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Module: MINIO

Pigsty has built-in MinIO support. MinIO is an S3 OSS alternative which is used as an optional PostgreSQL backup repo

Min.IO: S3-Compatible Open-Source Multi-Cloud Object Storage

Configuration | Administration | Playbook | Dashboard | Parameter

MinIO is an S3-compatible object storage server. It’s designed to be scalable, secure, and easy to use. It has native multi-node multi-driver HA support and can store documents, pictures, videos, and backups.

Pigsty uses MinIO as an optional PostgreSQL backup storage repo, in addition to the default local posix FS repo. If the MinIO repo is used, the MINIO module should be installed before any PGSQL modules.

MinIO requires a trusted CA to work, so you have to install it in addition to NODE module.

Beware than MinIO mandates HTTPS access, so please ensure that the MinIO service domain (default to sss.pigsty) correctly points to the MinIO server node:

  1. You can ask your SA to add a DNS record in the intranet DNS server
  2. If you enable the DNS server on the Infra node, you can add records in dns_records
  3. You can also add static resolution records to all nodes in node_etc_hosts

Example: prod.yml


You have to define a MinIO cluster before deploying it. There are some parameters for MinIO.

Single-Node Single-Drive

Reference: deploy-minio-single-node-single-drive

To define a singleton MinIO instance, it’s straightforward:

# 1 Node 1 Driver (DEFAULT)
minio: { hosts: { { minio_seq: 1 } }, vars: { minio_cluster: minio } }

The only required params are minio_seq and minio_cluster, which generate a unique identity for each MinIO instance.

Single-Node Single-Driver mode is for development purposes, so you can use a common dir as the data dir, which is /data/minio by default. Beware that in multi-driver or multi-node mode, MinIO will refuse to start if using a common dir as the data dir rather than a mount point.

Single-Node Multi-Drive

Reference: deploy-minio-single-node-multi-drive

To use multiple disks on a single node, you have to specify the minio_data in the format of {{ prefix }}{x...y}, which defines a series of disk mount points.

  hosts: { { minio_seq: 1 } }
    minio_cluster: minio         # minio cluster name, minio by default
    minio_data: '/data{1...4}'   # minio data dir(s), use {x...y} to specify multi drivers

This example defines a single-node MinIO cluster with 4 drivers: /data1, /data2, /data3, /data4. You have to mount them properly before launching MinIO:

mkfs.xfs /dev/sdb; mkdir /data1; mount -t xfs /dev/sdb /data1;   # mount 1st driver, ...

Multi-Node Multi-Drive

Reference: deploy-minio-multi-node-multi-drive

The extra minio_node param will be used for a multi-node deployment:

  hosts: { minio_seq: 1 } { minio_seq: 2 } { minio_seq: 3 }
    minio_cluster: minio
    minio_data: '/data{1...2}'                         # use two disk per node
    minio_node: '${minio_cluster}-${minio_seq}.pigsty' # minio node name pattern

The ${minio_cluster} and ${minio_seq} will be replaced with the value of minio_cluster and minio_seq respectively and used as MinIO nodename.

Expose Service

MinIO will serve on port 9000 by default. If a multi-node MinIO cluster is deployed, you can access its service via any node. It would be better to expose MinIO service via a load balancer, such as the default haproxy on NODE, or use the L2 vip.

To expose MinIO service with haproxy, you have to define an extra service with haproxy_services:

  hosts: { minio_seq: 1 , nodename: minio-1 } { minio_seq: 2 , nodename: minio-2 } { minio_seq: 3 , nodename: minio-3 }
    minio_cluster: minio
    node_cluster: minio
    minio_data: '/data{1...2}'         # use two disk per node
    minio_node: '${minio_cluster}-${minio_seq}.pigsty' # minio node name pattern
    haproxy_services:                  # EXPOSING MINIO SERVICE WITH HAPROXY
      - name: minio                    # [REQUIRED] service name, unique
        port: 9002                     # [REQUIRED] service port, unique
        options:                       # [OPTIONAL] minio health check
          - option httpchk
          - option http-keep-alive
          - http-check send meth OPTIONS uri /minio/health/live
          - http-check expect status 200
          - { name: minio-1 ,ip: ,port: 9000 ,options: 'check-ssl ca-file /etc/pki/ca.crt check port 9000' }
          - { name: minio-2 ,ip: ,port: 9000 ,options: 'check-ssl ca-file /etc/pki/ca.crt check port 9000' }
          - { name: minio-3 ,ip: ,port: 9000 ,options: 'check-ssl ca-file /etc/pki/ca.crt check port 9000' }

Access Service

To use the exposed service, you have to update/append the MinIO credential in the pgbackrest_repo section:

