Module: REDIS

Pigsty has built-in Redis support, which is a high-performance data-structure server. Deploy redis in standalone, cluster or sentinel mode.


The entity model of Redis is almost the same as that of PostgreSQL, which also includes the concepts of Cluster and Instance. The Cluster here does not refer to the native Redis Cluster mode.

The core difference between the REDIS module and the PGSQL module is that Redis uses a single-node multi-instance deployment rather than the 1:1 deployment: multiple Redis instances are typically deployed on a physical/virtual machine node to utilize multi-core CPUs fully. Therefore, the ways to configure and administer Redis instances are slightly different from PGSQL.

In Redis managed by Pigsty, nodes are entirely subordinate to the cluster, which means that currently, it is not allowed to deploy Redis instances of two different clusters on one node. However, this does not affect deploying multiple independent Redis primary replica instances on one node.


Redis Identity

Redis identity parameters are required parameters when defining a Redis cluster.

Name Attribute Description Example
redis_cluster REQUIRED, cluster level cluster name redis-test
redis_node REQUIRED, node level Node Sequence Number 1,2
redis_instances REQUIRED, node level Instance Definition { 6001 : {} ,6002 : {}}
  • redis_cluster: Redis cluster name, top-level namespace for cluster sources.
  • redis_node: Redis node identity, integer, and node number in the cluster.
  • redis_instances: A Dict with the Key as redis port and the value as an instance level parameter.

Redis Mode

There are three redis_mode available in Pigsty:

  • standalone: setup Redis in standalone (master-slave) mode
  • cluster: setup this Redis cluster as a Redis native cluster
  • sentinel: setup Redis as a sentinel for standalone Redis HA

Redis Definition

Here are three examples:

  • A 1-node, one master & one slave Redis Standalone cluster: redis-ms
  • A 1-node, 3-instance Redis Sentinel cluster: redis-sentinel
  • A 2-node, 6-instance Redis Cluster: redis-cluster
redis-ms: # redis classic primary & replica
  hosts: { { redis_node: 1 , redis_instances: { 6379: { }, 6380: { replica_of: ' 6379' } } } }
  vars: { redis_cluster: redis-ms ,redis_password: '' ,redis_max_memory: 64MB }

redis-meta: # redis sentinel x 3
  hosts: { { redis_node: 1 , redis_instances: { 26379: { } ,26380: { } ,26381: { } } } }
    redis_cluster: redis-meta
    redis_password: 'redis.meta'
    redis_mode: sentinel
    redis_max_memory: 16MB
    redis_sentinel_monitor: # primary list for redis sentinel, use cls as name, primary ip:port
      - { name: redis-ms, host:, port: 6379 ,password:, quorum: 2 }

redis-test: # redis native cluster: 3m x 3s
  hosts: { redis_node: 1 ,redis_instances: { 6379: { } ,6380: { } ,6381: { } } } { redis_node: 2 ,redis_instances: { 6379: { } ,6380: { } ,6381: { } } }
  vars: { redis_cluster: redis-test ,redis_password: 'redis.test' ,redis_mode: cluster, redis_max_memory: 32MB }


  • A Redis node can only belong to one Redis cluster, which means you cannot assign a node to two different Redis clusters simultaneously.
  • On each Redis node, you need to assign a unique port number to the Redis instance to avoid port conflicts.
  • Typically, the same Redis cluster will use the same password, but multiple Redis instances on a Redis node cannot set different passwords (because redis_exporter only allows one password).
  • Redis Cluster has built-in HA, while standalone HA requires manually configured in Sentinel because we are unsure if you have any sentinels available. Fortunately, configuring standalone Redis HA is straightforward: Configure HA with sentinel.


Here are some common administration tasks for Redis. Check FAQ: Redis for more details.

Init Redis

Init Cluster/Node/Instance

# init all redis instances on group <cluster>
./redis.yml -l <cluster>      # init redis cluster

# init redis node
./redis.yml -l    # init redis node

# init one specific redis instance
./redis.yml -l -e redis_port=6379 -t redis

You can also use wrapper script:

bin/redis-add redis-ms          # create redis cluster 'redis-ms'
bin/redis-add       # create redis node ''
bin/redis-add 6379  # create redis instance ''

Remove Redis

Remove Cluster/Node/Instance

# Remove cluster `redis-test`
redis-rm.yml -l redis-test

# Remove cluster `redis-test`, and uninstall packages
redis-rm.yml -l redis-test -e redis_uninstall=true

# Remove all instance on redis node
redis-rm.yml -l

# Remove one specific instance
redis-rm.yml -l -e redis_port=6379

You can also use wrapper script:

bin/redis-rm redis-ms          # remove redis cluster 'redis-ms'
bin/redis-rm       # remove redis node ''
bin/redis-rm 6379  # remove redis instance ''

Reconfigure Redis

You can partially run redis.yml tasks to re-configure redis.

./redis.yml -l <cluster> -t redis_config,redis_launch

Beware that redis can not be reload online, you have to restart redis to make config effective.

Use Redis Client Tools

Access redis instance with redis-cli:

$ redis-cli -h -p 6379 # <--- connect with host and port> auth    # <--- auth with password
OK> set a 10         # <--- set a key
OK> get a            # <--- get a key back

Redis also has a redis-benchmark which can be used for benchmark and generate load on redis server:

redis-benchmark -h -p 6379

Configure Redis Replica

# promote a redis instance to primary

# make a redis instance replica of another instance

Configure HA with Sentinel

You have to enable HA for redis standalone m-s cluster manually with your redis sentinel.

