert
#            ^-----node.yml          # node  rules & alert
#            ^-----pgsql.yml         # pgsql rules & alert
#            ^-----redis.yml         # redis rules & alert
#            ^-----minio.yml         # minio rules & alert
#            ^-----etcd.yml          # etcd  rules & alert
#            ^-----mongo.yml         # mongo rules & alert
#            ^-----mysql.yml         # mysql rules & alert (placeholder)
#  ^-----@targets                    # file based service discovery targets definition
#            ^-----@infra            # infra static targets definition
#            ^-----@node             # nodes static targets definition
#            ^-----@etcd             # etcd static targets definition
#            ^-----@minio            # minio static targets definition
#            ^-----@ping             # blackbox ping targets definition
#            ^-----@pgsql            # pgsql static targets definition
#            ^-----@pgrds            # pgsql remote rds static targets
#            ^-----@redis            # redis static targets definition
#            ^-----@mongo            # mongo static targets definition
#            ^-----@mysql            # mysql static targets definition
#            ^-----@ping             # ping  static target definition
#            ^-----@patroni          # patroni static target defintion (when ssl enabled)
#            ^-----@.....            # other targets
# /etc/alertmanager.yml              # alertmanager main config file
# /etc/blackbox.yml                  # blackbox exporter main config file

Postgres FHS

The following parameters are related to the PostgreSQL database dir:

  • pg_dbsu_home: Postgres default user’s home dir, default is /var/lib/pgsql.
  • pg_bin_dir: Postgres binary dir, defaults to /usr/pgsql/bin/.
  • pg_data: Postgres database dir, default is /pg/data.
  • pg_fs_main: Postgres main data disk mount point, default is /data.
  • pg_fs_bkup: Postgres backup disk mount point, default is /data/backups (used when using local backup repo).
# Create Directory
# assumption:
#   {{ pg_fs_main }} for main data   , default: `/data`              [fast ssd]
#   {{ pg_fs_bkup }} for backup data , default: `/data/backups`     [cheap hdd]
# default variable:
#     pg_fs_main = /data             fast ssd
#     pg_fs_bkup = /data/backups     cheap hdd (optional)
#     /pg      -> /data/postgres/pg-test-15    (soft link)
#     /pg/data -> /data/postgres/pg-test-15/data
- name: create postgresql directories
  tags: pg_dir
  become: yes

    - name: make main and backup data dir
      file: path={{ item }} state=directory owner=root mode=0777
        - "{{ pg_fs_main }}"
        - "{{ pg_fs_bkup }}"

    # pg_cluster_dir:    "{{ pg_fs_main }}/postgres/{{ pg_cluster }}-{{ pg_version }}"
    - name: create postgres directories
      file: path={{ item }} state=directory owner={{ pg_dbsu }} group=postgres mode=0700
        - "{{ pg_fs_main }}/postgres"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}/bin"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}/log"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}/tmp"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}/cert"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}/conf"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}/data"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}/meta"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}/stat"
        - "{{ pg_cluster_dir }}/change"
        - "{{ pg_backup_dir }}/backup"

Data FHS

# real dirs
{{ pg_fs_main }}     /data                      # top level data directory, usually a SSD mountpoint
{{ pg_dir_main }}    /data/postgres             # contains postgres data
{{ pg_cluster_dir }} /data/postgres/pg-test-15  # contains cluster `pg-test` data (of version 15)
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/bin            # bin scripts
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/log            # logs: postgres/pgbouncer/patroni/pgbackrest
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/tmp            # tmp, sql files, rendered results
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/cert           # postgres server certificates
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/conf           # patroni config, links to related config
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/data           # main data directory
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/meta           # identity information
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/stat           # stats information, summary, log report
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/change         # changing records
                     /data/postgres/pg-test-15/backup         # soft link to backup dir

{{ pg_fs_bkup }}     /data/backups                            # could be a cheap & large HDD mountpoint
                     /data/backups/postgres/pg-test-15/backup # local backup repo path

# soft links
/pg             ->   /data/postgres/pg-test-15                # pg root link
/pg/data        ->   /data/postgres/pg-test-15/data           # real data dir
/pg/backup      ->   /var/backups/postgres/pg-test-15/backup  # base backup

Binary FHS

On EL releases, the default path for PostgreSQL binaries is:


Pigsty will create a softlink /usr/pgsql to the currently installed version specified by pg_version.