# This is the newly added HA MinIO Repo definition, USE THIS INSTEAD!
  type: s3
  s3_endpoint: minio-1.pigsty   # s3_endpoint could be any load balancer:{0,1,2}, or domain names point to any of the 3 nodes
  s3_region: us-east-1          # you could use external domain name: sss.pigsty , which resolve to any members  (`minio_domain`)
  s3_bucket: pgsql              # instance & nodename can be used : minio-1.pigsty minio-1.pigsty minio-1.pigsty minio-1 minio-2 minio-3
  s3_key: pgbackrest            # Better using a new password for MinIO pgbackrest user
  s3_key_secret: S3User.SomeNewPassWord
  s3_uri_style: path
  path: /pgbackrest
  storage_port: 9002            # Use the load balancer port 9002 instead of default 9000 (direct access)
  storage_ca_file: /etc/pki/ca.crt
  bundle: y
  cipher_type: aes-256-cbc      # Better using a new cipher password for your production environment
  cipher_pass: pgBackRest.With.Some.Extra.PassWord.And.Salt.${pg_cluster}
  retention_full_type: time
  retention_full: 14

Expose Admin

MinIO will serve an admin web portal on port 9001 by default.

It’s not wise to expose the admin portal to the public, but if you wish to do so, add MinIO to the infra_portal and refresh the nginx server:

infra_portal:   # domain names and upstream servers
  # ...         # MinIO admin page require HTTPS / Websocket to work
  minio1       : { domain: sss.pigsty  ,endpoint: ,scheme: https ,websocket: true }
  minio2       : { domain: sss2.pigsty ,endpoint: ,scheme: https ,websocket: true }
  minio3       : { domain: sss3.pigsty ,endpoint: ,scheme: https ,websocket: true }

Check the MinIO demo config and special Vagrantfile for more details.


Here are some common MinIO mcli commands for reference, check MinIO Client for more details.

Create Cluster

To create a defined minio cluster, run the minio.yml playbook on minio group:

./minio.yml -l minio   # install minio cluster on group 'minio'

Client Setup

To access MinIO servers, you have to configure client mcli alias first:

mcli alias ls  # list minio alias (there's a sss by default)
mcli alias set sss https://sss.pigsty:9000 minioadmin minioadmin              # root user
mcli alias set pgbackrest https://sss.pigsty:9000 pgbackrest S3User.Backup    # backup user

You can manage business users with mcli as well:

mcli admin user list sss     # list all users on sss
set +o history # hide password in history and create minio user
mcli admin user add sss dba S3User.DBA
mcli admin user add sss pgbackrest S3User.Backup
set -o history 


You can CRUD minio bucket with mcli:

mcli ls sss/          # list buckets of alias 'sss'
mcli mb --ignore-existing sss/hello  # create a bucket named 'hello'
mcli rb --force sss/hello            # remove bucket 'hello' with force

Or perform object CRUD:

mcli cp -r /www/pigsty/*.rpm sss/infra/repo/         # upload files to bucket 'infra' with prefix 'repo'
mcli cp sss/infra/repo/pg_exporter-0.5.0.x86_64.rpm /tmp/  # download file from minio to local


There’s a built-in playbook: minio.yml for installing the MinIO cluster. But you have to define it first.



  • minio-id : generate minio identity
  • minio_os_user : create os user minio
  • minio_install : install minio/mcli rpm
  • minio_clean : remove minio data (not default)
  • minio_dir : create minio directories
  • minio_config : generate minio config
    • minio_conf : minio main config
    • minio_cert : minio ssl cert
    • minio_dns : write minio dns records
  • minio_launch : launch minio service
  • minio_register : register minio to prometheus
  • minio_provision : create minio aliases/buckets/users
    • minio_alias : create minio client alias
    • minio_bucket : create minio buckets
    • minio_user : create minio biz users

Trusted ca file: /etc/pki/ca.crt should exist on all nodes already. which is generated in role: ca and loaded & trusted by default in role: node.

You should install MINIO module on Pigsty-managed nodes (i.e., Install NODE first)



There are two dashboards for MINIO module.

MinIO Overview: Overview of one single MinIO cluster

MinIO Instance: Detail information about one single MinIO instance



There are 15 parameters in MINIO module.

