KONG API Gateway

Launch kong with docker and use postgres as metadb


cd app/kong ; docker-compose up -d
make up         # pull up kong with docker-compose
make ui         # run swagger ui container
make log        # tail -f kong logs
make info       # introspect kong with jq
make stop       # stop kong container
make clean      # remove kong container
make rmui       # remove swagger ui container
make pull       # pull latest kong image
make rmi        # remove kong image
make save       # save kong image to /tmp/kong.tgz
make load       # load kong image from /tmp


  • Default Port: 8000
  • Default SSL Port: 8443
  • Default Admin Port: 8001
  • Default Postgres Database: postgres://dbuser_kong:DBUser.Kong@
# postgres://dbuser_kong:DBUser.Kong@
- { name: kong, owner: dbuser_kong, revokeconn: true , comment: kong the api gateway database }
- { name: dbuser_kong, password: DBUser.Kong , pgbouncer: true , roles: [ dbrole_admin ] }

Last modified 2024-02-29: update content (34b2b75)