/usr/pgsql -> /usr/pgsql-15

Therefore, the default pg_bin_dir will be /usr/pgsql/bin/, and this path is added to the PATH environment via /etc/profile.d/

export PATH="/usr/pgsql/bin:/pg/bin:$PATH"
export PGHOME=/usr/pgsql
export PGDATA=/pg/data

For Ubuntu / Debian, the default path for PostgreSQL binaries is:


Pgbouncer FHS

Pgbouncer is run using the Postgres user, and the config file is located in /etc/pgbouncer. The config file includes.

  • pgbouncer.ini: pgbouncer main config
  • database.txt: pgbouncer database list
  • userlist.txt: pgbouncer user list
  • useropts.txt: pgbouncer user options (user-level parameter overrides)
  • pgb_hba.conf: lists the access privileges of the connection pool users

Redis FHS

Pigsty provides essential support for Redis deployment and monitoring.

Redis binaries are installed in /bin/ using RPM-packages or copied binaries, including:


For a Redis instance named redis-test-1-6379, the resources associated with it are shown below:

/usr/lib/systemd/system/redis-test-1-6379.service               # Services ('/lib/systemd' in debian)
/etc/redis/redis-test-1-6379.conf                               # Config 
/data/redis/redis-test-1-6379                                   # Database Catalog
/data/redis/redis-test-1-6379/redis-test-1-6379.rdb             # RDB File
/data/redis/redis-test-1-6379/redis-test-1-6379.aof             # AOF file
/var/log/redis/redis-test-1-6379.log                            # Log
/var/run/redis/                            # PID

For Ubuntu / Debian, the default systemd service dir is /lib/systemd/system/ instead of /usr/lib/systemd/system/.

5 - Comparison

Comparing products such as RDS and projects that has feature overlap with Pigsty

Comparing to RDS

Pigsty is an AGPLv3-licensed, local-first RDS alternative that can be deployed on your own physical machines/virtual machines, or on cloud servers.

Therefore, we chose the world’s leading Amazon Cloud AWS RDS for PostgreSQL and China’s market leader Alibaba Cloud RDS for PostgreSQL as benchmarks.

Both Alibaba Cloud RDS and AWS RDS are proprietary cloud database services, offered only on the public cloud through a leasing model. The following comparison is based on the latest PostgreSQL 16 main branch version, with the comparison cut-off date being February 2024.


Item Pigsty Aliyun RDS AWS RDS
Major Version 12 - 16 12 - 16 12 - 16
Read on Standby Of course Not Readable Not Readable
Separate R & W By Port Paid Proxy Paid Proxy
Offline Instance Yes Not Available Not Available
Standby Cluster Yes Multi-AZ Multi-AZ
Delayed Instance Yes Not Available Not Available
Load Balancer HAProxy / LVS Paid ELB Paid ELB
Connection Pooling Pgbouncer Paid Proxy Paid RDS Proxy
High Availability Patroni / etcd HA Version Only HA Version Only
Point-in-Time Recovery pgBackRest / MinIO Yes Yes
Monitoring Metrics Prometheus / Exporter About 9 Metrics About 99 Metrics
Logging Collector Loki / Promtail Yes Yes
Dashboards Grafana / Echarts Basic Support Basic Support
Alerts AlterManager Basic Support Basic Support


Here are some important extensions in the PostgreSQL ecosystem. The comparison is base on PostgreSQL 16 and complete on 2024-02-29:

Category Pigsty Aliyun RDS PG AWS RDS PG
Add Extension Free to Install Not Allowed Not Allowed
Geo Spatial PostGIS 3.4.2 PostGIS 3.3.4 PostGIS 3.4.1
Time Series TimescaleDB 2.14.2
Distributive Citus 12.1
AI / ML PostgresML 2.8.1
Columnar Hydra 1.1.1
Vector PGVector 0.6 pase 0.0.1 PGVector 0.6
Sparse Vector PG Sparse 0.5.6
Full-Text Search pg_bm25 0.5.6
Graph Apache AGE 1.5.0
GraphQL PG GraphQL 1.5.0
Message Queue pgq 3.5.0
OLAP pg_analytics 0.5.6
DuckDB duckdb_fdw 1.1
CDC wal2json 2.5.3 wal2json 2.5
Bloat Control pg_repack 1.5.0 pg_repack 1.4.8 pg_repack 1.5.0
Point Cloud PG PointCloud 1.2.5 Ganos PointCloud 6.1