Parameter Type Level Comment
minio_seq int I minio instance identifier, REQUIRED
minio_cluster string C minio cluster name, minio by default
minio_clean bool G/C/A cleanup minio during init?, false by default
minio_user username C minio os user, minio by default
minio_node string C minio node name pattern
minio_data path C minio data dir(s), use {x…y} to specify multi drivers
minio_domain string G minio external domain name, sss.pigsty by default
minio_port port C minio service port, 9000 by default
minio_admin_port port C minio console port, 9001 by default
minio_access_key username C root access key, minioadmin by default
minio_secret_key password C root secret key, minioadmin by default
minio_extra_vars string C extra environment variables for minio server
minio_alias string G alias name for local minio deployment
minio_buckets bucket[] C list of minio bucket to be created
minio_users user[] C list of minio user to be created
#minio_seq: 1                     # minio instance identifier, REQUIRED
minio_cluster: minio              # minio cluster name, minio by default
minio_clean: false                # cleanup minio during init?, false by default
minio_user: minio                 # minio os user, `minio` by default
minio_node: '${minio_cluster}-${minio_seq}.pigsty' # minio node name pattern
minio_data: '/data/minio'         # minio data dir(s), use {x...y} to specify multi drivers
minio_domain: sss.pigsty          # minio external domain name, `sss.pigsty` by default
minio_port: 9000                  # minio service port, 9000 by default
minio_admin_port: 9001            # minio console port, 9001 by default
minio_access_key: minioadmin      # root access key, `minioadmin` by default
minio_secret_key: minioadmin      # root secret key, `minioadmin` by default
minio_extra_vars: ''              # extra environment variables
minio_alias: sss                  # alias name for local minio deployment
minio_buckets: [ { name: pgsql }, { name: infra },  { name: redis } ]
  - { access_key: dba , secret_key: S3User.DBA, policy: consoleAdmin }
  - { access_key: pgbackrest , secret_key: S3User.Backup, policy: readwrite }