Take the 4-node sandbox as an example, a redis sentinel cluster redis-meta is used manage the redis-ms standalone cluster.

# for each sentinel, add redis master to the sentinel with:
$ redis-cli -h -p 26379 -a redis.meta> SENTINEL MONITOR redis-ms 6379 1> SENTINEL SET redis-ms auth-pass      # if auth enabled, password has to be configured

If you wish to remove a redis master from sentinel, use SENTINEL REMOVE <name>.

You can configure multiple redis master on sentinel cluster with redis_sentinel_monitor.

redis_sentinel_monitor: # primary list for redis sentinel, use cls as name, primary ip:port
  - { name: redis-src, host:, port: 6379 ,password: redis.src, quorum: 1 }
  - { name: redis-dst, host:, port: 6379 ,password: redis.dst, quorum: 1 }

And refresh master list on sentinel cluster with:

./redis.yml -l redis-meta -t redis-ha   # replace redis-meta if your sentinel cluster has different name


There are two playbooks for redis:


The playbook redis.yml will init redis cluster/node/instance:

redis_node        : init redis node
  - redis_install : install redis & redis_exporter
  - redis_user    : create os user redis
  - redis_dir     # redis redis fhs
redis_exporter    : config and launch redis_exporter
  - redis_exporter_config  : generate redis_exporter config
  - redis_exporter_launch  : launch redis_exporter
redis_instance    : config and launch redis cluster/node/instance
  - redis_check   : check redis instance existence
  - redis_clean   : purge existing redis instance
  - redis_config  : generate redis instance config
  - redis_launch  : launch redis instance
redis_register    : register redis to prometheus
redis_ha          : setup redis sentinel
redis_join        : join redis cluster
Example: Init redis cluster



The playbook redis-rm.yml will remove redis cluster/node/instance:

- register       : remove monitor target from prometheus
- redis_exporter : stop and disable redis_exporter
- redis          : stop and disable redis cluster/node/instance
- redis_data     : remove redis data (rdb, aof)
- redis_pkg      : uninstall redis & redis_exporter packages


There are three dashboards for REDIS module.

Redis Overview: Overview of all Redis Instances

Redis Overview Dashboard


Redis Cluster : Overview of one single redis cluster

Redis Cluster Dashboard


Redis Instance : Overview of one single redis cluster

Redis Instance Dashboard



There 20 parameters in the redis module.

Parameter Type Level Comment
redis_cluster string C redis cluster name, required identity parameter
redis_instances dict I redis instances definition on this redis node
redis_node int I redis node sequence number, node int id required
redis_fs_main path C redis main data mountpoint, /data by default
redis_exporter_enabled bool C install redis exporter on redis nodes?
redis_exporter_port port C redis exporter listen port, 9121 by default
redis_exporter_options string C/I cli args and extra options for redis exporter
redis_safeguard bool G/C/A prevent purging running redis instance?
redis_clean bool G/C/A purging existing redis during init?
redis_rmdata bool G/C/A remove redis data when purging redis server?
redis_mode enum C redis mode: standalone,cluster,sentinel
redis_conf string C redis config template path, except sentinel
redis_bind_address ip C redis bind address, empty string will use host ip
redis_max_memory size C/I max memory used by each redis instance
redis_mem_policy enum C redis memory eviction policy
redis_password password C redis password, empty string will disable password
redis_rdb_save string[] C redis rdb save directives, disable with empty list
redis_aof_enabled bool C enable redis append only file?
redis_rename_commands dict C rename redis dangerous commands
redis_cluster_replicas int C replica number for one master in redis cluster
redis_sentinel_monitor master[] C sentinel master list, sentinel cluster only
#redis_cluster:        <CLUSTER> # redis cluster name, required identity parameter
#redis_node: 1            <NODE> # redis node sequence number, node int id required
#redis_instances: {}      <NODE> # redis instances definition on this redis node
redis_fs_main: /data              # redis main data mountpoint, `/data` by default
redis_exporter_enabled: true      # install redis exporter on redis nodes?
redis_exporter_port: 9121         # redis exporter listen port, 9121 by default
redis_exporter_options: ''        # cli args and extra options for redis exporter
redis_safeguard: false            # prevent purging running redis instance?
redis_clean: true                 # purging existing redis during init?
redis_rmdata: true                # remove redis data when purging redis server?
redis_mode: standalone            # redis mode: standalone,cluster,sentinel
redis_conf: redis.conf            # redis config template path, except sentinel
redis_bind_address: ''     # redis bind address, empty string will use host ip
redis_max_memory: 1GB             # max memory used by each redis instance
redis_mem_policy: allkeys-lru     # redis memory eviction policy
redis_password: ''                # redis password, empty string will disable password
redis_rdb_save: ['1200 1']        # redis rdb save directives, disable with empty list
redis_aof_enabled: false          # enable redis append only file?
redis_rename_commands: {}         # rename redis dangerous commands
redis_cluster_replicas: 1         # replica number for one master in redis cluster
redis_sentinel_monitor: []        # sentinel master list, works on sentinel cluster only


Pigsty REDIS module metric list


Pigsty REDIS module frequently asked questions

Last modified 2024-02-29: update content (34b2b75)