AWS RDS for PostgreSQL 16 可用扩展(已刨除PG自带扩展)

name pg16 pg15 pg14 pg13 pg12 pg11 pg10
amcheck 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.2 yes 1
auto_explain yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
autoinc 1 1 1 1 null null null
bloom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
bool_plperl 1 1 1 1 null null null
btree_gin 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2
btree_gist 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
citext 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4
cube 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2
dblink 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
dict_int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
dict_xsyn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
earthdistance 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
fuzzystrmatch 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
hstore 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4
hstore_plperl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
insert_username 1 1 1 1 null null null
intagg 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
intarray 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2
isn 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1
jsonb_plperl 1 1 1 1 1 null null
lo 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
ltree 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1
moddatetime 1 1 1 1 null null null
old_snapshot 1 1 1 null null null null
pageinspect 1.12 1.11 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.6
pg_buffercache 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
pg_freespacemap 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
pg_prewarm 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1
pg_stat_statements 1.1 1.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6
pg_trgm 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3
pg_visibility 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
pg_walinspect 1.1 1 null null null null null
pgcrypto 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
pgrowlocks 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
pgstattuple 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
plperl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
plpgsql 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
pltcl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
postgres_fdw 1.1 1.1 1.1 1 1 1 1
refint 1 1 1 1 null null null
seg 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.1
sslinfo 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
tablefunc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
tcn 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
tsm_system_rows 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1
tsm_system_time 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1
unaccent 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
uuid-ossp 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Aliyun Extensions

阿里云 RDS for PostgreSQL 16 可用扩展(已刨除PG自带扩展)

name pg16 pg15 pg14 pg13 pg12 pg11 pg10
bloom 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
btree_gin 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2
btree_gist 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
citext 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4
cube 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2
dblink 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
dict_int 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
earthdistance 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
fuzzystrmatch 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
hstore 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.4
intagg 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
intarray 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2
isn 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1
ltree 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1
pg_buffercache 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
pg_freespacemap 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
pg_prewarm 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.1
pg_stat_statements 1.1 1.1 1.9 1.8 1.7 1.6 1.6
pg_trgm 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.4 1.3
pgcrypto 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
pgrowlocks 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
pgstattuple 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
plperl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
plpgsql 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
pltcl 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
postgres_fdw 1.1 1.1 1.1 1 1 1 1
sslinfo 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
tablefunc 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
tsm_system_rows 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
tsm_system_time 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
unaccent 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
uuid-ossp 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
xml2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1


Metric Pigsty Aliyun RDS AWS RDS
Best Performance PGTPC on NVME SSD evaluation sysbench oltp_rw RDS PG Performance Whitepaper sysbench oltp scenario per-core QPS 4000 ~ 8000
Storage Specs: Maximum Capacity 32TB / NVME SSD 32 TB / ESSD PL3 64 TB / io2 EBS Block Express
Storage Specs: Maximum IOPS 4K random read: up to 3M, random write 2000~350K 4K random read: up to 1M 16K random IOPS: 256K
Storage Specs: Maximum Latency 4K random read: 75µs, random write 15µs 4K random read: 200µs 500µs / inferred for 16K random IO
Storage Specs: Maximum Reliability UBER < 1e-18, equivalent to 18 nines MTBF: 2 million hours 5DWPD, for three years Reliability 9 nines, equivalent to UBER 1e-9 Storage and Data Reliability Durability: 99.999%, five nines (0.001% annual failure rate) io2 details
Storage Specs: Maximum Cost 31.5 ¥/TB·month ( 5-year warranty amortized / 3.2T / enterprise-grade / MLC ) 3200¥/TB·month (List price 6400¥, monthly package 4000¥) 3-year prepay total 50% off for this price 1900 ¥/TB·month for using the maximum specs 65536GB / 256K IOPS maximum discount


Pigsty offers nearly 3000 monitoring metrics, providing over 50 monitoring dashboards, covering database monitoring, host monitoring, connection pool monitoring, load balancing monitoring, etc., offering users an unparalleled observability experience.