1 - Metrics

Pigsty MINIO module metric list

MINIO module has 79 available metrics

Metric Name Type Labels Description
minio_audit_failed_messages counter ip, job, target_id, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of messages that failed to send since start
minio_audit_target_queue_length gauge ip, job, target_id, cls, instance, server, ins Number of unsent messages in queue for target
minio_audit_total_messages counter ip, job, target_id, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of messages sent since start
minio_cluster_bucket_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of buckets in the cluster
minio_cluster_capacity_raw_free_bytes gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total free capacity online in the cluster
minio_cluster_capacity_raw_total_bytes gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total capacity online in the cluster
minio_cluster_capacity_usable_free_bytes gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total free usable capacity online in the cluster
minio_cluster_capacity_usable_total_bytes gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total usable capacity online in the cluster
minio_cluster_drive_offline_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total drives offline in this cluster
minio_cluster_drive_online_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total drives online in this cluster
minio_cluster_drive_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total drives in this cluster
minio_cluster_health_erasure_set_healing_drives gauge pool, ip, job, cls, set, instance, server, ins Get the count of healing drives of this erasure set
minio_cluster_health_erasure_set_online_drives gauge pool, ip, job, cls, set, instance, server, ins Get the count of the online drives in this erasure set
minio_cluster_health_erasure_set_read_quorum gauge pool, ip, job, cls, set, instance, server, ins Get the read quorum for this erasure set
minio_cluster_health_erasure_set_status gauge pool, ip, job, cls, set, instance, server, ins Get current health status for this erasure set
minio_cluster_health_erasure_set_write_quorum gauge pool, ip, job, cls, set, instance, server, ins Get the write quorum for this erasure set
minio_cluster_health_status gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Get current cluster health status
minio_cluster_nodes_offline_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of MinIO nodes offline
minio_cluster_nodes_online_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of MinIO nodes online
minio_cluster_objects_size_distribution gauge ip, range, job, cls, instance, server, ins Distribution of object sizes across a cluster
minio_cluster_objects_version_distribution gauge ip, range, job, cls, instance, server, ins Distribution of object versions across a cluster
minio_cluster_usage_deletemarker_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of delete markers in a cluster
minio_cluster_usage_object_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of objects in a cluster
minio_cluster_usage_total_bytes gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total cluster usage in bytes
minio_cluster_usage_version_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of versions (includes delete marker) in a cluster
minio_cluster_webhook_failed_messages counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Number of messages that failed to send
minio_cluster_webhook_online gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Is the webhook online?
minio_cluster_webhook_queue_length counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Webhook queue length
minio_cluster_webhook_total_messages counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of messages sent to this target
minio_cluster_write_quorum gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Maximum write quorum across all pools and sets
minio_node_file_descriptor_limit_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Limit on total number of open file descriptors for the MinIO Server process
minio_node_file_descriptor_open_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of open file descriptors by the MinIO Server process
minio_node_go_routine_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of go routines running
minio_node_ilm_expiry_pending_tasks gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Number of pending ILM expiry tasks in the queue
minio_node_ilm_transition_active_tasks gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Number of active ILM transition tasks
minio_node_ilm_transition_missed_immediate_tasks gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Number of missed immediate ILM transition tasks
minio_node_ilm_transition_pending_tasks gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Number of pending ILM transition tasks in the queue
minio_node_ilm_versions_scanned counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of object versions checked for ilm actions since server start
minio_node_io_rchar_bytes counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total bytes read by the process from the underlying storage system including cache, /proc/[pid]/io rchar
minio_node_io_read_bytes counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total bytes read by the process from the underlying storage system, /proc/[pid]/io read_bytes
minio_node_io_wchar_bytes counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total bytes written by the process to the underlying storage system including page cache, /proc/[pid]/io wchar
minio_node_io_write_bytes counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total bytes written by the process to the underlying storage system, /proc/[pid]/io write_bytes
minio_node_process_cpu_total_seconds counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds
minio_node_process_resident_memory_bytes gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Resident memory size in bytes
minio_node_process_starttime_seconds gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Start time for MinIO process per node, time in seconds since Unix epoc
minio_node_process_uptime_seconds gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Uptime for MinIO process per node in seconds
minio_node_scanner_bucket_scans_finished counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of bucket scans finished since server start
minio_node_scanner_bucket_scans_started counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of bucket scans started since server start
minio_node_scanner_directories_scanned counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of directories scanned since server start
minio_node_scanner_objects_scanned counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of unique objects scanned since server start
minio_node_scanner_versions_scanned counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of object versions scanned since server start
minio_node_syscall_read_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total read SysCalls to the kernel. /proc/[pid]/io syscr
minio_node_syscall_write_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total write SysCalls to the kernel. /proc/[pid]/io syscw
minio_notify_current_send_in_progress gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Number of concurrent async Send calls active to all targets (deprecated, please use ‘minio_notify_target_current_send_in_progress’ instead)
minio_notify_events_errors_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Events that were failed to be sent to the targets (deprecated, please use ‘minio_notify_target_failed_events’ instead)
minio_notify_events_sent_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of events sent to the targets (deprecated, please use ‘minio_notify_target_total_events’ instead)
minio_notify_events_skipped_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Events that were skipped to be sent to the targets due to the in-memory queue being full
minio_s3_requests_4xx_errors_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins, api Total number of S3 requests with (4xx) errors
minio_s3_requests_errors_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins, api Total number of S3 requests with (4xx and 5xx) errors
minio_s3_requests_incoming_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of incoming S3 requests
minio_s3_requests_inflight_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins, api Total number of S3 requests currently in flight
minio_s3_requests_rejected_auth_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of S3 requests rejected for auth failure
minio_s3_requests_rejected_header_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of S3 requests rejected for invalid header
minio_s3_requests_rejected_invalid_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of invalid S3 requests
minio_s3_requests_rejected_timestamp_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of S3 requests rejected for invalid timestamp
minio_s3_requests_total counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins, api Total number of S3 requests
minio_s3_requests_ttfb_seconds_distribution gauge ip, job, cls, le, instance, server, ins, api Distribution of time to first byte across API calls
minio_s3_requests_waiting_total gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of S3 requests in the waiting queue
minio_s3_traffic_received_bytes counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of s3 bytes received
minio_s3_traffic_sent_bytes counter ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Total number of s3 bytes sent
minio_software_commit_info gauge ip, job, cls, instance, commit, server, ins Git commit hash for the MinIO release
minio_software_version_info gauge ip, job, cls, instance, version, server, ins MinIO Release tag for the server
minio_up Unknown ip, job, cls, instance, ins N/A
minio_usage_last_activity_nano_seconds gauge ip, job, cls, instance, server, ins Time elapsed (in nano seconds) since last scan activity.
scrape_duration_seconds Unknown ip, job, cls, instance, ins N/A
scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling Unknown ip, job, cls, instance, ins N/A
scrape_samples_scraped Unknown ip, job, cls, instance, ins N/A
scrape_series_added Unknown ip, job, cls, instance, ins N/A
up Unknown ip, job, cls, instance, ins N/A

2 - FAQ

Pigsty MINIO module frequently asked questions

Fail to launch multi-node / multi-driver MinIO cluster.

In Multi-Driver or Multi-Node mode, MinIO will refuse to start if the data dir is not a valid mount point.

Use mounted disks for MinIO data dir rather than some regular directory. You can use the regular directory only in the single node, single drive mode.

How to deploy a multi-node multi-drive MinIO cluster?

Check Create Multi-Node Multi-Driver MinIO Cluster

How to add a member to the existing MinIO cluster?

You’d better plan the MinIO cluster before deployment… Since this requires a global restart

Check this: Expand MinIO Deployment

How to use a HA MinIO deployment for PGSQL?

Access the HA MinIO cluster with an optional load balancer and different ports.

Here is an example: Access MinIO Service