Pigsty offers 638 PostgreSQL-related monitoring metrics, while AWS RDS only has 99, and Aliyun RDS has merely single-digit metrics:

Additionally, there are some projects that offer the capability to monitor PostgreSQL, but they are relatively basic and simplistic:


** Metric** Pigsty Aliyun RDS AWS RDS
System Usability Simple Simple Simple
Configuration Management Configuration file / CMDB based on Ansible Inventory Can use Terraform Can use Terraform
Change Method Idempotent playbooks based on Ansible Playbook Operations via console Operations via console
Parameter Tuning Automatically adapts based on node with four preset templates: OLTP, OLAP, TINY, CRIT
Infra as Code Native support Can use Terraform Can use Terraform
Customizable Parameters Pigsty Parameters 283 items
Service and Support Commercial subscription support available After-sales ticket support provided After-sales ticket support provided
No Internet Deployment Possible offline installation and deployment N/A N/A
Database Migration playbooks for zero-downtime migration from existing Postgres into Pigsty Provides cloud migration assistance Aliyun RDS Data Synchronization


Experience shows that the per-unit cost of hardware and software resources for RDS is 5 to 15 times that of self-built solutions, with the rent-to-own ratio typically being one month. For more details, please refer to Cost Analysis.

Factor Metric Pigsty Aliyun RDS AWS RDS
Cost Software License/Service Fees Free, hardware about 20 - 40 ¥/core·month 200 ~ 400 ¥/core·month 400 ~ 1300 ¥/core·month
Service Support Fees Service about 100 ¥/ core·month Included in RDS costs

Other Vendors

Kubernetes Operators

Pigsty refuse to run database inside kubernetes, but if you wish to do so, there are other options:

  • PGO
  • StackGres
  • CloudNativePG
  • TemboOperator
  • PostgresOperator
  • PerconaOperator
  • Kubegres
  • KubeDB
  • KubeBlocks


6 - Cost Analysis

RDS / DBA Cost reference to help you evaluate the costs of self-hosting database

Cost Reference

EC2 vCPU-Month RDS vCPU-Month
DHH’s self-hosted core-month price (192C 384G) 25.32 Junior open-source DBA reference salary 15K/person-month
IDC self-hosted data center (exclusive physical machine: 64C384G) 19.53 Intermediate open-source DBA reference salary 30K/person-month
IDC self-hosted data center (container, oversold 500%) 7 Senior open-source DBA reference salary 60K/person-month
UCloud Elastic Virtual Machine (8C16G, oversold) 25 ORACLE database license 10000
Alibaba Cloud Elastic Server 2x memory (exclusive without overselling) 107 Alibaba Cloud RDS PG 2x memory (exclusive) 260
Alibaba Cloud Elastic Server 4x memory (exclusive without overselling) 138 Alibaba Cloud RDS PG 4x memory (exclusive) 320
Alibaba Cloud Elastic Server 8x memory (exclusive without overselling) 180 Alibaba Cloud RDS PG 8x memory (exclusive) 410
AWS C5D.METAL 96C 200G (monthly without upfront) 100 AWS RDS PostgreSQL db.T2 (2x) 440

For instance, using RDS for PostgreSQL on AWS, the price for a 64C / 256GB db.m5.16xlarge RDS for one month is $25,817, which is equivalent to about 180,000 yuan per month. The monthly rent is enough for you to buy two servers with even better performance and set them up on your own. The rent-to-buy ratio doesn’t even last a month; renting for just over ten days is enough to buy the whole server for yourself.

Payment Model Price Cost Per Year (¥10k)
Self-hosted IDC (Single Physical Server) ¥75k / 5 years 1.5
Self-hosted IDC (2-3 Server HA Cluster) ¥150k / 5 years 3.0 ~ 4.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS (On-demand) ¥87.36/hour 76.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS (Monthly) ¥42k / month 50
Alibaba Cloud RDS (Yearly, 15% off) ¥425,095 / year 42.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS (3-year, 50% off) ¥750,168 / 3 years 25
AWS (On-demand) $25,817 / month 217
AWS (1-year, no upfront) $22,827 / month 191.7
AWS (3-year, full upfront) $120k + $17.5k/month 175
AWS China/Ningxia (On-demand) ¥197,489 / month 237
AWS China/Ningxia (1-year, no upfront) ¥143,176 / month 171
AWS China/Ningxia (3-year, full upfront) ¥647k + ¥116k/month 160.6

Comparing the costs of self-hosting versus using a cloud database:

Method Cost Per Year (¥10k)
Self-hosted Servers 64C / 384G / 3.2TB NVME SSD 660K IOPS (2-3 servers) 3.0 ~ 4.5
Alibaba Cloud RDS PG High-Availability pg.x4m.8xlarge.2c, 64C / 256GB / 3.2TB ESSD PL3 25 ~ 50
AWS RDS PG High-Availability db.m5.16xlarge, 64C / 256GB / 3.2TB io1 x 80k IOPS 160 ~ 217

Cloud Exit Column

7 - Glossary

technical terms used in the documentation, along with their definitions and explanations.